getSessionID() public method

public getSessionID ( ) : long
return long
  * This constructor takes the atttibutes of the provided TuioContainer
  * and assigs these values to the newly created TuioContainer.
  * @param	tcon	the TuioContainer to assign
 public TuioContainer(TuioContainer tcon) : base(tcon)
     session_id   = tcon.getSessionID();
     x_speed      = 0.0f;
     y_speed      = 0.0f;
     motion_speed = 0.0f;
     motion_accel = 0.0f;
     path         = new List <TuioPoint>();
     path.Add(new TuioPoint(currentTime, xpos, ypos));
     state = TUIO_ADDED;
  * This constructor takes the atttibutes of the provided TuioContainer
  * and assigs these values to the newly created TuioContainer.
  * @param	tcon	the TuioContainer to assign
 public TuioContainer(TuioContainer tcon)
     : base(tcon)
     session_id = tcon.getSessionID();
     x_speed = 0.0f;
     y_speed = 0.0f;
     motion_speed = 0.0f;
     motion_accel = 0.0f;
     path = new List<TuioPoint>();
     path.Add(new TuioPoint(currentTime,xpos,ypos));
     state = TUIO_ADDED;