Beispiel #1
        public void GenerateGraphBased()
            // instantiate tiles and set terrain
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    tiles[x, y] = new Tile();
                    //PlaceTerrain(new Position(x, y), Crea());

            Graph dungeonGraph = GenerateGraph();

            File.WriteAllText("advancedDungeon.gv", dungeonGraph.ToDot(false));

            //IEnumerable<Cycle> cycles = dungeonGraph.GetCycles(true);
            Dictionary <Vertex, List <Cycle> > belongsToCycle = new Dictionary <Vertex, List <Cycle> >();

            foreach (var vertex in dungeonGraph.Vertices)
                belongsToCycle[vertex] = new List <Cycle>();

             * foreach (var cycle in cycles)
             * {
             *  foreach (var vertex in cycle.Vertices())
             *  {
             *      belongsToCycle[vertex].Add(cycle);
             *  }
             * }

            HashSet <Vertex> verticesPlaced    = new HashSet <Vertex>();
            Dictionary <Position, Vertex> grid = new Dictionary <Position, Vertex>();

            bool Placeable(Position p)

            List <Tuple <Position, int> > DjkstraMap(Position from, Position to, int threshold)
                var result = new List <Tuple <Position, int> >();

                var posRequired      = from.GetNeighboursHexPointyTop().Where(Placeable);
                var posRequiredCount = posRequired.Count();

                var distances = new Dictionary <Position, int>();
                var todo      = new Queue <Position>();

                distances.Add(to, 0);

                int requiredPositionsFound = 0;

                while (todo.Count > 0)
                    var curPos = todo.Dequeue();
                    foreach (var neighbour in curPos.GetNeighboursHexPointyTop().Where(Placeable))
                        if (distances.ContainsKey(neighbour))
                            continue;                                   // already visited
                        int newDist = distances[curPos] + 1;
                        if (newDist > threshold)
                        if (posRequired.Contains(neighbour))
                            result.Add(Tuple.Create(neighbour, newDist));
                            if (++requiredPositionsFound == posRequiredCount)

                        distances.Add(neighbour, newDist);


            List <Tuple <Position, int> > ValidNextPositionsForCycle(
                Cycle cycle,
                Position curPos,
                Vertex curVert,
                Vertex vertToAdd)
                var cycleVerts = cycle.Vertices();

                int CyclicIndex(int i)
                    int remainder = i % cycleVerts.Count;

                    return(remainder < 0 ? cycleVerts.Count + remainder : remainder);

                int indexOfVertToAdd = cycleVerts.IndexOf(vertToAdd);

                if (indexOfVertToAdd == -1)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Cycle doesn't contain vertToAdd");

                int nextIndex   = CyclicIndex(indexOfVertToAdd + 1);
                int forwardStep = cycleVerts[nextIndex] == curVert ? -1 : 1;

                int distance          = 0;
                int firstIndexToCheck = CyclicIndex(indexOfVertToAdd + forwardStep);

                for (int i = firstIndexToCheck; i != indexOfVertToAdd; i = CyclicIndex(i + forwardStep))
                    var vertToCheck = cycleVerts[i];
                    if (!verticesPlaced.Contains(vertToCheck))
                    var to        = grid.First(t => t.Value == vertToCheck).Key;
                    var distances = DjkstraMap(curPos, to, distance + 1);
                    return(distances.Where(t => t.Item2 <= distance).ToList());

                return(curPos.GetNeighboursHexPointyTop().Where(Placeable).Select(p => Tuple.Create(p, 1)).ToList());

            IEnumerable <Position> NextPosForCycles(List <Cycle> inCycles, Position curPos, Vertex curVert,
                                                    Vertex vertToAdd)
                var result = new List <Position>();

                foreach (var cycle in inCycles)
                    var nextForCycle = ValidNextPositionsForCycle(cycle, curPos, curVert, vertToAdd)
                                       .Select(t => t.Item1);
                    result = result.Count > 0 ? result.Intersect(nextForCycle).ToList() : nextForCycle.ToList();


            HashSet <Position> Place(Vertex vertex, Position position, bool debug = false)
                Log.Message("Trying to placing vertex " + vertex);
                if (!Placeable(position) || verticesPlaced.Contains(vertex))

                grid.Add(position, vertex);

                if (debug)
                    Console.WriteLine(vertex + " " + position);

                    // write layout to text file for debugging
                    var localMin = Position.Zero;
                    var localMax = Position.Zero;
                    foreach (var pos in grid.Keys)
                        localMin.X = Math.Min(localMin.X, pos.X);
                        localMin.Y = Math.Min(localMin.Y, pos.Y);
                        localMax.X = Math.Max(localMax.X, pos.X);
                        localMax.Y = Math.Max(localMax.Y, pos.Y);

                    File.WriteAllText("roomLayout.txt", DrawLayout(grid, localMin, localMax));

                var positionsPlacedFromCur = new HashSet <Position>()

                foreach (var neighbour in vertex.Edges.Select(e =>
                                                              e.GetOtherVertex(vertex)).Where(other => !verticesPlaced.Contains(other)))
                    IEnumerable <Position> validPositions;
                    if (belongsToCycle[neighbour].Count > 0)
                        validPositions = NextPosForCycles(belongsToCycle[neighbour], position, vertex, neighbour);
                        validPositions = position.GetNeighboursHexPointyTop().Where(Placeable);

                    bool success = false;
                    foreach (var neighbourPos in validPositions)
                        var newPositions = Place(neighbour, neighbourPos, debug); // recursive call
                        if (newPositions == null)
                        success = true;

                    if (!success)
                        // no neighbour position was found therefore we abort and
                        // clean up every pos placed from here (including the current position)
                        foreach (var pos in positionsPlacedFromCur)



            int vertexCount   = dungeonGraph.Vertices.Count;
            var realPositions =

            var minDist = float.MaxValue;
            var maxDist = float.MinValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
                var vertexA = dungeonGraph.Vertices[i];

                foreach (var vertexB in vertexA.Neighbours())
                    var   delta = realPositions[vertexB] - realPositions[vertexA];
                    float dist  = delta.Length();
                    if (dist > maxDist)
                        maxDist = dist;

                    if (dist < minDist)
                        minDist = dist;

            var   roomTiles            = new TileTemplate[vertexCount][, ];
            float maxRoomCircumference = 0f;

            for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
                var          vertex       = dungeonGraph.Vertices[i];
                RoomTemplate roomTemplate = GameData.Instance.RoomTemplates["empty"];
                var          templateName = vertex.Data;
                if (GameData.Instance.RoomTemplates.ContainsKey(templateName))
                    roomTemplate = GameData.Instance.RoomTemplates[templateName];
                    Log.Warning($"Unknown room template '{templateName}' for room '{vertex}'");

                roomTiles[i] = GenerateRoom(roomTemplate);
                var roomWidth         = roomTiles[i].GetLength(0);
                var roomHeight        = roomTiles[i].GetLength(1);
                var roomCircumference = MathF.Ceiling(MathF.Sqrt(roomWidth * roomWidth + roomHeight * roomHeight));
                if (roomCircumference > maxRoomCircumference)
                    maxRoomCircumference = roomCircumference;

            var minRealX = realPositions.Select(pair => pair.Value.X).Min();
            var minRealY = realPositions.Select(pair => pair.Value.Y).Min();

            float scale = (maxRoomCircumference + 1) / minDist;

            var roomAnchorPositions = realPositions.Select
                pair => new Position
                    (int)MathF.Round((pair.Value.X - minRealX) * scale) + 1, // +1 for left border
                    (int)MathF.Round((pair.Value.Y - minRealY) * scale) + 1  // +1 for top border

            var xs = roomAnchorPositions.Select(pos => pos.X);
            var ys = roomAnchorPositions.Select(pos => pos.Y);

            width  = xs.Max() + (int)MathF.Round(maxRoomCircumference) + 1; // +1 for right border
            height = ys.Max() + (int)MathF.Round(maxRoomCircumference) + 1; // +1 for bottom border

            tiles = new Tile[width, height];
            var asciiMap = new char[width, height];

            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    asciiMap[x, y] = '#';
                    tiles[x, y]    = new Tile();
                    PlaceTerrain(new Position(x, y), CreateWall());

            CarveOutRoomSpace(roomAnchorPositions, roomTiles, asciiMap);

            ConnectRooms(dungeonGraph, roomAnchorPositions, roomTiles);

            InitRoomTiles(roomAnchorPositions, roomTiles);

            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    sb.Append(asciiMap[x, y]);

            File.WriteAllText("asciiMap.txt", sb.ToString());


Beispiel #2
        public void CreateRoomsFromGrid(Vertex[,] roomLayout)
            // instantiate tiles and set terrain
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    PlaceTerrain(new Position(x, y), CreateWall());

            bool playerInitialized = false;

            int roomGridWidth  = roomLayout.GetLength(0);
            int roomGridHeight = roomLayout.GetLength(1);

            TileTemplate[, ][,] rooms = new TileTemplate[roomGridWidth, roomGridHeight][, ];

            var rowY = new int[roomGridHeight];

            rowY[0] = 1;

            int verMargin = 5;

            int maxRoomWidth = 0;

            // Generate rooms
            for (int roomGridY = 0; roomGridY < roomGridHeight; roomGridY++)
                int rowHeight = 0;
                for (int roomGridX = 0; roomGridX < roomGridWidth; roomGridX++)
                    var vert = roomLayout[roomGridX, roomGridY] as RoomVertex;

                    if (vert == null)

                    string templateName = vert.roomTemplateName;

                    RoomTemplate roomTemplate = GameData.Instance.RoomTemplates["empty"];
                    if (GameData.Instance.RoomTemplates.ContainsKey(templateName))
                        roomTemplate = GameData.Instance.RoomTemplates[templateName];
                        Log.Error($"Unknown room template '{templateName}' for room '{vert.ToString()}'");

                    TileTemplate[,] room = GenerateRoom(roomTemplate);

                    rooms[roomGridX, roomGridY] = room;

                    int roomWidth  = room.GetLength(0);
                    int roomHeight = room.GetLength(1);

                    maxRoomWidth = Math.Max(maxRoomWidth, roomWidth);
                    rowHeight    = Math.Max(rowHeight, roomHeight);

                // set Y of next row
                if (roomGridY < (roomGridHeight - 1))
                    rowY[roomGridY + 1] = rowY[roomGridY] + rowHeight + verMargin;

            int horMargin = 5;

            var anchors = new Position[roomGridWidth, roomGridHeight];

            // Carve out room shapes
            for (int roomGridX = 0; roomGridX < roomGridWidth; roomGridX++)
                for (int roomGridY = 0; roomGridY < roomGridHeight; roomGridY++)
                    var room = rooms[roomGridX, roomGridY];
                    if (room == null)

                    var anchor = new Position(1 + maxRoomWidth / 2 * roomGridY + (maxRoomWidth + horMargin) * roomGridX,

                    anchors[roomGridX, roomGridY] = anchor;

                    int roomWidth  = room.GetLength(0);
                    int roomHeight = room.GetLength(1);

                    Console.WriteLine("Room at: " + anchor);

                    // carve room shape
                    for (int localY = 0; localY < roomHeight; localY++)
                        for (int localX = 0; localX < roomWidth; localX++)
                            Position tilePos = anchor + new Position(localX, localY);

            // Connect rooms
            for (int roomGridX = 0; roomGridX < roomGridWidth; roomGridX++)
                for (int roomGridY = 0; roomGridY < roomGridHeight; roomGridY++)
                    var room = rooms[roomGridX, roomGridY];
                    if (room == null)
                    var curRoomCenter = anchors[roomGridX, roomGridY] +
                                        new Position(room.GetLength(0) / 2, room.GetLength(1) / 2);
                    var roomGridPos = new Position(roomGridX, roomGridY);
                    var curVertex   = roomLayout[roomGridX, roomGridY];

                    foreach (var neighbourRoomPos in roomGridPos.GetNeighboursHexPointyTop().Take(3))
                        if (neighbourRoomPos.X < 0 || neighbourRoomPos.X >= roomGridWidth ||
                            neighbourRoomPos.Y < 0 || neighbourRoomPos.Y >= roomGridHeight)

                        var neighbour = rooms[neighbourRoomPos.X, neighbourRoomPos.Y];

                        if (neighbour == null)

                        var neighbourVertex = roomLayout[neighbourRoomPos.X, neighbourRoomPos.Y];

                        if (!curVertex.Edges.Any(e => e.AttachedTo(neighbourVertex)))

                        var neighbourCenter = anchors[neighbourRoomPos.X, neighbourRoomPos.Y] +
                                              new Position(neighbour.GetLength(0) / 2, neighbour.GetLength(1) / 2);
                        var hallway = GetLineCardinal(curRoomCenter, neighbourCenter);
                        foreach (var pos in hallway)
                            var tile = GetTile(pos);
                            if (tile.Terrain > 0)

            File.WriteAllText("asciiLayout.txt", ASCII());

            // Populate rooms
            for (int roomGridX = 0; roomGridX < roomGridWidth; roomGridX++)
                for (int roomGridY = 0; roomGridY < roomGridHeight; roomGridY++)
                    var room = rooms[roomGridX, roomGridY];
                    if (room == null)

                    var anchor = anchors[roomGridX, roomGridY];

                    int roomWidth  = room.GetLength(0);
                    int roomHeight = room.GetLength(1);

                    // place room in world
                    for (int localY = 0; localY < roomHeight; localY++)
                        for (int localX = 0; localX < roomWidth; localX++)
                            Position tilePos  = anchor + new Position(localX, localY);
                            var      template = room[localX, localY];
                            InitTileFromTemplate(tilePos, template);

                    if (!playerInitialized)
                        InitPlayer(anchor + Position.One);
                        playerInitialized = true;
Beispiel #3
        public TileTemplate[,] GenerateRoom(RoomTemplate template, bool random = true, int layoutIndex = 0)
            char[,] layout;

            if (!GameData.Instance.Tilesets.ContainsKey(template.tileset))
                Log.Error("Unkown tileset: " + template.tileset);
                template.tileset = "default";

            if (random)
                layout = Util.PickRandomElement(template.Layouts);
            else if (layoutIndex >= 0 && layoutIndex < template.Layouts.Count)
                layout = template.Layouts[layoutIndex];
                Log.Error("Invalid layout index: " + layoutIndex);

            int width  = layout.GetLength(0);
            int height = layout.GetLength(1);

            var tiles = new TileTemplate[width, height];

            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    char symbol = layout[x, y];

                    Position tilePos = new Position(x, y);

                    if (IsOutOfBounds(tilePos))
                        Log.Warning("Trying to place tile out of bounds! " + tilePos);

                    if (template.CustomTiles.ContainsKey(symbol))
                        tiles[x, y] = template.CustomTiles[symbol];
                        GameData.Instance.Tilesets.TryGetValue(template.tileset, out var tileset);
                        if (tileset == null)
                            tiles[x, y] = new TileTemplate();
                        else if (tileset.ContainsKey(symbol))
                            tiles[x, y] = tileset[symbol];
                            Log.Warning("Unkown symbol from Layout: " + symbol);
                            tiles[x, y] = new TileTemplate();
