Beispiel #1
 public void Select(Selection selection)
     for (int y = 0; y < topNodeCountY; y++)
         for (int x = 0; x < topNodeCountX; x++)
             topNodes[x, y].Select(selection, false, false);
Beispiel #2
        public void Select(Selection selection)
            // Prepare selection's state per a terrain.

            // Select visible nodes.

            // Set the height map texture to render.
            selection.HeightMapTexture = heightMapTexture;
Beispiel #3
        bool PreSelect(Selection selection, bool parentCompletelyInFrustum)
            BoundingBox boundingBox;
            GetBoundingBox(ref selection.TerrainOffset, selection.PatchScale, selection.HeightScale, out boundingBox);

            // do not check the intersection between AABB and the view frustum.

            BoundingSphere sphere;
            selection.GetVisibilitySphere(level, out sphere);
            if (!boundingBox.Intersects(sphere))
                return false;

            return true;
Beispiel #4
        public bool Select(Selection selection, bool parentCompletelyInFrustum, bool ignoreVisibilityCheck)
            BoundingBox boundingBox;
            GetBoundingBox(ref selection.TerrainOffset, selection.PatchScale, selection.HeightScale, out boundingBox);

            ContainmentType containmentType = ContainmentType.Contains;
            if (!parentCompletelyInFrustum)
                selection.Frustum.Contains(ref boundingBox, out containmentType);

            BoundingSphere sphere;
            bool intersected = true;

            if (!ignoreVisibilityCheck)
                selection.GetVisibilitySphere(level, out sphere);
                boundingBox.Intersects(ref sphere, out intersected);
                if (!intersected)
                    return false;

            if (level == 0)
                // we reach a leaf node.
                if (containmentType != ContainmentType.Disjoint)
                return true;

            // If this node is out of the next visibility, we do not need to check children.
            selection.GetVisibilitySphere(level - 1, out sphere);
            boundingBox.Intersects(ref sphere, out intersected);
            if (!intersected)
                if (containmentType != ContainmentType.Disjoint)
                return true;

            bool weAreCompletelyInFrustum = (containmentType == ContainmentType.Contains);

            // Check a child node's visibility on ahead.
            var someChildrenSelected = false;
            someChildrenSelected |= childTopLeft.PreSelect(selection, weAreCompletelyInFrustum);
            if (childTopRight != null)
                someChildrenSelected |= childTopRight.PreSelect(selection, weAreCompletelyInFrustum);
            if (childBottomLeft != null)
                someChildrenSelected |= childBottomLeft.PreSelect(selection, weAreCompletelyInFrustum);
            if (childBottomRight != null)
                someChildrenSelected |= childBottomRight.PreSelect(selection, weAreCompletelyInFrustum);

            if (someChildrenSelected)
                // Select all children to avoid T-junctions by ignoring a visibiliy range check
                // if can select at least one.
                // The original code tries to select finer nodes as far as possible,
                // and hides parts of a coaser node overlapped by them at render time.
                // But using HW instancing, we must use a same mesh, so can not use such a overlap.
                childTopLeft.Select(selection, weAreCompletelyInFrustum, true);
                if (childTopRight != null)
                    childTopRight.Select(selection, weAreCompletelyInFrustum, true);
                if (childBottomLeft != null)
                    childBottomLeft.Select(selection, weAreCompletelyInFrustum, true);
                if (childBottomRight != null)
                    childBottomRight.Select(selection, weAreCompletelyInFrustum, true);
                if (containmentType != ContainmentType.Disjoint)

            return true;
Beispiel #5
        protected override void LoadContent()
            // create a height map.
            var noiseMap = new NoiseMap();
            noiseMap.GetValue2 = (x, y) => { return sumFractal.GetValue(x, 0, y); };
            noiseMap.Width = noiseMapWidth;
            noiseMap.Height = noiseMapHeight;
            noiseMap.SetBounds(noiseSampleX, noiseSampleY, noiseSampleWidth, noiseSampleHeight);

            var heightMap = new DefaultHeightMapSource(noiseMap.Values, noiseMap.Width, noiseMap.Height);

            settings.LevelCount = levelCount;
            settings.LeafNodeSize = leafNodeSize;
            settings.PatchScale = patchScale;
            settings.HeightScale = heightScale;

            visibleRanges = new DefaultVisibleRanges(settings);
            //visibleRanges.MostDetailRange = DefaultVisibleRanges.DefaultMostDetailRange;
            visibleRanges.FinestNodeSize = 3;
            visibleRanges.DetailBalance = 2;

            terrain = new Terrain(GraphicsDevice, settings);
            renderer = new TerrainRenderer(GraphicsDevice, Content, settings);
            renderer.WireframeGap = wireframeGap;
            selection = new Selection(settings, visibleRanges);

            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
            font = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Fonts/Debug");
            fillTexture = Texture2DHelper.CreateFillTexture(GraphicsDevice);
            helpMessageFontSize = font.MeasureString(helpMessage);

            informationTextFontSize = font.MeasureString(stringBuilder);
Beispiel #6
        public void Draw(GameTime gameTime, Selection selection)
            if (selection.SelectedNodeCount == 0) return;

            // create instances
            for (int i = 0; i < selection.SelectedNodeCount; i++)
                selection.GetPatchInstanceVertex(i, out instances[i]);

            var offset = instanceVertexBuffer.SetData(instances, 0, selection.SelectedNodeCount);

            vertexBufferBindings[0] = new VertexBufferBinding(patchMesh.VertexBuffer, 0);
            vertexBufferBindings[1] = new VertexBufferBinding(instanceVertexBuffer.VertexBuffer, offset, 1);

            GraphicsDevice.Indices = patchMesh.IndexBuffer;
            GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default;

            // Prepare effect parameters.
            // per a selection (a terrain).
            effect.TerrainOffset = selection.TerrainOffset;
            effect.TerrainScale = selection.TerrainScale;
            effect.HeightMap = selection.HeightMapTexture;
            effect.View = selection.View;
            effect.Projection = selection.Projection;
            // render settings.
            effect.AmbientLightColor = ambientLightColor;
            effect.LightDirection = lightDirection;
            effect.DiffuseLightColor = diffuseLightColor;
            effect.LightEnabled = LightEnabled;

            // WhiteSolid tequnique
            if (WhiteSolidVisible)
                DrawPatchInstances(effect.WhiteSolidTequnique, selection.SelectedNodeCount);

            // HeightColor tequnique
            if (HeightColorVisible)
                DrawPatchInstances(effect.HeightColorTequnique, selection.SelectedNodeCount);

            // Wireframe tequnique
            if (WireframeVisible)
                var wireframeTerrainOffset = selection.TerrainOffset;
                wireframeTerrainOffset.Y += WireframeGap;
                effect.TerrainOffset = wireframeTerrainOffset;
                DrawPatchInstances(effect.WireframeTequnique, selection.SelectedNodeCount);
                effect.TerrainOffset = selection.TerrainOffset;

            if (NodeBoundingBoxVisible)
                debugEffect.View = selection.View;
                debugEffect.Projection = selection.Projection;

                SelectedNode selectedNode;
                BoundingBox box;
                for (int i = 0; i < selection.SelectedNodeCount; i++)
                    selection.GetSelectedNode(i, out selectedNode);

                        ref selection.TerrainOffset, settings.PatchScale, settings.HeightScale, out box);
                    var level = selectedNode.Level;
                    level %= 4;
                    boundingBoxDrawer.Draw(ref box, debugEffect, ref debugLevelColors[level]);