private void PlotTimeSeries(SeriesCatalog sc1, SeriesCatalog sc2, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            int numRows;
            int numRows2;
                string siteName = sc1.SiteName;
                DataTable plotData = db.getDV((int)sc1.SiteID, (int)sc1.VariableID, startDate, endDate);
                DataTable plotData2 = db.getDV((int)sc2.SiteID, (int)sc2.VariableID, startDate, endDate);


                //2. Validate Data
                numRows = plotData.Rows.Count;
                numRows2 = plotData2.Rows.Count;
                if (numRows < 1 && numRows2 < 1)
                    //reset Title = No Data
                    gPane.Title.Text = "No Data";

                    minX = startDate;
                    maxX = endDate;
                    double NoDV = db.getNoDV(sc1.VariableID.Value);
                    double NoDV2 = db.getNoDV(sc2.VariableID.Value);

                    string Filter = "DataValue <>" + NoDV + " AND DataValue <" + upBound + " AND DataValue > " + lowBound;
                    string Filter2 = "DataValue <>" + NoDV2 + " AND DataValue <" + upBoundB + " AND DataValue > " + lowBoundB;

                    if (plotData.Select(Filter).Length < 1 && plotData2.Select(Filter2).Length < 1)
                        gPane.Title.Text = "No Data";
                        minY = (double)plotData.Compute("MIN(DataValue)", Filter);
                        maxY = (double)plotData.Compute("MAX(DataValue)", Filter);
                        double minY2 = (double)plotData2.Compute("MIN(DataValue)", Filter2);
                        double maxY2 = (double)plotData2.Compute("MAX(DataValue)", Filter2);

                        //6. Create the Pts for the Line
                        if (Math.Abs(startDate.Subtract(endDate).Days) > 7)
                            createYearlyPlot(sc1, endDate, plotData, Color.Red, Color.Blue, upBound, lowBound, true);
                            createYearlyPlot(sc2, endDate, plotData2, Color.Brown, Color.Black, upBoundB, lowBoundB, true, true);

                            addPlot(plotData, Color.Black, sc1.VariableName, NoDV, upBound, lowBound);
                            addPlot(plotData2, Color.Blue, sc2.VariableName, NoDV2, upBoundB, lowBoundB, isY2Axis: true);

                        formatYaxis(sc2, 2, maxY2, minY2, isMoreThan1Var: true);

                        gPane.Legend.IsVisible = true;
                        gPane.Legend.Position = ZedGraph.LegendPos.InsideTopRight;

                formatYaxis(sc1, isMoreThan1Var: true);

                string imageName = createTitle(sc1, startDate, endDate, 2, sc2);
                zgTimeSeriesPlot.MasterPane.GetImage().Save(Properties.Settings.Default.imagePath + "\\" + imageName + ".jpg");

            catch (Exception ex)

                //show an error message
                Console.WriteLine("An Error occurred while creating the plot.\nMessage = " + ex.Message, ex);
 private string setAxisTitle(SeriesCatalog sc)
     string title;
     string abbrev = " (" + db.getUnitAbbrev(sc.VariableUnitsID.Value).Replace("deg", "°") + ")";
     title = /*sc.VariableName + " in " + */db.getUnitName(sc.VariableUnitsID.Value);
     if (sc.VariableName.Contains("Turbidity"))
         title = /*clarifyVariable(sc.VariableName) + "(" +*/ sc.VariableName.ToLower() + " in " + db.getUnitAbbrev(sc.VariableUnitsID.Value)/* + ")"*/;
     else if (sc.VariableName.Contains("pH"))
         title = "pH";
     //else if (sc.VariableName.Contains("dissolved"))
     //    title = "mg/liter (parts per million)";
     //else if (sc.VariableName.Contains("conductance"))
     //    gPane.Y2Axis.Title.Text = "Conductivity in microsiemens";
     return title;
        private void PlotTimeSeries(SeriesCatalog sc, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            //This function plots the Time Series graph for the selected data series
            //Inputs:  site -> Code - Name of the site to plot -> used for the title
            //         variable -> Code - Name of the variable to plot -> used for the y-axis label
            //         varUnits -> (units) of the variable abbreviated -> used for the y-axis label
            //         startDate -> Start Date of the data -> for calculating Scroll padding
            //         endDate -> End Date of the data -> for calculating Scroll padding
            //Outputs: None

            int numRows; //number of valid rows returned
            string imageName;

                string siteName = sc.SiteName;
                DataTable plotData = db.getDV((int)sc.SiteID, (int)sc.VariableID, startDate, endDate);
                string Filter;

                //2. Validate Data
                numRows = plotData.Rows.Count;
                if (numRows < 1)
                    gPane.Title.Text = "No Data";

                    minX = startDate;
                    maxX = endDate;
                    minY = 0;
                    maxY = 10;
                    double NoDV = db.getNoDV(sc.VariableID.Value);
                    Filter = "DataValue <>" + NoDV + " AND DataValue <" + upBound + " AND DataValue > " + lowBound;

                    if (plotData.Select(Filter).Length < 1)
                        gPane.Title.Text = "No Data";

                        minY = (double)plotData.Compute("MIN(DataValue)", Filter);
                        maxY = (double)plotData.Compute("MAX(DataValue)", Filter);

                        //6. Create the Pts for the Line
                        if (Math.Abs(startDate.Subtract(endDate).Days) > 7)
                            createYearlyPlot(sc, endDate, plotData, Color.Blue, Color.Black, upBound, lowBound);
                            addPlot(plotData, Color.Black, sc.VariableName, NoDV, upBound, lowBound);

                        if (gPane.CurveList.Count > 1)
                            gPane.Legend.IsVisible = true;
                            gPane.Legend.Position = ZedGraph.LegendPos.InsideTopRight;
                            gPane.Legend.IsVisible = false;


                imageName = createTitle(sc, startDate, endDate);
                zgTimeSeriesPlot.MasterPane.GetImage().Save(Properties.Settings.Default.imagePath + "\\" + imageName + ".jpg");

            catch (Exception ex)
                //show an error message
                Console.WriteLine("An Error occurred while creating the plot.\nMessage = " + ex.Message, ex);
                if (ex.Message.Contains("GDI"))
                    MessageBox.Show("The Path to save the images does not exist");
        private void formatYaxis(SeriesCatalog sc, int axis = 1, double maxY2 = 0, double minY2 = 0, bool isMoreThan1Var = false)
            if (axis == 1)
                double newminY;
                if (!isMoreThan1Var)
                    rangeY = maxY - minY;
                    gPane.YAxis.Scale.Min = minY == 0 ? 0 : minY - (.1 * rangeY) ;//minY < 0 ? minY - (.1 * rangeY) : 0;//0 - (.1 * rangeY);
                    newminY = (minY == 0 ? 0: minY );
                    rangeY = maxY - newminY;
                    gPane.YAxis.Scale.Min = newminY == 0 ? 0 : newminY - (.1 * rangeY);
                    gPane.YAxis.MajorTic.IsOpposite = false;
                    gPane.YAxis.MinorTic.IsOpposite = false;

                gPane.YAxis.IsVisible = true;
                gPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true;
                gPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Gray;
                gPane.YAxis.Type = ZedGraph.AxisType.Linear;
                gPane.YAxis.Scale.Max = maxY + (.1 * rangeY);

                //Y-Axis Format
                gPane.YAxis.Title.Text = setAxisTitle(sc);
            if (axis == 2)
                double newminY2 = (minY2 == 0 ? 0: minY2);
                rangeY = maxY2 - newminY2;
                gPane.Y2Axis.IsVisible = true;
                //gPane.Y2Axis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = false;
                //gPane.Y2Axis.MajorGrid.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
                gPane.Y2Axis.Type = ZedGraph.AxisType.Linear;
                gPane.Y2Axis.Scale.Min = newminY2 == 0 ?0: newminY2 - (.1 * rangeY);
                gPane.Y2Axis.Scale.Max = maxY2 + (.1 * rangeY);
                //gPane.Y2Axis.CrossAuto = true;
                gPane.Y2Axis.MajorTic.IsOpposite = false;
                gPane.Y2Axis.MinorTic.IsOpposite = false;

                gPane.Y2Axis.Title.Text = setAxisTitle(sc);

        private void createYearlyPlot(SeriesCatalog sc, DateTime endDate, DataTable plotData, Color plot1, Color plot2, double upBnd, double lowBnd, bool isMoreThan1Var = false, bool isY2Axis= false)
            double NoDV = db.getNoDV(sc.VariableID.Value);

            DataTable avg1 = GroupBy(new string[] { "Day", "Month", "Year" }, "DataValue", plotData, NoDV, upBnd, lowBnd);
            if (!isMoreThan1Var)
                addPlot(avg1, plot2, DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(), NoDV, upBnd, lowBnd, -1);
                addPlot(avg1, plot2, clarifyVariable(sc.VariableName) + " " + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(), NoDV, upBnd, lowBnd, -1, isY2Axis);

            double currmin = (double)avg1.Compute("MIN(DataValue)", "");
            double currmax = (double)avg1.Compute("MAX(DataValue)", "");

            double prevmin;
            double prevmax;
            if (!isMoreThan1Var)
                DataTable prevYear = db.getDV(sc.SiteID.Value, sc.VariableID.Value, new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year - 1, 01, 01), new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, 01, 01));
                DataTable avg = GroupBy(new string[] { "Day", "Month", "Year" }, "DataValue", prevYear, NoDV, upBnd, lowBnd);
                addPlot(avg, plot1, (DateTime.Now.Year - 1).ToString(), NoDV, upBnd, lowBnd);
                prevmin = (double)avg.Compute("MIN(DataValue)", "");
                prevmax = (double)avg.Compute("MAX(DataValue)", "");
                prevmin = currmin;
                prevmax = currmax;

            minY = prevmin <= currmin ? prevmin : currmin;
            maxY = prevmax >= currmax ? prevmax : currmax;
            minX = new DateTime(endDate.Year - 1, 01, 01);
            maxX = new DateTime(endDate.Year - 1, 12, 30);
        private string createTitle(SeriesCatalog sc, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int numPlots = 1, SeriesCatalog sc2=null)
            //rangeX = maxX.ToOADate() - minX.ToOADate();

            string time = "";
            if (rangeX == 1)
                time = " Day";
            else if (rangeX == 7)
                time = " Week";
                time = " Year";

            string DateRange = " " + startDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "-" + endDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
            string Title="";
            if (numPlots == 1)
                Title = /*"Measured " + */clarifyVariable(sc.VariableName) + " in East Canyon Creek: " + DateRange;
                if (time == " Year")
                    Title = /*"Measured " + */clarifyVariable(sc.VariableName) + " in East Canyon Creek";
                string abbrev = " (" + db.getUnitAbbrev(sc.VariableUnitsID.Value).Replace("deg", "°") + ")";
                if(gPane.Title.Text =="No Data")
                    gPane.Title.Text = Title + "\nNo Valid Data Collected";
                    gPane.Title.Text = Title ;
                return prepareImage(clarifyVariable(sc.VariableName) + abbrev + time);
                Title = /*"Measured " + */clarifyVariable(sc.VariableName) + " / " + clarifyVariable(sc2.VariableName) + " in East Canyon Creek: " + DateRange;
                if (time == " Year")
                    Title = /*"Measured " + */clarifyVariable(sc.VariableName) + " / " + clarifyVariable(sc2.VariableName) + " in East Canyon Creek";
                gPane.Title.Text = Title;
                return prepareImage(clarifyVariable(sc.VariableName) + "_" + clarifyVariable(sc2.VariableName) + time);
 internal DataTable plotGetPrevYearDV(SeriesCatalog sc)
     throw new NotImplementedException();