Beispiel #1
		// draws one day in the calendar grid
		private void DrawMonthCalendarDate (Graphics dc, Rectangle rectangle, MonthCalendar mc,	DateTime date, DateTime month, int row, int col) {
			Color date_color = mc.ForeColor;
			Rectangle interior = new Rectangle (rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, Math.Max(rectangle.Width - 1, 0), Math.Max(rectangle.Height - 1, 0));

			// find out if we are the lead of the first calendar or the trail of the last calendar						
			if (date.Year != month.Year || date.Month != month.Month) {
				DateTime check_date = month.AddMonths (-1);
				// check if it's the month before 
				if (check_date.Year == date.Year && check_date.Month == date.Month && row == 0 && col == 0) {
					date_color = mc.TrailingForeColor;
				} else {
					// check if it's the month after
					check_date = month.AddMonths (1);
					if (check_date.Year == date.Year && check_date.Month == date.Month && row == mc.CalendarDimensions.Height-1 && col == mc.CalendarDimensions.Width-1) {
						date_color = mc.TrailingForeColor;
					} else {
			} else {
				date_color = mc.ForeColor;

			const int inflate = -1;

			if (date == mc.SelectionStart.Date && date == mc.SelectionEnd.Date) {
				// see if the date is in the start of selection
				date_color = mc.BackColor;
				// draw the left hand of the back ground
				Rectangle selection_rect = Rectangle.Inflate (rectangle, inflate, inflate);				
				dc.FillPie (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.TitleBackColor), selection_rect, 0, 360);
			} else if (date == mc.SelectionStart.Date) {
				// see if the date is in the start of selection
				date_color = mc.BackColor;
				// draw the left hand of the back ground
				Rectangle selection_rect = Rectangle.Inflate (rectangle, inflate, inflate);				
				dc.FillPie (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.TitleBackColor), selection_rect, 90, 180);
				// fill the other side as a straight rect
				if (date < mc.SelectionEnd.Date) 
					// use rectangle instead of rectangle to go all the way to edge of rect
					selection_rect.X = (int) Math.Floor((double)(rectangle.X + rectangle.Width / 2));
					selection_rect.Width = Math.Max(rectangle.Right - selection_rect.X, 0);
					dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.TitleBackColor), selection_rect);
			} else if (date == mc.SelectionEnd.Date) {
				// see if it is the end of selection
				date_color = mc.BackColor;
				// draw the left hand of the back ground
				Rectangle selection_rect = Rectangle.Inflate (rectangle, inflate, inflate);
				dc.FillPie (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.TitleBackColor), selection_rect, 270, 180);
				// fill the other side as a straight rect
				if (date > mc.SelectionStart.Date) {
					selection_rect.X = rectangle.X;
					selection_rect.Width = rectangle.Width - (rectangle.Width / 2);
					dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.TitleBackColor), selection_rect);
			} else if (date > mc.SelectionStart.Date && date < mc.SelectionEnd.Date) {
				// now see if it's in the middle
				date_color = mc.BackColor;
				// draw the left hand of the back ground
				Rectangle selection_rect = Rectangle.Inflate (rectangle, 0, inflate);
				dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.TitleBackColor), selection_rect);

			// establish if it's a bolded font
			Font font = mc.IsBoldedDate (date) ? mc.bold_font : mc.Font;

			// just draw the date now
			dc.DrawString (date.Day.ToString(), font, ResPool.GetSolidBrush (date_color), rectangle, mc.centered_format);

			// today circle if needed
			if (mc.ShowTodayCircle && date == DateTime.Now.Date) {
				DrawTodayCircle (dc, interior);

			// draw the selection grid
			if (mc.is_date_clicked && mc.clicked_date == date) {
				Pen pen = ResPool.GetDashPen (Color.Black, DashStyle.Dot);
				dc.DrawRectangle (pen, interior);