private object DeserializeStringIntoDateTime()
            // DivDiv 41127: Never confuse atlas serialized strings with dates.
            // DevDiv 74430: JavasciptSerializer will need to handle date time offset - following WCF design
            // serialized dates look like: "\/Date(123)\/" or "\/Date(123A)" or "Date(123+4567)" or Date(123-4567)"
            // the A, +14567, -4567 portion in the above example is ignored
            int   pos   = _s.IndexOf(DateTimeSuffix);
            Match match = Regex.Match(_s.Substring(pos + DateTimeSuffixLength),
            string ticksStr = match.Groups["ticks"].Value;

            long ticks;

            if (long.TryParse(ticksStr, out ticks))

                // The javascript ticks start from 1/1/1970 but FX DateTime ticks start from 1/1/0001
                DateTime dt = new DateTime(ticks * 10000 + JavaScriptSerializer.DatetimeMinTimeTicks, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                // If we failed to get a DateTime, treat it as a string