/// <summary>
        /// Inserts a List around a sequence of Blocks
        /// starting from firstBlock ending with lastBlock.
        /// the List must be empty and not inserted in a tree
        /// before the operation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="firstBlock"></param>
        /// <param name="lastBlock"></param>
        internal void Apply(Block firstBlock, Block lastBlock)
            Invariant.Assert(this.Parent == null, "Cannot Apply List Because It Is Inserted In The Tree Already.");
            Invariant.Assert(this.IsEmpty, "Cannot Apply List Because It Is Not Empty.");
            Invariant.Assert(firstBlock.Parent == lastBlock.Parent, "Cannot Apply List Because Block Are Not Siblings.");

            TextContainer textContainer = this.TextContainer;

                // Wrap all block items into this List element
                this.Reposition(firstBlock.ElementStart, lastBlock.ElementEnd);

                // Add ListItem elements
                Block block = firstBlock;
                while (block != null)
                    ListItem listItem;
                    if (block is List)
                        // To wrap List into list item we pull it into previous ListItem (if any) as sublist
                        listItem = block.ElementStart.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Backward) as ListItem;
                        if (listItem != null)
                            // Wrap the List into preceding ListItem
                            listItem.Reposition(listItem.ContentStart, block.ElementEnd);
                            // No preceding ListItem. Create new one
                            listItem = new ListItem();
                            listItem.Reposition(block.ElementStart, block.ElementEnd);
                        // To wrap paragraph into list item we need to create a new one
                        listItem = new ListItem();
                        listItem.Reposition(block.ElementStart, block.ElementEnd);

                        // MS Word-like heuristic: clear margin from a paragraph before wrapping it into a list item
                        // Note: using TextContainer to make sure that undo unit is created.

                    // Stop when the last paragraph is covered
                    block = block == lastBlock ? null : (Block)listItem.ElementEnd.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward);

                // We need to set appropriate FlowDirection property on the new List and its paragraph children.
                // We take the FlowDirection value from the first paragraph's FlowDirection value.

                TextRangeEdit.SetParagraphProperty(this.ElementStart, this.ElementEnd,
                                                   Paragraph.FlowDirectionProperty, firstBlock.GetValue(Paragraph.FlowDirectionProperty));
        // Token: 0x060031BA RID: 12730 RVA: 0x000DBC04 File Offset: 0x000D9E04
        internal void Apply(Block firstBlock, Block lastBlock)
            Invariant.Assert(base.Parent == null, "Cannot Apply List Because It Is Inserted In The Tree Already.");
            Invariant.Assert(base.IsEmpty, "Cannot Apply List Because It Is Not Empty.");
            Invariant.Assert(firstBlock.Parent == lastBlock.Parent, "Cannot Apply List Because Block Are Not Siblings.");
            TextContainer textContainer = base.TextContainer;

                base.Reposition(firstBlock.ElementStart, lastBlock.ElementEnd);
                ListItem listItem;
                for (Block block = firstBlock; block != null; block = ((block == lastBlock) ? null : ((Block)listItem.ElementEnd.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward))))
                    if (block is List)
                        listItem = (block.ElementStart.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Backward) as ListItem);
                        if (listItem != null)
                            listItem.Reposition(listItem.ContentStart, block.ElementEnd);
                            listItem = new ListItem();
                            listItem.Reposition(block.ElementStart, block.ElementEnd);
                        listItem = new ListItem();
                        listItem.Reposition(block.ElementStart, block.ElementEnd);
                TextRangeEdit.SetParagraphProperty(base.ElementStart, base.ElementEnd, Block.FlowDirectionProperty, firstBlock.GetValue(Block.FlowDirectionProperty));
Beispiel #3
        // Helper that swaps the left and right margins of a block element. 
        private static void SwapBlockLeftAndRightMargins(Block block)
            object value = block.GetValue(Block.MarginProperty); 

            if (value is Thickness) 
                if (Paragraph.IsMarginAuto((Thickness)value))
                    // Nothing to do for auto thickess 
                    // Swap left and right values
                    object newValue = new Thickness( 

                    SetPropertyValue(block, Block.MarginProperty, value, newValue); 
Beispiel #4
        // Helper for SetParagraphProperty -- applies given property value to passed block element. 
        private static void SetPropertyOnParagraphOrBlockUIContainer(DependencyObject parent, Block block, DependencyProperty property, object value, PropertyValueAction propertyValueAction)
            // Get the parent flow direction
            FlowDirection parentFlowDirection;

            if (parent != null) 
                parentFlowDirection = (FlowDirection)parent.GetValue(FrameworkElement.FlowDirectionProperty); 
                parentFlowDirection = (FlowDirection)FrameworkElement.FlowDirectionProperty.GetDefaultValue(typeof(FrameworkElement));

            // Some of paragraph operations depend on its flow direction, so get it first. 
            FlowDirection flowDirection = (FlowDirection)block.GetValue(Block.FlowDirectionProperty);
            // Inspect a property value for this paragraph 
            object currentValue = block.GetValue(property);
            object newValue = value; 

            // If we're setting a structural property on a Paragraph, we need to preserve
            // the current value on its children.
            PreserveBlockContentStructuralProperty(block, property, currentValue, value); 

            if (property.PropertyType == typeof(Thickness)) 
                // For Margin, Padding, Border - apply the following logic:
                Invariant.Assert(currentValue is Thickness, "Expecting the currentValue to be of Thinkness type"); 
                Invariant.Assert(newValue is Thickness, "Expecting the newValue to be of Thinkness type");

                newValue = ComputeNewThicknessValue((Thickness)currentValue, (Thickness)newValue, parentFlowDirection, flowDirection, propertyValueAction);
            else if (property == Paragraph.TextAlignmentProperty)
                Invariant.Assert(value is TextAlignment, "Expecting TextAlignment as a value of a Paragraph.TextAlignmentProperty"); 

                // TextAlignment must be reverted for RightToLeft flow direction 
                newValue = ComputeNewTextAlignmentValue((TextAlignment)value, flowDirection);

                // For BlockUIContainer text alignment must be translated into
                // HorizontalAlignment of the child embedded object. 
                if (block is BlockUIContainer)
                    UIElement embeddedElement = ((BlockUIContainer)block).Child; 
                    if (embeddedElement != null)
                        HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment = GetHorizontalAlignmentFromTextAlignment((TextAlignment)newValue);

                        // Create an undo unit for property change on embedded framework element.
                        UIElementPropertyUndoUnit.Add(block.TextContainer, embeddedElement, FrameworkElement.HorizontalAlignmentProperty, horizontalAlignment); 
                        embeddedElement.SetValue(FrameworkElement.HorizontalAlignmentProperty, horizontalAlignment);
            else if (currentValue is double) 
                newValue = GetNewDoubleValue(property, (double)currentValue, (double)newValue, propertyValueAction);
            SetPropertyValue(block, property, currentValue, newValue);
            if (property == Block.FlowDirectionProperty) 
                // For flow direction command, we also swap Left and Right margins of the paragraph. 
                // This ensures indentation is mirrored correctly.
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary> 
        /// Inserts a List around a sequence of Blocks
        /// starting from firstBlock ending with lastBlock. 
        /// the List must be empty and not inserted in a tree 
        /// before the operation
        /// </summary> 
        /// <param name="firstBlock"></param>
        /// <param name="lastBlock"></param>
        internal void Apply(Block firstBlock, Block lastBlock)
            Invariant.Assert(this.Parent == null, "Cannot Apply List Because It Is Inserted In The Tree Already.");
            Invariant.Assert(this.IsEmpty, "Cannot Apply List Because It Is Not Empty."); 
            Invariant.Assert(firstBlock.Parent == lastBlock.Parent, "Cannot Apply List Because Block Are Not Siblings."); 

            TextContainer textContainer = this.TextContainer; 

                // Wrap all block items into this List element
                this.Reposition(firstBlock.ElementStart, lastBlock.ElementEnd); 
                // Add ListItem elements
                Block block = firstBlock; 
                while (block != null)
                    ListItem listItem;
                    if (block is List) 
                        // To wrap List into list item we pull it into previous ListItem (if any) as sublist 
                        listItem = block.ElementStart.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Backward) as ListItem; 
                        if (listItem != null)
                            // Wrap the List into preceding ListItem
                            listItem.Reposition(listItem.ContentStart, block.ElementEnd);
                            // No preceding ListItem. Create new one 
                            listItem = new ListItem(); 
                            listItem.Reposition(block.ElementStart, block.ElementEnd);
                        // To wrap paragraph into list item we need to create a new one 
                        listItem = new ListItem(); 
                        listItem.Reposition(block.ElementStart, block.ElementEnd); 

                        // MS Word-like heuristic: clear margin from a paragraph before wrapping it into a list item 
                        // Note: using TextContainer to make sure that undo unit is created.
                    // Stop when the last paragraph is covered 
                    block = block == lastBlock ? null : (Block)listItem.ElementEnd.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward);

                // We need to set appropriate FlowDirection property on the new List and its paragraph children.
                // We take the FlowDirection value from the first paragraph's FlowDirection value.
                TextRangeEdit.SetParagraphProperty(this.ElementStart, this.ElementEnd,
                    Paragraph.FlowDirectionProperty, firstBlock.GetValue(Paragraph.FlowDirectionProperty)); 