Beispiel #1
    static public int FileUploadMaxSize()
        int maxRequestLength = 0;

        System.Web.Configuration.HttpRuntimeSection section =
            System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.GetSection("system.web/httpRuntime") as System.Web.Configuration.HttpRuntimeSection;
        if (section != null)
            maxRequestLength = section.MaxRequestLength;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the maximum request length from the configuration settings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Http context.</param>
        /// <returns>The maximum request length (in kb).</returns>
        int GetMaxRequestLength(HttpContext context)
            int DEFAULT_MAX = 4096;

            // Look up the config setting
            System.Web.Configuration.HttpRuntimeSection config = context.GetSection("system.web/httpRuntime") as System.Web.Configuration.HttpRuntimeSection;

            if (config == null)
                return(DEFAULT_MAX); // None found. Return 4096Kb which is the default setting.
Beispiel #3
		static HttpRuntime ()
			firstRun = true;

			try {
				WebConfigurationManager.Init ();
				SettingsMappingManager.Init ();
				runtime_section = (HttpRuntimeSection) WebConfigurationManager.GetSection ("system.web/httpRuntime");
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				initialException = ex;

			// The classes in whose constructors exceptions may be thrown, should be handled the same way QueueManager
			// and TraceManager are below. The constructors themselves MUST NOT throw any exceptions - we MUST be sure
			// the objects are created here. The exceptions will be dealt with below, in RealProcessRequest.
			queue_manager = new QueueManager ();
			if (queue_manager.HasException) {
				if (initialException == null)
					initialException = queue_manager.InitialException;
				else {
					Console.Error.WriteLine ("Exception during QueueManager initialization:");
					Console.Error.WriteLine (queue_manager.InitialException);

			trace_manager = new TraceManager ();
			if (trace_manager.HasException) {
				if (initialException == null)
					initialException = trace_manager.InitialException;
				else {
					Console.Error.WriteLine ("Exception during TraceManager initialization:");
					Console.Error.WriteLine (trace_manager.InitialException);

			registeredAssemblies = new SplitOrderedList <string, string> (StringComparer.Ordinal);
			cache = new Cache ();
			internalCache = new Cache ();
			internalCache.DependencyCache = internalCache;
			do_RealProcessRequest = new WaitCallback (state => {
				try {
					RealProcessRequest (state);
				} catch {}
			end_of_send_cb = new HttpWorkerRequest.EndOfSendNotification (EndOfSend);
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            string sourceFilePath = string.Empty;
            string detailFilePath = string.Empty;

            System.Web.Configuration.HttpRuntimeSection m_RuntimeSection = new HttpRuntimeSection();
            //* The maximum request size in kilobytes. The default size is 4096 KB (4 MB)

            int maxFileSize = 4;

            if (context.Request.ContentLength > maxFileSize * 1024 * 1024) // maxFileSize 4 MB - System.Web.Configuration
                context.Response.Write("_Maximum request length exceeded!");

            if (context.Request.Files.Count > 0)
                SigmaResultType result = new SigmaResultType();

                HttpFileCollection files = context.Request.Files;

                string mobileLoginId = context.Request.Form["MobileLoginId"];
                string mobileUdId = context.Request.Form["MobileUdId"];
                string relationTable = context.Request.Form["RelationTable"];
                string fileName = context.Request.Form["FileName"];
                string filePath = context.Request.Form["FilePath"];

                string rootPath = "/SigmaStorage/";

                //각 FileType에 따른 저장경로를 가져옴
                //rootPath = GetRootPath(fileType);
                //childPath = GetChildPath(fileType);

                string saveFullPath = rootPath + filePath;

                foreach (string key in files)
                    HttpPostedFile file = files[key];

                    string connStr = ConnStrHelper.getDbConnString();

                    if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(saveFullPath))

                    string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);

                    sourceFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(saveFullPath, filename);

                    string fileExtention = Path.GetExtension(sourceFilePath);


                    detailFilePath = saveFullPath + filename;

                    UploadFileHistoryInfoDTO uploadFileHistoryInfoDTO = new UploadFileHistoryInfoDTO();
                    DataSync dataSync = new DataSync();
                    uploadFileHistoryInfoDTO.FileName = fileName;
                    uploadFileHistoryInfoDTO.FilePath = filePath;
                    uploadFileHistoryInfoDTO.RelationTable = relationTable;
                    uploadFileHistoryInfoDTO.MobileLoginId = mobileLoginId;
                    uploadFileHistoryInfoDTO.MobileUdId = mobileUdId;

            context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
        public HttpRuntimeSettings(HttpRuntimeSection httpRuntimeSection)
            if (httpRuntimeSection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("httpRuntimeSection");

            _httpRuntimeSection = httpRuntimeSection;
        // Upload File
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            string sourceFilePath = string.Empty;
            string detailFilePath = string.Empty;

            System.Web.Configuration.HttpRuntimeSection m_RuntimeSection = new HttpRuntimeSection();
            //* The maximum request size in kilobytes. The default size is 4096 KB (4 MB)
            //context.Response.Write(m_RuntimeSection.MaxRequestLength.ToString() + "<br>");

            //if (context.Request.Params["maxFileSize"] != null)
            //    int.TryParse(context.Request.Params["maxFileSize"], out maxFileSize);

            int maxFileSize = 4;

            if (context.Request.ContentLength > maxFileSize * 1024 * 1024) // maxFileSize 4 MB - System.Web.Configuration
                context.Response.Write("_Maximum request length exceeded!");

            if (context.Request.Files.Count > 0)
                SigmaResultType result = new SigmaResultType();

                HttpFileCollection files = context.Request.Files;

                //HttpPostedFile file = context.Request.Files["file"];
                string fileType = context.Request.Form["name"];
                //fileType 종류 "ImportList" --> saveFullPath 전송, "DrawingImage" --> childPath  Directory 전송, "HRImage" --> saveFullPath 전송

                string rootPath = string.Empty;
                string childPath = string.Empty;

                //각 FileType에 따른 저장경로를 가져옴
                rootPath = GetRootPath(fileType);
                childPath = GetChildPath(fileType);

                string saveFullPath = rootPath + childPath;

                foreach (string key in files)
                    HttpPostedFile file = files[key];

                    //FileStream fileToupload = new FileStream(saveFullPath + file.FileName, FileMode.Create);

                    //byte[] bytearray = new byte[10000];
                    //int bytesRead, totalBytesRead = 0;
                    //    bytesRead = file.InputStream.Read(bytearray, 0, bytearray.Length);
                    //    totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
                    //} while (bytesRead > 0);

                    //fileToupload.Write(bytearray, 0, bytearray.Length);

                    string connStr = ConnStrHelper.getDbConnString();

                    if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(saveFullPath))

                    //--------------- IE - The given path's format is not supported.  error 해결 -------------------------
                    // IE : 선택 File.확장자의 전체 경로가 넘어오는 경우
                    // Crome : 선택 File.확장자만 넘어오는 경우
                    //         File Name.확장자 만 필요함
                    string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);

                    sourceFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(saveFullPath, filename);

                    //sourceFilePath = saveFullPath + file.FileName;

                    string fileExtention = Path.GetExtension(sourceFilePath);

                    // File .pdf 만 등록 가능하도록 변경.
                    if (fileType == "DrawingImage")
                        if (fileExtention == ".pdf" || fileExtention == ".PDF")

                            // _ 붙으면 Client 화면에서  _다음 Text 를 Error Message로 인식하기로 한다.
                            context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
                            context.Response.Write("_Upload Only [PDF] File!");


                    detailFilePath = childPath + filename;
                // Upload 결과에 대해 Return - Upload File Path:
                context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
                //context.Response.Write("File(s) uploaded successfully!");

                switch (fileType)
                    case "DrawingImage":
                        //"DrawingImage" --> childPath  Directory 전송,
                        //"ImportList" --> saveFullPath 전송, "HRImage - Photo, Logo" --> saveFullPath 전송