public static void SendReports(string vProgramName, string vFromEmail, string[] vToList, string[] vCCList, string[] vBCCList, string vSubject, string vMailBody, string[] vAttachmentList)
     // Smtp setting
     var vSmtp = new SmtpClient();
     string vSmtpUser = "******";
     string vSmtpPass = "******";
     vSmtp.Host = " ";
     vSmtp.Port = 587;
     vSmtp.EnableSsl = true;
     vSmtp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(vSmtpUser, vSmtpPass);
     vSmtp.Timeout = 20000;
     //Variables for email
     MailMessage vMail = new MailMessage();
     foreach (string vTo in vToList)
     foreach (string vBcc in vBCCList)
     foreach (string vAttch in vAttachmentList)
         vMail.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(vAttch));
     vMail.From = new MailAddress(" ");
     vMail.Subject = vSubject;
     vMail.Body = vMailBody;
     //Start program
     catch (System.Exception vException)
         SendEmails.SendExceptionOccur("SQLClass", vException.HelpLink, vException.Message, vException.GetType().ToString(), vException.TargetSite.ToString());
        static void Main(string[] args)
        {              //File Variables
            string vProgramName  = @"SendReports";
            string vProgramDir   = @"\C:\Users\Desktop\GLDataTest";
            string vOutputPath   = @"C:\Users\Desktop\GLDataTest\Output\";
            string vArchivePath0 = @"C:\Users\Desktop\GLDataTest\Archive0\";
            string vArchivePath1 = @"C:\Users\Desktop\GLDataTest\Archive1\";
            string vToday        = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss-ffff");
            string vLogPath      = @"C:\Users\Desktop\GLDataTest\log.txt";
            string vSheetName    = "Daily Invoice";
            string vFileName     = "Items Report";
            string vFileId       = DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString();
            string vFileType     = ".xlsx";

            string[] vPathsToBeClear;
            //SQL connection string
            string vSQLConnectionString = "";
            //SQL variables
            string     vSQLServer = "";
            string     vDBName    = "";
            string     vUserName  = "";
            string     vPassword  = "";
            SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand();
            string     vSQLCmd1   = "select *from dbo.test";
            string     vSQLCmd2   = "select *from dbo.test";
            //SMTP variables
            string vFromEmail = "";

            string[] vToList   = { "" };
            string[] vCCList   = { "" };
            string[] vBCCList  = { "" };
            String   vSubject  = "Daily Reports" + vToday;
            String   vMailBody = "Greetings," + "\n" + "     Report for the last week is attached." + "\n" + "\n" + "Thank you," + "\n" + "CLA" + "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "{CLA}";

            {     // Clear Output Folder
                  //vPathsToBeClear = Directory.GetFiles(vOutputPath);
                  //foreach (string filePath in vPathsToBeClear)
                  //    {
                  //    File.Delete(filePath);
                  //    }

                // Create excel file
                SQL.SqlToExcel(vOutputPath, vFileName, vFileType, vSheetName, vSQLConnectionString, vSQLCmd1);
                //Copy to archive
                File.Copy(vOutputPath + vFileName + vFileType, vArchivePath0 + vFileName + vToday + vFileId + vFileType);
                if (File.Exists(vArchivePath0 + vFileName + vToday + vFileId + vFileType))
                    //Send report email

                    SendEmails.SendReports(vProgramName, vFromEmail, vToList, vBCCList, vCCList, vSubject, vMailBody, new[] { vArchivePath0 + vFileName + vToday + vFileId + vFileType });

                // Create excel file
                //   SQL.SqlToExcel(vOutputPath, vFileName, vFileType, vSheetName, vSQLConnectionString, vSQLCmd2);
                //if (File.Exists(vOutputPath + vFileName + vFileType))
                //    {
                //    //Send report email
                //    SendEmails.SendReports(vProgramName, vProgramDir, vLogPath, vFromEmail, vToList, vBCCList, vCCList, vSubject, vMailBody, new[] { vArchivePath1 + vFileName + vToday + vFileId + vFileType});
                ////    }   //Copy to archive
                //  File.Copy(vOutputPath + vFileName + vFileType, vArchivePath1 + vFileName + vToday + vFileId + vFileType);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Send exception email
                SendEmails.SendExceptionOccur(vProgramName, ex.HelpLink, ex.Message, ex.GetType().ToString(), ex.TargetSite.ToString());
                //Write to log file
                File.AppendAllText(vLogPath, "\n*******************************" + vToday + "\n" + ex.TargetSite + "\n " + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.Data + "\n" + ex.StackTrace + "\n*******************************");