public void move()
            if (collidesWithX())
                xDelta *= -1;
                currentRotationAngle *= -1;

                if (xDelta >= 0)
                    flowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight;
                    flowDirection = FlowDirection.RightToLeft;

            if (collidesWithY())
                yDelta *= -1;
                currentRotationAngle *= -1;


            currentX += xDelta * getXModifier();
            currentY += yDelta * getYModifier();

 public Fly(Random random, FlowDirection flowDirection, double canvasWidth, double canvasHeight, double imageWidth, double imageHeight)
     this.random        = random;
     this.flowDirection = flowDirection;
     this.canvasWidth   = canvasWidth;
     this.canvasHeight  = canvasHeight;
     this.imageWidth    = imageWidth;
     this.imageHeight   = imageHeight;
Beispiel #3
        // The OnFlowDirectionChange method translates a
        // Windows Presentation Foundation FlowDirection value
        // to a Windows Forms RightToLeft value and assigns
        // the result to the hosted control's RightToLeft property.
        private void OnFlowDirectionChange(object h, String propertyName, object value)
            WindowsFormsHost host = h as WindowsFormsHost;

            System.Windows.FlowDirection  fd = (System.Windows.FlowDirection)value;
            System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox cb = host.Child as System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox;

            cb.RightToLeft = (fd == System.Windows.FlowDirection.RightToLeft) ?
                             RightToLeft.Yes : RightToLeft.No;
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Translator for RightToLeft
        /// </summary>
        private static void RightToLeftPropertyTranslator(object host, string propertyName, object value)
            ElementHost elementHost = host as ElementHost;

            if (elementHost != null)
                AvalonAdapter adapter = elementHost.HostContainerInternal;
                if (adapter != null && value is SWF.RightToLeft)
                    SWF.RightToLeft  fromRTL         = (SWF.RightToLeft)value;
                    SW.FlowDirection toFlowDirection = ((fromRTL == SWF.RightToLeft.Yes) ? SW.FlowDirection.RightToLeft : SW.FlowDirection.LeftToRight);
                    adapter.FlowDirection = toFlowDirection;
Beispiel #5
        protected void ShowTooltip(DrawingContext drawingContext)
            if (PopUp || MouseOver)
                Typeface tf = new Typeface("GenericSansSerif");
                System.Windows.FlowDirection fd = new System.Windows.FlowDirection();

                FormattedText ft = new FormattedText(_buoy.Name + "   " + _buoy.Time + "(UTC)", CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, fd, tf, 18, Brushes.Red);
                drawingContext.DrawText(ft, new Point(40, -40));
                string latlngstr = "经度:" + _buoy.gps.Longitude.ToString("F06") + "\r纬度:" + _buoy.gps.Latitude.ToString("F06");
                ft = new FormattedText(latlngstr, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, fd, tf, 16, Brushes.White);
                drawingContext.DrawText(ft, new Point(40, -20));
                ft = new FormattedText("测距1:" + _buoy.Range1.ToString("F02"), CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, fd, tf, 16, Brushes.White);
                drawingContext.DrawText(ft, new Point(40, 20));
                ft = new FormattedText("测距2:" + _buoy.Range2.ToString("F02"), CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, fd, tf, 16, Brushes.White);
                drawingContext.DrawText(ft, new Point(40, 40));
Beispiel #6
        // Initialize the app's font and flow direction as defined in its localized resource strings.
        // To ensure that the font of your application is aligned with its supported languages and that the
        // FlowDirection for each of those languages follows its traditional direction, ResourceLanguage
        // and ResourceFlowDirection should be initialized in each resx file to match these values with that
        // file's culture. For example:
        //    ResourceLanguage's value should be "es-ES"
        //    ResourceFlowDirection's value should be "LeftToRight"
        //     ResourceLanguage's value should be "ar-SA"
        //     ResourceFlowDirection's value should be "RightToLeft"
        // For more info on localizing Windows Phone apps see
        void InitializeLanguage()
                // Set the font to match the display language defined by the
                // ResourceLanguage resource string for each supported language.
                // Fall back to the font of the neutral language if the Display
                // language of the phone is not supported.
                // If a compiler error is hit then ResourceLanguage is missing from
                // the resource file.
                RootFrame.Language = XmlLanguage.GetLanguage(AppResources.ResourceLanguage);

                // Set the FlowDirection of all elements under the root frame based
                // on the ResourceFlowDirection resource string for each
                // supported language.
                // If a compiler error is hit then ResourceFlowDirection is missing from
                // the resource file.
                System.Windows.FlowDirection flow = (System.Windows.FlowDirection)Enum.Parse(typeof(System.Windows.FlowDirection), AppResources.ResourceFlowDirection);
                RootFrame.FlowDirection = flow;
                // If an exception is caught here it is most likely due to either
                // ResourceLangauge not being correctly set to a supported language
                // code or ResourceFlowDirection is set to a value other than LeftToRight
                // or RightToLeft.

                if (Debugger.IsAttached)
