Beispiel #1
        public double FindCurrentValue(double[,] weight_array)
            clsSOMTSP cloned = this.Clone();


Beispiel #2
        internal double findTourLength()
            clsSOMTSP cloned = this.Clone();

            cloned.Cities = this.Cities;

Beispiel #3
        public clsMemeticSOM(int NumNN, int pop, double[,] weights, PointF[] inpCities, float Width, float Height)
            popSize = pop;
            Cities  = inpCities;

            WeightArray = weights;
            individuals = new clsSOMTSP[popSize];
            fitnesses   = new double[popSize];

            for (int i = 0; i < popSize; i++)
                int randomcity = rnd.Next(Cities.Length - 1);
                individuals[i] = new clsSOMTSP(NumNN, Cities, Cities[randomcity].X, Cities[randomcity].Y, Width, Height, 1000 * rnd.NextDouble());
            BestResult = new clsSOMTSP(NumNN, Cities, 0, 0, Width, Height, 100);
Beispiel #4
        private void MoveClonies(clsSOMTSP Imperialist, clsSOMTSP Colony)
            List <distPos> distancesfromrandomCity1 = new List <distPos>(Imperialist.Weights.Length);
            List <distPos> distancesfromrandomCity2 = new List <distPos>(Colony.Weights.Length);
            int            randomCity = rnd.Next(CitiesPosition.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < Imperialist.Weights.Length; i++)
                distancesfromrandomCity1.Add(new distPos(i, distance(Imperialist.Weights[i], CitiesPosition[randomCity])));
            for (int i = 0; i < Colony.Weights.Length; i++)
                distancesfromrandomCity2.Add(new distPos(i, distance(Colony.Weights[i], CitiesPosition[randomCity])));

            distPos[] NearCities1 = distancesfromrandomCity1.OrderBy(o => o.Distance).Take(1).ToArray();
            distPos[] NearCities2 = distancesfromrandomCity2.OrderBy(o => o.Distance).Take(1).ToArray();

            int startImpIndex = (NearCities1[0].Position - SwapParameter / 2 < 0 ? Colony.Weights.Length + (NearCities1[0].Position - SwapParameter / 2) : NearCities1[0].Position - SwapParameter / 2);
            int startColIndex = (NearCities2[0].Position - SwapParameter / 2 < 0 ? Imperialist.Weights.Length + (NearCities2[0].Position - SwapParameter / 2) : NearCities2[0].Position - SwapParameter / 2);

            for (int i = 0; i < SwapParameter; i++)
                if ((startColIndex + i < Colony.Weights.Length) && (startImpIndex + i < Imperialist.Weights.Length))
                    Colony.Weights[startColIndex + i] = Imperialist.Weights[startImpIndex + i];
                    Colony.Wins[startColIndex + i]    = Imperialist.Wins[startImpIndex + i];
                    if (startColIndex + i >= Colony.Weights.Length)
                        startColIndex = -i;
                    if (startImpIndex + i >= Imperialist.Weights.Length)
                        startImpIndex = -i;
                    Colony.Weights[startColIndex + i] = Imperialist.Weights[startImpIndex + i];
                    Colony.Wins[startColIndex + i]    = Imperialist.Wins[startImpIndex + i];
Beispiel #5
        public clsSOMTSP Clone()
            clsSOMTSP tmp = new clsSOMTSP(Wins.Length, Cities, landa, false);

            tmp.Weights = (PointF[])this.Weights.Clone();
            tmp.Wins    = (int[])this.Wins.Clone();
            //tmp.cities_d = (double[,])this.cities_d.Clone();
            tmp.CurrentValue          = this.CurrentValue;
            tmp.attachedEmpire        = this.attachedEmpire;
            tmp.ColonyNumber          = this.ColonyNumber;
            tmp.averageOfClonyfitness = this.averageOfClonyfitness;
            tmp._baseBeta             = this._baseBeta;
            //tmp.d = (int[,])d.Clone();

            tmp.firstX0     = this.firstX0;
            tmp.firstY0     = this.firstY0;
            tmp.firstWidth  = this.firstWidth;
            tmp.firstHeight = this.firstHeight;
            tmp.landa       = this.landa;

Beispiel #6
        public double[] RunEpoch(int MaxEpoch, int currentEpoch)
            long st = Environment.TickCount;

            #region "Reveloution"
            for (int k = 0; k < ICA_Sols.Count; k++)
                if (rnd.NextDouble() < PRev)
                    for (int i = 0; i < CitiesPosition.Length; i++)
                        ICA_Sols[k].Learn(MaxEpoch, MaxEpoch / 4);
                    //ICA_Sols[k].CurrentValue = ICA_Sols[k].FindCurrentValue(weight_array);
            long rev = Environment.TickCount;

            #region "Move Clonies"
            foreach (int k in Imperialists.Keys)
                for (int i = 0; i < ICA_Sols.Count; i++)
                    if (ICA_Sols[i].attachedEmpire == Imperialists[k].attachedEmpire)
                        MoveClonies(Imperialists[k], ICA_Sols[i]);
            long move = Environment.TickCount;

            #region "Upgrade each colony"
            foreach (var item in ICA_Sols)
                item.Value.Learn(MaxEpoch, CitiesPosition.Length + currentEpoch);
                item.Value.CurrentValue = item.Value.FindCurrentValue(weight_array);
            long upgrade = Environment.TickCount;

            #region "Swap Clony with Imperialists"
            for (int k = 0; k < NumberOfImpearialist; k++)
                if (Imperialists.ContainsKey(k))
                    for (int i = 0; i < ICA_Sols.Count; i++)
                        if (ICA_Sols[i].attachedEmpire == Imperialists[k].attachedEmpire)
                            if (ICA_Sols[i].CurrentValue < Imperialists[k].CurrentValue)
                                clsSOMTSP tmpSol = Imperialists[k].Clone();
                                Imperialists[k] = ICA_Sols[i].Clone();
                                ICA_Sols[i]     = tmpSol;
            long swap = Environment.TickCount;

            #region "Find nurtalized colony"
            for (int i = 0; i < ICA_Sols.Count; i++)
                if (ICA_Sols[i].CurrentValue == Imperialists[ICA_Sols[i].attachedEmpire].CurrentValue)
                    int selaRandomImp = (int)rnd.Next(Imperialists.Keys.Min(), Imperialists.Keys.Max());
                    int NoiseRedius   = (int)Math.Round(Math.Sqrt((ICA_Sols[i].firstHeight * ICA_Sols[i].firstHeight) + (ICA_Sols[i].firstWidth * ICA_Sols[i].firstWidth))) / 20;
                    int start         = rnd.Next(0, ICA_Sols[i].Weights.Length / 2);
                    int end           = rnd.Next(ICA_Sols[i].Weights.Length / 2 + 1, ICA_Sols[i].Weights.Length);
                    if (Imperialists.ContainsKey(selaRandomImp))
                        for (int j = start; j < end; j++)
                            ICA_Sols[i].Weights[j] = new PointF(Imperialists[selaRandomImp].Weights[j].X + rnd.Next(-NoiseRedius, NoiseRedius), Imperialists[selaRandomImp].Weights[j].Y + rnd.Next(-NoiseRedius, NoiseRedius));
                            ICA_Sols[i].Wins[j]    = Imperialists[selaRandomImp].Wins[j];
                        ICA_Sols[i].CurrentValue = ICA_Sols[i].FindCurrentValue(weight_array);
                        for (int j = start; j < end; j++)
                            ICA_Sols[i].Weights[j] = new PointF(ICA_Sols[i].Weights[j].X + rnd.Next(-NoiseRedius / 20, NoiseRedius / 20), ICA_Sols[i].Weights[j].Y + rnd.Next(-NoiseRedius / 20, NoiseRedius / 20));
                        ICA_Sols[i].CurrentValue = ICA_Sols[i].FindCurrentValue(weight_array);

            #region "Imperialist Challenges"
            double WorstVal           = double.MinValue;
            int    minIndex           = -1;
            int    weakestImperialist = -1;
            Dictionary <int, clsSOMTSP> .KeyCollection ImpKeys = Imperialists.Keys;
            double[] SumOfFitnesses = new double[NumberOfImpearialist];
            for (int i = 0; i < ICA_Sols.Count; i++)
                SumOfFitnesses[ICA_Sols[i].attachedEmpire] += ICA_Sols[i].CurrentValue;
            foreach (int k in ImpKeys)
                Imperialists[k].ColonyNumber          = ICA_Sols.Count(p => p.Value.attachedEmpire == k);
                Imperialists[k].averageOfClonyfitness = SumOfFitnesses[k] / (Imperialists[k].ColonyNumber == 0 ? 1 : Imperialists[k].ColonyNumber);

            if (Imperialists.Count > 1)
                foreach (int i in ImpKeys)
                    if (Imperialists[i].CurrentValue > WorstVal)
                        WorstVal           = Imperialists[i].CurrentValue;
                        weakestImperialist = i;

                WorstVal = double.MinValue;
                for (int i = 0; i < ICA_Sols.Count; i++)
                    if (ICA_Sols[i].attachedEmpire == Imperialists[weakestImperialist].attachedEmpire)
                        if (ICA_Sols[i].CurrentValue > WorstVal)
                            WorstVal = ICA_Sols[i].CurrentValue;
                            minIndex = i;
                if (minIndex != -1)
                    double   MaxTH    = double.MinValue;
                    double   SumofNTH = 0;
                    double[] TH       = new double[NumberOfImpearialist];
                    double[] NTH      = new double[NumberOfImpearialist];
                    double[] Z        = new double[NumberOfImpearialist];
                    double   maxZ     = double.MinValue;
                    int      ZIndex   = 0;
                    foreach (int k in ImpKeys)
                        TH[k] = Imperialists[k].CurrentValue + 0.5 * Imperialists[k].averageOfClonyfitness;
                        if (TH[k] > MaxTH)
                            MaxTH = TH[k];
                    foreach (int k in ImpKeys)
                        NTH[k]    = MaxTH - TH[k];
                        SumofNTH += NTH[k];
                    foreach (int k in ImpKeys)
                        Z[k] = Math.Abs(NTH[k] / SumofNTH) - rnd.NextDouble();
                        if (Z[k] > maxZ && k != ICA_Sols[minIndex].attachedEmpire)
                            maxZ   = Z[k];
                            ZIndex = k;
                    ICA_Sols[minIndex].attachedEmpire = Imperialists[ZIndex].attachedEmpire;
            long challenge = Environment.TickCount;

            #region "Imperialist elimination"
            if (Imperialists.Count > 1)
                bool[] delete = new bool[NumberOfImpearialist];
                foreach (int k in ImpKeys)
                    delete[k] = false;
                    if (Imperialists[k].ColonyNumber == 0)
                        delete[k] = true;

                for (int k = delete.Length - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                    if (delete[k] == true)
            long elimination = Environment.TickCount;

            #region "Save Best Results"
            double BestValue    = double.MaxValue;
            double AverageValue = 0;
            foreach (int i in Imperialists.Keys)
                if (Imperialists[i].CurrentValue < BestValue)
                    BestValue = Imperialists[i].CurrentValue;
                    if (BestValue < BestGlobalValue)
                        BestGlobalValue = BestValue;
                        BestSol         = Imperialists[i].Clone();
            for (int i = 0; i < ICA_Sols.Count; i++)
                AverageValue += ICA_Sols[i].CurrentValue;
                if (ICA_Sols[i].CurrentValue < BestValue)
                    BestValue = ICA_Sols[i].CurrentValue;
                    if (BestValue < BestGlobalValue)
                        BestGlobalValue = BestValue;
                        BestSol         = ICA_Sols[i].Clone();
            AverageValue /= ICA_Sols.Count;
            long saveBest = Environment.TickCount;

            double perRev = (double)(rev - st) / (saveBest - st);
            double perMov = (double)(move - rev) / (saveBest - st);
            double perUpg = (double)(upgrade - move) / (saveBest - st);
            double perSwp = (double)(swap - upgrade) / (saveBest - st);
            double perCha = (double)(challenge - swap) / (saveBest - st);
            double perDel = (double)(elimination - challenge) / (saveBest - st);
            double perSav = (double)(saveBest - elimination) / (saveBest - st);

            return(new double[3] {
                BestValue, AverageValue, Imperialists.Count
Beispiel #7
        internal bool Merge(clsSOMTSP neighbour)
            // finding nearest city between current TSP and neighbour
            PointF[] Copy_Of_Weights = new PointF[Weights.Length + neighbour.Weights.Length];
            PointF[] Copy_Of_Cities  = new PointF[Cities.Length + neighbour.Cities.Length - 1];
            int[]    Copy_Of_Wins    = new int[Weights.Length + neighbour.Weights.Length];
            int      merger_counter  = 0;

            double min_dist = double.MaxValue;
            int    min_index_src = -1, min_index_dst = -1, min_index_dst_1 = 0, min_index_src_1 = 0;
            PointF A, B, C, D;

            //double toleration = 1;
            for (int ii = 0; ii < Weights.Length; ii++)
                for (int jj = 0; jj < neighbour.Weights.Length; jj++)
                    double dist = distance(Weights[ii], neighbour.Weights[jj]);
                    if (dist < min_dist /** toleration*/)
                        //toleration = 1 + rnd.NextDouble() * 0.01;
                        min_dist      = dist;
                        min_index_src = ii;
                        min_index_dst = jj;
            PointF[] Candidate_C       = new PointF[2];
            int[]    Candidate_C_Index = new int[2];

            PointF[] Candidate_D       = new PointF[2];
            int[]    Candidate_D_Index = new int[2];
            bool[]   Directions        = new bool[2];

            A = D = Weights[min_index_src];
            B = C = neighbour.Weights[min_index_dst];

            bool NotAssigned = true;

            for (int ii = min_index_dst; ii >= 0; ii--)
                if (neighbour.FindRealIndex(neighbour.Weights[ii]) != neighbour.FindRealIndex(B))
                    Candidate_C[0]       = neighbour.Weights[ii];
                    Candidate_C_Index[0] = ii;
                    NotAssigned          = false;
            if (NotAssigned == true)
                for (int ii = neighbour.Weights.Length - 1; ii > min_index_dst; ii--)
                    if (neighbour.FindRealIndex(neighbour.Weights[ii]) != neighbour.FindRealIndex(B))
                        Candidate_C[0]       = neighbour.Weights[ii];
                        Candidate_C_Index[0] = ii;

            NotAssigned = true;
            for (int ii = min_index_dst; ii < neighbour.Weights.Length; ii++)
                if (neighbour.FindRealIndex(neighbour.Weights[ii]) != neighbour.FindRealIndex(B))
                    Candidate_C[1]       = neighbour.Weights[ii];
                    Candidate_C_Index[1] = ii;
                    NotAssigned          = false;
            if (NotAssigned == true)
                for (int ii = 0; ii < min_index_dst; ii++)
                    if (neighbour.FindRealIndex(neighbour.Weights[ii]) != neighbour.FindRealIndex(B))
                        Candidate_C[1]       = neighbour.Weights[ii];
                        Candidate_C_Index[1] = ii;

            NotAssigned = true;
            for (int ii = min_index_src; ii < Weights.Length; ii++)
                if (FindRealIndex(Weights[ii]) != FindRealIndex(A))
                    Candidate_D[0]       = Weights[ii];
                    Candidate_D_Index[0] = ii;
                    NotAssigned          = false;
            if (NotAssigned == true)
                for (int ii = 0; ii < min_index_src; ii++)
                    if (FindRealIndex(Weights[ii]) != FindRealIndex(A))
                        Candidate_D[0]       = Weights[ii];
                        Candidate_D_Index[0] = ii;

            NotAssigned = true;
            for (int ii = min_index_src; ii >= 0; ii--)
                if (FindRealIndex(Weights[ii]) != FindRealIndex(A))
                    Candidate_D[1]       = Weights[ii];
                    Candidate_D_Index[1] = ii;
                    NotAssigned          = false;
            if (NotAssigned == true)
                for (int ii = Weights.Length - 1; ii > min_index_src; ii--)
                    if (FindRealIndex(Weights[ii]) != FindRealIndex(A))
                        Candidate_D[1]       = Weights[ii];
                        Candidate_D_Index[1] = ii;

            double min_dist_vec = double.MaxValue;

            for (int numC = 0; numC < 2; numC++)
                for (int numD = 0; numD < 2; numD++)
                    if (distance(Candidate_C[numC], Candidate_D[numD]) < min_dist_vec)
                        min_dist_vec    = distance(Candidate_C[numC], Candidate_D[numD]);
                        C               = Candidate_C[numC];
                        D               = Candidate_D[numD];
                        min_index_dst_1 = Candidate_C_Index[numC];
                        min_index_src_1 = Candidate_D_Index[numD];
                        if (numC == 0)
                            Directions[0] = false;   // Decrease
                            Directions[0] = true;    // Increase
                        if (numD == 0)
                            Directions[1] = true;    // Increase
                            Directions[1] = false;    // Decrease

            Copy_Of_Weights[merger_counter] = Weights[min_index_src];  //A
            Copy_Of_Wins[merger_counter]    = Wins[min_index_src];

            if (Directions[0] == false)
                int k = min_index_dst;
                while (true)
                    if (k == min_index_dst_1)           // we reached to C from B

                    Copy_Of_Weights[merger_counter] = neighbour.Weights[k];
                    Copy_Of_Wins[merger_counter]    = neighbour.Wins[k];

                    if (k == neighbour.Weights.Length - 1)
                        k = 0;
                int k = min_index_dst;
                while (true)
                    if (k == min_index_dst_1)           // we reached to C from B

                    Copy_Of_Weights[merger_counter] = neighbour.Weights[k];
                    Copy_Of_Wins[merger_counter]    = neighbour.Wins[k];

                    if (k == 0)
                        k = neighbour.Weights.Length - 1;

            Copy_Of_Weights[merger_counter] = neighbour.Weights[min_index_dst_1];  //C
            Copy_Of_Wins[merger_counter]    = neighbour.Wins[min_index_dst_1];

            if (Directions[1] == true)
                int k = min_index_src_1;
                while (true)
                    if (k == min_index_src)           // we reached to D from A

                    Copy_Of_Weights[merger_counter] = Weights[k];
                    Copy_Of_Wins[merger_counter]    = Wins[k];

                    if (k == Weights.Length - 1)
                        k = 0;
                int k = min_index_src_1;
                while (true)
                    if (k == min_index_src)           // we reached to D from A

                    Copy_Of_Weights[merger_counter] = Weights[k];
                    Copy_Of_Wins[merger_counter]    = Wins[k];

                    if (k == 0)
                        k = Weights.Length - 1;

            Array.Resize(ref Copy_Of_Weights, merger_counter);
            Array.Resize(ref Copy_Of_Wins, merger_counter);

            for (int i = 0; i < Cities.Length; i++)
                Copy_Of_Cities[i] = Cities[i];
            for (int i = 1; i < neighbour.Cities.Length; i++)
                Copy_Of_Cities[Cities.Length + i - 1] = neighbour.Cities[i];

            Cities  = Copy_Of_Cities;
            Weights = Copy_Of_Weights;
            Wins    = Copy_Of_Wins;
