Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes a single widget that was added to the grid
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="widget">The widget to remove</param>
        /// Usage example:
        /// <code>
        /// Picture pic = grid.Add(new Picture("1.png"), "picName");
        /// Picture pic2 = grid.Add(new Picture("2.png"), "picName2")
        /// grid.remove(pic);
        /// grid.remove(grid.get("picName2"));
        /// </code>
        public override void Remove(Widget widget)
            // Find the widget in the grid
            for (int row = 0; row < m_GridWidgets.Count; ++row)
                for (int col = 0; col < m_GridWidgets[row].Count; ++col)
                    if (m_GridWidgets[row][col] == widget)
                        // Remove the widget from the grid
                        m_GridWidgets [row].RemoveAt (col);
                        m_ObjBorders [row].RemoveAt (col);
                        m_ObjLayout [row].RemoveAt (col);

                        // Check if this is the last column
                        if (m_ColumnWidth.Count == m_GridWidgets[row].Count + 1)
                            // Check if there is another row with this many columns
                            bool rowFound = false;
                            for (int i = 0; i < m_GridWidgets.Count; ++i)
                                if (m_GridWidgets[i].Count >= m_ColumnWidth.Count)
                                    rowFound = true;

                            // Erase the last column if no other row is using it
                            if (rowFound == false)
                                m_ColumnWidth.RemoveAt(m_ColumnWidth.Count - 1);

                        // If the row is empty then remove it as well
                        if (m_GridWidgets[row].Count == 0)
                            m_GridWidgets.RemoveAt (row);
                            m_ObjBorders.RemoveAt (row);
                            m_ObjLayout.RemoveAt (row);
                            m_RowHeight.RemoveAt (row);

                        // Update the positions of all remaining widgets
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes the layout of a given widget
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="widget">The widget for which the layout should be changed</param>
        /// <param name="layout">The new layout</param>
        public void changeWidgetLayout(Widget widget, Layouts layout)
            // Find the widget in the grid
            for (int row = 0; row < m_GridWidgets.Count; ++row)
                for (int col = 0; col < m_GridWidgets[row].Count; ++col)
                    if (m_GridWidgets[row][col] == widget)
                        // Change the layout of the widget
                        m_ObjLayout[row][col] = layout;

                        // Recalculate the position of the widget
                            // Calculate the available space which is distributed when widgets are positionned.
                            Vector2f availableSpace = new Vector2f(0, 0);
                            Vector2f minSize = GetMinSize();
                            if (m_Size.X > minSize.X)
                                availableSpace.X = m_Size.X - minSize.X;
                            if (m_Size.Y > minSize.Y)
                                availableSpace.Y = m_Size.Y - minSize.Y;

                            Vector2f availSpaceOffset = new Vector2f(0.5f * availableSpace.X / m_ColumnWidth.Count,
                                                                     0.5f * availableSpace.Y / m_RowHeight.Count);
                            float left = 0;
                            float top = 0;

                            for (int i = 0; i < row; ++i)
                                top += m_RowHeight[i] + 2 * availSpaceOffset.Y;

                            for (int i = 0; i < col; ++i)
                                left += m_ColumnWidth[i] + 2 * availSpaceOffset.X;

                            switch (m_ObjLayout[row][col])
                            case Layouts.UpperLeft:
                                left += m_ObjBorders [row] [col].Left + availSpaceOffset.X;
                                top += m_ObjBorders [row] [col].Top + availSpaceOffset.Y;

                            case Layouts.Up:
                                left += m_ObjBorders[row][col].Left + (((m_ColumnWidth[col] - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Left - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Right) - m_GridWidgets[row][col].FullSize.X) / 2.0f) + availSpaceOffset.X;
                                top += m_ObjBorders[row][col].Top + availSpaceOffset.Y;

                            case Layouts.UpperRight:
                                left += m_ColumnWidth[col] - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Right - m_GridWidgets[row][col].FullSize.X + availSpaceOffset.X;
                                top += m_ObjBorders[row][col].Top + availSpaceOffset.Y;

                            case Layouts.Right:
                                left += m_ColumnWidth[col] - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Right - m_GridWidgets[row][col].FullSize.X + availSpaceOffset.X;
                                top += m_ObjBorders[row][col].Top + (((m_RowHeight[row] - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Top - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Bottom) - m_GridWidgets[row][col].FullSize.Y) / 2.0f) + availSpaceOffset.Y;

                            case Layouts.BottomRight:
                                left += m_ColumnWidth[col] - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Right - m_GridWidgets[row][col].FullSize.X + availSpaceOffset.X;
                                top += m_RowHeight[row] - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Bottom - m_GridWidgets[row][col].FullSize.Y + availSpaceOffset.Y;

                            case Layouts.Bottom:
                                left += m_ObjBorders[row][col].Left + (((m_ColumnWidth[col] - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Left - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Right) - m_GridWidgets[row][col].FullSize.X) / 2.0f) + availSpaceOffset.X;
                                top += m_RowHeight[row] - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Bottom - m_GridWidgets[row][col].FullSize.Y + availSpaceOffset.Y;

                            case Layouts.BottomLeft:
                                left += m_ObjBorders[row][col].Left + availSpaceOffset.X;
                                top += m_RowHeight[row] - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Bottom - m_GridWidgets[row][col].FullSize.Y + availSpaceOffset.Y;

                            case Layouts.Left:
                                left += m_ObjBorders[row][col].Left + availSpaceOffset.X;
                                top += m_ObjBorders[row][col].Top + (((m_RowHeight[row] - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Top - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Bottom) - m_GridWidgets[row][col].FullSize.Y) / 2.0f) + availSpaceOffset.Y;

                            case Layouts.Center:
                                left += m_ObjBorders[row][col].Left + (((m_ColumnWidth[col] - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Left - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Right) - m_GridWidgets[row][col].FullSize.X) / 2.0f) + availSpaceOffset.X;
                                top += m_ObjBorders[row][col].Top + (((m_RowHeight[row] - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Top - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Bottom) - m_GridWidgets[row][col].FullSize.Y) / 2.0f) + availSpaceOffset.Y;

                            m_GridWidgets[row][col].Position = new Vector2f(left, top);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a widget to the grid
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="widget">Fully created widget that will be added to the grid</param>
        /// <param name="row">The row in which the widget should be placed</param>
        /// <param name="col">The column in which the widget should be placed</param>
        /// <param name="borders">Distance from the grid square to the widget (left, top, right, bottom)</param>
        /// <param name="layout">Where the widget is located in the square</param>
        /// Usage example:
        /// <code>
        /// Picture pic = grid.Add(new Picture("1.png"));
        /// pic.Size = new Vector2f(400, 300);
        /// grid.AddWidget(pic, 0, 0);
        /// </code>
        public void AddWidget(Widget widget, uint row, uint col, Borders borders, Layouts layout)
            // Create the row if it didn't exist yet
            while (m_GridWidgets.Count < row + 1) m_GridWidgets.Add (new List<Widget>());
            while (m_ObjBorders.Count < row + 1)  m_ObjBorders.Add (new List<Borders>());
            while (m_ObjLayout.Count < row + 1)   m_ObjLayout.Add (new List<Layouts>());

            while (m_GridWidgets[(int)row].Count < col + 1) m_GridWidgets [(int)row].Add (null);
            while (m_ObjBorders[(int)row].Count < col + 1)  m_ObjBorders [(int)row].Add (new Borders(0, 0, 0, 0));
            while (m_ObjLayout[(int)row].Count < col + 1)   m_ObjLayout [(int)row].Add (Layouts.Center);

            // If this is a new row then reserve some space for it
            while (m_RowHeight.Count < row + 1)

            // If this is the first row to have so many columns then reserve some space for it
            if (m_ColumnWidth.Count < col + 1)

            // Add the widget to the grid
            m_GridWidgets[(int)row][(int)col] = widget;
            m_ObjBorders[(int)row][(int)col] = borders;
            m_ObjLayout[(int)row][(int)col] = layout;

            // Update the widgets
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes borders of a given widget
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="widget">The widget to which borders should be added</param>
        /// <param name="borders">The new borders around the widget</param>
        public void ChangeWidgetBorders(Widget widget, Borders borders)
            // Find the widget in the grid
            for (int row = 0; row < m_GridWidgets.Count; ++row)
                for (int col = 0; col < m_GridWidgets[row].Count; ++col)
                    if (m_GridWidgets[row][col] == widget)
                        // Change borders of the widget
                        m_ObjBorders[row][col] = borders;

                        // Update all widgets
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="copy">Instance to copy</param>
        public Widget(Widget copy)
            : base(copy)
            FocusedCallback      = copy.FocusedCallback;
            UnfocusedCallback    = copy.UnfocusedCallback;
            MouseEnteredCallback = copy.MouseEnteredCallback;
            MouseLeftCallback    = copy.MouseLeftCallback;

            m_Enabled            = copy.m_Enabled;
            m_Visible            = copy.m_Visible;
            m_WidgetPhase        = copy.m_WidgetPhase;
            m_Parent             = copy.m_Parent;
            m_Opacity            = copy.m_Opacity;
            m_AllowFocus         = copy.m_AllowFocus;
            m_AnimatedWidget     = copy.m_AnimatedWidget;
            m_DraggableWidget    = copy.m_DraggableWidget;
            m_Container          = copy.m_Container;

            m_Callback = new CallbackArgs();
            m_Callback.Id = copy.m_Callback.Id;