Beispiel #1
        public TanksOnAHeightmapGame()
            graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
            device = GraphicsDevice;
            Content.RootDirectory = "Content";

            music = Content.Load<Song>("Sound/windbell");

            // Light Manager
            lightManager = new LightManager();
            lightManager.AmbientLightColor = new Vector3(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);
            Services.AddService(typeof(LightManager), lightManager);
            // Light 1
            lightManager.Add("Light1", new PointLight(new Vector3(0, 1000.0f, 0), Vector3.One));

            //tank = new Tank(this, Content, graphics);
            terrain = new TanksOnAHeightmap.GameBase.Shapes.Terrain(this, Content, graphics);


            inputHelper = new InputHelper(PlayerIndex.One);
            Services.AddService(typeof(InputHelper), inputHelper);

            // Create the chase camera
            camera = new ChaseCamera(this);

            // Set the camera offsets
            //camera.DesiredPositionOffset = new Vector3(0.0f, 600.0f, 800.0f);//150,150
            //camera.LookAtOffset = new Vector3(0.0f, 80.0f, 0.0f);//80

            camera.DesiredPositionOffset = new Vector3(0.0f, 45.0f, 20.0f);//150,150
            camera.LookAtOffset = new Vector3(0.0f, 35.0f, -50.0f);//80

            // Set camera perspective
            camera.NearPlaneDistance = 10.0f;
            camera.FarPlaneDistance = 4000.0f;

            this.Services.AddService(typeof(TanksOnAHeightmap.GameBase.Shapes.Terrain), terrain);
            this.Services.AddService(typeof(ChaseCamera), camera);

            rand = new Random(0);

            // Construct our particle system components.
            explosionParticles = new ExplosionParticleSystem(this, Content);
            ParticleSettings settings = new ParticleSettings();

            this.Services.AddService(typeof(ExplosionParticleSystem), explosionParticles);

            explosionSmokeParticles = new ExplosionSmokeParticleSystem(this, Content);

            this.Services.AddService(typeof(ExplosionSmokeParticleSystem), explosionSmokeParticles);

            projectileTrailParticles = new ProjectileTrailParticleSystem(this, Content);

            trees = new Trees[NUMBER_OF_TREES];
            for (int i = 0; i < trees.Length; i++)
                trees[i] = new Trees(this, Content, graphics);

            explosionSmokeParticles.DrawOrder = 200;
            projectileTrailParticles.DrawOrder = 300;
            explosionParticles.DrawOrder = 400;
            terrain.DrawOrder = 102;


   = 1024;
   = 768;


Beispiel #2
        public Vector3 FindNextObstacle(List<Trees> nearTrees)
            Matrix inverseTransformation = Matrix.Invert(tank.WorldMatrix);
            var localPosition = new Vector3[nearTrees.Count];
            int i = -1;
            foreach (Trees tree in nearTrees)
                i += 1;
                localPosition[i] = Vector3.Transform(tree.Position, inverseTransformation);

            float objectRadius;
            float DistToClosestIP = float.MaxValue;
            int closest = -1;
            Vector3 boundingMax;
            Vector3 boundingMin;

            for (i = 0; i < localPosition.Length; i++)
                if (localPosition[i].Z <= 100)
                    boundingMax = nearTrees[i].BoundingBox.Max;
                    boundingMin = nearTrees[i].BoundingBox.Min;
                    boundingMax.Y = 0;
                    boundingMin.Y = 0;
                    objectRadius = (boundingMax - boundingMin).Length()/2.0f;

                    float ExpandedRadius = objectRadius + (DetectionBox.Max.X - DetectionBox.Min.X)/2.0f;
                    if (Math.Abs(localPosition[i].X) < ExpandedRadius)
                        float cX = -localPosition[i].Z;
                        float cY = localPosition[i].X;

                        var SqrtPart = (float) Math.Sqrt(ExpandedRadius*ExpandedRadius - cY*cY);

                        float ip = cX - SqrtPart;

                        if (ip <= 0.0) //!
                            ip = cX + SqrtPart;

                        if (ip < DistToClosestIP)
                            DistToClosestIP = ip;
                            closest = i;

            var SteeringForce = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            if (closest != -1)
                //the closer the agent is to an object, the stronger the
                //steering force should be
                boundingMax = nearTrees[closest].BoundingBox.Max;
                boundingMin = nearTrees[closest].BoundingBox.Min;
                boundingMax.Y = 0;
                boundingMin.Y = 0;
                objectRadius = (boundingMax - boundingMin).Length()/2.0f;

                float multiplier = 1.0f + (DetectionDistance - localPosition[closest].Z)/

                //calculate the lateral force ClosestIntersectingObstacle->BRadius()

                //SteeringForce.X = (objectRadius - localPosition[closest].X) * multiplier * 0.01f;
                //SteeringForce.X = -1.0f/(localPosition[closest].X) * multiplier*10;
                //SteeringForce.X = -1.0f / (localPosition[closest].X) * multiplier * 10;
                SteeringForce.X = ((DetectionBox.Max.X - DetectionBox.Min.X)/2.0f) + objectRadius;
                if (localPosition[closest].X < 0.0f)
                    SteeringForce.X = SteeringForce.X + localPosition[closest].X;
                    SteeringForce.X = -1.0f*(SteeringForce.X - localPosition[closest].X);
                SteeringForce.X *= multiplier*0.05f;
                //apply a braking force proportional to the obstacles distance from
                //the vehicle.
                //float BrakingWeight = 0.1f;

                // SteeringForce.Z = (objectRadius -
                //              localPosition[closest].Z) *
                //            BrakingWeight;

                //return Vector3.Transform(SteeringForce, tank.Orientation * Transformation);
                //return SteeringForce;
                tank.SteeringForce = Vector3.Transform(SteeringForce, tank.Orientation);
                closesdObstacle = nearTrees[closest];
                return tank.SteeringForce;
                //return Vector3.Zero;
                tank.SteeringForce = Vector3.Zero;
                closesdObstacle = null;
                return Vector3.Zero;