public void Initialize()
            if (_isInitialized)
            _isInitialized = true;

            FftResult fftResult = _fftAnalyzer.Analyze(_batCall);

            SimpleIntBin[] simpleIntBins = new SimpleIntBin[fftResult.FftData.Length - 1];
            int            iPeak         = 0;

            for (int i = 1; i < fftResult.FftData.Length; i++)
                //231kHz Sample Rate with 1024 Buffer -> 115.5 / 256 Bins => 0.451 kHz pro Bin
                simpleIntBins[i - 1] = new SimpleIntBin(fftResult.FftData[i], Math.Round(i * 0.451).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), false);
                if ((iPeak < fftResult.Peaks.Length) && (fftResult.Peaks[iPeak] == i))
                    simpleIntBins[i - 1].IsHighlighted = true;

            Frequencies = new ObservableCollection <SimpleIntBin>(simpleIntBins);

            PlotModel  pm         = new PlotModel();
            LineSeries lineSeries = new LineSeries();

            pm.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis {
                Maximum = 260, Minimum = 0, Position = AxisPosition.Left, Title = "Intensität"
            pm.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis {
                Position = AxisPosition.Bottom, Title = "Dauer [ms]"

            LineAnnotation lineAnnotation = new LineAnnotation {
                Color = OxyColors.DarkRed, LineStyle = LineStyle.Dash, Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal, Y = BatCall.MaxPower, Text = $"Ø {BatCall.MaxPower}"


            if (_batCall.PowerData != null)
                lineSeries.Points.AddRange(_batCall.PowerData.Select((b, i) => new DataPoint(i * 0.246, b)));
            Power = pm.AddStyles();
		public void Initialize()
			if (_isInitialized)
			_isInitialized = true;

			SimpleIntBin[] simpleIntBins = new SimpleIntBin[255];

			FftResult fftResult = _fftAnalyzer.Analyze(_batCall);
			int iPeak = 0;
			for (int i = 1; i < fftResult.FftData.Length; i++)
				//231kHz Sample Rate with 1024 Buffer -> 115.5 / 256 Bins => 0.451 kHz pro Bin
				simpleIntBins[i - 1] = new SimpleIntBin(fftResult.FftData[i], (Math.Round(i * 0.451).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), false);
				if (iPeak < fftResult.Peaks.Length && fftResult.Peaks[iPeak] == i)
					simpleIntBins[i - 1].IsHighlighted = true;

			Frequencies = new ObservableCollection<SimpleIntBin>(simpleIntBins);