            this ServerConnectPack ConnectPack, ScreenVisualItems VisualItems,
            CanvasPositionCursor Caret)
            WorkstationCommandList       workstationCmdList = null;
            List <WriteToDisplayCommand> wtdCmdList         = null;
            DataStreamHeader             dsh = null;
            var           returnCmdList      = new WorkstationCommandList();
            HowReadScreen?howRead            = null;
            var           logList            = new TelnetLogList();
            bool          gotEOR             = false;

            while (gotEOR == false)
                // input array is eof. Exit loop if have read a READ workstn command.
                // Otherwise, read from server.
                if (ConnectPack.ReadBlocks.IsEmpty == true)
                    if (howRead != null)

                var item = ConnectPack.ReadBlocks.WaitAndDequeue();

                if (item is DataStreamHeader)
                    dsh = item as DataStreamHeader;

                gotEOR = true;
                if (item is WorkstationCommandList)
                    workstationCmdList = item as WorkstationCommandList;

                    foreach (var workstationCmd in workstationCmdList)
                        if (workstationCmd is ClearUnitCommand)

                        // WTD command. Add to list of WTD commands. This list is returned to
                        // the caller of this method.
                        else if (workstationCmd is WriteToDisplayCommand)
                            var wtdCommand = workstationCmd as WriteToDisplayCommand;
                            if (wtdCmdList == null)
                                wtdCmdList = new List <WriteToDisplayCommand>();

                        else if (workstationCmd is ReadMdtFieldsCommand)
                            howRead = HowReadScreen.ReadMdt;

                        // save screen command. Build response, send back to server.
                        else if (workstationCmd is SaveScreenCommand)
                            var ra =
                                SaveScreenCommandExt.BuildSaveScreenResponse(VisualItems, Caret);

                            // send response stream back to server.
                                    logList, ra, ConnectPack.TcpClient.GetStream());
                                gotEOR = false;

                        else if (workstationCmd is WriteStructuredFieldCommand)
                            var wsfCmd = workstationCmd as WriteStructuredFieldCommand;
                            if (wsfCmd.RequestCode == WSF_RequestCode.Query5250)
                                var ra = Query5250Response.BuildQuery5250Response();

                                // send response stream back to server.
                                        logList, ra, ConnectPack.TcpClient.GetStream());
                                    gotEOR = false;

            return(new Tuple <HowReadScreen?, List <WriteToDisplayCommand>,
                              TelnetLogList, WorkstationCommandList, DataStreamHeader, bool>(
                       howRead, wtdCmdList, logList, returnCmdList, dsh, gotEOR));
        public static void ProcessAndPaint(
            this WorkstationCommandList CmdList, TcpClient TcpClient,
            ItemCanvas ItemCanvas, Window Window,
            TelnetLogList LogList = null)
            OneRowCol caret = null;

            foreach (var cmdBase in CmdList)
                if ((cmdBase is ClearUnitCommand) || (cmdBase is ClearUnitAlternateCommand))
                    caret = null;

                else if (cmdBase is WriteToDisplayCommand)
                    bool doEraseScreen = false;
                    var  WTD_Command   = cmdBase as WriteToDisplayCommand;
                    ItemCanvas.WriteToDisplayCommand = WTD_Command;
                    var localCaret = ItemCanvas.PaintScreen(WTD_Command, doEraseScreen, LogList);
                    if (localCaret != null)
                        caret = localCaret;

                else if (cmdBase is ReadMdtFieldsCommand)
                    ItemCanvas.HowRead = HowReadScreen.ReadMdt;

                // save screen command. Build response, send back to server.
                else if (cmdBase is SaveScreenCommand)
                    var ra = SaveScreenCommandExt.BuildSaveScreenResponse(
                        ItemCanvas.VisualItems, ItemCanvas.CaretCursor);

                    // send response stream back to server.
                    if (TcpClient != null)
                            null, ra, TcpClient.GetStream());

                else if (cmdBase is WriteStructuredFieldCommand)
                    var wsfCmd = cmdBase as WriteStructuredFieldCommand;
                    if (wsfCmd.RequestCode == WSF_RequestCode.Query5250)
                        var ra = Query5250Response.BuildQuery5250Response();

                        // send response stream back to server.
                        if (TcpClient != null)
                            TelnetConnection.WriteToHost(LogList, ra, TcpClient.GetStream());
                else if (cmdBase is WriteSingleStructuredFieldCommand)

            this ConnectedSocketPack SocketPack, ScreenVisualItems VisualItems,
            CanvasPositionCursor Caret)
            WorkstationCommandList       workstationCmdList = null;
            List <WriteToDisplayCommand> wtdCmdList         = null;
            DataStreamHeader             dsh = null;
            var           returnCmdList      = new WorkstationCommandList();
            HowReadScreen?howRead            = null;
            var           logList            = new TelnetLogList();
            bool          gotEOR             = false;

            while (gotEOR == false)
                // input array is eof. Exit loop if have read a READ workstn command.
                // Otherwise, read from server.
                if (SocketPack.InputArray.IsEof() == true)
                    if (howRead != null)
                        var log = SocketPack.InputArray.ReadFromNetworkStream(10, 60);
                        if (SocketPack.InputArray.IsEof() == true)

                // peek at the input stream from server. Classify the data that is next
                // to receive.
                var typeData = ServerDataStream.PeekServerCommand(SocketPack.InputArray);

                // input data not recogizied. Not a 5250 data strem header.
                if (typeData == null)
                    logList.AddItem(Direction.Read, "Unknown data stream data");
                        Direction.Read, SocketPack.InputArray.PeekBytes().ToHexReport(16));

                if (typeData.Value == TypeServerData.workstationHeader)
                        var rv = Process5250.GetAndParseWorkstationCommandList(
                            SocketPack.InputArray, SocketPack.Settings);
                        dsh = rv.Item1;
                        workstationCmdList = rv.Item2;
                        gotEOR = rv.Item4;

                    foreach (var workstationCmd in workstationCmdList)
                        if (workstationCmd is ClearUnitCommand)

                        // WTD command. Add to list of WTD commands. This list is returned to the
                        // caller of this method.
                        else if (workstationCmd is WriteToDisplayCommand)
                            var wtdCommand = workstationCmd as WriteToDisplayCommand;
                            if (wtdCmdList == null)
                                wtdCmdList = new List <WriteToDisplayCommand>();

                        else if (workstationCmd is ReadMdtFieldsCommand)
                            howRead = HowReadScreen.ReadMdt;

                        // save screen command. Build response, send back to server.
                        else if (workstationCmd is SaveScreenCommand)
                            var ra = SaveScreenCommandExt.BuildSaveScreenResponse(VisualItems, Caret);

                            // send response stream back to server.
                                TelnetConnection.WriteToHost(logList, ra, SocketPack.TcpStream);
                                gotEOR = false;

                        else if (workstationCmd is WriteStructuredFieldCommand)
                            var wsfCmd = workstationCmd as WriteStructuredFieldCommand;
                            if (wsfCmd.RequestCode == WSF_RequestCode.Query5250)
                                var ra = Query5250Response.BuildQuery5250Response();

                                // send response stream back to server.
                                    TelnetConnection.WriteToHost(logList, ra, SocketPack.TcpStream);
                                    gotEOR = false;
                        else if (workstationCmd is WriteSingleStructuredFieldCommand)
            return(new Tuple <HowReadScreen?, List <WriteToDisplayCommand>,
                              TelnetLogList, WorkstationCommandList, DataStreamHeader, bool>(
                       howRead, wtdCmdList, logList, returnCmdList, dsh, gotEOR));