Beispiel #1
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /** Procedure that attempts to fix a shift/reduce error by using
         * precedences.  --frankf 6/26/96
         *  if a production (also called rule) or the lookahead terminal
         *  has a precedence, then the table can be fixed.  if the rule
         *  has greater precedence than the terminal, a reduce by that rule
         *  in inserted in the table.  If the terminal has a higher precedence,
         *  it is shifted.  if they have equal precedence, then the associativity
         *  of the precedence is used to determine what to put in the table:
         *  if the precedence is left associative, the action is to reduce.
         *  if the precedence is right associative, the action is to shift.
         *  if the precedence is non associative, then it is a syntax error.
         *  @param p           the production
         *  @param term_index  the index of the lokahead terminal
         *  @param parse_action_row  a row of the action table
         *  @param act         the rule in conflict with the table entry

        protected bool fix_with_precedence(
            production p,
            int term_index,
            parse_action_row table_row,
            parse_action act)

            terminal term = terminal.find(term_index);

            /* if the production has a precedence number, it can be fixed */
            if (p.precedence_num() > assoc.no_prec)
                /* if production precedes terminal, put reduce in table */
                if (p.precedence_num() > term.precedence_num())
                    table_row.under_term[term_index] =
                        insert_reduce(table_row.under_term[term_index], act);

                /* if terminal precedes rule, put shift in table */
                else if (p.precedence_num() < term.precedence_num())
                    table_row.under_term[term_index] =
                        insert_shift(table_row.under_term[term_index], act);
                else /* they are == precedence */

                /* equal precedences have equal sides, so only need to
                 * look at one: if it is right, put shift in table */
                    if (term.precedence_side() == assoc.right)
                        table_row.under_term[term_index] =
                            insert_shift(table_row.under_term[term_index], act);

                    /* if it is left, put reduce in table */
                    else if (term.precedence_side() == assoc.left)
                        table_row.under_term[term_index] =
                            insert_reduce(table_row.under_term[term_index], act);

                    /* if it is nonassoc, we're not allowed to have two nonassocs
                     * of equal precedence in a row, so put in NONASSOC */
                    else if (term.precedence_side() == assoc.nonassoc)
                        table_row.under_term[term_index] = new nonassoc_action();
                        /* something really went wrong */
                        throw new internal_error("Unable to resolve conflict correctly");

            /* check if terminal has precedence, if so, shift, since
             * rule does not have precedence */
            else if (term.precedence_num() > assoc.no_prec)
                table_row.under_term[term_index] =
                    insert_shift(table_row.under_term[term_index], act);

            /* otherwise, neither the rule nor the terminal has a precedence,
             * so it can't be fixed. */