/// <include file='doc\DebugHandleTracker.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="DebugHandleTracker.HandleType.HandleEntry.ToString"]/*' />
                /// <devdoc>
                ///     Converts this handle to a printable string.  the string consists
                ///     of the handle value along with the callstack for it's
                ///     allocation.
                /// </devdoc>
                public string ToString(HandleType type)
                    StackParser sp = new StackParser(callStack);

                    // Discard all of the stack up to and including the "Handle.create" call

                    // Skip the next call as it is always a debug wrapper

                    // Now recreate the leak list with ten stack entries maximum, and
                    // put it all on one line.

                    string description = "";

                    if (type.name.Equals("GDI") || type.name.Equals("HDC"))
                        int objectType = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetObjectType(new HandleRef(null, handle));
                        switch (objectType)
                        case NativeMethods.OBJ_DC: description = "normal DC"; break;

                        case NativeMethods.OBJ_MEMDC: description = "memory DC"; break;

                        case NativeMethods.OBJ_METADC: description = "metafile DC"; break;

                        case NativeMethods.OBJ_ENHMETADC: description = "enhanced metafile DC"; break;

                        case NativeMethods.OBJ_PEN: description = "Pen"; break;

                        case NativeMethods.OBJ_BRUSH: description = "Brush"; break;

                        case NativeMethods.OBJ_PAL: description = "Palette"; break;

                        case NativeMethods.OBJ_FONT: description = "Font"; break;

                        case NativeMethods.OBJ_BITMAP: description = "Bitmap"; break;

                        case NativeMethods.OBJ_REGION: description = "Region"; break;

                        case NativeMethods.OBJ_METAFILE: description = "Metafile"; break;

                        case NativeMethods.OBJ_EXTPEN: description = "Extpen"; break;

                        default: description = "?"; break;
                        description = " (" + description + ")";

                    return(Convert.ToString((int)handle, 16) + description + ": " + sp.ToString());
            internal MetafileDCWrapper(HandleRef hOriginalDC, Size size)
                Debug.Assert(UnsafeNativeMethods.GetObjectType(hOriginalDC) == NativeMethods.OBJ_ENHMETADC,
                             "Why wrap a non-Enhanced MetaFile DC?");

                // Security fix: make sure the size has non-negative width and height.
                if (size.Width < 0 || size.Height < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException(nameof(size), SR.ControlMetaFileDCWrapperSizeInvalid);

                _hMetafileDC = hOriginalDC;
                _destRect    = new Interop.RECT(0, 0, size.Width, size.Height);
                HDC          = Interop.Gdi32.CreateCompatibleDC(IntPtr.Zero);

                int planes    = Interop.Gdi32.GetDeviceCaps(HDC, Interop.Gdi32.DeviceCapability.PLANES);
                int bitsPixel = Interop.Gdi32.GetDeviceCaps(HDC, Interop.Gdi32.DeviceCapability.BITSPIXEL);

                _hBitmap      = SafeNativeMethods.CreateBitmap(size.Width, size.Height, planes, bitsPixel, IntPtr.Zero);
                _hOriginalBmp = Interop.Gdi32.SelectObject(HDC, _hBitmap);
Beispiel #3
            // CreateCompatibleDIB
            // Create a DIB section with an optimal format w.r.t. the specified hdc.
            // If DIB <= 8bpp, then the DIB color table is initialized based on the
            // specified palette.  If the palette handle is NULL, then the system
            // palette is used.
            // Note: The hdc must be a direct DC (not an info or memory DC).
            // Note: On palettized displays, if the system palette changes the
            //       UpdateDIBColorTable function should be called to maintain
            //       the identity palette mapping between the DIB and the display.
            // Returns:
            //   Valid bitmap handle if successful, NULL if error.
            // History:
            //  23-Jan-1996 -by- Gilman Wong [gilmanw]
            // Wrote it.
            //  15-Nov-2000 -by- Chris Anderson [chrisan]
            // Ported it to C#.
            private IntPtr CreateCompatibleDIB(IntPtr hdc, IntPtr hpal, int ulWidth, int ulHeight, ref IntPtr ppvBits)
                if (hdc == IntPtr.Zero)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("hdc");

                IntPtr hbmRet = IntPtr.Zero;

                NativeMethods.BITMAPINFO_FLAT pbmi = new NativeMethods.BITMAPINFO_FLAT();

                // Validate hdc.
                if (UnsafeNativeMethods.GetObjectType(new HandleRef(null, hdc)) != NativeMethods.OBJ_DC)
                    throw new ArgumentException("hdc");

                if (bFillBitmapInfo(hdc, hpal, ref pbmi))
                    // Change bitmap size to match specified dimensions.

                    pbmi.bmiHeader_biWidth  = ulWidth;
                    pbmi.bmiHeader_biHeight = ulHeight;
                    if (pbmi.bmiHeader_biCompression == NativeMethods.BI_RGB)
                        pbmi.bmiHeader_biSizeImage = 0;
                        if (pbmi.bmiHeader_biBitCount == 16)
                            pbmi.bmiHeader_biSizeImage = ulWidth * ulHeight * 2;
                        else if (pbmi.bmiHeader_biBitCount == 32)
                            pbmi.bmiHeader_biSizeImage = ulWidth * ulHeight * 4;
                            pbmi.bmiHeader_biSizeImage = 0;
                    pbmi.bmiHeader_biClrUsed      = 0;
                    pbmi.bmiHeader_biClrImportant = 0;

                    // Create the DIB section.  Let Win32 allocate the memory and return
                    // a pointer to the bitmap surface.

                    hbmRet = SafeNativeMethods.CreateDIBSection(new HandleRef(null, hdc), ref pbmi, NativeMethods.DIB_RGB_COLORS, ref ppvBits, IntPtr.Zero, 0);

    #if DEBUG
                    if (DoubleBuffering.TraceVerbose)
                        DumpBitmapInfo(ref pbmi);

                    if (hbmRet == IntPtr.Zero)
    #if DEBUG
                        DumpBitmapInfo(ref pbmi);
                        throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
