Beispiel #1
        private void btnShadowe_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
            string sql = "select TOP 1 * from " + Program.DataBaseName + "..MD_BillItem" + " order by id desc";
            List <SqlParameter> list = new List <SqlParameter>();
            int id = Convert.ToInt32(DataAccessUtil.ExecuteScalar(sql, list));

Beispiel #2
        public void AddAndUpdate()
            Company company = new Company()
                CompanyCode  = txtCode.Text.Trim(),
                CompanyName1 = txtName.Text.Trim(),
                CompanyType  = Convert.ToInt32(lueType.EditValue),
                Remark       = txtRemark.Text.Trim()

            if (btnAdd.Text == "添加")
                string sql = "insert into " + Program.DataBaseName +
                             "..MD_Company(CompanyCode,CompanyName,CompanyType,Remark) values(@code,@name,@type,@re)";
                List <SqlParameter> list = new List <SqlParameter>()
                    new SqlParameter("@code", company.CompanyCode),
                    new SqlParameter("@name", company.CompanyName1),
                    new SqlParameter("@type", company.CompanyType),
                    new SqlParameter("@re", company.Remark),
                if (DataAccessUtil.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, list) > 0)
                    throw new ApplicationException("添加失败");
                string sql = "update " + Program.DataBaseName +
                             "..MD_Company set CompanyCode=@code,CompanyName=@name,CompanyType=@type,Remark=@re" +
                             " where id=" + Tag;
                List <SqlParameter> list = new List <SqlParameter>()
                    new SqlParameter("@code", company.CompanyCode),
                    new SqlParameter("@name", company.CompanyName1),
                    new SqlParameter("@type", company.CompanyType),
                    new SqlParameter("@re", company.Remark),
                if (DataAccessUtil.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, list) > 0)
                    throw new ApplicationException("修改失败");
Beispiel #3
        private void FillData(int id)
            string sql = "select * from " + Program.DataBaseName + "..MD_Storehouse where Actived=1 and id=" + id;
            List <SqlParameter> list = new List <SqlParameter>();
            DataRow             row  = DataAccessUtil.ExecuteDataTable(sql, list).Rows[0];

            txtCode.Text   = row["StorehouseCode"].ToString();
            txtName.Text   = row["StorehouseName"].ToString();
            txtRemark.Text = row["Remark"].ToString();
Beispiel #4
        private void FillDatas()
            string sql = "select * from " + Program.DataBaseName + "..MD_Company where id=" + Tag;
            List <SqlParameter> list = new List <SqlParameter>();
            DataRow             row  = DataAccessUtil.ExecuteDataTable(sql, list).Rows[0];

            txtCode.Text      = row["CompanyCode"].ToString();
            txtName.Text      = row["CompanyName"].ToString();
            lueType.EditValue = row["CompanyType"];
            txtRemark.Text    = row["Remark"].ToString();
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 删除往来单位
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void barLargeButtonItem5_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e)
            int selectRow = gv.GetSelectedRows()[0];
            int    id  = Convert.ToInt32(gv.GetRowCellValue(selectRow, gv.Columns["Id"]));
            string sql = "update " + Program.DataBaseName + "..MD_Company set Actived=0 where id=" + id;
            List <SqlParameter> list = new List <SqlParameter>();

            if (DataAccessUtil.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, list) > 0)
Beispiel #6
        private void IsContainsToDataBase()
            string sql = "select * from " + Program.DataBaseName + "..MD_Storehouse where Actived=1" +
                         " and StorehouseCode=@code and StorehouseName=@name";
            List <SqlParameter> list = new List <SqlParameter>()
                new SqlParameter("@code", txtCode.Text.Trim()),
                new SqlParameter("@name", txtName.Text.Trim())

            if (DataAccessUtil.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, list) > 0)
                throw new ApplicationException("当前要添加的值在数据库中已经存在..");
Beispiel #7
        private void FillData(int id)
            string sql = "select * from " + Program.DataBaseName + "..MD_Goods" +
                         " where id=@id and Actived=1";
            List <SqlParameter> list = new List <SqlParameter>()
                new SqlParameter("@id", id)
            DataRow row = DataAccessUtil.ExecuteDataTable(sql, list).Rows[0];

            txtCode.Text               = row["GoodsCode"].ToString();
            txtName.Text               = row["GoodsName"].ToString();
            lueGoodsFrom.EditValue     = row["GoodsFromId"];
            lueGoodsCategory.EditValue = row["GoodsCategoryId"];
Beispiel #8
        private void btnNext_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
            string sql = "select isnull(min(id),0) from MD_Bill where id >" + _flag + " and BillType_ID=0";
            List <SqlParameter> list = new List <SqlParameter>();
            object value             = DataAccessUtil.ExecuteScalar(sql, list);

            if (value != null)
                int tempId = Convert.ToInt32(value);
                if (tempId != 0)
                    _flag = tempId;
Beispiel #9
        private void FillDataToViews(int id)
            string sql =
                "select bi.*,b.* from MD_BillItem as bi inner join MD_Bill as b on inner join MD_Goods as g on bi.GoodsName=g.ID inner join MD_GoodsFrom as gf on bi.GoodsFrom_ID=gf.ID inner join MD_GoodsCategory as gc on bi.GoodsCategory_ID=gc.ID where b.BillType_ID=1and" +
            List <SqlParameter> list = new List <SqlParameter>();

                DataTable table = DataAccessUtil.ExecuteDataTable(sql, list);
                if (table.Rows.Count <= 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("老哥,没有数据啦...", "提示!!!", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

                DataRow row = table.Rows[0];
                txtPurOddNumber.Text    = row["BillCode"].ToString();
                deTime.Text             = row["MakeDate"].ToString();
                txtMaker.Text           = row["Maker"].ToString();
                lueCompany.EditValue    = Convert.ToInt32(row["Company_ID"]);
                lueStorehouse.EditValue = Convert.ToInt32(row["Storehouse_ID"]);
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                dt.Columns.Add("GoodsCode", typeof(string));
                dt.Columns.Add("GoodsName", typeof(string));
                dt.Columns.Add("GoodsFromName", typeof(string));
                dt.Columns.Add("GoodsCategoryName", typeof(string));
                dt.Columns.Add("UnitPrice", typeof(decimal));
                dt.Columns.Add("Count", typeof(decimal));
                dt.Columns.Add("Total", typeof(decimal));
                gridControl1.DataSource = dt;
                DataRow newRow = dt.NewRow();
                newRow["GoodsCode"]         = row["GoodsCode"];
                newRow["GoodsName"]         = row["GoodsName"]; //这里给lookUpEdit赋值的时候是需要赋值ID的.....千万记住
                newRow["GoodsFromName"]     = row["GoodsFrom_ID"];
                newRow["GoodsCategoryName"] = row["GoodsCategory_ID"];
                newRow["UnitPrice"]         = row["UnitPrice"];
                newRow["Count"]             = row["Count"];
                newRow["Total"]             = row["Total"];
            catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #10
        private void BillDataToDataBase()
            string sql = "insert into " + Program.DataBaseName + "..MD_Bill" +
                         "(Storehouse_ID,BillType_ID,Maker,MakeDate,Company_ID,BillCode)" +
                         " values(@sid,@bid,@maker,@md,@cid,@bc)";
            List <SqlParameter> list = new List <SqlParameter>()
                new SqlParameter("@sid", lueStorehouse.EditValue),
                new SqlParameter("@bid", true), //1入库,0出库
                new SqlParameter("@maker", txtMaker.Text.Trim()),
                new SqlParameter("@md", deTime.Text.Trim()),
                new SqlParameter("@cid", lueCompany.EditValue),
                new SqlParameter("@bc", txtPurOddNumber.Text.Trim())

            DataAccessUtil.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, list);
Beispiel #11
        private void AddToStorehouseDataBase()
            string sql = "insert into " + Program.DataBaseName + "..MD_Storehouse(StorehouseCode,StorehouseName,remark) values(@code,@name,@remark)";
            List <SqlParameter> list = new List <SqlParameter>()
                new SqlParameter("@code", txtCode.Text.Trim()),
                new SqlParameter("@name", txtName.Text.Trim()),
                new SqlParameter("@remark", txtRemark.Text.Trim()),

            if (DataAccessUtil.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, list) > 0)
                if (AddStorehouseEvent != null)
Beispiel #12
        private void DataInsertToDataBase(string goodsCode, string goodsName, string goodsFromNameId,
                                          string goodsCategoryNameId, string unitPrice, string count, string total)
            string sql = "insert into " + Program.DataBaseName + "..MD_Bill" +
                         "(Storehouse_ID,BillType_ID,Maker,MakeDate,Company_ID,BillCode)" +
                         " values(@sid,@bid,@maker,@md,@cid,@bc)";
            List <SqlParameter> sqlParameters = new List <SqlParameter>()
                new SqlParameter("@sid", lueStorehouse.EditValue),
                new SqlParameter("@bid", false), //1入库,0出库
                new SqlParameter("@maker", txtMaker.Text.Trim()),
                new SqlParameter("@md", deTime.Text.Trim()),
                new SqlParameter("@cid", lueCompany.EditValue),
                new SqlParameter("@bc", txtPurOddNumber.Text.Trim())

            if (DataAccessUtil.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, sqlParameters) > 0)
                int billId = SelectLastIdFromBill();

                sql = "insert into " + Program.DataBaseName + "..MD_BillItem" +
                      "(Bill_ID,GoodsCode,GoodsName,GoodsFrom_ID,GoodsCategory_ID,UnitPrice,Count,Total)" +
                      " values(@billId,@goodsCode,@goodsName,@goodsFromNameId,@goodsCategoryNameId,@unitPrice" +
                List <SqlParameter> list = new List <SqlParameter>()
                    new SqlParameter("@billId", billId),
                    new SqlParameter("@goodsCode", goodsCode),
                    new SqlParameter("@goodsName", goodsName),
                    new SqlParameter("@goodsFromNameId", goodsFromNameId),
                    new SqlParameter("@goodsCategoryNameId", goodsCategoryNameId),
                    new SqlParameter("@unitPrice", unitPrice),
                    new SqlParameter("@count", count),
                    new SqlParameter("@total", total)
                if (DataAccessUtil.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, list) > 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("出库单保存成功...", "提示!!", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                    ResetViews(); //重置数据
Beispiel #13
        private void btnUp_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
            string sql = "select isnull(max(id),0) from MD_Bill where id <" + _flag + " and BillType_ID=0";
            List <SqlParameter> list = new List <SqlParameter>();
            int tempId = Convert.ToInt32(DataAccessUtil.ExecuteScalar(sql, list));

            if (tempId > 0)
                if (tempId != 0)
                    _flag = tempId;
                MessageBox.Show("当前已经是第一条单据了", "提示!!!", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
Beispiel #14
        private void UpdateStorehouseById()
            string sql = "update " + Program.DataBaseName + "..MD_Storehouse set StorehouseCode=@code" +
                         ",StorehouseName=@name,remark=@remark where actived=1 and id=" + Convert.ToInt32(Tag);
            List <SqlParameter> list = new List <SqlParameter>()
                new SqlParameter("@code", txtCode.Text.Trim()),
                new SqlParameter("@name", txtName.Text.Trim()),
                new SqlParameter("@remark", txtRemark.Text.Trim()),

            if (DataAccessUtil.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, list) > 0)
                if (UpdateEvent != null)
Beispiel #15
        private bool SumGoodsCount(string goodsName, string count)
            string sql =
                "select isnull(sum(bi.count),0) from MD_BillItem  as bi  inner join MD_Bill as b on bi.Bill_ID=b.ID where bi.GoodsName=" +
                goodsName + " and b.BillType_ID=1";
            List <SqlParameter> list = new List <SqlParameter>();
            int inCount = Convert.ToInt32(DataAccessUtil.ExecuteScalar(sql, list));

            if (inCount > 0)
                int i = inCount + Convert.ToInt32(count);
                sql = "update MD_BillItem set count=" + i + " where GoodsName=" + goodsName;
                List <SqlParameter> s = new List <SqlParameter>();
                DataAccessUtil.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, s);
Beispiel #16
        private void LoadStorehouseList()
            string sql = "select * from " + Program.DataBaseName + "..MD_Storehouse where Actived=1";
            List <SqlParameter> list        = new List <SqlParameter>();
            List <Storehouse>   storehouses = new List <Storehouse>();
            DataTable           table       = DataAccessUtil.ExecuteDataTable(sql, list);

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                storehouses.Add(new Storehouse()
                    Id             = Convert.ToInt32(row["id"]),
                    StorehouseCode = row["StorehouseCode"].ToString(),
                    StorehouseName = row["StorehouseName"].ToString(),
                    Actived        = Convert.ToBoolean(row["Actived"]),
                    Remark         = row["Remark"].ToString()

            gridControl1.DataSource = storehouses;
Beispiel #17
        private void LoadLueStorehouseData()
            string sql = "select * from " + Program.DataBaseName + "..MD_Storehouse where Actived=1";
            List <SqlParameter> sqlParameters = new List <SqlParameter>();
            List <Storehouse>   storehouses   = new List <Storehouse>();
            DataTable           table         = DataAccessUtil.ExecuteDataTable(sql, sqlParameters);

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                storehouses.Add(new Storehouse()
                    Id             = Convert.ToInt32(row["Id"]),
                    StorehouseCode = row["StorehouseCode"].ToString(),
                    StorehouseName = row["StorehouseName"].ToString()

            lueStorehouse.Properties.DisplayMember = "StorehouseName";
            lueStorehouse.Properties.ValueMember   = "Id";
            lueStorehouse.Properties.DataSource    = storehouses;
Beispiel #18
        private void LoadlueCompanyData()
            string sql = "select * from " + Program.DataBaseName + "..MD_Company where Actived=1 and CompanyType=1";
            List <SqlParameter> list      = new List <SqlParameter>();
            List <Company>      companies = new List <Company>();
            DataTable           table     = DataAccessUtil.ExecuteDataTable(sql, list);

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                companies.Add(new Company()
                    Id           = Convert.ToInt32(row["Id"]),
                    CompanyCode  = row["CompanyCode"].ToString(),
                    CompanyName1 = row["CompanyName"].ToString()

            lueCompany.Properties.DisplayMember = "CompanyName1";
            lueCompany.Properties.ValueMember   = "Id";
            lueCompany.Properties.DataSource    = companies;
Beispiel #19
        private void LoadLueGoodsNameData()
            string sql = "select * from " + Program.DataBaseName + "..MD_Goods where Actived=1";
            List <SqlParameter> list          = new List <SqlParameter>();
            List <Goods>        goodsNameList = new List <Goods>();
            DataTable           table         = DataAccessUtil.ExecuteDataTable(sql, list);

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                goodsNameList.Add(new Goods()
                    Id        = Convert.ToInt32(row["Id"]),
                    GoodsCode = row["GoodsCode"].ToString(),
                    GoodsName = row["GoodsName"].ToString()

            lueGoodsName.ValueMember   = "Id";
            lueGoodsName.DisplayMember = "GoodsName";
            lueGoodsName.DataSource    = goodsNameList;
Beispiel #20
        private void btnRemove_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e)
            int selectedhandle = gridView1.GetSelectedRows()[0];
            int biId = Convert.ToInt32(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(selectedhandle, "BiId"));
            string sql = "delete MD_BillItem where id=" + biId;

                if (DataAccessUtil.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, new List <SqlParameter>()) > 0)
            catch (Exception exception)
Beispiel #21
 private void DeleteStorehouseById()
     if (gridView1.FocusedRowHandle < 0)
     try {
         if (_info.InRowCell)
             int    selectRow         = gridView1.GetSelectedRows()[0];                                                 //获得选中的第一行的下标
             var    id                = Convert.ToInt32(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(selectRow, gridView1.Columns["Id"])); //根据下标选择列值
             string sql               = "Update " + Program.DataBaseName + "..MD_Storehouse set actived=0 where id=" + id;
             List <SqlParameter> list = new List <SqlParameter>();
             if (DataAccessUtil.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, list) > 0)
     } catch (Exception exception) {
Beispiel #22
        private void LoadAllCompany()
            string sql = "select * from " + Program.DataBaseName + "..MD_Company where Actived=1";
            List <SqlParameter> list      = new List <SqlParameter>();
            List <Company>      companies = new List <Company>();
            DataTable           table     = DataAccessUtil.ExecuteDataTable(sql, list);

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                companies.Add(new Company()
                    Id           = Convert.ToInt32(row["id"]),
                    CompanyCode  = row["CompanyCode"].ToString(),
                    CompanyName1 = row["CompanyName"].ToString(),
                    CompanyType  = Convert.ToInt32(row["CompanyType"]),
                    Actived      = Convert.ToBoolean(row["Actived"]),
                    Remark       = row["Remark"].ToString()

            gridControl1.DataSource = companies;
Beispiel #23
        private void DeleteGoods()
            int selectRow = gridView1.GetSelectedRows()[0];                                                 //获得选中的第一行的下标
            int id        = Convert.ToInt32(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(selectRow, gridView1.Columns["Id"])); //根据下标选择列值
            string sqls = "select * from " + Program.DataBaseName + "..MD_BillItem where GoodsName=" + id;
            List <SqlParameter> sqlParameters = new List <SqlParameter>();

            if (DataAccessUtil.ExecuteDataTable(sqls, sqlParameters).Rows.Count > 0)
                MessageBox.Show("确定要删除吗?\r\n当前要删除的商品在单据中存在,请先删除单据..", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
            string sql = "update " + Program.DataBaseName + "..MD_Goods set" +
                         " Actived=0 where id=" + id;
            List <SqlParameter> list = new List <SqlParameter>();

            if (DataAccessUtil.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, list) > 0)
Beispiel #24
        public void formCompanyWhere_SelectCompanyEvent(Company company)
            string sql = "select * from " + Program.DataBaseName + "..MD_Company where actived=1";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(company.CompanyCode))
                sql += " and CompanyCode=" + "'" + company.CompanyCode + "'";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(company.CompanyName1))
                sql += " and CompanyName like" + "'%" + company.CompanyName1 + "%'";

            if (company.CompanyType == 0 || company.CompanyType == 1)
                sql += " and CompanyType=" + company.CompanyType;

            List <SqlParameter> list      = new List <SqlParameter>();
            List <Company>      companies = new List <Company>();
            DataTable           table     = DataAccessUtil.ExecuteDataTable(sql, list);

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                companies.Add(new Company()
                    Id           = Convert.ToInt32(row["id"]),
                    CompanyCode  = row["CompanyCode"].ToString(),
                    CompanyName1 = row["CompanyName"].ToString(),
                    CompanyType  = Convert.ToInt32(row["CompanyType"]),
                    Remark       = row["Remark"].ToString()

            gridControl1.DataSource = companies;
Beispiel #25
        private void gridView1_CellValueChanged(object sender,
                                                DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.CellValueChangedEventArgs e)
            DataRow row = gridView1.GetFocusedDataRow();

            if (null != row)
                string unitPrice         = row["UnitPrice"].ToString();
                string goodsName         = row["GoodsName"].ToString();
                string count             = row["Count"].ToString();
                string goodFromName      = row["GoodsFromName"].ToString();
                string goodsCategoryName = row["GoodsCategoryName"].ToString();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(goodsName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(count) &&
                    !string.IsNullOrEmpty(goodFromName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(goodsCategoryName))
//                    string sql =
//                        "select g.GoodsName,gf.GoodsFromName,gc.GoodsCategoryName,s.StorehouseName,b.BillType_ID,sum(bi.Count) as lastcount from MD_BillItem as bi inner join MD_Goods as g on bi.GoodsName=g.ID inner join MD_GoodsFrom as gf on bi.GoodsFrom_ID=gf.ID inner join MD_GoodsCategory as gc on bi.GoodsCategory_ID=gc.ID inner join MD_Bill as b on bi.Bill_ID=b.ID inner join MD_Storehouse as s on b.Storehouse_ID=s.ID where b.BillType_ID=1 and bi.GoodsName=" + goodsName + " and bi.GoodsFrom_ID=" + goodFromName + " and bi.GoodsCategory_ID=" + goodsCategoryName + "group by g.GoodsName,gf.GoodsFromName,gc.GoodsCategoryName,s.StorehouseName,b.BillType_ID";

                    string sql = "select * from MD_Stock where Goods_ID=" + goodsName + " and GoodsFrom_ID=" +
                                 goodFromName + " and GoodsCategory_ID=" + goodsCategoryName;

                    List <SqlParameter> list = new List <SqlParameter>();
                    DataRow             row1 = DataAccessUtil.ExecuteDataTable(sql, list).Rows[0];
                    if (Convert.ToDecimal(row1["count"]) < Convert.ToDecimal(count))
                        MessageBox.Show("当前库存中并没有这么多商品,只有" + Convert.ToDecimal(row1["count"]) + "个!!", "提示",
                        row["Count"] = 0;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unitPrice) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(count))
                    row["Total"] = Convert.ToDecimal(unitPrice) * Convert.ToDecimal(row["Count"].ToString());
Beispiel #26
        private void UpdateGoods()
            string sql = "update " + Program.DataBaseName + "..MD_Goods set" +
                         " GoodsCode=@code,GoodsName=@name,GoodsFromId=@fid,GoodsCategoryId=@cid" +
                         " where id=@id and Actived=1";
            List <SqlParameter> list = new List <SqlParameter>()
                new SqlParameter("@code", txtCode.Text.Trim()),
                new SqlParameter("@name", txtName.Text.Trim()),
                new SqlParameter("@fid", lueGoodsFrom.EditValue),
                new SqlParameter("@cid", lueGoodsCategory.EditValue),
                new SqlParameter("@id", Convert.ToInt32(Tag))

            if (DataAccessUtil.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, list) > 0)
                throw new ApplicationException("修改失败");
Beispiel #27
        private void AddGoods()
            string sql = "insert into " + Program.DataBaseName +
                         "..MD_Goods(GoodsCode,GoodsName,GoodsFromId,GoodsCategoryId)" +
                         " values(@code,@name,@from,@category)";
            List <SqlParameter> list = new List <SqlParameter>()
                new SqlParameter("@code", txtCode.Text.Trim()),
                new SqlParameter("@name", txtName.Text.Trim()),
                new SqlParameter("@from", lueGoodsFrom.EditValue),
                new SqlParameter("@category", lueGoodsCategory.EditValue),
            int i = DataAccessUtil.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, list);

            if (i > 0)
                btnCancel_Click(null, null);
                throw new ApplicationException("添加失败..");
Beispiel #28
        private void barButtonItem1_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e)
            DataTable table = DataAccessUtil.ExecuteDataTable("Select * from MD_Stock ", new List <SqlParameter>());

            AExcelHelper.ExportDTtoExcel(table, "导出的表", "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\a.xls");
Beispiel #29
        private void LoadStockDataList()
            //select g.ID as gid,gf.ID as gfid,gc.ID as gcid,g.GoodsName,gf.GoodsFromName,gc.GoodsCategoryName,s.StorehouseName,b.BillType_ID,sum(bi.Count) as lastcount from MD_BillItem as bi inner join MD_Goods as g on bi.GoodsName=g.ID inner join MD_GoodsFrom as gf on bi.GoodsFrom_ID=gf.ID inner join MD_GoodsCategory as gc on bi.GoodsCategory_ID=gc.ID inner join MD_Bill as b on bi.Bill_ID=b.ID inner join MD_Storehouse as s on b.Storehouse_ID=s.ID where b.BillType_ID=1 group by g.GoodsName,gf.GoodsFromName,gc.GoodsCategoryName,s.StorehouseName,b.BillType_ID,g.ID,gf.ID,gc.ID

            //select g.ID as gid,gf.ID as gfid,gc.ID as gcid,g.GoodsName,gf.GoodsFromName,gc.GoodsCategoryName,s.StorehouseName,b.BillType_ID,sum(bi.Count) as lastcount from MD_BillItem as bi inner join MD_Goods as g on bi.GoodsName=g.ID inner join MD_GoodsFrom as gf on bi.GoodsFrom_ID=gf.ID inner join MD_GoodsCategory as gc on bi.GoodsCategory_ID=gc.ID inner join MD_Bill as b on bi.Bill_ID=b.ID inner join MD_Storehouse as s on b.Storehouse_ID=s.ID where b.BillType_ID=0 group by g.GoodsName,gf.GoodsFromName,gc.GoodsCategoryName,s.StorehouseName,b.BillType_ID,g.ID,gf.ID,gc.ID

            string sql =
                "select g.ID as gid,gf.ID as gfid,gc.ID as gcid,b.Storehouse_ID,g.GoodsName,gf.GoodsFromName,gc.GoodsCategoryName,s.StorehouseName,b.BillType_ID,sum(bi.Count) as lastcount from MD_BillItem as bi inner join MD_Goods as g on bi.GoodsName=g.ID inner join MD_GoodsFrom as gf on bi.GoodsFrom_ID=gf.ID inner join MD_GoodsCategory as gc on bi.GoodsCategory_ID=gc.ID inner join MD_Bill as b on bi.Bill_ID=b.ID inner join MD_Storehouse as s on b.Storehouse_ID=s.ID where b.BillType_ID=1 group by g.GoodsName,gf.GoodsFromName,gc.GoodsCategoryName,s.StorehouseName,b.BillType_ID,g.ID,gf.ID,gc.ID,b.Storehouse_ID";
            List <SqlParameter> sqlParameters  = new List <SqlParameter>();
            List <StockDetail>  stockDetailsIn = new List <StockDetail>();
            DataTable           table          = DataAccessUtil.ExecuteDataTable(sql, sqlParameters);

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                StockDetail stock = new StockDetail();
                stock.GoodsName         = row["GoodsName"].ToString();         //名称
                stock.GoodsFromName     = row["GoodsFromName"].ToString();     //产地
                stock.GoodsCategoryName = row["GoodsCategoryName"].ToString(); //品种
                stock.StorehouseName    = row["StorehouseName"].ToString();    //仓库名称
                stock.LastCount         = row["lastcount"].ToString();         //每个商品的最终入库数量
                stock.GoodsId           = Convert.ToInt32(row["gid"]);
                stock.GoodsFromId       = Convert.ToInt32(row["gfid"]);
                stock.GoodsCategoryId   = Convert.ToInt32(row["gcid"]);
                stock.StorehouseId      = Convert.ToInt32(row["Storehouse_ID"]);
                stockDetailsIn.Add(stock); //所有入库结果

            string outSql =
                "select g.ID as gid,gf.ID as gfid,gc.ID as gcid,b.Storehouse_ID,g.GoodsName,gf.GoodsFromName,gc.GoodsCategoryName,s.StorehouseName,b.BillType_ID,sum(bi.Count) as lastcount from MD_BillItem as bi inner join MD_Goods as g on bi.GoodsName=g.ID inner join MD_GoodsFrom as gf on bi.GoodsFrom_ID=gf.ID inner join MD_GoodsCategory as gc on bi.GoodsCategory_ID=gc.ID inner join MD_Bill as b on bi.Bill_ID=b.ID inner join MD_Storehouse as s on b.Storehouse_ID=s.ID where b.BillType_ID=0 group by g.GoodsName,gf.GoodsFromName,gc.GoodsCategoryName,s.StorehouseName,b.BillType_ID,g.ID,gf.ID,gc.ID,b.Storehouse_ID";
            List <StockDetail> stockDetailsOut = new List <StockDetail>();
            DataTable          tableOut        = DataAccessUtil.ExecuteDataTable(outSql, sqlParameters);

            foreach (DataRow row in tableOut.Rows)
                StockDetail stock = new StockDetail();
                stock.GoodsName         = row["GoodsName"].ToString();         //名称
                stock.GoodsFromName     = row["GoodsFromName"].ToString();     //产地
                stock.GoodsCategoryName = row["GoodsCategoryName"].ToString(); //品种
                stock.StorehouseName    = row["StorehouseName"].ToString();    //仓库名称
                stock.LastCount         = row["lastcount"].ToString();         //每个商品的最终出库数量
                stock.GoodsId           = Convert.ToInt32(row["gid"]);
                stock.GoodsFromId       = Convert.ToInt32(row["gfid"]);
                stock.GoodsCategoryId   = Convert.ToInt32(row["gcid"]);
                stock.StorehouseId      = Convert.ToInt32(row["Storehouse_ID"]);
                stockDetailsOut.Add(stock); //所有出库结果

            List <StockDetail> lastShowDetails = new List <StockDetail>();

            foreach (StockDetail detailIn in stockDetailsIn)
                foreach (StockDetail detailOut in stockDetailsOut)
                    if (detailIn.GoodsId == detailOut.GoodsId && detailIn.GoodsFromId == detailOut.GoodsFromId &&
                        detailIn.GoodsCategoryId == detailOut.GoodsCategoryId)
                        StockDetail stock = new StockDetail();
                        stock.GoodsId           = detailIn.GoodsId;
                        stock.GoodsFromId       = detailIn.GoodsFromId;
                        stock.GoodsCategoryId   = detailIn.GoodsCategoryId;
                        stock.StorehouseId      = detailIn.StorehouseId;
                        stock.GoodsName         = detailIn.GoodsName;
                        stock.GoodsFromName     = detailIn.GoodsFromName;
                        stock.GoodsCategoryName = detailIn.GoodsCategoryName;
                        stock.StorehouseName    = detailIn.StorehouseName;
                        stock.LastCount         = (Convert.ToDecimal(detailIn.LastCount) -

            gridControl1.DataSource = lastShowDetails;
            foreach (StockDetail detail in lastShowDetails)
                string insertSql = "insert into " + Program.DataBaseName +
                                   "..MD_Stock(Goods_ID,Storehouse_ID,Count,GoodsFrom_ID,GoodsCategory_ID) values(@goods_ID,@storehouse_ID,@coun,@goodsFrom_ID,@goodsCategory_ID)";
                List <SqlParameter> list = new List <SqlParameter>()
                    new SqlParameter("@goods_ID", detail.GoodsId),
                    new SqlParameter("@storehouse_ID", detail.StorehouseId),
                    new SqlParameter("@coun", Convert.ToDecimal(detail.LastCount)),
                    new SqlParameter("@goodsFrom_ID", detail.GoodsFromId),
                    new SqlParameter("@goodsCategory_ID", detail.GoodsCategoryId),
                    DataAccessUtil.ExecuteNonQuery(insertSql, list);
                catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #30
        private void FillDataToViews(int id)
            string sql = string.Empty;

            if (id == 1)
                sql =
                    "select top 1 g.GoodsName,gf.GoodsFromName,gc.GoodsCategoryName,bi.*,b.* " +
                    "from MD_BillItem as bi inner join MD_Bill as b on  " +
                    "inner join MD_Goods as g on bi.GoodsName=g.ID " +
                    "inner join MD_GoodsFrom as gf on bi.GoodsFrom_ID=gf.ID " +
                    "inner join MD_GoodsCategory as gc on bi.GoodsCategory_ID=gc.ID where b.BillType_ID=0";
                sql =
                    "select g.GoodsName,gf.GoodsFromName,gc.GoodsCategoryName,bi.*,b.* " +
                    "from MD_BillItem as bi inner join MD_Bill as b on  " +
                    "inner join MD_Goods as g on bi.GoodsName=g.ID " +
                    "inner join MD_GoodsFrom as gf on bi.GoodsFrom_ID=gf.ID " +
                    "inner join MD_GoodsCategory as gc on bi.GoodsCategory_ID=gc.ID where b.BillType_ID=0 and" +

            List <SqlParameter> list  = new List <SqlParameter>();
            DataTable           table = DataAccessUtil.ExecuteDataTable(sql, list);

            if (table.Rows.Count <= 0)
                MessageBox.Show("老哥,没有数据啦...", "提示!!!", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            DataRow row = table.Rows[0];

            txtPurOddNumber.Text    = row["BillCode"].ToString();
            deTime.Text             = row["MakeDate"].ToString();
            txtMaker.Text           = row["Maker"].ToString();
            lueCompany.EditValue    = Convert.ToInt32(row["Company_ID"]);
            lueStorehouse.EditValue = Convert.ToInt32(row["Storehouse_ID"]);
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            dt.Columns.Add("GoodsCode", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("GoodsName", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("GoodsFromName", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("GoodsCategoryName", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("UnitPrice", typeof(decimal));
            dt.Columns.Add("Count", typeof(decimal));
            dt.Columns.Add("Total", typeof(decimal));
            gridControl1.DataSource = dt;
            DataRow newRow = dt.NewRow();

            newRow["GoodsCode"] = row["GoodsCode"];
            //            newRow["GoodsName"] = row["GoodsName"];
            lueGoodsName.NullText = row["GoodsName"].ToString();
            //            newRow["GoodsFromName"] = row["GoodsFromName"];
            lueGoodsFromName.NullText = row["GoodsFromName"].ToString();
            //            newRow["GoodsCategoryName"] = row["GoodsCategoryName"];
            lueGoodsCategoryName.NullText = row["GoodsCategoryName"].ToString();
            newRow["UnitPrice"]           = row["UnitPrice"];
            newRow["Count"] = row["Count"];
            newRow["Total"] = row["Total"];