Beispiel #1
        private void Update(EvaluationContext context)
            var pointArray = PointArray.GetValue(context);

            if (pointArray == null || pointArray.Length == 0)
                Length.Value = 0;
                Log.Warning("Invalid input for PointsToBuffer");

            Length.Value = pointArray.Length;

            var resourceManager = ResourceManager.Instance();

            if (_bufferData.Length != pointArray.Length)
                _bufferData = new T3.Core.DataTypes.Point[pointArray.Length];

            for (int index = 0; index < pointArray.Length; index++)
                _bufferData[index] = pointArray[index];

            var stride = 32;

            _bufferWithViews.Buffer = _buffer;
            resourceManager.SetupStructuredBuffer(_bufferData, stride * pointArray.Length, stride, ref _buffer);
            resourceManager.CreateStructuredBufferSrv(_buffer, ref _bufferWithViews.Srv);
            resourceManager.CreateStructuredBufferUav(_buffer, UnorderedAccessViewBufferFlags.None, ref _bufferWithViews.Uav);
            OutBuffer.Value = _bufferWithViews;
Beispiel #2
        private void Update(EvaluationContext context)
            var countX = Count.GetValue(context).Clamp(1, 10000);

            var count = countX;

            if (_points.Length != count)
                _points = new T3.Core.DataTypes.Point[count];

            var startP = Start.GetValue(context);
            var endP   = Offset.GetValue(context);
            var startW = StartW.GetValue(context);
            var scaleW = OffsetW.GetValue(context);

            var startPoint = new Vector3(startP.X, startP.Y, startP.Z);
            var offset     = new Vector3(endP.X, endP.Y, endP.Z);
            var index      = 0;

            for (var x = 0; x < countX; x++)
                var fX = x / (float)countX;
                _points[index].Position    = Vector3.Lerp(startPoint, startPoint + offset, fX);
                _points[index].Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
                _points[index].W           = MathUtils.Lerp(startW, startW + scaleW, fX);
                _pointList[index]          = _points[index];

            Result.Value    = _points;
            PointList.Value = _pointList;
Beispiel #3
        private void AppendPoint(Point p, bool advanceIndex = true)
            if (_pointList.NumElements >= _maxPointCount)
                Log.Warning($"Cannot append {p} because buffer len of {_maxPointCount} reached");

            if (_writeIndex >= _pointList.NumElements - 1)
                Log.Debug($"Increasing paint buffer length of {_pointList.NumElements} by {BufferIncreaseStep}...");
                _pointList.SetLength(_pointList.NumElements + BufferIncreaseStep);

            if (advanceIndex)
                Log.Debug($"Writing {p.Position} at # {_writeIndex}");

            _pointList.TypedElements[_writeIndex] = p;

            if (advanceIndex)
Beispiel #4
        private void Update(EvaluationContext context)
            var closeCircle  = CloseCircle.GetValue(context);
            var circleOffset = closeCircle ? 1 : 0;
            var corners      = Count.GetValue(context).Clamp(1, 10000);
            var pointCount   = corners + circleOffset;
            var listCount    = corners + 2 * circleOffset; // Separator

            if (_pointList.NumElements != listCount)
                //_points = new T3.Core.DataTypes.Point[count];

            var axis            = Axis.GetValue(context);
            var center          = Center.GetValue(context);
            var offset          = Offset.GetValue(context);
            var radius          = Radius.GetValue(context);
            var radiusOffset    = RadiusOffset.GetValue(context);
            var thickness       = W.GetValue(context);
            var thicknessOffset = WOffset.GetValue(context);

            var angelInRads = StartAngel.GetValue(context) * MathUtils.ToRad + (float)Math.PI / 2;
            var deltaAngle  = -Cycles.GetValue(context) * MathUtils.Pi2 / (pointCount - circleOffset);

            for (var index = 0; index < pointCount; index++)
                var f = corners == 1
                            ? 1
                            : (float)index / pointCount;
                var length  = MathUtils.Lerp(radius, radius + radiusOffset, f);
                var v       = Vector3.UnitX * length;
                var rot     = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(axis, angelInRads);
                var vInAxis = Vector3.Transform(v, rot) + Vector3.Lerp(center, center + offset, f);

                var p = new Point
                    Position    = vInAxis,
                    W           = MathUtils.Lerp(thickness, thickness + thicknessOffset, f),
                    Orientation = rot
                _pointList[index] = p;
                angelInRads      += deltaAngle;

            if (closeCircle)
                _pointList[listCount - 1] = Point.Separator();

            ResultList.Value = _pointList;
Beispiel #5
        private void Update(EvaluationContext context)
            if (IsActve.GetValue(context))
                _maxPointCount = MaxPointCount.GetValue(context);

                if (TriggerReset.GetValue(context))

                var isMouseDown = IsMouseButtonDown.GetValue(context);
                if (!isMouseDown && _mouseWasDown)
                    if (_currentStrokeLength == 1 && _writeIndex > 0) // add to points for single click to make it visible as a dot
                        var lastPoint = _pointList.TypedElements[_writeIndex - 1];
                        lastPoint.Position = PointFromMousePos(context, _lastMousePos + new Vector2(0, 0.01f));
                    _currentStrokeLength = 0;
                else if (isMouseDown)
                    var mousePos = MousePos.GetValue(context);
                    if (!_mouseWasDown || Vector2.Distance(_lastMousePos, mousePos) > 0.001f)
                        AppendPoint(new Point()
                            Position    = PointFromMousePos(context, mousePos),
                            Orientation = Quaternion.Identity,
                            W           = 1,
                        AppendPoint(Point.Separator(), advanceIndex: false);
                    _lastMousePos = mousePos;

                _mouseWasDown = isMouseDown;

            PointList.Value = _pointList;
Beispiel #6
        private void Update(EvaluationContext context)
            var filepath = FilePath.GetValue(context);

            if (!File.Exists(filepath))
                Log.Debug($"File {filepath} doesn't exist");

            var         centerToBounds = CenterToBounds.GetValue(context);
            var         scaleToBounds  = ScaleToBounds.GetValue(context);
            SvgDocument svgDoc;

                svgDoc = SvgDocument.Open <SvgDocument>(filepath, null);
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Warning($"Failed to load svg document {filepath}:" + e.Message);

            var bounds          = new Vector3(svgDoc.Bounds.Size.Width, svgDoc.Bounds.Size.Height, 0);
            var centerOffset    = centerToBounds ? new Vector3(-bounds.X / 2, bounds.Y / 2, 0) : Vector3.Zero;
            var fitBoundsFactor = scaleToBounds ? (2f / bounds.Y) : 1;
            var scale           = Scale.GetValue(context) * fitBoundsFactor;

            GraphicsPath newPath = new GraphicsPath();

            var paths = new List <GraphicsPath>();

            ConvertAllNodesIntoGraphicPaths(svgDoc.Descendants(), paths);

            var totalPointCount = 0;

            foreach (var p in paths)
                totalPointCount += p.PointCount + 1;

            if (totalPointCount != _pointListWithSeparator.NumElements)

            int pointIndex = 0;

            foreach (var path in paths)
                var startIndex = pointIndex;

                for (var pathPointIndex = 0; pathPointIndex < path.PathPoints.Length; pathPointIndex++)
                    var point = path.PathPoints[pathPointIndex];

                    _pointListWithSeparator.TypedElements[startIndex + pathPointIndex].Position
                        = (new Vector3(point.X, 1 - point.Y, 0) + centerOffset) * scale;
                    _pointListWithSeparator.TypedElements[startIndex + pathPointIndex].W           = 1;
                    _pointListWithSeparator.TypedElements[startIndex + pathPointIndex].Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;

                // Calculate normals
                if (path.PathPoints.Length > 1)
                    for (var pathPointIndex = 0; pathPointIndex < path.PathPoints.Length; pathPointIndex++)
                        if (pathPointIndex == 0)
                            _pointListWithSeparator.TypedElements[startIndex + pathPointIndex].Orientation =
                        else if (pathPointIndex == path.PathPoints.Length - 1)
                            _pointListWithSeparator.TypedElements[startIndex + pathPointIndex].Orientation =
                                RotationFromTwoPositions(_pointListWithSeparator.TypedElements[path.PathPoints.Length - 2].Position,
                                                         _pointListWithSeparator.TypedElements[path.PathPoints.Length - 1].Position);
                            _pointListWithSeparator.TypedElements[startIndex + pathPointIndex].Orientation =
                                RotationFromTwoPositions(_pointListWithSeparator.TypedElements[startIndex + pathPointIndex].Position,
                                                         _pointListWithSeparator.TypedElements[startIndex + pathPointIndex + 1].Position);
                        // _pointListWithSeparator.TypedElements[startIndex + pathPointIndex].W = 1;
                        // _pointListWithSeparator.TypedElements[startIndex + pathPointIndex].Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;

                pointIndex += path.PathPoints.Length;

                _pointListWithSeparator.TypedElements[pointIndex] = Point.Separator();
            Log.Debug($"Loaded svg {filepath} with {pointIndex} points");

            ResultList.Value = _pointListWithSeparator;
Beispiel #7
 public SvgToPoints()
     ResultList.UpdateAction = Update;
     _pointListWithSeparator.TypedElements[_pointListWithSeparator.NumElements - 1] = Point.Separator();
Beispiel #8
 public LinePoints()
     ResultList.UpdateAction = Update;
     _pointListWithSeparator.TypedElements[2] = Point.Separator();
Beispiel #9
 public APoint()
     //ResultList.TransformableOp = this;
     ResultList.UpdateAction = Update;
     _pointListWithSeparator.TypedElements[1] = Point.Separator();