TangoPoseToWorldTransform() public static method

Convert a TangoPoseData into the Unity coordinate system. This only works on TangoPoseData that describes the device with respect to the start of service or area description. The result position and rotation can be used to set Unity's Transform.position and Transform.rotation.
public static TangoPoseToWorldTransform ( TangoPoseData poseData, Vector3 &position, Quaternion &rotation ) : void
poseData TangoPoseData /// The input pose data that is going to be converted, please note that /// the pose data has to be in the start of service with respect to /// device frame. ///
position Vector3 The result position data.
rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion The result rotation data.
return void
        /// <summary>
        /// INTERNAL USE: Update the Tango emulation state for color camera data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="useByteBufferMethod">Whether to update emulation for byte-buffer method.</param>
        internal static void UpdateTangoEmulation(bool useByteBufferMethod)
            // Get emulated position and rotation in Unity space.
            TangoPoseData            poseData = new TangoPoseData();
            TangoCoordinateFramePair pair;

            pair.baseFrame   = TangoEnums.TangoCoordinateFrameType.TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_START_OF_SERVICE;
            pair.targetFrame = TangoEnums.TangoCoordinateFrameType.TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_DEVICE;

            if (!PoseProvider.GetTimestampForColorEmulation(out m_lastColorEmulationTime))
                Debug.LogError("Couldn't get a valid timestamp with which to emulate color camera. "
                               + "Color camera emulation will be skipped this frame.");

            PoseProvider.GetPoseAtTime(poseData, m_lastColorEmulationTime, pair);
            if (poseData.status_code != TangoEnums.TangoPoseStatusType.TANGO_POSE_VALID)

            Vector3    position;
            Quaternion rotation;

            TangoSupport.TangoPoseToWorldTransform(poseData, out position, out rotation);

            // Instantiate any resources that we haven't yet.
            if (!m_emulationIsInitialized)
                m_emulationIsInitialized = true;

            // Render.
                                                                      position, rotation);

            m_emulationIsDirty = true;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// INTERNAL USE: Update the Tango emulation state for depth data.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void UpdateTangoEmulation()

            // Timestamp shall be something in the past, and we'll emulate the depth cloud based on it.
            if (!PoseProvider.GetTimestampForDepthEmulation(out m_lastDepthEmulationTime))
                Debug.LogError("Couldn't get a valid timestamp with which to emulate depth data. "
                               + "Depth emulation will be skipped this frame.");

            // Get emulated position and rotation in Unity space.
            TangoPoseData            poseData = new TangoPoseData();
            TangoCoordinateFramePair pair;

            pair.baseFrame   = TangoEnums.TangoCoordinateFrameType.TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_START_OF_SERVICE;
            pair.targetFrame = TangoEnums.TangoCoordinateFrameType.TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_DEVICE;

            PoseProvider.GetPoseAtTime(poseData, m_lastDepthEmulationTime, pair);
            if (poseData.status_code != TangoEnums.TangoPoseStatusType.TANGO_POSE_VALID)

            Vector3    position;
            Quaternion rotation;

            TangoSupport.TangoPoseToWorldTransform(poseData, out position, out rotation);

            // Instantiate any resources that we haven't yet.

            // Render emulated depth camera data.
                                                                      position, rotation);

            // Capture rendered depth points from texture.
            RenderTexture.active = m_emulatedDepthTexture;
            m_emulationCaptureTexture.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, m_emulatedDepthTexture.width, m_emulatedDepthTexture.height), 0, 0);

            // Exctract captured data.
            Color32[] depthDataAsColors = m_emulationCaptureTexture.GetPixels32();

            // Convert depth texture to positions in camera space.
            Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix        = GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(EmulatedEnvironmentRenderHelper.m_emulationCamera.projectionMatrix, false);
            Matrix4x4 reverseProjectionMatrix = projectionMatrix.inverse;

            float width  = m_emulationCaptureTexture.width;
            float height = m_emulationCaptureTexture.height;

            for (int yTexel = 0; yTexel < height; yTexel++)
                for (int xTexel = 0; xTexel < width; xTexel++)
                    Color32 depthAsColor = depthDataAsColors[xTexel + (yTexel * m_emulationCaptureTexture.width)];
                    float   clipSpaceZ   = (depthAsColor.r - 128f) + (depthAsColor.g / 255f);

                    float ndcSpaceZ          = (clipSpaceZ - projectionMatrix.m23) / projectionMatrix.m22;
                    float perspectiveDivisor = ndcSpaceZ * projectionMatrix.m32;

                    float ndcSpaceX = (((xTexel + 0.5f) / width) * 2f) - 1;
                    float ndcSpaceY = (((yTexel + 0.5f) / height) * 2f) - 1;

                    Vector4 clipSpacePos = new Vector4(ndcSpaceX * perspectiveDivisor, ndcSpaceY * perspectiveDivisor, clipSpaceZ, perspectiveDivisor);
                    Vector4 viewSpacePos = reverseProjectionMatrix * clipSpacePos;

                    Vector3 emulatedDepthPos = new Vector3(viewSpacePos.x, -viewSpacePos.y, -viewSpacePos.z);

                    if (emulatedDepthPos.z > MIN_POINT_DISTANCE && emulatedDepthPos.z < MAX_POINT_DISTANCE)

            m_emulationIsDirty = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// INTERNAL USE: Update the Tango emulation state for depth data.
        /// Make this this is only called once per frame.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void UpdateTangoEmulation()

            // Timestamp shall be something in the past, and we'll emulate the depth cloud based on it.
            m_lastDepthEmulationTime = PoseProvider.GetTimestampForDepthEmulation();

            // Get emulated position and rotation in Unity space.
            TangoPoseData            poseData = new TangoPoseData();
            TangoCoordinateFramePair pair;

            pair.baseFrame   = TangoEnums.TangoCoordinateFrameType.TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_START_OF_SERVICE;
            pair.targetFrame = TangoEnums.TangoCoordinateFrameType.TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_DEVICE;

            PoseProvider.GetPoseAtTime(poseData, m_lastDepthEmulationTime, pair);
            if (poseData.status_code != TangoEnums.TangoPoseStatusType.TANGO_POSE_VALID)

            Vector3    position;
            Quaternion rotation;

            TangoSupport.TangoPoseToWorldTransform(poseData, out position, out rotation);

            // Instantiate any resources that we haven't yet.
            if (m_emulatedDepthTexture == null)
                m_emulatedDepthTexture = new RenderTexture(NUM_X_DEPTH_SAMPLES, NUM_Y_DEPTH_SAMPLES, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);

            if (m_emulationCaptureTexture == null)
                m_emulationCaptureTexture = new Texture2D(NUM_X_DEPTH_SAMPLES, NUM_Y_DEPTH_SAMPLES, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);

            if (m_emulatedDepthShader == null)
                // Find depth shader by searching for it in project.
                string[] foundAssetGuids = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.FindAssets("DepthEmulation t:Shader");
                if (foundAssetGuids.Length > 0)
                    string assetPath = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(foundAssetGuids[0]);
                    m_emulatedDepthShader = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath, typeof(Shader)) as Shader;

            // Render emulated depth camera data.
            EmulatedEnvironmentRenderHelper.RenderEmulatedEnvironment(m_emulatedDepthTexture, m_emulatedDepthShader,
                                                                      position, rotation);

            // Capture rendered depth points from texture.
            RenderTexture.active = m_emulatedDepthTexture;
            m_emulationCaptureTexture.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, m_emulatedDepthTexture.width, m_emulatedDepthTexture.height), 0, 0);

            // Exctract captured data.
            Color32[] depthDataAsColors = m_emulationCaptureTexture.GetPixels32();

            // Convert depth texture to positions in camera space.
            Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix        = GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(EmulatedEnvironmentRenderHelper.m_emulationCamera.projectionMatrix, false);
            Matrix4x4 reverseProjectionMatrix = projectionMatrix.inverse;

            float width  = m_emulationCaptureTexture.width;
            float height = m_emulationCaptureTexture.height;

            for (int yTexel = 0; yTexel < height; yTexel++)
                for (int xTexel = 0; xTexel < width; xTexel++)
                    Color32 depthAsColor = depthDataAsColors[xTexel + (yTexel * m_emulationCaptureTexture.width)];
                    float   clipSpaceZ   = (depthAsColor.r - 128f) + (depthAsColor.g / 255f);

                    float ndcSpaceZ          = (clipSpaceZ - projectionMatrix.m23) / projectionMatrix.m22;
                    float perspectiveDivisor = ndcSpaceZ * projectionMatrix.m32;

                    float ndcSpaceX = (((xTexel + 0.5f) / width) * 2f) - 1;
                    float ndcSpaceY = (((yTexel + 0.5f) / height) * 2f) - 1;

                    Vector4 clipSpacePos = new Vector4(ndcSpaceX * perspectiveDivisor, ndcSpaceY * perspectiveDivisor, clipSpaceZ, perspectiveDivisor);
                    Vector4 viewSpacePos = reverseProjectionMatrix * clipSpacePos;

                    Vector3 emulatedDepthPos = new Vector3(viewSpacePos.x, -viewSpacePos.y, -viewSpacePos.z);

                    if (emulatedDepthPos.z > MIN_POINT_DISTANCE && emulatedDepthPos.z < MAX_POINT_DISTANCE)