protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Session != null)
                // Store essential session information temporarily
                string culture = Session["culture"] as string ?? "nl-NL";

                Session["culture"] = null;

                // Restore the essential session information
                Session["culture"] = culture;
            if (Request.Params["id"] == null)
                if (HttpContext.Current != null &&
                    HttpContext.Current.User != null &&
                    HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated == true &&
                    HttpContext.Current.Session["userid"] == null)
                    // We got here in a strange way, user is unknown (Session cleared) but
                    // not properly signed out. We try to sign out again and redirect back
                    // here.
                    Response.Redirect("~/Default.aspx", false);

            BasePage obj = new BasePage();
            obj.IncludePage(FooterLiteral, Resources.Resource.FooterSection);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Session != null)
                // Store essential session information temporarily
                string culture = Session["culture"] as string ?? "nl-NL";

                Session["culture"] = null;

                // Restore the essential session information
                Session["culture"] = culture;

            if (!Request.IsAuthenticated)
                if (Request.Params["pid"] != null || Request.Params["tid"] != null)
                                    Request.Params["pid"]), false);
                    Response.Redirect("~/Default.aspx", false);

            Literal name = HeadLoginView.FindControl("HeadLoginName") as Literal;
            if (name != null)
                if (Session["userid"] != null)
                    long userId = Util.UserId;
                    using (Database db = new MySqlDatabase())
                        ClientInfo ci = db.GetClientInfo(userId);
                        name.Text = string.Format(" {0}", ci.FirstName); // ci.GetFullName());
            if (!IsPostBack)
                BasePage obj = new BasePage();
                obj.IncludePage(FooterLiteral, Resources.Resource.FooterSection);