// This is called as the last step of the deserialization process before the newly created section is seen by the consumer.
        // We can use it to change defaults on-the-fly.
        protected override void SetReadOnly()
            // Unless overridden, set <compilation targetFramework="4.5" />
            ConfigUtil.SetFX45DefaultValue(this, _propTargetFramework, BinaryCompatibility.Current.TargetFramework.ToString());

        // This is called as the last step of the deserialization process before the newly created section is seen by the consumer.
        // We can use it to change defaults on-the-fly.
        protected override void SetReadOnly()
            // Unless overridden, set <httpRuntime requestValidationMode="4.5" />
            ConfigUtil.SetFX45DefaultValue(this, _propRequestValidationMode, VersionUtil.Framework45);

        // This is called as the last step of the deserialization process before the newly created section is seen by the consumer.
        // We can use it to change defaults on-the-fly.
        protected override void SetReadOnly()
            // Unless overridden, set <pages controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion="4.5" />
            ConfigUtil.SetFX45DefaultValue(this, _propControlRenderingCompatibilityVersion, VersionUtil.Framework45);
