Beispiel #1
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            string request = context.Request["request"];

            string[] parts = request.Split('~');

            string Query = string.Empty;

            Query = "SELECT Appointment.ID as Id, person.FirstName as FirstName, person.LastName as LastName,"
                    + " CONVERT(varchar, [ApptDay], 101) as DateOfAppointment,CONVERT(varchar(15), CAST([ApptTime] AS TIME), 100) as TimeOfAppointment,"
                    + " CONVERT(varchar, person.DOB, 101) as DateOfBirth, '0' as Account"
                    + " FROM Appointment"
                    + " inner join webid"
                    + " on webid.ID = appointment.UserID"
                    + " inner join person"
                    + " on person.ID = webid.PersonID"
                    + " where[ApptDay] = '" + parts[0] + "'"
                    //+ " where[ApptDay] = '06/26/2020'"
                    + " and person.locationid = " + parts[1]
                    //+ " and person.locationid = 2"
                    + " order by Appointment.ApptDay, Appointment.ApptTime";

            var report = new PrintSchedule();

            Telerik.Reporting.SqlDataSource sqlDataSource = new Telerik.Reporting.SqlDataSource();
            sqlDataSource.ConnectionString = "Server =; Database = Appointment; Uid = Appointment; Pwd = 0griswold;";
            sqlDataSource.SelectCommand    = Query;

            report.DataSource = sqlDataSource;
            var reportPackager = new ReportPackager();

            using (var targetStream = System.IO.File.Create(@"C:\temp\PrintReport.trdp"))
                reportPackager.Package(report, targetStream);

            var reportProcessor = new Telerik.Reporting.Processing.ReportProcessor();

            var deviceInfo = new System.Collections.Hashtable();

            var reportSource = new Telerik.Reporting.UriReportSource();

            //// reportName is the path to the TRDP/TRDX file
            reportSource.Uri = @"C:\temp\PrintReport.trdp";

            Telerik.Reporting.Processing.RenderingResult result = reportProcessor.RenderReport("PDF", reportSource, deviceInfo);

            string filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(@"C:\waldenltd\ionicwithvuedev\fairfield-app-admin\public\", "output.pdf");

            using (System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(filePath, System.IO.FileMode.Create))
                fs.Write(result.DocumentBytes, 0, result.DocumentBytes.Length);

            context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var processRepo = new ProcessRepository();
            var finishProductionProcessId = processRepo.Get(a => a.Name == "اتمام تولید").FirstOrDefault().Id;

            int id;

            if (Page.Request.QueryString[0].ToSafeInt() == 0)
                id = new WorksheetRepository().GetMaxId();
                id = Page.Request.QueryString[0].ToSafeInt();

            Report report = new ReportWorksheets();

            Telerik.Reporting.SqlDataSource sqlDataSource = new Telerik.Reporting.SqlDataSource();
            sqlDataSource.ConnectionString = "Tarin";
            sqlDataSource.SelectCommand    =
                "select WID,[Date],PartNo,WaxNo,ColorName,OperatorId,OperatorName,ProcessId,ProcessName from (" +
                "SELECT distinct w.Id WID, dbo.shamsidate(w.Date) as [Date] ,w.PartNo,w.WaxNo,c.Name ColorName, u.FriendlyName OperatorName," +
                //" d.ProductId,p.Code PCode, cat.Name + ' ' + p.Name PName" +
                "    pro.Name ProcessName," +
                "    pro.Id ProcessId," +
                "    cat.Id CatId," +
                "    u.Id OperatorId " +
                //"    pcat.[order] " +
                "FROM worksheets w " +
                "join Colors c on c.Id = w.ColorId " +
                "join Users u on u.Id = w.OperatorId " +
                "join WorksheetDetails d on w.Id = d.WorksheetId " +
                "join Products p on p.Id = d.ProductId " +
                "join Categories cat on cat.Id = p.ProductCategoryId " +
                "join ProcessCategories pcat on pcat.CategoryId = cat.Id " +
                "join Processes pro on pro.Id = pcat.ProcessId" +
                ") s1 " +
                "where WId = @id " +
                "group by WID,[Date],PartNo,WaxNo,ColorName,OperatorId,OperatorName,ProcessId,ProcessName " +
                "order by ProcessId";

            sqlDataSource.Parameters.Add("@id", System.Data.DbType.Int32, id);
            report.DataSource = sqlDataSource;

            InstanceReportSource reportSource = new InstanceReportSource();

            reportSource.ReportDocument = report;

            ReportViewer1.ReportSource = reportSource;

            var table1 = report.Items.Find("table1", true)[0];

            ((table1 as Telerik.Reporting.Table).DataSource as Telerik.Reporting.SqlDataSource).Parameters[0].Value = id;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string databaseConnection = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["allergyConnection"];
            string reportLocation     = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["reportLocation"];
            string outputPath         = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["outputPath"];

            string Query = string.Empty;

            Query = "SELECT Appointment.ID as Id,person.HPhone, person.FirstName as FirstName, person.LastName as LastName,"
                    + " CONVERT(varchar, [ApptDay], 101) as DateOfAppointment,CONVERT(varchar(15), CAST([ApptTime] AS TIME), 100) as TimeOfAppointment,"
                    + " CONVERT(varchar, person.DOB, 101) as DateOfBirth, '0' as Account"
                    + " FROM Appointment"
                    + " inner join webid"
                    + " on webid.ID = appointment.UserID"
                    + " inner join person"
                    + " on person.ID = webid.PersonID"
                    + " where[ApptDay] = '" + args[0] + "'"
                    + " and person.locationid = " + args[1]
                    + " order by Appointment.ApptDay, Appointment.ApptTime";
            var report = new PrintSchedule();

            Telerik.Reporting.SqlDataSource sqlDataSource = new Telerik.Reporting.SqlDataSource();
            sqlDataSource.ConnectionString = databaseConnection;
            sqlDataSource.SelectCommand    = Query;

            report.DataSource = sqlDataSource;
            var reportPackager = new ReportPackager();

            using (var targetStream = System.IO.File.Create(reportLocation))
                reportPackager.Package(report, targetStream);

            var reportProcessor = new Telerik.Reporting.Processing.ReportProcessor();

            var deviceInfo = new System.Collections.Hashtable();

            var reportSource = new Telerik.Reporting.UriReportSource();

            //// reportName is the path to the TRDP/TRDX file
            reportSource.Uri = reportLocation;

            Telerik.Reporting.Processing.RenderingResult result = reportProcessor.RenderReport("PDF", reportSource, deviceInfo);

            string filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(outputPath, "output.pdf");

            using (System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(filePath, System.IO.FileMode.Create))
                fs.Write(result.DocumentBytes, 0, result.DocumentBytes.Length);
Beispiel #4
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //    CheckShamsiDateFunctions();
            //catch (Exception ex)


            int id;

            id = Page.Request.QueryString[0].ToSafeInt();

            Report report = new ReportShareDiv();

            Telerik.Reporting.SqlDataSource sqlDataSource = new Telerik.Reporting.SqlDataSource();
            sqlDataSource.ConnectionString = "Tarin";
            sqlDataSource.SelectCommand    =
                " SELECT  Members.Name, Members.Code, Members.Type, Members.ShareAmount, Members.ShareCount, Members.HasPriority, ShareDivisionDetails.MemberId, ShareDivisionDetails.ShareAmount AS SharedAmount, "
                + " ShareDivisionDetails.ShareDivisionId, ShareDivisions.Type AS Expr2, ShareDivisions.Amount As TotalProfit, ShareDivisions.InsertDateTime,dbo.shamsidate(ShareDivisions.InsertDateTime) as [Date]"
                + " FROM            Members INNER JOIN"
                + " ShareDivisionDetails ON Members.Id = ShareDivisionDetails.MemberId INNER JOIN"
                + "  ShareDivisions ON ShareDivisionDetails.ShareDivisionId = ShareDivisions.Id"
                + $" where ShareDivisions.Id ={id} order by cast(Members.Code as bigint)";

            sqlDataSource.Parameters.Add("@id", System.Data.DbType.Int32, id);
            report.DataSource = sqlDataSource;

            InstanceReportSource reportSource = new InstanceReportSource();

            reportSource.ReportDocument = report;

            ReportViewer1.ReportSource = reportSource;

            var table1 = report.Items.Find("table1", true)[0];

            ((table1 as Telerik.Reporting.Table).DataSource as Telerik.Reporting.SqlDataSource).Parameters[0].Value = id;

Beispiel #5
        public void ProcessServiceReports(string fromDate, string toDate, string company,
                                          string totalBillable, string balanceFromPreviousMonth,
                                          string hoursPurchasedThisMonth, string balancedRemaining, string month)
            string Query = string.Empty;

            var report = new ServiceReport(totalBillable, balanceFromPreviousMonth, hoursPurchasedThisMonth, balancedRemaining, month);

            Telerik.Reporting.SqlDataSource sqlDataSource = new Telerik.Reporting.SqlDataSource();
            sqlDataSource.ConnectionString  = "Server=ITD-CW02.ITD.local;User ID=reports;password=C0nn3ct3d;Database=cwwebapp_itd;Persist Security Info=True";
            sqlDataSource.SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.StoredProcedure;
            sqlDataSource.SelectCommand     = "ITD_ServiceRpt";
            sqlDataSource.Parameters.Add("@FromDate", (System.Data.DbType)TypeCode.String, fromDate);
            sqlDataSource.Parameters.Add("@ToDate", (System.Data.DbType)TypeCode.String, toDate);
            sqlDataSource.Parameters.Add("@company", (System.Data.DbType)TypeCode.String, company);

            report.DataSource = sqlDataSource;
            var reportPackager = new ReportPackager();

            using (var targetStream = System.IO.File.Create("C:\\temp\\ServiceReport.trdp"))
                reportPackager.Package(report, targetStream);