private static string ExecuteSQL(string label, string sql)
            string queryTag = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            //This should move to GetAndPrepSqlText?
            if (appendStatementLabel)
                //sql = sql.Replace("~##LABEL##~", queryTag);
                //sql = sql.TrimEnd().TrimEnd(';') + String.Format(" OPTION (LABEL = 'Tag: {0}');", queryTag);
                sql = sql.TrimEnd().TrimEnd(';') + String.Format(" --'Tag: {0}'", queryTag);

            SimpleLoggingSqlHelper telemetryHelper = new SimpleLoggingSqlHelper();
            string testRunId = null;

            Console.WriteLine("BEGIN: " + label);
            SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

                //using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                testRunId = telemetryHelper.LogTestRunStart(loggingConnectionString, _testId);

                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection))
                    command.CommandTimeout = 0;

                    DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
                    TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime);

                    telemetryHelper.LogTestRunEnd(loggingConnectionString, _testId, label, (int)duration.TotalMilliseconds, 1, queryTag, null);
            catch (SqlException e)
                telemetryHelper.LogTestRunEnd(loggingConnectionString, _testId, label, 0, 1, queryTag, e);

                Console.WriteLine("*********** ERROR: " + e.ToString());

                int sleepFor = 1000;
                Console.WriteLine("Pausing for {0} msec", sleepFor);
                Console.WriteLine("END:   " + label);

        } // Execute SQL
        private static async Task MainLoopAsync(int concurrencyLevel, int testDurationInMinutes, Dictionary <string, string> sqlScripts)
            //Create header record for test exec times
            _testId = SimpleLoggingSqlHelper.LogTestPassStart(loggingConnectionString, "Concurrent Test");

            //Extract a copy of the filenames (dictionary keys) as an array to be used for randomly picking the next test
            string[] filenames = sqlScripts.Keys.ToArray <string>();

            //This list will hold Task objects to kick off individual queries
            List <Task <string> > executeSQLTasks = new List <Task <string> >();

            //Calculate the time at which the test should end
            DateTime runUntilTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(testDurationInMinutes);

            int fileListIndex = 0;

            //Load the initial set of tasks (up to CONCURRENCY_LEVEL) into a list
            //int nextIndex = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < concurrencyLevel; i++)
            //while (nextIndex < concurrencyLevel)
                string nextFilename = "";

                if (fileSelectionMode == FileSelectionModeEnum.Random)
                    nextFilename = GetRandomElement(filenames);
                    nextFilename = filenames[fileListIndex];

                string sqlText = GetAndPrepSqlText(new StringBuilder(sqlScripts[nextFilename]));

                executeSQLTasks.Add(ExecuteSQLAsync(nextFilename, sqlText));

                fileListIndex = GetNextFileIndex(fileListIndex, filenames.Length);
                if (fileListIndex == -1)


            /** MAIN TEST LOOP **/
            while (executeSQLTasks.Count > 0 && DateTime.Now.CompareTo(runUntilTime) <= 0)
                    Task <string> sqlTask = await Task.WhenAny(executeSQLTasks);

                    string filename = sqlTask.Result;

                    Console.WriteLine("Popped {0}", filename);
                catch (Exception exc) { Console.WriteLine(exc); }

                if (DateTime.Now.CompareTo(runUntilTime) <= 0)
                    string nextFilename = "";

                    //Depending on file selection mode, get the next filename to load into the executeSQLTasks List
                    //For Random and SequentialLoop, we always expect a 'next file'.
                    //For SinglePass, when the list runs out we set the 'next file' to empty string.
                    switch (fileSelectionMode)
                    case FileSelectionModeEnum.Random:
                        nextFilename = GetRandomElement(filenames);

                    case FileSelectionModeEnum.SequentialLoop:
                    case FileSelectionModeEnum.SinglePass:
                        if (fileListIndex >= 0)
                            nextFilename  = filenames[fileListIndex];
                            fileListIndex = GetNextFileIndex(fileListIndex, filenames.Length);
                            nextFilename = "";


                    //If the nextFileName is blank, we have nothing more to add to the executeSQLTasks List
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nextFilename))
                        string sqlText = GetAndPrepSqlText(new StringBuilder(sqlScripts[nextFilename]));
                        executeSQLTasks.Add(ExecuteSQLAsync(nextFilename, sqlText));
                        Console.WriteLine("No new file to add to work list. {0} - {1} - {2}.", fileListIndex, nextFilename, fileSelectionMode);

                    //if (nextIndex <= filenames.Length)
                    //    string nextFilename = filenames[nextIndex];
                    //    nextIndex++;

                    //    string sqlText = GetAndPrepSqlText(new StringBuilder(sqlScripts[nextFilename]));

                    //    executeSQLTasks.Add(ExecuteSQLAsync(nextFilename, sqlText));
            /** END MAIN TEST LOOP **/

            //Test period is now complete; there are probably a few running tasks still finishing
            Console.WriteLine("TEST TIME COMPLETE, completedTasks = {0}", completedTasks);

            SimpleLoggingSqlHelper.LogTestPassEnd(loggingConnectionString, _testId, 1);

            //Wait for any unfinished tasks
            await Task.WhenAll(executeSQLTasks);
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            /*** READ CONFIGURATION ***/
            //Get test target connection string from app.config
            connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["targetDatabase"].ConnectionString;

            //Get database connection string from app.config for logging query times
            loggingConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["telemetryDb"].ConnectionString;

            //Get the number of concurrent test connections to be generated from app.config
            int CONCURRENCY_LEVEL = GetAppSettingAsInt("concurrencyLimit");

            //Get the number of minutes the test should run
            int TEST_DURATION_IN_MINUTES = GetAppSettingAsInt("testDurationInMinutes");

            //Get the local path containing the SQL test script files.  There should only be files with SQL text in this folder.
            string SCRIPT_PATH = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["scriptFolder"];

            //Get setting indicating whether Synapse DMVs info should be saved after the test
            string SAVE_DMVS = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["saveSystemViews"];

            //Get setting indicating whether to add text to the end of SQL statements to assist in correlation between driver telemetry and SQL Pool stystem views
            string APPEND_LABEL = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["appendStatementLabel"];

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(APPEND_LABEL) && APPEND_LABEL == "true")
                appendStatementLabel = true;
                appendStatementLabel = false;

            //Get fileSelectionMode
            switch (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["fileSelectionMode"])
            case "SinglePass":
                fileSelectionMode = FileSelectionModeEnum.SinglePass;

            case "SequentialLoop":
                fileSelectionMode = FileSelectionModeEnum.SequentialLoop;

                fileSelectionMode = FileSelectionModeEnum.Random;

            /*** RUN TEST ***/

            //Read the test SQL scripts from local folder
            Dictionary <string, string> sqlScripts = LoadSqlFromFiles(SCRIPT_PATH);

            //Now do the real work
            await MainLoopAsync(CONCURRENCY_LEVEL, TEST_DURATION_IN_MINUTES, sqlScripts);

            //Persist System Views for Analysis
            if (SAVE_DMVS == "true")
                SimpleLoggingSqlHelper.PersistSystemViews(connectionString, _testId);

            //All done