Beispiel #1
        public unsafe DCMapping(Gdi32.HDC hDC, Rectangle bounds)
            if (hDC.IsNull)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(hDC));

            bool success;

            _dc = DeviceContext.FromHdc(hDC);

            // Retrieve the x-coordinates and y-coordinates of the viewport origin for the specified device context.
            success = Gdi32.GetViewportOrgEx(hDC, out Point viewportOrg).IsTrue();
            Debug.Assert(success, "GetViewportOrgEx() failed.");

            // Create a new rectangular clipping region based off of the bounds specified, shifted over by the x & y specified in the viewport origin.
            var hClippingRegion = new Gdi32.RegionScope(
                viewportOrg.X + bounds.Left,
                viewportOrg.Y + bounds.Top,
                viewportOrg.X + bounds.Right,
                viewportOrg.Y + bounds.Bottom);

            Debug.Assert(!hClippingRegion.IsNull, "CreateRectRgn() failed.");

                var hOriginalClippingRegion = new Gdi32.RegionScope(hDC);

                // Shift the viewpoint origint by coordinates specified in "bounds".
                var lastViewPort = new Point();
                success = Gdi32.SetViewportOrgEx(hDC, viewportOrg.X + bounds.Left, viewportOrg.Y + bounds.Top, &lastViewPort).IsTrue();
                Debug.Assert(success, "SetViewportOrgEx() failed.");

                RegionType originalRegionType;
                if (!hOriginalClippingRegion.IsNull)
                    // Get the origninal clipping region so we can determine its type (we'll check later if we've restored the region back properly.)
                    RECT originalClipRect = new RECT();
                    originalRegionType = Gdi32.GetRgnBox(hOriginalClippingRegion, ref originalClipRect);
                        originalRegionType != RegionType.ERROR,
                        "ERROR returned from SelectClipRgn while selecting the original clipping region..");

                    if (originalRegionType == RegionType.SIMPLEREGION)
                        // Find the intersection of our clipping region and the current clipping region (our parent's)

                        RegionType combineResult = Gdi32.CombineRgn(

                            (combineResult == RegionType.SIMPLEREGION) || (combineResult == RegionType.NULLREGION),
                            "SIMPLEREGION or NULLREGION expected.");
                    // If there was no clipping region, then the result is a simple region.
                    originalRegionType = RegionType.SIMPLEREGION;

                // Select the new clipping region; make sure it's a SIMPLEREGION or NULLREGION
                RegionType selectResult = Gdi32.SelectClipRgn((Gdi32.HDC)hDC, hClippingRegion);
                    selectResult == RegionType.SIMPLEREGION || selectResult == RegionType.NULLREGION,
                    "SIMPLEREGION or NULLLREGION expected.");
            catch (Exception ex) when(!ClientUtils.IsCriticalException(ex))
Beispiel #2
        public unsafe DCMapping(IntPtr hDC, Rectangle bounds)
            if (hDC == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(hDC));

            bool   success;
            IntPtr hOriginalClippingRegion = IntPtr.Zero;

            _translatedBounds = bounds;
            _graphics         = null;
            _dc = DeviceContext.FromHdc(hDC);

            // Retrieve the x-coordinates and y-coordinates of the viewport origin for the specified device context.
            success = Gdi32.GetViewportOrgEx(hDC, out Point viewportOrg).IsTrue();
            Debug.Assert(success, "GetViewportOrgEx() failed.");

            // Create a new rectangular clipping region based off of the bounds specified, shifted over by the x & y specified in the viewport origin.
            IntPtr hClippingRegion = Gdi32.CreateRectRgn(viewportOrg.X + bounds.Left, viewportOrg.Y + bounds.Top, viewportOrg.X + bounds.Right, viewportOrg.Y + bounds.Bottom);

            Debug.Assert(hClippingRegion != IntPtr.Zero, "CreateRectRgn() failed.");

                // Create an empty region oriented at 0,0 so we can populate it with the original clipping region of the hDC passed in.
                hOriginalClippingRegion = Gdi32.CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
                Debug.Assert(hOriginalClippingRegion != IntPtr.Zero, "CreateRectRgn() failed.");

                // Get the clipping region from the hDC: result = {-1 = error, 0 = no region, 1 = success} per MSDN
                int result = Gdi32.GetClipRgn(hDC, hOriginalClippingRegion);
                Debug.Assert(result != -1, "GetClipRgn() failed.");

                // Shift the viewpoint origint by coordinates specified in "bounds".
                var lastViewPort = new Point();
                success = Gdi32.SetViewportOrgEx(hDC, viewportOrg.X + bounds.Left, viewportOrg.Y + bounds.Top, &lastViewPort).IsTrue();
                Debug.Assert(success, "SetViewportOrgEx() failed.");

                RegionType originalRegionType;
                if (result != 0)
                    // Get the origninal clipping region so we can determine its type (we'll check later if we've restored the region back properly.)
                    RECT originalClipRect = new RECT();
                    originalRegionType = Gdi32.GetRgnBox(hOriginalClippingRegion, ref originalClipRect);
                    Debug.Assert(originalRegionType != RegionType.ERROR, "ERROR returned from SelectClipRgn while selecting the original clipping region..");

                    if (originalRegionType == RegionType.SIMPLEREGION)
                        // Find the intersection of our clipping region and the current clipping region (our parent's)
                        //      Returns a NULLREGION, the two didn't intersect.
                        //      Returns a SIMPLEREGION, the two intersected
                        //      Resulting region (stuff that was in hOriginalClippingRegion AND hClippingRegion is placed in hClippingRegion
                        RegionType combineResult = Gdi32.CombineRgn(hClippingRegion, hClippingRegion, hOriginalClippingRegion, Gdi32.CombineMode.RGN_AND);
                        Debug.Assert((combineResult == RegionType.SIMPLEREGION) ||
                                     (combineResult == RegionType.NULLREGION),
                                     "SIMPLEREGION or NULLREGION expected.");
                    // If there was no clipping region, then the result is a simple region.
                    // We don't need to keep track of the original now, since it is empty.
                    hOriginalClippingRegion = IntPtr.Zero;
                    originalRegionType      = RegionType.SIMPLEREGION;

                // Select the new clipping region; make sure it's a SIMPLEREGION or NULLREGION
                RegionType selectResult = Gdi32.SelectClipRgn(hDC, hClippingRegion);
                Debug.Assert((selectResult == RegionType.SIMPLEREGION ||
                              selectResult == RegionType.NULLREGION),
                             "SIMPLEREGION or NULLLREGION expected.");
            catch (Exception ex) when(!ClientUtils.IsCriticalException(ex))
                // Delete the new clipping region, as the clipping region for the HDC is now set
                // to this rectangle. Hold on to hOriginalClippingRegion, as we'll need to restore
                // it when this object is disposed.
                success = Gdi32.DeleteObject(hClippingRegion).IsTrue();
                Debug.Assert(success, "DeleteObject(hClippingRegion) failed.");

                if (hOriginalClippingRegion != IntPtr.Zero)
                    success = Gdi32.DeleteObject(hOriginalClippingRegion).IsTrue();
                    Debug.Assert(success, "DeleteObject(hOriginalClippingRegion) failed.");
Beispiel #3
        /// <include file='doc\Panel.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="Panel.StringFromBorderStyle"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        /// </devdoc>
        /// <internalonly/>
        private static string StringFromBorderStyle(BorderStyle value)
            Type borderStyleType = typeof(BorderStyle);

            return((ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)BorderStyle.None, (int)BorderStyle.Fixed3D)) ? (borderStyleType.ToString() + "." + value.ToString()) : "[Invalid BorderStyle]");
Beispiel #4
            public DCMapping(HandleRef hDC, Rectangle bounds)
                if (hDC.Handle == IntPtr.Zero)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("hDC");

                bool success;

                NativeMethods.POINT viewportOrg             = new NativeMethods.POINT();
                HandleRef           hOriginalClippingRegion = NativeMethods.NullHandleRef;

                NativeMethods.RegionFlags originalRegionType = NativeMethods.RegionFlags.NULLREGION;

                this.translatedBounds = bounds;
               = null;
                this.dc = DeviceContext.FromHdc(hDC.Handle);


                // Retrieve the x-coordinates and y-coordinates of the viewport origin for the specified device context.
                success = SafeNativeMethods.GetViewportOrgEx(hDC, viewportOrg);
                Debug.Assert(success, "GetViewportOrgEx() failed.");

                // Create a new rectangular clipping region based off of the bounds specified, shifted over by the x & y specified in the viewport origin.
                HandleRef hClippingRegion = new HandleRef(null, SafeNativeMethods.CreateRectRgn(viewportOrg.x + bounds.Left, viewportOrg.y + bounds.Top, viewportOrg.x + bounds.Right, viewportOrg.y + bounds.Bottom));

                Debug.Assert(hClippingRegion.Handle != IntPtr.Zero, "CreateRectRgn() failed.");

                    // Create an empty region oriented at 0,0 so we can populate it with the original clipping region of the hDC passed in.
                    hOriginalClippingRegion = new HandleRef(this, SafeNativeMethods.CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0));
                    Debug.Assert(hOriginalClippingRegion.Handle != IntPtr.Zero, "CreateRectRgn() failed.");

                    // Get the clipping region from the hDC: result = {-1 = error, 0 = no region, 1 = success} per MSDN
                    int result = SafeNativeMethods.GetClipRgn(hDC, hOriginalClippingRegion);
                    Debug.Assert(result != -1, "GetClipRgn() failed.");

                    // Shift the viewpoint origint by coordinates specified in "bounds".
                    NativeMethods.POINT lastViewPort = new NativeMethods.POINT();
                    success = SafeNativeMethods.SetViewportOrgEx(hDC, viewportOrg.x + bounds.Left, viewportOrg.y + bounds.Top, lastViewPort);
                    Debug.Assert(success, "SetViewportOrgEx() failed.");

                    if (result != 0)
                        // Get the origninal clipping region so we can determine its type (we'll check later if we've restored the region back properly.)
                        NativeMethods.RECT originalClipRect = new NativeMethods.RECT();
                        originalRegionType = (NativeMethods.RegionFlags)SafeNativeMethods.GetRgnBox(hOriginalClippingRegion, ref originalClipRect);
                        Debug.Assert(originalRegionType != NativeMethods.RegionFlags.ERROR, "ERROR returned from SelectClipRgn while selecting the original clipping region..");

                        if (originalRegionType == NativeMethods.RegionFlags.SIMPLEREGION)
                            // Find the intersection of our clipping region and the current clipping region (our parent's)
                            //      Returns a NULLREGION, the two didn't intersect.
                            //      Returns a SIMPLEREGION, the two intersected
                            //      Resulting region (stuff that was in hOriginalClippingRegion AND hClippingRegion is placed in hClippingRegion
                            NativeMethods.RegionFlags combineResult = (NativeMethods.RegionFlags)SafeNativeMethods.CombineRgn(hClippingRegion, hClippingRegion, hOriginalClippingRegion, NativeMethods.RGN_AND);
                            Debug.Assert((combineResult == NativeMethods.RegionFlags.SIMPLEREGION) ||
                                         (combineResult == NativeMethods.RegionFlags.NULLREGION),
                                         "SIMPLEREGION or NULLREGION expected.");
                        // If there was no clipping region, then the result is a simple region.
                        // We don't need to keep track of the original now, since it is empty.
                        hOriginalClippingRegion = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
                        originalRegionType      = NativeMethods.RegionFlags.SIMPLEREGION;

                    // Select the new clipping region; make sure it's a SIMPLEREGION or NULLREGION
                    NativeMethods.RegionFlags selectResult = (NativeMethods.RegionFlags)SafeNativeMethods.SelectClipRgn(hDC, hClippingRegion);
                    Debug.Assert((selectResult == NativeMethods.RegionFlags.SIMPLEREGION ||
                                  selectResult == NativeMethods.RegionFlags.NULLREGION),
                                 "SIMPLEREGION or NULLLREGION expected.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (ClientUtils.IsSecurityOrCriticalException(ex))

                finally {
                    // Delete the new clipping region, as the clipping region for the HDC is now set
                    // to this rectangle.  Hold on to hOriginalClippingRegion, as we'll need to restore
                    // it when this object is disposed.
                    success = SafeNativeMethods.DeleteObject(hClippingRegion);
                    Debug.Assert(success, "DeleteObject(hClippingRegion) failed.");

                    if (hOriginalClippingRegion.Handle != IntPtr.Zero)
                        success = SafeNativeMethods.DeleteObject(hOriginalClippingRegion);
                        Debug.Assert(success, "DeleteObject(hOriginalClippingRegion) failed.");
Beispiel #5
 // IsValidTextImageRelation
 // valid values are 0,1,2,4,8
 // Method for verifying
 //   Verify that the number is between 0 and 8
 //   Verify that the bit that is on - thus forcing it to be a power of two.
 public static bool IsValidTextImageRelation(TextImageRelation relation)
     return(ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(relation, (int)relation, (int)TextImageRelation.Overlay, (int)TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage, 1));
Beispiel #6
        private static DialogResult ShowCore(IWin32Window owner, string text, string caption,
                                             MessageBoxButtons buttons, MessageBoxIcon icon, MessageBoxDefaultButton defaultButton,
                                             MessageBoxOptions options, bool showHelp)
            if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(buttons, (int)buttons, (int)MessageBoxButtons.OK, (int)MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel))
                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(nameof(buttons), (int)buttons, typeof(MessageBoxButtons));

            // valid values are 0x0 0x10 0x20 0x30 0x40, chop off the last 4 bits and check that it's between 0 and 4.
            if (!WindowsFormsUtils.EnumValidator.IsEnumWithinShiftedRange(icon, /*numBitsToShift*/ 4, /*min*/ 0x0, /*max*/ 0x4))
                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(nameof(icon), (int)icon, typeof(MessageBoxIcon));
            // valid values are 0x0 0x100, 0x200, chop off the last 8 bits and check that it's between 0 and 2.
            if (!WindowsFormsUtils.EnumValidator.IsEnumWithinShiftedRange(defaultButton, /*numBitsToShift*/ 8, /*min*/ 0x0, /*max*/ 0x2))
                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(nameof(defaultButton), (int)defaultButton, typeof(DialogResult));

            // options intentionally not verified because we don't expose all the options Win32 supports.

            if (!SystemInformation.UserInteractive && (options & (MessageBoxOptions.ServiceNotification | MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly)) == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.CantShowModalOnNonInteractive);
            if (owner != null && (options & (MessageBoxOptions.ServiceNotification | MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly)) != 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.CantShowMBServiceWithOwner, nameof(options));
            if (showHelp && (options & (MessageBoxOptions.ServiceNotification | MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly)) != 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.CantShowMBServiceWithHelp, nameof(options));

            MB style = (showHelp) ? MB.HELP : 0;

            style |= (MB)buttons | (MB)icon | (MB)defaultButton | (MB)options;

            IntPtr handle = IntPtr.Zero;

            if (showHelp || ((options & (MessageBoxOptions.ServiceNotification | MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly)) == 0))
                if (owner is null)
                    handle = GetActiveWindow();
                    handle = Control.GetSafeHandle(owner);

            IntPtr userCookie = IntPtr.Zero;

            if (Application.UseVisualStyles)
                // CLR4.0 or later, shell32.dll needs to be loaded explicitly.
                if (Kernel32.GetModuleHandleW(Libraries.Shell32) == IntPtr.Zero)
                    if (Kernel32.LoadLibraryFromSystemPathIfAvailable(Libraries.Shell32) == IntPtr.Zero)
                        int lastWin32Error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                        throw new Win32Exception(lastWin32Error, string.Format(SR.LoadDLLError, Libraries.Shell32));

                // Activate theming scope to get theming for controls at design time and when hosted in browser.
                // NOTE: If a theming context is already active, this call is very fast, so shouldn't be a perf issue.
                userCookie = ThemingScope.Activate(Application.UseVisualStyles);

            DialogResult result;

                result = Win32ToDialogResult(MessageBoxW(new HandleRef(owner, handle), text, caption, style));

            // Right after the dialog box is closed, Windows sends WM_SETFOCUS back to the previously active control
            // but since we have disabled this thread main window the message is lost. So we have to send it again after
            // we enable the main window.
            User32.SendMessageW(new HandleRef(owner, handle), User32.WM.SETFOCUS);