Beispiel #1
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
        /** Produce a human readable dump of the grammar. */
        public static void dump_grammar()
            System.Console.Error.WriteLine("===== Terminals =====");
            for (int tidx=0, cnt=0; tidx < terminal.number(); tidx++, cnt++)
                System.Console.Error.Write("["+tidx+"]"+terminal.find(tidx).name()+" ");
                if ((cnt+1) % 5 == 0) System.Console.Error.WriteLine();

            System.Console.Error.WriteLine("===== Non terminals =====");
            for (int nidx=0, cnt=0; nidx < non_terminal.number(); nidx++, cnt++)
                System.Console.Error.Write("["+nidx+"]"+non_terminal.find(nidx).name()+" ");
                if ((cnt+1) % 5 == 0) System.Console.Error.WriteLine();

            System.Console.Error.WriteLine("===== Productions =====");
            for (int pidx=0; pidx < production.number(); pidx++)
                production prod = production.find(pidx);
                System.Console.Error.Write("["+pidx+"] "+prod.lhs().the_symbol().name() + " ::= ");
                for (int i=0; i<prod.rhs_length(); i++)
                    if (prod.rhs(i).is_action())
                        System.Console.Error.Write("{action} ");
                            ((symbol_part)prod.rhs(i)).the_symbol().name() + " ");
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /** Equality comparison. */
        public bool Equals(production other)
            if (other == null)
            return(other._index == _index);
Beispiel #3
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /** Add a production to our Set of productions. */
        public void add_production(production prod)
            /* catch improper productions */
            if (prod == null || prod.lhs() == null || prod.lhs().the_symbol() != this)
                throw new internal_error(
                          "Attempt to add invalid production to non terminal production table");

            /* add it to the table, keyed with itself */
            _productions.Add(prod, prod);
Beispiel #4
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /** Emit the production table.
         * @param out stream to produce output on.
        protected static void emit_production_table(TextWriter cout)
            production[] all_prods;
            production   prod;
            long         start_time = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            /* collect up the productions in order */
            all_prods = new production[production.number()];
            IEnumerator p = production.all();

            while (p.MoveNext())
                prod = (production)p.Current;
                all_prods[prod.index()] = prod;

            short[][] prod_table = new short[production.number()][];
            for (int i = 0; i < production.number(); i++)
                prod_table[i] = new short[2];
            for (int i = 0; i < production.number(); i++)
                prod = all_prods[i];
                // { lhs symbol , rhs size }
                prod_table[i][0] = (short)prod.lhs().the_symbol().index();
                prod_table[i][1] = (short)prod.rhs_length();
            /* do the top of the table */
            cout.WriteLine("  /** Production table. */");
            cout.WriteLine("  protected static readonly short[][] _production_table = ");
            cout.Write("    unpackFromStrings(");
            do_table_as_string(cout, prod_table);
            //JCM: Parsing table Optimization:
            //See :
            do_table_as_table(cout, prod_table);

            /* do the public accessor method */
            cout.WriteLine("  /** Access to production table. */");
            cout.WriteLine("  public override short[][] production_table() " +
                           "{return _production_table;}");

            production_table_time = DateTime.Now.Ticks - start_time;
Beispiel #5
  /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

  /** Emit the production table. 
   * @param out stream to produce output on.
  protected static void emit_production_table(TextWriter cout)
      production[] all_prods;
      production prod;
      long start_time = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

      /* collect up the productions in order */
      all_prods = new production[production.number()];
	  IEnumerator p = production.all();
      while ( p.MoveNext() )
	  prod = (production)p.Current;
	  all_prods[prod.index()] = prod;

	  short[][] prod_table=new short[production.number()][];
	  for (int i=0;i<production.number();i++)
		  prod_table[i]= new short[2];
      for (int i = 0; i<production.number(); i++)
	  prod = all_prods[i];
	  // { lhs symbol , rhs size }
	  prod_table[i][0] = (short) prod.lhs().the_symbol().index();
	  prod_table[i][1] = (short) prod.rhs_length();
      /* do the top of the table */
      cout.WriteLine("  /** Production table. */");
      cout.WriteLine("  protected static readonly short[][] _production_table = ");
      cout.Write  ("    unpackFromStrings(");
      do_table_as_string(cout, prod_table);

      /* do the public accessor method */
      cout.WriteLine("  /** Access to production table. */");
      cout.WriteLine("  public override short[][] production_table() " + 
						 "{return _production_table;}");

      production_table_time = DateTime.Now.Ticks - start_time;
Beispiel #6
  /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

  /** Emit the parser subclass with embedded tables. 
   * @param out             stream to produce output on.
   * @param action_table    internal representation of the action table.
   * @param reduce_table    internal representation of the reduce-goto table.
   * @param start_st        start state of the parse machine.
   * @param start_prod      start production of the grammar.
   * @param compact_reduces do we use most frequent reduce as default?
   * @param suppress_scanner should scanner be suppressed for compatibility?

  public static void parser(
    TextWriter        cout, 
    parse_action_table action_table,
    parse_reduce_table reduce_table,
    int                start_st,
    production         start_prod,
    bool            compact_reduces,
    bool            suppress_scanner)
      long start_time = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

      /* top of file */
      cout.WriteLine("// The following code was generated by " + 
      cout.WriteLine("// " +  DateTime.Now);

      /* user supplied imports */
	  IEnumerator myEnum= import_list.GetEnumerator();
      while (myEnum.MoveNext())
	cout.WriteLine("using " + myEnum.Current.ToString() + ";");

      /* class header */
      cout.WriteLine("/** "+version.title_str+" generated parser.");
      cout.WriteLine("  * @version " +  DateTime.Now);
      cout.WriteLine("  */");
      cout.WriteLine("public class " + parser_class_name + 
		  " : TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.lr_parser {");

      /* constructors [CSA/davidm, 24-jul-99] */
      cout.WriteLine("  /** Default constructor. */");
      cout.WriteLine("  public " + parser_class_name + "():base() {;}");
      if (!suppress_scanner) {
	  cout.WriteLine("  /** Constructor which sets the default scanner. */");
	  cout.WriteLine("  public " + parser_class_name + 
		      "(TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Scanner s): base(s) {;}");

      /* emit the various tables */
      do_action_table(cout, action_table, compact_reduces);
      do_reduce_table(cout, reduce_table);

      /* instance of the action encapsulation class */
      cout.WriteLine("  /** Instance of action encapsulation class. */");
      cout.WriteLine("  protected " + pre("actions") + " action_obj;");

      /* action object initializer */
      cout.WriteLine("  /** Action encapsulation object initializer. */");
      cout.WriteLine("  protected override void init_actions()");
      cout.WriteLine("    {");
      cout.WriteLine("      action_obj = new " + pre("actions") + "(this);");
      cout.WriteLine("    }");

      /* access to action code */
      cout.WriteLine("  /** Invoke a user supplied parse action. */");
      cout.WriteLine("  public override TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol do_action(");
      cout.WriteLine("    int                        act_num,");
      cout.WriteLine("    TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.lr_parser parser,");
      cout.WriteLine("    System.Collections.Stack            xstack1,");
      cout.WriteLine("    int                        top)");
      cout.WriteLine("  {");
      cout.WriteLine("  mStack CUP_parser_stack= new mStack(xstack1);");
      cout.WriteLine("    /* call code in generated class */");
      cout.WriteLine("    return action_obj." + pre("do_action(") +
                  "act_num, parser, stack, top);");
      cout.WriteLine("  }");

      /* method to tell the parser about the start state */
      cout.WriteLine("  /** Indicates start state. */");
      cout.WriteLine("  public override int start_state() {return " + start_st + ";}");

      /* method to indicate start production */
      cout.WriteLine("  /** Indicates start production. */");
      cout.WriteLine("  public override int start_production() {return " + 
		     start_production.index() + ";}");

      /* methods to indicate EOF and error symbol indexes */
      cout.WriteLine("  /** <code>EOF</code> Symbol index. */");
      cout.WriteLine("  public override int EOF_sym() {return " + terminal.EOF.index() + 
      cout.WriteLine("  /** <code>error</code> Symbol index. */");
      cout.WriteLine("  public override int error_sym() {return " + terminal.error.index() +

      /* user supplied code for user_init() */
      if (init_code != null)
	  cout.WriteLine("  /** User initialization code. */");
	  cout.WriteLine("  public override void user_init() ");
	  cout.WriteLine("    {");
	  cout.WriteLine("    }");

      /* user supplied code for scan */
      if (scan_code != null)
	  cout.WriteLine("  /** Scan to get the next Symbol. */");
	  cout.WriteLine("  public override TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol scan()");
	  cout.WriteLine("    {");
	  cout.WriteLine("    }");

      /* user supplied code */
      if (parser_code != null)

      /* end of class */

      /* put out the action code class */
      emit_action_code(cout, start_prod);
      if (package_name!=null)
      parser_time = DateTime.Now.Ticks - start_time;
Beispiel #7
        /** Method with the actual generated action code. */
    	public  Symbol CUP_parser_do_action(
                                  int                        CUP_parser_act_num,
                                  lr_parser CUP_parser_parser,
                                  Stack            CUP_parser_stack1,
                                  int                        CUP_parser_top)
                                  /* Symbol object for return from actions */
                                  Symbol CUP_parser_result;
                                  mStack CUP_parser_stack= new mStack(CUP_parser_stack1);

                                  /* select the action based on the action number */
                                  switch (CUP_parser_act_num)
                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 106: // empty ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(29/*empty*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 105: // opt_semi ::= SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(7/*opt_semi*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 104: // opt_semi ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(7/*opt_semi*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 103: // non_terminal ::= NONTERMINAL 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(8/*non_terminal*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 102: // non_terminal ::= NON TERMINAL 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(8/*non_terminal*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 101: // robust_id ::= error 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          lexer.emit_error("Illegal use of reserved word");
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 100: // robust_id ::= NONASSOC 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "nonassoc"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 99: // robust_id ::= RIGHT 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "right"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 98: // robust_id ::= LEFT 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "left"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 97: // robust_id ::= PRECEDENCE 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "precedence"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 96: // robust_id ::= START 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "start"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 95: // robust_id ::= WITH 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "with"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 94: // robust_id ::= SCAN 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "scan"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 93: // robust_id ::= INIT 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "init"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 92: // robust_id ::= NONTERMINAL 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "nonterminal"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 91: // robust_id ::= NON 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "non"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 90: // robust_id ::= TERMINAL 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "terminal"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 89: // robust_id ::= PARSER 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "parser"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 88: // robust_id ::= ACTION 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "action"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 87: // robust_id ::= CODE 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "code"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 86: // robust_id ::= ID 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          int the_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int the_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string the_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          RESULT = the_id; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 85: // label_id ::= robust_id 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          int the_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int the_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string the_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          RESULT = the_id; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(38/*label_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 84: // symbol_id ::= error 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          lexer.emit_error("Illegal use of reserved word");
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(37/*symbol_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 83: // symbol_id ::= ID 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          int the_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int the_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string the_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          RESULT = the_id; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(37/*symbol_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 82: // nt_id ::= error 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          lexer.emit_error("Illegal use of reserved word");
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(36/*nt_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 81: // nt_id ::= ID 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          int the_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int the_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string the_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          RESULT = the_id; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(36/*nt_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 80: // new_non_term_id ::= ID 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int non_term_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int non_term_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string non_term_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          /* see if this non terminal has been declared before */
                                          if (symbols[non_term_id] != null)
                                              /* issue a message */
                                              lexer.emit_error( "Symbol \"" + non_term_id + 
                                                  "\" has already been declared");
                                              if (multipart_name.Equals("")) 
                                              /* build the non terminal object */
                                              non_terminal this_nt = 
                                                  new non_terminal(non_term_id, multipart_name);

                                              /* put it in the non_terms table */
                                              non_terms.Add(non_term_id, this_nt);

                                              /* build a production_part and put it in the symbols table */ 
                                              symbols.Add(non_term_id, new symbol_part(this_nt));
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(26/*new_non_term_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 79: // new_term_id ::= ID 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int term_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int term_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string term_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          /* see if this terminal has been declared before */
                                          if (symbols[term_id] != null)
                                              /* issue a message */
                                              lexer.emit_error("Symbol \"" + term_id + 
                                                  "\" has already been declared");
                                              /* if no type declared, declare one */
                                              if (multipart_name.Equals("")) 
                                              /* build a production_part and put it in the table */ 
                                                  new symbol_part(new terminal(term_id, multipart_name)));
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(25/*new_term_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 78: // type_id ::= type_id LBRACK RBRACK 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          multipart_name = multipart_name+"[]"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(19/*type_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 77: // type_id ::= multipart_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(19/*type_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 76: // import_id ::= multipart_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(15/*import_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 75: // import_id ::= multipart_id DOT STAR 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(15/*import_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 74: // multipart_id ::= robust_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int an_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int an_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string an_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(13/*multipart_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 73: // multipart_id ::= multipart_id DOT robust_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int another_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int another_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string another_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(13/*multipart_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 72: // opt_label ::= empty 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = null; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(39/*opt_label*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 71: // opt_label ::= COLON label_id 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          int labidleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int labidright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string labid = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          RESULT = labid; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(39/*opt_label*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 70: // prod_part ::= CODE_string 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int code_strleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int code_strright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string code_str = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          /* add a new production part */
                                          add_rhs_part(new action_part(code_str));
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(24/*prod_part*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 69: // prod_part ::= symbol_id opt_label 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int symidleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left;
                                          int symidright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).right;
                                          string symid = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;
                                          int labidleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int labidright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string labid = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          /* try to look up the id */
                                          production_part symb = (production_part)symbols[symid];

                                          /* if that fails, symbol is undeclared */
                                          if (symb == null)
                                              if (lexer.error_count == 0)
                                                  lexer.emit_error("Symbol \"" + symid + 
                                                      "\" has not been declared");
                                              /* add a labeled production part */
                                              add_rhs_part(add_lab(symb, labid));
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(24/*prod_part*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 68: // prod_part_list ::= empty 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(23/*prod_part_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 67: // prod_part_list ::= prod_part_list prod_part 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(23/*prod_part_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 66: // rhs ::= prod_part_list 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          if (lhs_nt != null) 
                                              /* build the production */
                                              production p = new production(lhs_nt, rhs_parts, rhs_pos);

                                              /* if we have no start non-terminal declared and this is 
                                             the first production, make its lhs nt the start_nt 
                                             and build a special start production for it. */
                                              if (start_nt == null)
                                                  start_nt = lhs_nt;

                                                  /* build a special start production */
                                                  add_rhs_part(add_lab(new symbol_part(start_nt),"start_val"));
                                                  add_rhs_part(new symbol_part(terminal.EOF));
                                                  add_rhs_part(new action_part("RESULT = start_val;"));
                                                  emit.start_production = 
                                                      new production(non_terminal.START_nt, rhs_parts, rhs_pos);

                                          /* reset the rhs accumulation in any case */
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(28/*rhs*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 65: // rhs ::= prod_part_list PERCENT_PREC term_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int term_nameleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int term_nameright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string term_name = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          symbol sym = null;
                                          if (lhs_nt != null) 
                                              /* Find the precedence symbol */
                                              if (term_name == null) 
                                                  System.Console.Error.WriteLine("No terminal for contextual precedence");
                                                  sym = null;
                                                  sym = ((symbol_part)symbols[term_name]).the_symbol();
                                              /* build the production */
                                              production p;
                                              if ((sym!=null) && (sym.GetType()==typeof(terminal))) 
                                                  p = new production(lhs_nt, rhs_parts, rhs_pos,
                                                  System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid terminal " + term_name + 
                                                      " for contextual precedence assignment");
                                                  p = new production(lhs_nt, rhs_parts, rhs_pos);

                                              /* if we have no start non-terminal declared and this is 
                                             the first production, make its lhs nt the start_nt 
                                             and build a special start production for it. */
                                              if (start_nt == null)
                                                  start_nt = lhs_nt;

                                                  /* build a special start production */
                                                  add_rhs_part(add_lab(new symbol_part(start_nt),"start_val"));
                                                  add_rhs_part(new symbol_part(terminal.EOF));
                                                  add_rhs_part(new action_part("RESULT = start_val;"));
                                                  if ((sym!=null) && (sym.GetType()==typeof(terminal))) 
                                                      emit.start_production = 
                                                          new production(non_terminal.START_nt, rhs_parts, 
                                                          rhs_pos, ((terminal)sym).precedence_num(),
                                                      emit.start_production = 
                                                          new production(non_terminal.START_nt, rhs_parts, rhs_pos);

                                          /* reset the rhs accumulation in any case */
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(28/*rhs*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 64: // rhs_list ::= rhs 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(27/*rhs_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 63: // rhs_list ::= rhs_list BAR rhs 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(27/*rhs_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 62: // production ::= error NT$13 SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$13
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(22/*production*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 61: // NT$13 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          lexer.emit_error("Syntax Error"); 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(56/*NT$13*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 60: // production ::= nt_id NT$11 COLON_COLON_EQUALS NT$12 rhs_list SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$11
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-4)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-4)).value;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$12
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value;
                                          int lhs_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-5)).left;
                                          int lhs_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-5)).right;
                                          string lhs_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-5)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(22/*production*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-5)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 59: // NT$12 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int lhs_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left;
                                          int lhs_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).right;
                                          string lhs_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(55/*NT$12*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 58: // NT$11 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int lhs_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int lhs_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string lhs_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;

                                          /* lookup the lhs nt */
                                          lhs_nt = (non_terminal)non_terms[lhs_id];

                                          /* if it wasn't declared, emit a message */
                                          if (lhs_nt == null)
                                              if (lexer.error_count == 0)
                                                  lexer.emit_error("LHS non terminal \"" + lhs_id + 
                                                      "\" has not been declared");

                                          /* reset the rhs accumulation */
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(54/*NT$11*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 57: // production_list ::= production 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(12/*production_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 56: // production_list ::= production_list production 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(12/*production_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 55: // start_spec ::= empty 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(11/*start_spec*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 54: // start_spec ::= START WITH nt_id NT$10 SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$10
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;
                                          int start_nameleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left;
                                          int start_nameright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).right;
                                          string start_name = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(11/*start_spec*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-4)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 53: // NT$10 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int start_nameleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int start_nameright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string start_name = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          /* verify that the name has been declared as a non terminal */
                                          non_terminal nt = (non_terminal)non_terms[start_name];
                                          if (nt == null)
                                              lexer.emit_error( "Start non terminal \"" + start_name + 
                                                  "\" has not been declared");
                                              /* remember the non-terminal for later */
                                              start_nt = nt;

                                              /* build a special start production */
                                              add_rhs_part(add_lab(new symbol_part(start_nt), "start_val"));
                                              add_rhs_part(new symbol_part(terminal.EOF));
                                              add_rhs_part(new action_part("RESULT = start_val;"));
                                              emit.start_production = 
                                                  new production(non_terminal.START_nt, rhs_parts, rhs_pos);
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(53/*NT$10*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 52: // term_id ::= symbol_id 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          int symleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int symright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string sym = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          /* check that the symbol_id is a terminal */
                                          if (symbols[sym] == null)
                                              /* issue a message */
                                              lexer.emit_error("Terminal \"" + sym + 
                                                  "\" has not been declared");
                                          RESULT = sym;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(41/*term_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 51: // terminal_id ::= term_id 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          int symleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int symright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string sym = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          RESULT = sym;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(40/*terminal_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 50: // terminal_list ::= terminal_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(32/*terminal_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 49: // terminal_list ::= terminal_list COMMA terminal_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(32/*terminal_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 48: // preced ::= PRECEDENCE NONASSOC NT$9 terminal_list SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$9
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(31/*preced*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-4)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 47: // NT$9 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(52/*NT$9*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 46: // preced ::= PRECEDENCE RIGHT NT$8 terminal_list SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$8
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(31/*preced*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-4)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 45: // NT$8 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(51/*NT$8*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 44: // preced ::= PRECEDENCE LEFT NT$7 terminal_list SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$7
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(31/*preced*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-4)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 43: // NT$7 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(50/*NT$7*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 42: // precedence_l ::= preced 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(33/*precedence_l*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 41: // precedence_l ::= precedence_l preced 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(33/*precedence_l*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 40: // precedence_list ::= empty 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(30/*precedence_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 39: // precedence_list ::= precedence_l 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(30/*precedence_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 38: // non_term_name_list ::= new_non_term_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(21/*non_term_name_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 37: // non_term_name_list ::= non_term_name_list COMMA new_non_term_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(21/*non_term_name_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 36: // term_name_list ::= new_term_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(20/*term_name_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 35: // term_name_list ::= term_name_list COMMA new_term_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(20/*term_name_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 34: // declares_non_term ::= non_term_name_list NT$6 SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$6
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(35/*declares_non_term*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 33: // NT$6 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          /* reset the accumulated multipart name */
                                          multipart_name = "";
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(49/*NT$6*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 32: // declares_term ::= term_name_list NT$5 SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$5
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(34/*declares_term*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 31: // NT$5 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          /* reset the accumulated multipart name */
                                          multipart_name = "";
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(48/*NT$5*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 30: // symbol ::= non_terminal error NT$4 SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$4
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(18/*symbol*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-3)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 29: // NT$4 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          /* reset the accumulated multipart name */
                                          multipart_name = "";
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(47/*NT$4*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 28: // symbol ::= TERMINAL error NT$3 SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$3
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(18/*symbol*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-3)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 27: // NT$3 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          /* reset the accumulated multipart name */
                                          multipart_name = "";
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(46/*NT$3*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 26: // symbol ::= non_terminal declares_non_term 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(18/*symbol*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 25: // symbol ::= non_terminal type_id declares_non_term 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(18/*symbol*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 24: // symbol ::= TERMINAL declares_term 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(18/*symbol*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 23: // symbol ::= TERMINAL type_id declares_term 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(18/*symbol*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 22: // symbol_list ::= symbol 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(10/*symbol_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 21: // symbol_list ::= symbol_list symbol 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(10/*symbol_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 20: // scan_code ::= SCAN WITH CODE_string opt_semi 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int user_codeleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left;
                                          int user_coderight = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).right;
                                          string user_code = ((string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value);
                                          if (emit.scan_code!=null)
                                              lexer.emit_error("Redundant scan code (skipping)");
                                          else /* save the user code */
                                              emit.scan_code = user_code;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(17/*scan_code*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-3)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 19: // init_code ::= INIT WITH CODE_string opt_semi 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int user_codeleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left;
                                          int user_coderight = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).right;
                                          string user_code = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;
                                          if (emit.init_code!=null)
                                              lexer.emit_error("Redundant init code (skipping)");
                                          else /* save the user code */
                                              emit.init_code = user_code;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(16/*init_code*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-3)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 18: // parser_code_part ::= PARSER CODE CODE_string opt_semi 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int user_codeleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left;
                                          int user_coderight = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).right;
                                          string user_code = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;
                                          if (emit.parser_code!=null)
                                              lexer.emit_error("Redundant parser code (skipping)");
                                          else /* save the user included code string */
                                              emit.parser_code = user_code;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(9/*parser_code_part*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-3)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 17: // action_code_part ::= ACTION CODE CODE_string opt_semi 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int user_codeleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left;
                                          int user_coderight = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).right;
                                          string user_code = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;
                                          if (emit.action_code!=null)
                                              lexer.emit_error("Redundant action code (skipping)");
                                          else /* save the user included code string */
                                              emit.action_code = user_code;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(4/*action_code_part*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-3)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 16: // code_parts ::= code_parts code_part 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(5/*code_parts*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 15: // code_parts ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(5/*code_parts*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 14: // code_part ::= scan_code 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(6/*code_part*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 13: // code_part ::= init_code 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(6/*code_part*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 12: // code_part ::= parser_code_part 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(6/*code_part*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 11: // code_part ::= action_code_part 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(6/*code_part*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 10: // import_spec ::= IMPORT import_id NT$2 SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$2
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(14/*import_spec*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-3)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 9: // NT$2 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          /* save this import on the imports list */

                                          /* reset the accumulated multipart name */
                                          multipart_name = "";
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(45/*NT$2*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 8: // import_list ::= empty 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(3/*import_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 7: // import_list ::= import_list import_spec 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(3/*import_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 6: // package_spec ::= empty 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(2/*package_spec*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 5: // package_spec ::= PACKAGE multipart_id NT$1 SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$1
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(2/*package_spec*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-3)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 4: // NT$1 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          /* save the package name */
                                          emit.package_name = multipart_name;

                                          /* reset the accumulated multipart name */
                                          multipart_name = "";
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(44/*NT$1*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 3: // spec ::= error symbol_list precedence_list start_spec production_list 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(1/*spec*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-4)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 2: // spec ::= NT$0 package_spec import_list code_parts symbol_list precedence_list start_spec production_list 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$0
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-7)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-7)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(1/*spec*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-7)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 1: // NT$0 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          /* declare "error" as a terminal */
                                          symbols.Add("error", new symbol_part(terminal.error));

                                          /* declare start non terminal */
                                          non_terms.Add("$START", non_terminal.START_nt);
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(43/*NT$0*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 0: // $START ::= spec EOF 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int start_valleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left;
                                          int start_valright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).right;
                                          object start_val = (object)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;
                                          RESULT = start_val;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(0/*$START*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          /* ACCEPT */
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /* . . . . . .*/
                                          throw new System.Exception(
                                              "Invalid action number found in internal parse table");

Beispiel #8
  /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

  /** Emit code for the non-public class holding the actual action code. 
   * @param out        stream to produce output on.
   * @param start_prod the start production of the grammar.
  protected static void emit_action_code(TextWriter cout, production start_prod)
      production prod;

      long start_time = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

      /* class header */
       "/** Cup generated class to encapsulate user supplied action code.*/"
      cout.WriteLine("public class " +  pre("actions") + " {");

      /* user supplied code */
      if (action_code != null)

      /* field for parser object */
      cout.WriteLine("  private "+ parser_class_name+" my_parser;");

      /* constructor */
      cout.WriteLine("  /** Constructor */");
      cout.WriteLine("  public " + pre("actions") + "("+ parser_class_name+" t_parser) {");
      cout.WriteLine("    this.my_parser = t_parser;");
      cout.WriteLine("  }");

      /* action method head */
      cout.WriteLine("  /** Method with the actual generated action code. */");
      cout.WriteLine("  public   TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol " + 
		     pre("do_action") + "(");
      cout.WriteLine("    int                        " + pre("act_num,"));
      cout.WriteLine("    TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.lr_parser " + pre("parser,"));
      cout.WriteLine("    System.Collections.Stack            xstack1,");
      cout.WriteLine("    int                        " + pre("top)"));
    //  cout.WriteLine("    throws java.lang.Exception");
      cout.WriteLine("    {");

      /* declaration of result symbol */
      /* New declaration!! now return Symbol
	 6/13/96 frankf */
      cout.WriteLine("      /* Symbol object for return from actions */");
      cout.WriteLine("      mStack "+pre("stack")+" =new mStack(xstack1);");
      cout.WriteLine("      TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol " + pre("result") + ";");

      /* switch top */
      cout.WriteLine("      /* select the action based on the action number */");
      cout.WriteLine("      switch (" + pre("act_num") + ")");
      cout.WriteLine("        {");

      /* emit action code for each production as a separate case */
	  IEnumerator p = production.all();
      while ( p.MoveNext())
	  prod = (production)p.Current;

	  /* case label */
          cout.WriteLine("          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/");
          cout.WriteLine("          case " + prod.index() + ": // " + 

	  /* give them their own block to work in */
	  cout.WriteLine("            {");

	  /* create the result symbol */
	  /*make the variable RESULT which will point to the new Symbol (see below)
	    and be changed by action code
	    6/13/96 frankf */
	  cout.WriteLine("              " +  prod.lhs().the_symbol().stack_type() +
		      " RESULT = null;");

	  /* Add code to propagate RESULT assignments that occur in
	   * action code embedded in a production (ie, non-rightmost
	   * action code). 24-Mar-1998 CSA
	  for (int i=0; i<prod.rhs_length(); i++) {
	    // only interested in non-terminal symbols.
	    if (prod.rhs(i).GetType()!= typeof(symbol_part)) continue;
	    symbol s = ((symbol_part)prod.rhs(i)).the_symbol();
	    if (s.GetType()!=typeof(non_terminal)) continue;
	    // skip this non-terminal unless it corresponds to
	    // an embedded action production.
	    if (((non_terminal)s).is_embedded_action == false) continue;
	    // OK, it fits.  Make a conditional assignment to RESULT.
	    int index = prod.rhs_length() - i - 1; // last rhs is on top.
	    cout.WriteLine("              " + "// propagate RESULT from " +;
	    cout.WriteLine("              " + "if ( " +
	      "((TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol) " + emit.pre("stack") + ".elementAt("
              + emit.pre("top") + "-" + index + ")).value != null )");
	    cout.WriteLine("                " + "RESULT = " +
	      "(" + prod.lhs().the_symbol().stack_type() + ") " +
	      "((TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol) " + emit.pre("stack") + ".elementAt("
              + emit.pre("top") + "-" + index + ")).value;");

        /* if there is an action string, emit it */
          if (prod.action() != null && prod.action().code_string() != null &&

	  /* here we have the left and right values being propagated.  
		must make this a command line option.
	     frankf 6/18/96 */

         /* Create the code that assigns the left and right values of
            the new Symbol that the production is reducing to */
	  if (emit.lr_values()) {	    
	    int loffset;
	    string leftstring, rightstring;
	    int roffset = 0;
	    rightstring = "((TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol)" + emit.pre("stack") + ".elementAt(" + 
	      emit.pre("top") + "-" + roffset + ")).right";	  
	    if (prod.rhs_length() == 0) 
	      leftstring = rightstring;
	    else {
	      loffset = prod.rhs_length() - 1;
	      leftstring = "((TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol)" + emit.pre("stack") + ".elementAt(" + 
		emit.pre("top") + "-" + loffset + ")).left";	  
	    cout.WriteLine("              " + pre("result") + " = new TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol(" + 
			prod.lhs().the_symbol().index() + "/*" +
			prod.lhs().the_symbol().name() + "*/" + 
			", " + leftstring + ", " + rightstring + ", RESULT);");
	  } else {
	    cout.WriteLine("              " + pre("result") + " = new TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol(" + 
			prod.lhs().the_symbol().index() + "/*" +
			prod.lhs().the_symbol().name() + "*/" + 
			", RESULT);");
	  /* end of their block */
	  cout.WriteLine("            }");

	  /* if this was the start production, do action for accept */
	  if (prod == start_prod)
	      cout.WriteLine("          /* ACCEPT */");
	      cout.WriteLine("          " + pre("parser") + ".done_parsing();");

	  /* code to return lhs symbol */
	  cout.WriteLine("          return " + pre("result") + ";");

      /* end of switch */
      cout.WriteLine("          /* . . . . . .*/");
      cout.WriteLine("          default:");
      cout.WriteLine("            throw new System.Exception(");
      cout.WriteLine("               \"Invalid action number found in " +
				  "internal parse table\");");
      cout.WriteLine("        }");

      /* end of method */
      cout.WriteLine("    }");

      /* end of class */
      action_code_time = DateTime.Now.Ticks - start_time;
Beispiel #9
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /** Emit code for the non-public class holding the actual action code.
         * @param out        stream to produce output on.
         * @param start_prod the start production of the grammar.
        protected static void emit_action_code(TextWriter cout, production start_prod)
            production prod;

            long start_time = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            /* class header */
                "/** Cup generated class to encapsulate user supplied action code.*/"
            cout.WriteLine("public class " + pre("actions") + " {");

            /* user supplied code */
            if (action_code != null)

            /* field for parser object */
            cout.WriteLine("  private " + parser_class_name + " my_parser;");

            /* constructor */
            cout.WriteLine("  /** Constructor */");
            cout.WriteLine("  public " + pre("actions") + "(" + parser_class_name + " t_parser) {");
            cout.WriteLine("    this.my_parser = t_parser;");
            cout.WriteLine("  }");

            /* action method head */
            cout.WriteLine("  /** Method with the actual generated action code. */");
            cout.WriteLine("  public   TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol " +
                           pre("do_action") + "(");
            cout.WriteLine("    int                        " + pre("act_num,"));
            cout.WriteLine("    TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.lr_parser " + pre("parser,"));
            cout.WriteLine("    System.Collections.Stack            xstack1,");
            cout.WriteLine("    int                        " + pre("top)"));
            //  cout.WriteLine("    throws java.lang.Exception");
            cout.WriteLine("    {");

            /* declaration of result symbol */

            /* New declaration!! now return Symbol
             * 6/13/96 frankf */
            cout.WriteLine("      /* Symbol object for return from actions */");
            cout.WriteLine("      mStack " + pre("stack") + " =new mStack(xstack1);");
            cout.WriteLine("      TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol " + pre("result") + ";");

            /* switch top */
            cout.WriteLine("      /* select the action based on the action number */");
            cout.WriteLine("      switch (" + pre("act_num") + ")");
            cout.WriteLine("        {");

            /* emit action code for each production as a separate case */
            IEnumerator p = production.all();

            while (p.MoveNext())
                prod = (production)p.Current;

                /* case label */
                cout.WriteLine("          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/");
                cout.WriteLine("          case " + prod.index() + ": // " +

                /* give them their own block to work in */
                cout.WriteLine("            {");

                /* create the result symbol */

                /*make the variable RESULT which will point to the new Symbol (see below)
                 * and be changed by action code
                 * 6/13/96 frankf */
                cout.WriteLine("              " + prod.lhs().the_symbol().stack_type() +
                               " RESULT = null;");

                /* Add code to propagate RESULT assignments that occur in
                 * action code embedded in a production (ie, non-rightmost
                 * action code). 24-Mar-1998 CSA
                for (int i = 0; i < prod.rhs_length(); i++)
                    // only interested in non-terminal symbols.
                    if (prod.rhs(i).GetType() != typeof(symbol_part))
                    symbol s = ((symbol_part)prod.rhs(i)).the_symbol();
                    if (s.GetType() != typeof(non_terminal))
                    // skip this non-terminal unless it corresponds to
                    // an embedded action production.
                    if (((non_terminal)s).is_embedded_action == false)
                    // OK, it fits.  Make a conditional assignment to RESULT.
                    int index = prod.rhs_length() - i - 1; // last rhs is on top.
                    cout.WriteLine("              " + "// propagate RESULT from " +
                    cout.WriteLine("              " + "if ( " +
                                   "((TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol) " + emit.pre("stack") + ".elementAt("
                                   + emit.pre("top") + "-" + index + ")).value != null )");
                    cout.WriteLine("                " + "RESULT = " +
                                   "(" + prod.lhs().the_symbol().stack_type() + ") " +
                                   "((TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol) " + emit.pre("stack") + ".elementAt("
                                   + emit.pre("top") + "-" + index + ")).value;");

                /* if there is an action string, emit it */
                if (prod.action() != null && prod.action().code_string() != null &&

                /* here we have the left and right values being propagated.
                 *    must make this a command line option.
                 * frankf 6/18/96 */

                /* Create the code that assigns the left and right values of
                 * the new Symbol that the production is reducing to */
                if (emit.lr_values())
                    int    loffset;
                    string leftstring, rightstring;
                    int    roffset = 0;
                    rightstring = "((TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol)" + emit.pre("stack") + ".elementAt(" +
                                  emit.pre("top") + "-" + roffset + ")).right";
                    if (prod.rhs_length() == 0)
                        leftstring = rightstring;
                        loffset    = prod.rhs_length() - 1;
                        leftstring = "((TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol)" + emit.pre("stack") + ".elementAt(" +
                                     emit.pre("top") + "-" + loffset + ")).left";
                    cout.WriteLine("              " + pre("result") + " = new TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol(" +
                                   prod.lhs().the_symbol().index() + "/*" +
                                   prod.lhs().the_symbol().name() + "*/" +
                                   ", " + leftstring + ", " + rightstring + ", RESULT);");
                    cout.WriteLine("              " + pre("result") + " = new TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol(" +
                                   prod.lhs().the_symbol().index() + "/*" +
                                   prod.lhs().the_symbol().name() + "*/" +
                                   ", RESULT);");

                /* end of their block */
                cout.WriteLine("            }");

                /* if this was the start production, do action for accept */
                if (prod == start_prod)
                    cout.WriteLine("          /* ACCEPT */");
                    cout.WriteLine("          " + pre("parser") + ".done_parsing();");

                /* code to return lhs symbol */
                cout.WriteLine("          return " + pre("result") + ";");

            /* end of switch */
            cout.WriteLine("          /* . . . . . .*/");
            cout.WriteLine("          default:");
            cout.WriteLine("            throw new System.Exception(");
            cout.WriteLine("               \"Invalid action number found in " +
                           "internal parse table\");");
            cout.WriteLine("        }");

            /* end of method */
            cout.WriteLine("    }");

            /* end of class */
            action_code_time = DateTime.Now.Ticks - start_time;
Beispiel #10
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /** Emit the parser subclass with embedded tables.
         * @param out             stream to produce output on.
         * @param action_table    internal representation of the action table.
         * @param reduce_table    internal representation of the reduce-goto table.
         * @param start_st        start state of the parse machine.
         * @param start_prod      start production of the grammar.
         * @param compact_reduces do we use most frequent reduce as default?
         * @param suppress_scanner should scanner be suppressed for compatibility?

        public static void parser(
            TextWriter cout,
            parse_action_table action_table,
            parse_reduce_table reduce_table,
            int start_st,
            production start_prod,
            bool compact_reduces,
            bool suppress_scanner)

            long start_time = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            /* top of file */
            cout.WriteLine("// The following code was generated by " +
            cout.WriteLine("// " + DateTime.Now);

            /* user supplied imports */
            IEnumerator myEnum = import_list.GetEnumerator();

            while (myEnum.MoveNext())
                cout.WriteLine("using " + myEnum.Current.ToString() + ";");

            /* class header */
            cout.WriteLine("/** " + version.title_str + " generated parser.");
            cout.WriteLine("  * @version " + DateTime.Now);
            cout.WriteLine("  */");
            cout.WriteLine("public class " + parser_class_name +
                           " : TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.lr_parser {");

            /* constructors [CSA/davidm, 24-jul-99] */
            cout.WriteLine("  /** Default constructor. */");
            cout.WriteLine("  public " + parser_class_name + "():base() {;}");
            if (!suppress_scanner)
                cout.WriteLine("  /** Constructor which sets the default scanner. */");
                cout.WriteLine("  public " + parser_class_name +
                               "(TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Scanner s): base(s) {;}");

            /* emit the various tables */
            do_action_table(cout, action_table, compact_reduces);
            do_reduce_table(cout, reduce_table);

            /* instance of the action encapsulation class */
            cout.WriteLine("  /** Instance of action encapsulation class. */");
            cout.WriteLine("  protected " + pre("actions") + " action_obj;");

            /* action object initializer */
            cout.WriteLine("  /** Action encapsulation object initializer. */");
            cout.WriteLine("  protected override void init_actions()");
            cout.WriteLine("    {");
            cout.WriteLine("      action_obj = new " + pre("actions") + "(this);");
            cout.WriteLine("    }");

            /* access to action code */
            cout.WriteLine("  /** Invoke a user supplied parse action. */");
            cout.WriteLine("  public override TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol do_action(");
            cout.WriteLine("    int                        act_num,");
            cout.WriteLine("    TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.lr_parser parser,");
            cout.WriteLine("    System.Collections.Stack            xstack1,");
            cout.WriteLine("    int                        top)");
            cout.WriteLine("  {");
            cout.WriteLine("  mStack CUP_parser_stack= new mStack(xstack1);");
            cout.WriteLine("    /* call code in generated class */");
            cout.WriteLine("    return action_obj." + pre("do_action(") +
                           "act_num, parser, stack, top);");
            cout.WriteLine("  }");

            /* method to tell the parser about the start state */
            cout.WriteLine("  /** Indicates start state. */");
            cout.WriteLine("  public override int start_state() {return " + start_st + ";}");

            /* method to indicate start production */
            cout.WriteLine("  /** Indicates start production. */");
            cout.WriteLine("  public override int start_production() {return " +
                           start_production.index() + ";}");

            /* methods to indicate EOF and error symbol indexes */
            cout.WriteLine("  /** <code>EOF</code> Symbol index. */");
            cout.WriteLine("  public override int EOF_sym() {return " + terminal.EOF.index() +
            cout.WriteLine("  /** <code>error</code> Symbol index. */");
            cout.WriteLine("  public override int error_sym() {return " + terminal.error.index() +

            /* user supplied code for user_init() */
            if (init_code != null)
                cout.WriteLine("  /** User initialization code. */");
                cout.WriteLine("  public override void user_init() ");
                cout.WriteLine("    {");
                cout.WriteLine("    }");

            /* user supplied code for scan */
            if (scan_code != null)
                cout.WriteLine("  /** Scan to get the next Symbol. */");
                cout.WriteLine("  public override TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol scan()");
                cout.WriteLine("    {");
                cout.WriteLine("    }");

            /* user supplied code */
            if (parser_code != null)

            /* end of class */

            /* put out the action code class */
            emit_action_code(cout, start_prod);
            if (package_name != null)
            parser_time = DateTime.Now.Ticks - start_time;
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
        /** Build an LALR viable prefix recognition machine given a start
           *  production.  This method operates by first building a start state
           *  from the start production (based on a single item with the dot at
           *  the beginning and EOF as expected lookahead).  Then for each state
           *  it attempts to extend the machine by creating transitions out of
           *  the state to new or existing states.  When considering extension
           *  from a state we make a transition on each symbol that appears before
           *  the dot in some item.  For example, if we have the items: <pre>
           *    [A ::= a b * X c, {d,e}]
           *    [B ::= a b * X d, {a,b}]
           *  </pre>
           *  in some state, then we would be making a transition under X to a new
           *  state.  This new state would be formed by a "kernel" of items
           *  corresponding to moving the dot past the X.  In this case: <pre>
           *    [A ::= a b X * c, {d,e}]
           *    [B ::= a b X * Y, {a,b}]
           *  </pre>
           *  The full state would then be formed by "closing" this kernel Set of
           *  items so that it included items that represented productions of things
           *  the parser was now looking for.  In this case we would items
           *  corresponding to productions of Y, since various forms of Y are expected
           *  next when in this state (see lalr_item_set.compute_closure() for details
           *  on closure). <p>
           *  The process of building the viable prefix recognizer terminates when no
           *  new states can be added.  However, in order to build a smaller number of
           *  states (i.e., corresponding to LALR rather than canonical LR) the state
           *  building process does not maintain full loookaheads in all items.
           *  Consequently, after the machine is built, we go back and propagate
           *  lookaheads through the constructed machine using a call to
           *  propagate_all_lookaheads().  This makes use of propagation links
           *  constructed during the closure and transition process.
           * @param start_prod the start production of the grammar
           * @see   java_cup.lalr_item_set#compute_closure
           * @see   java_cup.lalr_state#propagate_all_lookaheads
        public static lalr_state build_machine(production start_prod)
            lalr_state    start_state;
              lalr_item_set start_items;
              lalr_item_set new_items;
              lalr_item_set linked_items;
              lalr_item_set kernel;
              Stack         work_stack = new Stack();
              lalr_state    st, new_st;
              symbol_set    outgoing;
              lalr_item     itm, new_itm, existing, fix_itm;
              symbol        sym, sym2;
              IEnumerator   i, s, fix;

              /* sanity check */
              if (start_prod == null)
            throw new internal_error(
             	  "Attempt to build viable prefix recognizer using a null production");

              /* build item with dot at front of start production and EOF lookahead */
              start_items = new lalr_item_set();

              itm = new lalr_item(start_prod);


              /* create copy the item Set to form the kernel */
              kernel = new lalr_item_set(start_items);

              /* create the closure from that item Set */

              /* build a state out of that item Set and put it in our work Set */
              start_state = new lalr_state(start_items);

              /* enter the state using the kernel as the key */
              _all_kernels.Add(kernel, start_state);

              /* continue looking at new states until we have no more work to do */
              while (work_stack.Count!=0)
              /* remove a state from the work Set */
              st = (lalr_state)work_stack.Pop();

              /* gather up all the symbols that appear before dots */
              outgoing = new symbol_set();
              i = st.items().all();
              while ( i.MoveNext() )
              itm = (lalr_item)i.Current;

              /* add the symbol before the dot (if any) to our collection */
              sym = itm.symbol_after_dot();
              if (sym != null) outgoing.add(sym);

              /* now create a transition out for each individual symbol */
              s = outgoing.all();
              while ( s.MoveNext())
              sym = (symbol)s.Current;

              /* will be keeping the Set of items with propagate links */
              linked_items = new lalr_item_set();

              /* gather up shifted versions of all the items that have this
             symbol before the dot */
              new_items = new lalr_item_set();
              i = st.items().all();
              while ( i.MoveNext())
              itm = (lalr_item)i.Current;

              /* if this is the symbol we are working on now, add to Set */
              sym2 = itm.symbol_after_dot();
              if (sym.Equals(sym2))
              /* add to the kernel of the new state */

              /* remember that itm has propagate link to it */

              /* use new items as state kernel */
              kernel = new lalr_item_set(new_items);

              /* have we seen this one already? */
              new_st = (lalr_state)_all_kernels[kernel];

              /* if we haven't, build a new state out of the item Set */
              if (new_st == null)
              /* compute closure of the kernel for the full item Set */

              /* build the new state */
              new_st = new lalr_state(new_items);

              /* add the new state to our work Set */

              /* put it in our kernel table */
              _all_kernels.Add(kernel, new_st);
              /* otherwise relink propagation to items in existing state */
              /* walk through the items that have links to the new state */
              fix = linked_items.all();
              while ( fix.MoveNext() )
              fix_itm = (lalr_item)fix.Current;

              /* look at each propagate link out of that item */

              for (int l =0; l < fix_itm.propagate_items().Count; l++)
              /* pull out item linked to in the new state */
              new_itm =(lalr_item) fix_itm.propagate_items().ToArray()[l];

              /* find corresponding item in the existing state */
              existing = new_st.items().find(new_itm);

              /* fix up the item so it points to the existing Set */

              if (existing != null)


              /* add a transition from current state to that state */
              st.add_transition(sym, new_st);

              /* all done building states */

              /* propagate complete lookahead sets throughout the states */

              return start_state;
Beispiel #12
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /** Constructor with default position and empty lookahead Set.
         * @param prod the production for the item.
        public lalr_item(production prod) : this(prod, 0, new terminal_set())
Beispiel #13
  /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

  /** Equality comparison. */
  public bool Equals(production other)
      if (other == null) return false;
      return other._index == _index;
 /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
 /** Constructor with default position and empty lookahead Set.
  * @param prod the production for the item.
 public lalr_item(production prod)
     : this(prod,0,new terminal_set())
Beispiel #15
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /** Procedure that attempts to fix a shift/reduce error by using
         * precedences.  --frankf 6/26/96
         *  if a production (also called rule) or the lookahead terminal
         *  has a precedence, then the table can be fixed.  if the rule
         *  has greater precedence than the terminal, a reduce by that rule
         *  in inserted in the table.  If the terminal has a higher precedence,
         *  it is shifted.  if they have equal precedence, then the associativity
         *  of the precedence is used to determine what to put in the table:
         *  if the precedence is left associative, the action is to reduce.
         *  if the precedence is right associative, the action is to shift.
         *  if the precedence is non associative, then it is a syntax error.
         *  @param p           the production
         *  @param term_index  the index of the lokahead terminal
         *  @param parse_action_row  a row of the action table
         *  @param act         the rule in conflict with the table entry

        protected bool fix_with_precedence(
            production p,
            int term_index,
            parse_action_row table_row,
            parse_action act)

            terminal term = terminal.find(term_index);

            /* if the production has a precedence number, it can be fixed */
            if (p.precedence_num() > assoc.no_prec)
                /* if production precedes terminal, put reduce in table */
                if (p.precedence_num() > term.precedence_num())
                    table_row.under_term[term_index] =
                        insert_reduce(table_row.under_term[term_index], act);

                /* if terminal precedes rule, put shift in table */
                else if (p.precedence_num() < term.precedence_num())
                    table_row.under_term[term_index] =
                        insert_shift(table_row.under_term[term_index], act);
                else /* they are == precedence */

                /* equal precedences have equal sides, so only need to
                 * look at one: if it is right, put shift in table */
                    if (term.precedence_side() == assoc.right)
                        table_row.under_term[term_index] =
                            insert_shift(table_row.under_term[term_index], act);

                    /* if it is left, put reduce in table */
                    else if (term.precedence_side() == assoc.left)
                        table_row.under_term[term_index] =
                            insert_reduce(table_row.under_term[term_index], act);

                    /* if it is nonassoc, we're not allowed to have two nonassocs
                     * of equal precedence in a row, so put in NONASSOC */
                    else if (term.precedence_side() == assoc.nonassoc)
                        table_row.under_term[term_index] = new nonassoc_action();
                        /* something really went wrong */
                        throw new internal_error("Unable to resolve conflict correctly");

            /* check if terminal has precedence, if so, shift, since
             * rule does not have precedence */
            else if (term.precedence_num() > assoc.no_prec)
                table_row.under_term[term_index] =
                    insert_shift(table_row.under_term[term_index], act);

            /* otherwise, neither the rule nor the terminal has a precedence,
             * so it can't be fixed. */
Beispiel #16
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /** Fill in the parse table entries for this state.  There are two
         *  parse tables that encode the viable prefix recognition machine, an
         *  action table and a reduce-goto table.  The rows in each table
         *  correspond to states of the machine.  The columns of the action table
         *  are indexed by terminal symbols and correspond to either transitions
         *  out of the state (shift entries) or reductions from the state to some
         *  previous state saved on the stack (reduce entries).  All entries in the
         *  action table that are not shifts or reduces, represent errors.    The
         *  reduce-goto table is indexed by non terminals and represents transitions
         *  out of a state on that non-terminal.<p>
         *  Conflicts occur if more than one action needs to go in one entry of the
         *  action table (this cannot happen with the reduce-goto table).  Conflicts
         *  are resolved by always shifting for shift/reduce conflicts and choosing
         *  the lowest numbered production (hence the one that appeared first in
         *  the specification) in reduce/reduce conflicts.  All conflicts are
         *  reported and if more conflicts are detected than were declared by the
         *  user, code generation is aborted.
         * @param act_table    the action table to put entries in.
         * @param reduce_table the reduce-goto table to put entries in.
        public void build_table_entries(
            parse_action_table act_table,
            parse_reduce_table reduce_table)

            parse_action_row our_act_row;
            parse_reduce_row our_red_row;
            lalr_item        itm;
            parse_action     act, other_act;
            symbol           sym;
            terminal_set     conflict_set = new terminal_set();

            /* pull out our rows from the tables */
            our_act_row = act_table.under_state[index()];
            our_red_row = reduce_table.under_state[index()];

            /* consider each item in our state */
            IEnumerator i = items().all();

            while (i.MoveNext())
                itm = (lalr_item)i.Current;

                /* if its completed (dot at end) then reduce under the lookahead */
                if (itm.dot_at_end())
                    act = new reduce_action(itm.the_production());

                    /* consider each lookahead symbol */
                    for (int t = 0; t < terminal.number(); t++)
                        /* skip over the ones not in the lookahead */
                        if (!itm.lookahead().contains(t))

                        /* if we don't already have an action put this one in */
                        if (our_act_row.under_term[t].kind() ==
                            our_act_row.under_term[t] = act;
                            /* we now have at least one conflict */
                            terminal term = terminal.find(t);
                            other_act = our_act_row.under_term[t];

                            /* if the other act was not a shift */
                            if ((other_act.kind() != parse_action.SHIFT) &&
                                (other_act.kind() != parse_action.NONASSOC))
                                /* if we have lower index hence priority, replace it*/
                                if (itm.the_production().index() <
                                    /* replace the action */
                                    our_act_row.under_term[t] = act;
                                /*  Check precedences,see if problem is correctable */
                                if (fix_with_precedence(itm.the_production(),
                                                        t, our_act_row, act))
                                    term = null;
                            if (term != null)

            /* consider each outgoing transition */
            for (lalr_transition trans = transitions(); trans != null; trans =
                /* if its on an terminal add a shift entry */
                sym = trans.on_symbol();
                if (!sym.is_non_term())
                    act = new shift_action(trans.to_state());

                    /* if we don't already have an action put this one in */
                    if (our_act_row.under_term[sym.index()].kind() ==
                        our_act_row.under_term[sym.index()] = act;
                        /* we now have at least one conflict */
                        production p = ((reduce_action)our_act_row.under_term[sym.index()]).reduce_with();

                        /* shift always wins */
                        if (!fix_with_precedence(p, sym.index(), our_act_row, act))
                            our_act_row.under_term[sym.index()] = act;
                    /* for non terminals add an entry to the reduce-goto table */
                    our_red_row.under_non_term[sym.index()] = trans.to_state();

            /* if we end up with conflict(s), report them */
            if (!conflict_set.empty())
Beispiel #17
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /** Build an LALR viable prefix recognition machine given a start
         *  production.  This method operates by first building a start state
         *  from the start production (based on a single item with the dot at
         *  the beginning and EOF as expected lookahead).  Then for each state
         *  it attempts to extend the machine by creating transitions out of
         *  the state to new or existing states.  When considering extension
         *  from a state we make a transition on each symbol that appears before
         *  the dot in some item.  For example, if we have the items: <pre>
         *    [A ::= a b * X c, {d,e}]
         *    [B ::= a b * X d, {a,b}]
         *  </pre>
         *  in some state, then we would be making a transition under X to a new
         *  state.  This new state would be formed by a "kernel" of items
         *  corresponding to moving the dot past the X.  In this case: <pre>
         *    [A ::= a b X * c, {d,e}]
         *    [B ::= a b X * Y, {a,b}]
         *  </pre>
         *  The full state would then be formed by "closing" this kernel Set of
         *  items so that it included items that represented productions of things
         *  the parser was now looking for.  In this case we would items
         *  corresponding to productions of Y, since various forms of Y are expected
         *  next when in this state (see lalr_item_set.compute_closure() for details
         *  on closure). <p>
         *  The process of building the viable prefix recognizer terminates when no
         *  new states can be added.  However, in order to build a smaller number of
         *  states (i.e., corresponding to LALR rather than canonical LR) the state
         *  building process does not maintain full loookaheads in all items.
         *  Consequently, after the machine is built, we go back and propagate
         *  lookaheads through the constructed machine using a call to
         *  propagate_all_lookaheads().  This makes use of propagation links
         *  constructed during the closure and transition process.
         * @param start_prod the start production of the grammar
         * @see   java_cup.lalr_item_set#compute_closure
         * @see   java_cup.lalr_state#propagate_all_lookaheads

        public static lalr_state build_machine(production start_prod)

            lalr_state    start_state;
            lalr_item_set start_items;
            lalr_item_set new_items;
            lalr_item_set linked_items;
            lalr_item_set kernel;
            Stack         work_stack = new Stack();
            lalr_state    st, new_st;
            symbol_set    outgoing;
            lalr_item     itm, new_itm, existing, fix_itm;
            symbol        sym, sym2;
            IEnumerator   i, s, fix;

            /* sanity check */
            if (start_prod == null)
                throw new internal_error(
                          "Attempt to build viable prefix recognizer using a null production");

            /* build item with dot at front of start production and EOF lookahead */
            start_items = new lalr_item_set();

            itm = new lalr_item(start_prod);


            /* create copy the item Set to form the kernel */
            kernel = new lalr_item_set(start_items);

            /* create the closure from that item Set */

            /* build a state out of that item Set and put it in our work Set */
            start_state = new lalr_state(start_items);

            /* enter the state using the kernel as the key */
            _all_kernels.Add(kernel, start_state);

            /* continue looking at new states until we have no more work to do */
            while (work_stack.Count != 0)
                /* remove a state from the work Set */
                st = (lalr_state)work_stack.Pop();

                /* gather up all the symbols that appear before dots */
                outgoing = new symbol_set();
                i        = st.items().all();
                while (i.MoveNext())
                    itm = (lalr_item)i.Current;

                    /* add the symbol before the dot (if any) to our collection */
                    sym = itm.symbol_after_dot();
                    if (sym != null)

                /* now create a transition out for each individual symbol */
                s = outgoing.all();
                while (s.MoveNext())
                    sym = (symbol)s.Current;

                    /* will be keeping the Set of items with propagate links */
                    linked_items = new lalr_item_set();

                    /* gather up shifted versions of all the items that have this
                     * symbol before the dot */
                    new_items = new lalr_item_set();
                    i         = st.items().all();
                    while (i.MoveNext())
                        itm = (lalr_item)i.Current;

                        /* if this is the symbol we are working on now, add to Set */
                        sym2 = itm.symbol_after_dot();
                        if (sym.Equals(sym2))
                            /* add to the kernel of the new state */

                            /* remember that itm has propagate link to it */

                    /* use new items as state kernel */
                    kernel = new lalr_item_set(new_items);

                    /* have we seen this one already? */
                    new_st = (lalr_state)_all_kernels[kernel];

                    /* if we haven't, build a new state out of the item Set */
                    if (new_st == null)
                        /* compute closure of the kernel for the full item Set */

                        /* build the new state */
                        new_st = new lalr_state(new_items);

                        /* add the new state to our work Set */

                        /* put it in our kernel table */
                        _all_kernels.Add(kernel, new_st);
                    /* otherwise relink propagation to items in existing state */
                        /* walk through the items that have links to the new state */
                        fix = linked_items.all();
                        while (fix.MoveNext())
                            fix_itm = (lalr_item)fix.Current;

                            /* look at each propagate link out of that item */

                            for (int l = 0; l < fix_itm.propagate_items().Count; l++)
                                /* pull out item linked to in the new state */
                                new_itm = (lalr_item)fix_itm.propagate_items().ToArray()[l];

                                /* find corresponding item in the existing state */
                                existing = new_st.items().find(new_itm);

                                /* fix up the item so it points to the existing Set */

                                if (existing != null)
                                    fix_itm.set_propagate_item(existing, l);

                    /* add a transition from current state to that state */
                    st.add_transition(sym, new_st);

            /* all done building states */

            /* propagate complete lookahead sets throughout the states */

        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
        /** Procedure that attempts to fix a shift/reduce error by using
           * precedences.  --frankf 6/26/96
           *  if a production (also called rule) or the lookahead terminal
           *  has a precedence, then the table can be fixed.  if the rule
           *  has greater precedence than the terminal, a reduce by that rule
           *  in inserted in the table.  If the terminal has a higher precedence,
           *  it is shifted.  if they have equal precedence, then the associativity
           *  of the precedence is used to determine what to put in the table:
           *  if the precedence is left associative, the action is to reduce.
           *  if the precedence is right associative, the action is to shift.
           *  if the precedence is non associative, then it is a syntax error.
           *  @param p           the production
           *  @param term_index  the index of the lokahead terminal
           *  @param parse_action_row  a row of the action table
           *  @param act         the rule in conflict with the table entry
        protected bool fix_with_precedence(
		        production       p,
			int              term_index,
			parse_action_row table_row,
			parse_action     act)
            terminal term = terminal.find(term_index);

              /* if the production has a precedence number, it can be fixed */
              if (p.precedence_num() > assoc.no_prec) {

            /* if production precedes terminal, put reduce in table */
            if (p.precedence_num() > term.precedence_num()) {
              table_row.under_term[term_index] =
              return true;

            /* if terminal precedes rule, put shift in table */
            else if (p.precedence_num() < term.precedence_num()) {
              table_row.under_term[term_index] =
              return true;
            else {  /* they are == precedence */

              /* equal precedences have equal sides, so only need to
             look at one: if it is right, put shift in table */
              if (term.precedence_side() == assoc.right) {
              table_row.under_term[term_index] =
            return true;

              /* if it is left, put reduce in table */
              else if (term.precedence_side() == assoc.left) {
            table_row.under_term[term_index] =
            return true;

              /* if it is nonassoc, we're not allowed to have two nonassocs
             of equal precedence in a row, so put in NONASSOC */
              else if (term.precedence_side() == assoc.nonassoc) {
            table_row.under_term[term_index] = new nonassoc_action();
            return true;
              } else {
            /* something really went wrong */
            throw new internal_error("Unable to resolve conflict correctly");
              /* check if terminal has precedence, if so, shift, since
             rule does not have precedence */
              else if (term.precedence_num() > assoc.no_prec) {
             table_row.under_term[term_index] =
             return true;

              /* otherwise, neither the rule nor the terminal has a precedence,
             so it can't be fixed. */
              return false;
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
        /** Add a production to our Set of productions. */
        public void add_production(production prod)
            /* catch improper productions */
            if (prod == null || prod.lhs() == null || prod.lhs().the_symbol() != this)
            throw new internal_error(
            "Attempt to add invalid production to non terminal production table");

            /* add it to the table, keyed with itself */
 /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
 /** Constructor with default position (dot at start).
  * @param prod the production for the item.
  * @param look the Set of lookahead symbols.
 public lalr_item(production prod, terminal_set look)
     : this(prod,0,look)
     //	this(prod,0,look);
Beispiel #21
        /*--- Constructor(s) ----------------------------------------*/

        /** Full constructor.
         * @param prod the production for the item.
         * @param pos  the position of the "dot" within the production.
         * @param look the Set of lookahead symbols.
        public lalr_item(production prod, int pos, terminal_set look) : base(prod, pos)
            _lookahead        = look;
            _propagate_items  = new Stack();
            needs_propagation = true;
 /*--- Constructor(s) ----------------------------------------*/
 /** Full constructor.
                         * @param prod the production for the item.
                         * @param pos  the position of the "dot" within the production.
                         * @param look the Set of lookahead symbols.
 public lalr_item(production prod, int pos, terminal_set look)
     : base(prod,pos)
     _lookahead = look;
     _propagate_items = new Stack();
     needs_propagation = true;
Beispiel #23
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /** Constructor with default position (dot at start).
         * @param prod the production for the item.
         * @param look the Set of lookahead symbols.
        public lalr_item(production prod, terminal_set look) : this(prod, 0, look)
//	this(prod,0,look);