public virtual void Schedule <T>(ControlFlowGraph <T> cfg, SchedulingConstraints constraints, ISchedulingAdapter <T> scha) where T : Analysis.IInstruction
            var  endTimes = new Queue <long>();
            long cur      = long.MaxValue - 1;

            foreach (var bb in cfg.BasicBlocks)
                if (bb.IsExitBlock)

                constraints.EndTime = cur;
                Schedule(bb.Range, scha, constraints);
                endTimes.Enqueue(constraints.EndTime - constraints.StartTime);
            constraints.EndTime = 0;
            foreach (var bb in cfg.BasicBlocks)
                if (bb.IsExitBlock)

                constraints.EndTime += endTimes.Dequeue();
                Schedule(bb.Range, scha, constraints);
Beispiel #2
 public ForceDirectedSchedulerImpl(IFDSAdapater <T> adapter, IList <T> instructions, SchedulingConstraints constraints)
     Adapter      = adapter;
     Instructions = instructions;
     Constraints  = constraints;
Beispiel #3
 public static void Schedule(IFDSAdapater <T> adapter, IEnumerable <IList <T> > blocks,
                             SchedulingConstraints constraints,
                             bool minimizeBuses = true, bool minimizeRegisters = false)
     foreach (var block in blocks)
         Schedule(adapter, block, constraints, minimizeBuses, minimizeRegisters);
        public void Schedule <T>(IEnumerable <T> tasks, ISchedulingAdapter <T> scha, SchedulingConstraints constraints)
            long curTime = constraints.StartTime;

            foreach (T node in tasks)
                scha.CStep[node] = curTime;
                curTime         += scha.Latency[node];
            constraints.EndTime = curTime;
Beispiel #5
        public static void Schedule(IFDSAdapater <T> adapter, IList <T> instructions,
                                    SchedulingConstraints constraints,
                                    bool minimizeBuses = true, bool minimizeRegisters = false)
            var sched = new ForceDirectedSchedulerImpl <T>(adapter, instructions, constraints)
                MinimizeBuses     = minimizeBuses,
                MinimizeRegisters = minimizeRegisters

Beispiel #6
        public void Schedule <T>(ControlFlowGraph <T> cfg, SchedulingConstraints constraints, ISchedulingAdapter <T> scha)
            where T : IInstruction
            foreach (var bb in cfg.BasicBlocks)
                if (bb.IsExitBlock)

                _bbsched.Schedule(bb.Range, scha, constraints);
                constraints.StartTime = constraints.EndTime;
        public List <long> Schedule <T>(ISchedulingAdapter <T> a, IEnumerable <IList <T> > blocks)
            long time        = 0;
            var  times       = new List <long>();
            var  constraints = new SchedulingConstraints();

            foreach (IList <T> block in blocks)
                constraints.StartTime = time;
                time = Schedule(a, block, block, constraints);
        public List <long> Schedule <T>(ISchedulingAdapter <T> a, IEnumerable <IList <T> > blocks, long endTime)
            long time        = endTime;
            var  times       = new List <long>();
            var  constraints = new SchedulingConstraints();

            constraints.EndTime = endTime;
            foreach (IList <T> block in blocks.Reverse())
                constraints.EndTime = time;
                long preTime = Schedule(a, block, block, constraints);
                time = preTime;
Beispiel #9
        public void Schedule <T>(ControlFlowGraph <T> cfg, SchedulingConstraints constraints, ISchedulingAdapter <T> scha) where T : IInstruction
            foreach (var bb in cfg.BasicBlocks)
                if (bb.IsExitBlock)

                var  fdsa         = new FDSAdapter <T>(scha);
                var  asapa        = new ASLAPAdapter <T>(scha, fdsa.ASAPIndex);
                var  alapa        = new ASLAPAdapter <T>(scha, fdsa.ALAPIndex);
                long oldStartTime = constraints.StartTime;
                ASAPScheduler.InstanceUnlimitedResources.Schedule(bb.Range, asapa, constraints);
                ALAPScheduler.InstanceUnlimitedResources.Schedule(bb.Range, alapa, constraints);
                constraints.StartTime = oldStartTime;
                ForceDirectedSchedulerImpl <T> .Schedule(fdsa, bb.Range, constraints);

                constraints.StartTime = constraints.EndTime;
Beispiel #10
        public void Schedule <T>(IEnumerable <T> tasks, ISchedulingAdapter <T> scha, SchedulingConstraints constraints)
            var fdsa  = new FDSAdapter <T>(scha);
            var asapa = new ASLAPAdapter <T>(scha, fdsa.ASAPIndex);
            var alapa = new ASLAPAdapter <T>(scha, fdsa.ALAPIndex);

            ASAPScheduler.InstanceUnlimitedResources.Schedule(tasks, asapa, constraints);

            int maxConcurrency = tasks.GroupBy(i => asapa.CStep[i])
                                 .Sum(grp => grp.GroupBy(j => asapa.IClass[j]).Max(g => g.Count() - 1));

            long maxExtent    = constraints.EndTime - constraints.StartTime + maxConcurrency;
            long scaledExtent = (long)Math.Ceiling((constraints.EndTime - constraints.StartTime) * constraints.SchedScale);
            long extent       = Math.Min(maxExtent, scaledExtent);
            long oldStartTime = constraints.StartTime;

            constraints.EndTime = constraints.StartTime + extent;
            ALAPScheduler.InstanceUnlimitedResources.Schedule(tasks, alapa, constraints);
            constraints.StartTime = oldStartTime;
            ForceDirectedSchedulerImpl <T> .Schedule(fdsa, tasks.ToList(), constraints);
        public void Schedule <T>(IEnumerable <T> tasks, ISchedulingAdapter <T> scha, SchedulingConstraints constraints)
            var nodes = tasks.ToList();

            constraints.StartTime = Schedule(scha, nodes, nodes, constraints);
        public long Schedule <T>(ISchedulingAdapter <T> a, IList <T> nodes, IList <T> end, SchedulingConstraints constraints)
            ASAPScheduler.CheckInput(a, nodes);

            long endTime = constraints.EndTime;

            foreach (T x in nodes)
                a.CStep[x] = long.MaxValue;

            var pq = new PriorityQueue <NodeSet <T> >()
                Resolve = NodeSet <T> .Merge

            foreach (T x in end)
                pq.Enqueue(-endTime, NodeSet <T> .From(x));
            long startTime = endTime - 1;

            while (!pq.IsEmpty)
                var  cur     = pq.Dequeue();
                long curTime = -cur.Key;
                long reqTime = long.MaxValue;
                var  curSet  = cur.Value;
                var  order   = PriorizeNodes(curSet.Nodes);
                foreach (T x in order)
                    bool ready = true;
                    foreach (var dy in a.Succs[x])
                        T y = dy.Task;
                        if (a.CStep[y] == long.MaxValue)
                            // at least one successor is not yet scheduled
                            // -> task not ready
                            ready   = false;
                            reqTime = long.MaxValue;
                        else if (a.CStep[y] < curTime - a.Latency[x] + dy.MinDelay)
                            // at least one successor starts before current task could
                            // complete -> task not ready
                            ready = false;
                            if (reqTime < long.MaxValue)
                                reqTime = Math.Min(reqTime, a.CStep[y] + a.Latency[x] - dy.MinDelay);
                    if (ready)
                        // Check for deadline violations in second pass
                        foreach (var dy in a.Succs[x])
                            T y = dy.Task;
                            if (a.CStep[y] > curTime - a.Latency[x] + dy.MaxDelay)
                                // deadline exceeded
                                throw new NotSchedulableException();

                        long lat      = a.Latency[x];
                        long execTime = curTime - lat;
                        // If some operation is combinatorial (latency == 0) and is scheduled as
                        // last instruction, it must be moved one step back to fit inside the schedule's
                        // time frame.
                        if (execTime == endTime)
                        long preHint, postHint;
                        if (!ConstrainedResources || a.TryPin(x, execTime, out preHint, out postHint))
                            a.CStep[x] = execTime;
                            long nextTime = execTime;
                            startTime = Math.Min(startTime, execTime);
                            // requeue predecessors
                            foreach (var dw in a.Preds[x])
                                T w = dw.Task;
                                pq.Enqueue(-(execTime - dw.MinDelay + a.Latency[w]), NodeSet <T> .From(w));
                            if (preHint < 0)
                                throw new NotSchedulableException();

                            pq.Enqueue(-(preHint + lat), NodeSet <T> .From(x));
                    else if (reqTime < long.MaxValue)
                        pq.Enqueue(-reqTime, NodeSet <T> .From(x));
            foreach (T x in nodes)
                if (a.CStep[x] == long.MaxValue)
                    throw new NotSchedulableException();
        public long Schedule <T>(ISchedulingAdapter <T> a, IList <T> nodes, IList <T> startNodes,
                                 SchedulingConstraints constraints)
            CheckInput(a, nodes);

            long startTime = constraints.StartTime;

            foreach (T x in nodes)
                a.CStep[x] = long.MinValue;

            var pq = new PriorityQueue <NodeSet <T> >()
                Resolve = NodeSet <T> .Merge

            foreach (T x in startNodes)
                pq.Enqueue(startTime, NodeSet <T> .From(x));
            long endTime = startTime + 1;

            while (!pq.IsEmpty)
                var  cur     = pq.Dequeue();
                long curTime = cur.Key;
                var  curSet  = cur.Value;
                foreach (T x in curSet.Nodes)
                    bool ready   = true;
                    long reqTime = curTime;
                    foreach (var dw in a.Preds[x])
                        T w = dw.Task;
                        if (a.CStep[w] == long.MinValue)
                            // at least one predecessor is not yet scheduled
                            // -> we cannot tell whether it is ok to schedule current task.
                            ready   = false;
                            reqTime = long.MinValue;
                        else if (a.CStep[w] + dw.MinDelay > curTime)
                            // at least one predecessor did not yet complete.
                            ready = false;
                            if (reqTime > long.MinValue)
                                reqTime = Math.Max(reqTime, a.CStep[w] + dw.MinDelay);
                    if (ready)
                        // Check for deadline violations in second pass
                        foreach (var dw in a.Preds[x])
                            T w = dw.Task;
                            if (a.CStep[w] + dw.MaxDelay < curTime)
                                // deadline exceeded
                                throw new NotSchedulableException();

                        if (a.CStep[x] == long.MinValue)
                            long preHint, postHint;
                            if (!ConstrainedResources || a.TryPin(x, curTime, out preHint, out postHint))
                                a.CStep[x] = curTime;
                                long lat      = a.Latency[x];
                                long nextTime = curTime + lat;
                                if (lat > 0)
                                    endTime = Math.Max(endTime, nextTime);
                                    endTime = Math.Max(endTime, nextTime + 1);

                                // enqueue successor tasks
                                foreach (var dy in a.Succs[x])
                                    T y = dy.Task;
                                    pq.Enqueue(curTime + dy.MinDelay, NodeSet <T> .From(y));
                                pq.Enqueue(postHint, NodeSet <T> .From(x));
                    else if (reqTime > long.MinValue)
                        pq.Enqueue(reqTime, NodeSet <T> .From(x));
            foreach (T x in nodes)
                if (a.CStep[x] == long.MinValue)
                    throw new NotSchedulableException();