private void PerformGotoMainView()
     if (RequestingMainViewEvent != null)
         if (!DecalInjection.IsDecalInstalled() || !DecalInjection.IsThwargFilterRegistered())
             StringBuilder warning = new StringBuilder();
             if (!DecalInjection.IsDecalInstalled())
                 warning.Append("Decal is not installed properly. ");
             if (!DecalInjection.IsThwargFilterRegistered())
                 warning.Append("ThwargFilter is not registered properly. ");
             //Does not seem to work yet; investigate how decal saves enabled
             //if (!DecalInjection.IsThwargFilterEnabled())
             //    warning.Append("ThwargFilter appears to be disabled. ");
             warning.Append("This may cause issues (such as clients being continually restarted) in advanced mode. Are you sure you want to continue to advanced mode?");
             if (MessageBox.Show(warning.ToString(), "Configuration issue", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Error) != MessageBoxResult.Yes)
         RequestingMainViewEvent(this, new EventArgs());
Beispiel #2
 private static bool ShouldWeUseDecal(bool simpleLaunch)
     if (!DecalInjection.IsDecalInstalled())
         // decal not installed, so we obviously don't want to try to use it
     if (simpleLaunch)
         // use decal if the user chose the checkbox to use it
     { // advanced mode always uses decal if possible
Beispiel #3
        public GameLaunchResult LaunchGameClient(string exelocation,
                                                 string serverName, string accountName, string password,
                                                 string ipAddress, ServerModel.ServerEmuEnum emu, string desiredCharacter,
                                                 ServerModel.RodatEnum rodatSetting, bool simpleLaunch)
            var result = new GameLaunchResult();

            //-username "MyUsername" -password "MyPassword" -w "ServerName" -2 -3
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(exelocation))
                throw new Exception("Empty exelocation");
            if (!File.Exists(exelocation))
                throw new Exception("Missing exe: " + exelocation);
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serverName))
                throw new Exception("Empty serverName");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(accountName))
                throw new Exception("Empty accountName");
            string arg1 = accountName;
            string arg2 = password;

            string genArgs = "TODO-below";

            bool isPhat = (emu == ServerModel.ServerEmuEnum.Phat);

            if (isPhat)
                //-h [server ip] -p [server port] -a username:password -rodat off
                int tok = ipAddress.IndexOf(':');
                if (tok < 0)
                    throw new Exception("Phat address missing colon in username:password specification");
                string ip   = ipAddress.Substring(0, tok);
                string port = ipAddress.Substring(tok + 1);
                string genArgsPhatServer;
                if (rodatSetting == ServerModel.RodatEnum.On)
                    genArgsPhatServer = "-h " + ip + " -p " + port + " -a " + arg1 + ":" + arg2 + " -rodat on";
                    genArgsPhatServer = "-h " + ip + " -p " + port + " -a " + arg1 + ":" + arg2 + " -rodat off";

                genArgs = genArgsPhatServer;
                //acclient.exe -a testaccount -h -glsticketdirect testpassword
                string genArgsACEServer = "-a " + accountName + " -h " + ipAddress + " -glsticketdirect " + arg2;
                genArgs = genArgsACEServer;

            string pathToFile = exelocation;
            //check if we're doing a simple launch. If we are, ignore the fancy management stuff
            bool gameReady = false;

            if (simpleLaunch)
                gameReady = true;
            Process launcherProc = null;

            LaunchControl.LaunchResponse launchResponse = null;
                ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
                startInfo.FileName       = pathToFile;
                startInfo.Arguments      = genArgs;
                startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;

                RecordLaunchInfo(serverName, accountName, desiredCharacter, DateTime.UtcNow);

                string   charFilepath           = MagFilter.FileLocations.GetCharacterFilePath();
                string   launchResponseFilepath = MagFilter.FileLocations.GetCurrentLaunchResponseFilePath();
                DateTime startWait = DateTime.UtcNow;
                DateTime characterFileWrittenTime = DateTime.MaxValue;
                DateTime loginTime = DateTime.MaxValue;

                startInfo.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(startInfo.FileName);

                if (ShouldWeUseDecal(simpleLaunch))
                    //Start Process with Decal Injection
                    string commandLineLaunch = startInfo.FileName + " " + startInfo.Arguments;
                    string decalInjectPath   = DecalInjection.GetDecalLocation();
                    string command           = "DecalStartup";
                    string asheronFolder     = startInfo.WorkingDirectory;
                    launcherProc = Process.GetProcessById(Convert.ToInt32(LaunchInjected(commandLineLaunch, asheronFolder, decalInjectPath, command)));
                    //Start Process without Decal
                    launcherProc = Process.Start(startInfo);
                Logger.WriteInfo(string.Format("PID = {0}", launcherProc.Id));
                launcherProc.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
                launcherProc.Exited += LauncherProc_Exited;
                if (!gameReady)
                    int      secondsTimeout = ConfigSettings.GetConfigInt("LauncherGameTimeoutSeconds", 120);
                    TimeSpan timeout        = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, secondsTimeout);
                    while (!gameReady && (DateTime.UtcNow - startWait < timeout))
                        if (CheckForStop())
                            // User canceled
                            if (!launcherProc.HasExited)
                        ReportGameStatus(string.Format("Waiting for game: {0}/{1} sec",
                                                       (int)((DateTime.UtcNow - startWait).TotalSeconds), secondsTimeout));
                        if (characterFileWrittenTime == DateTime.MaxValue)
                            // First we wait until DLL writes character file
                            FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(charFilepath);
                            if (fileInfo.LastWriteTime.ToUniversalTime() >= startWait)
                                characterFileWrittenTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        else if (loginTime == DateTime.MaxValue)
                            // Now we wait until DLL logs in or user logs in interactively
                            FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(launchResponseFilepath);
                            if (fileInfo.LastWriteTime.ToUniversalTime() >= startWait)
                                loginTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                                TimeSpan maxLatency = DateTime.UtcNow - startWait;
                                launchResponse = LaunchControl.GetLaunchResponse(maxLatency);
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(desiredCharacter))
                                    Logger.WriteDebug("Game Launcher waiting for launch response and desiredCharacter is empty, file time {0} and startWait {1}",
                                                      fileInfo.LastWriteTime.ToUniversalTime(), startWait);
                            // Then we give it 6 more seconds to complete login
                            int loginTimeSeconds = ConfigSettings.GetConfigInt("LauncherGameLoginTime", 0);
                            if (DateTime.UtcNow >= characterFileWrittenTime.AddSeconds(loginTimeSeconds))
                                gameReady = true;
            catch (Exception exc)
                throw new Exception(string.Format(
                                        "Failed to launch program. Check path '{0}': {1}",
                                        exelocation, exc.Message));
            if (!gameReady)
                if (launcherProc != null && !launcherProc.HasExited)
            if (launchResponse != null && launchResponse.IsValid)
                result.Success   = gameReady;
                result.ProcessId = launchResponse.ProcessId;
            if (simpleLaunch)
                result.Success = true;
        public GameLaunchResult LaunchGameClient(string exelocation,
                                                 string serverName, string accountName, string password,
                                                 string ipAddress, string gameApiUrl, string loginServerUrl, string discordurl,
                                                 ServerModel.ServerEmuEnum emu, string desiredCharacter,
                                                 ServerModel.RodatEnum rodatSetting, ServerModel.SecureEnum secureSetting, bool simpleLaunch)
            var result = new GameLaunchResult();

            //-username "MyUsername" -password "MyPassword" -w "ServerName" -2 -3
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(exelocation))
                throw new Exception("Empty exelocation");
            if (!File.Exists(exelocation))
                throw new Exception("Missing exe: " + exelocation);
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serverName))
                throw new Exception("Empty serverName");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(accountName))
                throw new Exception("Empty accountName");

            string genArgs = "TODO-below";

            bool isGDLE = (emu == ServerModel.ServerEmuEnum.GDLE);
            bool isACE  = (emu == ServerModel.ServerEmuEnum.ACE);

            if (isGDLE)
                //-h [server ip] -p [server port] -a username:password -rodat off
                int tok = ipAddress.IndexOf(':');
                if (tok < 0)
                    throw new Exception("GDL address missing colon in username:password specification");
                string ip   = ipAddress.Substring(0, tok);
                string port = ipAddress.Substring(tok + 1);
                string genArgsGDLEServer;
                if (rodatSetting == ServerModel.RodatEnum.On)
                    genArgsGDLEServer = "-h " + ip + " -p " + port + " -a " + accountName + ":" + password + " -rodat on";
                    genArgsGDLEServer = "-h " + ip + " -p " + port + " -a " + accountName + ":" + password + " -rodat off";

                genArgs = genArgsGDLEServer;
            else if (isACE)
                //acclient.exe -a testaccount -v testpassword -h
                //-a accountName -v password -h ipaddress
                string genArgsACEServer = "-a " + accountName + " -v " + password + " -h " + ipAddress;
                genArgs = genArgsACEServer;

            /* This is currently removed, and DF is gone. Leaving this in case anyone else decides to use the secure login from DF
             * else if(isDF)
             * {
             *  if (secureSetting == ServerModel.SecureEnum.On)
             *  {
             *      var loginInfo = SecureLogin(accountName: accountName, password: password, gameApiUrl: gameApiUrl, loginServerUrl: loginServerUrl);
             *      password = loginInfo.JwtToken;
             *      accountName = loginInfo.SubscriptionId;
             *  }
             *  //DF
             *  //acclient.exe -a testaccount -h -glsticketdirect testpassword
             *  string genArgsACEServer = "-a " + accountName + " -h " + ipAddress + " -glsticketdirect " + password;
             *  genArgs = genArgsACEServer;
             * }

            string pathToFile = exelocation;
            //check if we're doing a simple launch. If we are, ignore the fancy management stuff
            bool gameReady = false;

            if (simpleLaunch)
                gameReady = true;
            Process launcherProc = null;

            LaunchControl.LaunchResponse launchResponse = null;
                ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
                startInfo.FileName       = pathToFile;
                startInfo.Arguments      = genArgs;
                startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;

                RecordLaunchInfo(serverName, accountName, desiredCharacter, DateTime.UtcNow);

                string   charFilepath           = ThwargFilter.FileLocations.GetCharacterFilePath(ServerName: serverName, AccountName: accountName);
                string   launchResponseFilepath = ThwargFilter.FileLocations.GetCurrentLaunchResponseFilePath(ServerName: serverName, AccountName: accountName);
                DateTime startWait = DateTime.UtcNow;
                DateTime characterFileWrittenTime = DateTime.MaxValue;
                DateTime loginTime = DateTime.MaxValue;

                startInfo.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(startInfo.FileName);

                if (ShouldWeUseDecal(simpleLaunch))
                    //Start Process with Decal Injection
                    string commandLineLaunch = startInfo.FileName + " " + startInfo.Arguments;
                    string decalInjectPath   = DecalInjection.GetDecalLocation();
                    string command           = "DecalStartup";
                    string asheronFolder     = startInfo.WorkingDirectory;
                    launcherProc = Process.GetProcessById(Convert.ToInt32(LaunchInjected(commandLineLaunch, asheronFolder, decalInjectPath, command)));
                    //Start Process without Decal
                    launcherProc = Process.Start(startInfo);
                Logger.WriteInfo(string.Format("PID = {0}", launcherProc.Id));
                // record process id of the process we just launched, which hopefully will be the game process
                result.ProcessId = launcherProc.Id;
                launcherProc.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
                launcherProc.Exited += LauncherProc_Exited;
                if (!gameReady)
                    int      secondsTimeout = ConfigSettings.GetConfigInt("LauncherGameTimeoutSeconds", 120);
                    TimeSpan timeout        = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, secondsTimeout);
                    while (!gameReady && (DateTime.UtcNow - startWait < timeout))
                        if (CheckForStop())
                            // User canceled
                            if (!launcherProc.HasExited)
                                if (!Globals.NeverKillClients)
                        ReportGameStatusWaiting(string.Format("Waiting for game: {0}/{1} sec",
                                                              (int)((DateTime.UtcNow - startWait).TotalSeconds), secondsTimeout));
                        if (loginTime == DateTime.MaxValue)
                            // Now we wait until DLL logs in or user logs in interactively
                            FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(launchResponseFilepath);
                            if (fileInfo.LastWriteTime.ToUniversalTime() >= startWait)
                                loginTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                                TimeSpan maxLatency = DateTime.UtcNow - startWait;
                                launchResponse = LaunchControl.GetLaunchResponse(ServerName: serverName, AccountName: accountName, maxLatency: maxLatency);
                        else if (characterFileWrittenTime == DateTime.MaxValue)
                            // First we wait until DLL writes character file
                            FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(charFilepath);
                            if (fileInfo.LastWriteTime.ToUniversalTime() >= startWait)
                                characterFileWrittenTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            // Then we give it 6 more seconds to complete login
                            int loginTimeSeconds = ConfigSettings.GetConfigInt("LauncherGameLoginTime", 0);
                            if (DateTime.UtcNow >= characterFileWrittenTime.AddSeconds(loginTimeSeconds))
                                gameReady = true;
            catch (Exception exc)
                throw new Exception(string.Format(
                                        "Failed to launch program. Check path '{0}': {1}",
                                        exelocation, exc.Message));
            if (!gameReady)
                if (launcherProc != null && !launcherProc.HasExited)
                    if (DecalInjection.IsThwargFilterRegistered())
                        if (!Globals.NeverKillClients)
                            if (launchResponse == null)
                                var msg = string.Format("Killing game because launch failed, server requested='{0}', no launch response",
                                var msg = string.Format("Killing game because launch failed, process: {0}, server requested='{1}', server reported='{2}'",
                                                        launchResponse.ProcessId, serverName, launchResponse.ServerNameReported);
            if (launchResponse != null && launchResponse.IsValid)
                // Record process id of launch response
                // Probably the process we launched, but could be a new process if we called something that spawned the game
                result.Success            = gameReady;
                result.ProcessId          = launchResponse.ProcessId;
                result.ServerNameReported = launchResponse.ServerNameReported;
            if (simpleLaunch)
                result.Success = true;