Beispiel #1
        public Fight(Hero hero, Enemy enemy)
            while (fighting)
                string option = "";
                Console.WriteLine("Angriff Flucht Item");
                while ((option != "a") && (option != "f") && (option != "i"))
                    option = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                switch (option)
                case "a":
                    heroAttack(hero, enemy);
                    Console.WriteLine($"LPE: {enemy.getHealth()}");
                    if (enemy.getHealth() == 0)
                        fighting = false;
                    enemyAttack(enemy, hero);
                    if (hero.getCurrentHealth() == 0)
                        fighting = false;
                    Console.WriteLine($"LPH: {hero.getCurrentHealth()}");

                case "f":


                case "i":


                    Console.WriteLine($"Fehler bei Kampfoptionen: {option}");
Beispiel #2
        private void game()
            Random      rnd        = new Random();
            Inventory   i          = new Inventory();
            Enemy       e          = new Enemy();
            BitmapImage title      = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/TextAdventure;component/Images/Title.png", UriKind.Relative));
            BitmapImage lvl1       = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/TextAdventure;component/Images/AdventureLVL1.jpg", UriKind.Relative));
            BitmapImage chest      = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/TextAdventure;component/Images/InsideChest.png", UriKind.Relative));
            BitmapImage livingroom = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/TextAdventure;component/Images/living-room.png", UriKind.Relative));
            BitmapImage hallway    = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/TextAdventure;component/Images/Hallway.png", UriKind.Relative));
            BitmapImage kitchen    = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/TextAdventure;component/Images/Kitchen.png", UriKind.Relative));
            BitmapImage storage    = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/TextAdventure;component/Images/storageroom.png", UriKind.Relative));
            BitmapImage basement   = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/TextAdventure;component/Images/basement.png", UriKind.Relative));
            BitmapImage outside    = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/TextAdventure;component/Images/Outside.png", UriKind.Relative));
            BitmapImage dinner     = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/TextAdventure;component/Images/dinning.png", UriKind.Relative));

            BitmapImage dragon = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/TextAdventure;component/Images/dragon.png", UriKind.Relative));
            BitmapImage goblin = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/TextAdventure;component/Images/goblin.png", UriKind.Relative));
            BitmapImage Ogre   = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/TextAdventure;component/Images/Ogre.png", UriKind.Relative));
            BitmapImage Orc    = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/TextAdventure;component/Images/Orc.png", UriKind.Relative));
            BitmapImage Thug   = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/TextAdventure;component/Images/thug.png", UriKind.Relative));

            BitmapImage Key = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/TextAdventure;component/Images/Key.png", UriKind.Relative));

            BitmapImage Leather = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/TextAdventure;component/Images/leatherarmor.png", UriKind.Relative));
            BitmapImage Bronze  = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/TextAdventure;component/Images/bronzearmor.png", UriKind.Relative));
            BitmapImage Iron    = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/TextAdventure;component/Images/ironarmor.png", UriKind.Relative));
            BitmapImage Steel   = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/TextAdventure;component/Images/steelarmor.png", UriKind.Relative));

            BitmapImage bronzeSword   = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/TextAdventure;component/Images/bronzesword.png", UriKind.Relative));
            BitmapImage ironSword     = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/TextAdventure;component/Images/ironsword.png", UriKind.Relative));
            BitmapImage steelSword    = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/TextAdventure;component/Images/steelsword.png", UriKind.Relative));
            BitmapImage titaniumSword = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/TextAdventure;component/Images/titaniumsword.png", UriKind.Relative));

            string action = tbxAction.Text;

            if ((action.Equals("start") || action.Equals("Start")))
                imgLevel.Source = lvl1;
                tbxlStory.Text  = "You are in the bedroom, you see a chest in the room, it appears to be unlocked, the door on the other hand is not.";
            else if (action.Equals("Open chest", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && armor.Content.Equals("Armor:") && key.Content.Equals("Key:"))
                tbxlStory.Text  = "You open the chest and inside is the leather armor, and a key";
                imgLevel.Source = chest;
                imgArmor.Source = Leather;
                imgKey.Source   = Key;
            else if (action.Equals("Leave chest", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                imgLevel.Source = lvl1;
                tbxlStory.Text  = "You are in the bedroom, you see a chest in the room, it appears to be unlocked, the door on the other hand is not.";

            if (action.Contains("Armor") || action.Contains("armor"))
                armor.Content = armorintro + i.generateInventory(action);

            if (armor.Content.Equals("Armor: Leather Armor"))
                tbxDefense.Text = "6";
                imgArmor.Source = null;
            else if (armor.Content.Equals("Armor: Bronze Armor"))
                tbxDefense.Text = "8";
                imgArmor.Source = null;
            else if (armor.Content.Equals("Armor: Iron Armor"))
                tbxDefense.Text = "10";
                imgArmor.Source = null;
            else if (armor.Content.Equals("Armor: Steel Armor"))
                tbxDefense.Text = "12";
                imgArmor.Source = null;

            if (action.Contains("Sword") || action.Contains("sword"))
                weapon.Content = weaponintro + i.generateInventory(action);

            if (weapon.Content.Equals("Weapon: Bronze Sword"))
                tbxDamage.Text  = "6";
                imgSword.Source = null;
            else if (weapon.Content.Equals("Weapon: Iron Sword"))
                tbxDamage.Text  = "8";
                imgSword.Source = null;
            else if (weapon.Content.Equals("Weapon: Steel Sword"))
                tbxDamage.Text  = "10";
                imgSword.Source = null;
            else if (weapon.Content.Equals("Weapon: Titanium Sword"))
                tbxDamage.Text  = "12";
                imgSword.Source = null;
            if (action.Contains("Key") || action.Contains("key"))
                key.Content += " " + i.generateInventory(action);
                keytxt       = key.Content.ToString();

            if (action.Equals("Open Door", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && key.Content.Equals(keytxt))
                imgLevel.Source = hallway;
                imgSword.Source = bronzeSword;
                key.Content     = "Key:";
                tbxlStory.Text  = "As you open up the door and walk through it you enter a hallway that is poorly lit.As you walk down the hall you see two doors without knobs,which leads you to go to the living room, there is also a bronze sword stuck in the wall, you may take it.";

            if (action.Contains("enter") || action.Contains("Enter"))
                if (action.Contains("kitchen") || action.Contains("Kitchen"))
                    imgLevel.Source = kitchen;
                    if (!weapon.Content.Equals("Weapon: Iron Sword"))
                        tbxlStory.Text  = "This is the kitchen, there is not anything in here that is interesting, but you can go to the storage room from here! Or to the dining room, but first you must defeat this enemy";
                        imgSword.Source = ironSword;
                        imgenemy.Source = goblin;
                        tbxEnemy.Text   = "Goblin";
                        tbxlStory.Text  = "This is the kitchen, there is not anything in here that is interesting, but a sword, but you can go to the storage room from here! Or to the dining room, but first you must defeat this enemy";
                        imgenemy.Source = goblin;
                        tbxEnemy.Text   = "Goblin";
                else if (action.Contains("dining room") || action.Contains("Dining room"))
                    if (!armor.Content.Equals("Armor: Bronze Armor"))
                        tbxlStory.Text  = "This is the dining room, from here there is only one way to go, back to the kitchen, but there is some bronze armor here, and it looks to be in good condition.";
                        imgArmor.Source = Bronze;
                        imgenemy.Source = null;
                        imgLevel.Source = dinner;
                        tbxlStory.Text  = "This is the dining room, from here there is only one way to go, back to the kitchen";
                        imgenemy.Source = null;
                        imgLevel.Source = dinner;
                else if (action.Contains("Storage") || action.Contains("storage"))
                    if (!weapon.Content.Equals("Weapon: Steel Sword"))
                        imgLevel.Source = storage;
                        tbxlStory.Text  = "This is the storage room, a steel sword appears to be in here, along with an enemy, you may pick up the sword then fight him, or not, you decide";
                        imgSword.Source = steelSword;
                        imgenemy.Source = Ogre;
                        tbxEnemy.Text   = "Ogre";
                        imgKey.Source   = Key;
                        imgLevel.Source = storage;
                        tbxlStory.Text  = "This is the storage room, only way out is through the kitchen, but an ogre is here, you must fight to leave.";
                        imgenemy.Source = Ogre;
                        tbxEnemy.Text   = "Ogre";
                else if (action.Contains("basement") || action.Contains("Basement"))
                    imgLevel.Source = basement;
                    if (!armor.Content.Equals("Weapon: Steel Armor") && !weapon.Content.Equals("Weapon: Titanium Sword"))
                        imgArmor.Source = Steel;
                        imgSword.Source = titaniumSword;
                        tbxlStory.Text  = "This is the basement, here you now have access to the steel armor, pick it up for more defense, and the titanium sword for more damage. There is also an enemy here";
                        imgenemy.Source = Thug;
                        tbxEnemy.Text   = "Thug";
                        tbxlStory.Text  = "This is the basement, only an enemy is in here";
                        imgenemy.Source = Thug;
                        tbxEnemy.Text   = "Thug";
                else if (action.Contains("Forest") || action.Contains("forest") && key.Content.Equals(keytxt))
                    imgLevel.Source = outside;
                    tbxlStory.Text  = "You are now outside, and this is the final battle, you must defeat the dragon to enter your house, when the dragon is killed, type in enter home, and you win the game!";
                    imgenemy.Source = dragon;
                    tbxEnemy.Text   = "Dragon";
                else if (action.Contains("hallway") || action.Contains("Hallway"))
                    imgLevel.Source = hallway;
                    imgenemy.Source = null;
                    tbxlStory.Text  = "As you open up the door and walk through it you enter a hallway that is poorly lit.As you walk down the hall you see two doors without knobs, going straigh leads you to go to the living room";
                else if (action.Contains("bedroom") || action.Contains("Bedroom"))
                    tbxlStory.Text  = "This is where you started, nothing in here. And the chest appears to be mysteriously locked";
                    imgLevel.Source = lvl1;
                    imgenemy.Source = null;
                else if (action.Contains("living room") || action.Contains("Living room"))
                    imgLevel.Source = livingroom;
                    tbxlStory.Text  = "You enter the living room to find an orc in the area, you have to fight him to pass! When you destroy him, you can go to the basement, or the kitchen from here, and if you have a key, you may enter the forest outside";
                    imgenemy.Source = Orc;
                    tbxEnemy.Text   = "Orc";
                else if ((action.Contains("Home") || action.Contains("home")))
                    imgLevel.Source = title;
                    imgenemy.Source = null;
                    tbxlStory.Text  = "You did it, you made it home and woke up from you nightmare, but it is not over yet, before you wake up you hear a voice say, 'All your item are belong to us!'";
                    tbxlStory.Text = "Sorry this room does not exist, please try another room";

            if (action.Contains("Fight") || action.Contains("fight"))
                if (action.Contains("dragon") || action.Contains("Dragon"))
                    e.setEnemy(EnemeyTypes.DRAGON, int.Parse(tbxLevel.Text));
                    tbxEnemyHeatlh.Text = e.getHealth().ToString();
                    tbxEnemyLVL.Text    = e.getLevel().ToString();

                else if (action.Contains("goblin") || action.Contains("Goblin"))
                    e.setEnemy(EnemeyTypes.ORC, int.Parse(tbxLevel.Text));
                    tbxEnemyHeatlh.Text = e.getHealth().ToString();
                    tbxEnemyLVL.Text    = e.getLevel().ToString();
                else if (action.Contains("orc") || action.Contains("Orc"))
                    e.setEnemy(EnemeyTypes.ORC, int.Parse(tbxLevel.Text));
                    tbxEnemyHeatlh.Text = e.getHealth().ToString();
                    tbxEnemyLVL.Text    = e.getLevel().ToString();
                else if (action.Contains("ogre") || action.Contains("Ogre"))
                    e.setEnemy(EnemeyTypes.OGRE, int.Parse(tbxLevel.Text));
                    tbxEnemyHeatlh.Text = e.getHealth().ToString();
                    tbxEnemyLVL.Text    = e.getLevel().ToString();
                else if (action.Contains("thug") || action.Contains("Thug"))
                    e.setEnemy(EnemeyTypes.THUG, int.Parse(tbxLevel.Text));
                    tbxEnemyHeatlh.Text = e.getHealth().ToString();
                    tbxEnemyLVL.Text    = e.getLevel().ToString();

            if (action.Equals("Attack", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                int healthLoss = int.Parse(tbxEnemyHeatlh.Text);
                healthLoss = healthLoss - int.Parse(tbxDamage.Text);
                if (healthLoss <= 0)
                    imgenemy.Source = null;
                    int exp = int.Parse(tbxEXP.Text);
                    exp                 = exp + e.getEXP();
                    tbxEXP.Text         = exp.ToString();
                    tbxEnemyHeatlh.Text = "0";
                    tbxEnemyLVL.Text    = "0";
                    tbxEnemy.Text       = "";
                    tbxEnemyHeatlh.Text = healthLoss.ToString();
                    int chance = rnd.Next(1, 4);
                    if (chance >= 3)
                        int health = int.Parse(tbxHealth.Text);
                        health         = health - e.getDamage();
                        tbxHealth.Text = health.ToString();
            int trueHealth = int.Parse(tbxHealth.Text);

            if (trueHealth <= 0)
                tbxlStory.Text = "GAME OVER!!!!!";
            int lvlUP = int.Parse(tbxEXP.Text);

            if (lvlUP >= 25)
                int lvl = int.Parse(tbxLevel.Text);
                lvl           = lvl + 1;
                tbxLevel.Text = lvl.ToString();
                tbxEXP.Text   = "0";

            tbxAction.Text = "";