Inheritance: TaggedValue
        public RelationTag getRelationTagByGUID(string GUID)
            RelationTag relationTag   = null;
            string      getRelations  = @"select elementid from t_connectortag
									where ea_guid like '"                                     + GUID + "'";
            XmlDocument xmlElementIDs = this.SQLQuery(getRelations);
            XmlNode     elementNode   = xmlElementIDs.SelectSingleNode("//elementid");

            if (elementNode != null)
                int objectID;
                if (int.TryParse(elementNode.InnerText, out objectID))
                    ConnectorWrapper owner = this.getRelationByID(objectID);
                    if (owner != null)
                        foreach (TaggedValue taggedValue in owner.taggedValues)
                            if (taggedValue.ea_guid.Equals(GUID, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                relationTag = taggedValue as RelationTag;
        public List <RelationTag> getRelationTagsWithValue(string value)
            List <RelationTag> relationTags = new List <RelationTag>();
            string             sqlFindGUIDS = @"select ea_guid from t_connectortag
								where value like '"                                 + value + "'";
            // get the nodes with the name "ea_guid"
            XmlDocument xmlTagGUIDs  = this.SQLQuery(sqlFindGUIDS);
            XmlNodeList tagGUIDNodes = xmlTagGUIDs.SelectNodes("//ea_guid");

            foreach (XmlNode guidNode in tagGUIDNodes)
                RelationTag relationTag = this.getRelationTagByGUID(guidNode.InnerText);
                if (relationTag != null)