//Contructor for the add and edit dispatch GUI
        public AddEditGUI(ISimulationEnvironment env, DispatchDatabase dispatchDatabase, bool isEdit, string[] data)
            //Store all incoming information to our globals
            _environment = env;
            _dispatchDatabase = dispatchDatabase;
            _incomingData = data;
            _isEdit = isEdit;

            //Load up the form

            //If this is an edit
            if (isEdit)
                //Prepopulate the fields in the form with information

                //Time of dispatch
                DateTime tempDateTime = DateTime.Parse(data[1]);
                cmbHour.SelectedIndex = (tempDateTime.Hour%12) - 1;

                //Round to closest 15 minute interval
                cmbMinute.SelectedIndex = (tempDateTime.Minute/15);

                //Select the right line (green or red)
                if (data[3].Equals("Red"))
                    cmbSelect.SelectedIndex = 0;
                    cmbSelect.SelectedIndex = 1;

                //Select AM or PM
                if (tempDateTime.Hour > 11)
                    cmbAMPM.SelectedIndex = 1;
                    cmbAMPM.SelectedIndex = 0;

                //Select custom or predefined route
                if (int.Parse(data[2]) == 0)
                    rdbDefined.Checked = false;
                    rdbCustom.Checked = true;
                    txtCustom.Text = data[4];
                    rdbDefined.Checked = true;
                    rdbCustom.Checked = false;
                    cmbSelect.SelectedIndex = int.Parse(data[4]);
        //Method used to load a new database from an incoming filepath
        public void NewFile(string filename)
            _dispatchDatabase = new DispatchDatabase(_env, filename);

            //If there were any problem, make our reference now null
            if (_dispatchDatabase.SuccessfulParse == false)
                _dispatchDatabase = null;