//Display the all of the product in the cart and the toal cost
        public void showCart(double totalcost)
            String sql = "SELECT cart FROM TP_Customer WHERE customer_id = '" + Session["customerID"].ToString() + "'";


            //if (objDB.GetField("cart", 0) != System.DBNull.Value)
            //    // De-serialize the binary data to reconstruct the CreditCard object retrieved
            //    // from the database
            //    Byte[] byteArray = (Byte[])objDB.GetField("cart", 0);

            //    BinaryFormatter deSerializer = new BinaryFormatter();
            //    MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(byteArray);

            //    Product product = (Product)deSerializer.Deserialize(memStream);

            //    productlist = (ArrayList)Session["Productlist"];
            //    productlist.Add(product);

            //    gvCart.DataSource = productlist;
            //    gvCart.DataBind();
            //else if (objDB.GetField("cart", 0) == System.DBNull.Value)


            gvCart.Columns[0].FooterText = "Total";
            gvCart.Columns[4].FooterText = totalcost.ToString("C2");
            productlist       = (ArrayList)Session["Productlist"];
            gvCart.DataSource = productlist;

            String[] productid = new string[1];
            productid[0]        = "product_id";
            gvCart.DataKeyNames = productid;