Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the chunks of the IFF-archive by looking for the RSMP.
        /// </summary>
        private void ReadChunks()
            string Identifier = new string(m_Reader.ReadChars(60)).Replace("\0", "");

            if (Identifier != "IFF FILE 2.5:TYPE FOLLOWED BY SIZE JAMIE DOORNBOS & MAXIS 1")
                throw new Exception("Invalid iff file!");

            uint resMapOffset = Endian.SwapUInt32(m_Reader.ReadUInt32());

            Dictionary<string, List<uint>> files = new Dictionary<string, List<uint>>();

            if (resMapOffset != 0)
                long pos = m_Reader.BaseStream.Position;
                m_Reader.BaseStream.Position = resMapOffset;

                m_Reader.BaseStream.Position += 76; //Skip the header.

                m_Reader.ReadInt32(); //Reserved
                uint version = m_Reader.ReadUInt32();
                m_Reader.ReadInt32(); //pmsr
                m_Reader.ReadInt32(); //Size
                uint typeCount = m_Reader.ReadUInt32(); //How many types are present in this *.iff...

                for (uint i = 0; i < typeCount; i++)
                    //NOTE: For some types in some files this is empty...
                    string typeCode = new ASCIIEncoding().GetString(m_Reader.ReadBytes(4));

                    if (version == 0)
                        //Empty RSMP...
                        //numEntries + 1 entry without label = 13 bytes.
                        if ((m_Reader.BaseStream.Length - m_Reader.BaseStream.Position) < 13)
                            FuckThisShit(ref files);
                    else if (version == 1)
                        //Empty RSMP...
                        //numEntries + 1 entry without label = 16 bytes.
                        if ((m_Reader.BaseStream.Length - m_Reader.BaseStream.Position) < 16)
                            FuckThisShit(ref files);

                    //How many entries there are...
                    uint numEntries = m_Reader.ReadUInt32();

                    List<uint> offsets = new List<uint>();
                    for (uint j = 0; j < numEntries; j++)
                        if (version == 0)
                            //Empty RSMP...
                            //Minimum size for an entry without a label is 9 bytes.
                            if ((m_Reader.BaseStream.Length - m_Reader.BaseStream.Position) < ((numEntries - j) * 9))
                                FuckThisShit(ref files);
                        else if (version == 1)
                            //Empty RSMP...
                            //Minimum size for an entry without a label is 12 bytes.
                            if ((m_Reader.BaseStream.Length - m_Reader.BaseStream.Position) < ((numEntries - j) * 12))
                                FuckThisShit(ref files);

                        uint offset = m_Reader.ReadUInt32();
                        m_Reader.ReadInt16(); //ChunkID
                        if (version == 1) { m_Reader.ReadInt16(); } //ChunkID
                        m_Reader.ReadInt16(); //Flags
                        if (version == 1)
                            byte Length = m_Reader.ReadByte();
                            if (Length > 0)

                    if (!files.ContainsKey(typeCode))
                        files.Add(typeCode, offsets);

            else //There was no offset to the resourcemap, meaning that an RSMP probably doesn't exist.
                List<KeyValuePair<string, uint>> offsets = new List<KeyValuePair<string, uint>>();
                while (true)
                    uint offset = (uint)m_Reader.BaseStream.Position;

                    byte[] TagBytes = m_Reader.ReadBytes(4);
                    string tag = new ASCIIEncoding().GetString(TagBytes);

                    byte[] bytes = m_Reader.ReadBytes(4);

                    if (bytes.Length == 0)

                    uint size = Endian.SwapUInt32(BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, 0));

                    m_Reader.BaseStream.Position += (size - 8);

                        offsets.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, uint>(tag, offset));

                    //76 bytes is the size of a chunkheader, so don't bother reading the next one
                    //the stream has less than 76 bytes left.
                    if (m_Reader.BaseStream.Position == m_Reader.BaseStream.Length ||
                        (m_Reader.BaseStream.Length - m_Reader.BaseStream.Position) < 76)

                List<string> typesFound = new List<string>();

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, uint> kvp in offsets)
                    if (!typesFound.Exists(delegate(string s) { return s.CompareTo(kvp.Key) == 0; }))
                        List<KeyValuePair<string, uint>> theseChunks = offsets.FindAll(delegate(KeyValuePair<string, uint> pair) { return pair.Key.CompareTo(kvp.Key) == 0; });
                        List<uint> offsetValues = new List<uint>();
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, uint> kvp2 in theseChunks)

                        if (!files.ContainsKey(kvp.Key))
                            files.Add(kvp.Key, offsetValues);


            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<uint>> file in files)
                foreach (int offset in file.Value)
                    if (offset > 0)
                        m_Reader.BaseStream.Position = offset;

                        byte[] Buf = m_Reader.ReadBytes(4);
                        string StrResource = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Buf);

                        if (StrResource == "SPR#" || StrResource == "SPR2" || StrResource == "rsmp" || StrResource == "PALT" ||
                            StrResource == "DGRP" || StrResource == "STR#" || StrResource == "BHAV" || StrResource == "FWAV" ||
                            StrResource == "CTSS" || StrResource == "TTAB" || StrResource == "TTAs" || StrResource == "OBJf" ||
                            StrResource == "BCON" || StrResource == "TPRP" || StrResource == "TMPL" || StrResource == "TRCN" ||
                            StrResource == "Optn" || StrResource == "SLOT" || StrResource == "GLOB" || StrResource == "FBMP" ||
                            StrResource == "BMP_" || StrResource == "FCNS")
                            IffChunk Chunk = ToChunk(StrResource, offset);
                            //i += (int)Chunk.Length;

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// An archive had an empty rsmp, so f**k trying to read it
        /// and read all the chunkheaders instead.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="files">A list to fill with typetags (resourcename) and offsets.</param>
        private void FuckThisShit(ref Dictionary<string, List<uint>> files)
            //IFF header is always 64 bytes - make absolutely sure we're at the right position in the file!
            m_Reader.BaseStream.Position = 64;

            List<KeyValuePair<string, uint>> offsets = new List<KeyValuePair<string, uint>>();
            while (true)
                uint offset = (uint)m_Reader.BaseStream.Position;

                byte[] TagBytes = m_Reader.ReadBytes(4);
                string tag = new ASCIIEncoding().GetString(TagBytes);

                byte[] bytes = m_Reader.ReadBytes(4);

                if (bytes.Length == 0)

                uint size = Endian.SwapUInt32(BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, 0));

                m_Reader.BaseStream.Position += (size - 8);

                if (!tag.Equals("XXXX"))
                    offsets.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, uint>(tag, offset));

                //76 bytes is the size of a chunkheader, so don't bother reading the next one
                //if the stream has less than 76 bytes left.
                if (m_Reader.BaseStream.Position == m_Reader.BaseStream.Length ||
                    (m_Reader.BaseStream.Length - m_Reader.BaseStream.Position) < 76)

            List<string> typesFound = new List<string>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, uint> kvp in offsets)
                if (!typesFound.Exists(delegate(string s) { return s.CompareTo(kvp.Key) == 0; }))
                    List<KeyValuePair<string, uint>> theseChunks = offsets.FindAll(delegate(KeyValuePair<string, uint> pair) { return pair.Key.CompareTo(kvp.Key) == 0; });
                    List<uint> offsetValues = new List<uint>();

                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, uint> kvp2 in theseChunks)

                    files.Add(kvp.Key, offsetValues);
        private Boolean OpenIniFile(int iniFile, String fileName)
            FileStream   fileStream;
            StreamReader fileReader;
            String       fileLine;
            Boolean      fileCouldBeRead = true;

            int group, value;
            int mingroup = minGroup[iniFile];
            int maxgroup = maxGroup[iniFile];
            int minvalue;
            int maxvalue;

                // Open the ini file for reading
                fileStream = new   FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                fileReader = new StreamReader(fileStream);

                // Read lines from the ini file until end of file is reached
                while ((fileLine = fileReader.ReadLine()) != null) 
                    // Skip empty lines and lines not in "leftSide = rightSide" format
                    if (fileLine.Contains("="))
                        int      equalPosition =    fileLine.IndexOf  ("=");
                        String   leftString    =    fileLine.Remove   (equalPosition);
                        String  rightString    =    fileLine.Substring(equalPosition + 1);

                        // Base64 Hook
                        rightString = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding().GetString(System.Convert.FromBase64String(rightString));
                        rightString = xorC( new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding().GetString(System.Convert.FromBase64String(rightString)));

                        Boolean rightBoolean   = rightString.Equals("1");
                        Boolean foundSetting   = false;

                        // Find the appropriate group and setting
                        for (group = mingroup; group <= maxgroup; group++)
                            minvalue = minValue[group];
                            maxvalue = maxValue[group];

                            for (value = minvalue; value <= maxvalue; value++)
                                if (leftString.Equals(valueString[group, value]))
                                    settingBoolean[StateTmp, group, value] = rightBoolean;
                                    settingString [StateTmp, group, value] = rightString;
                                    foundSetting = true;
                            } // next value
                        } // next group

                        if (foundSetting == false) fileCouldBeRead = false;

                    } // end if line.Contains("=")
                } // end while

                // Close the ini file

            } // end try

            catch (Exception streamReadException) 
                // Let the user know what went wrong
                Console.WriteLine("The file could not be read:");
                return false;

            if (fileCouldBeRead == false)
                // Let the user know what went wrong
                MessageBox.Show("The file \"" + fileName + "\" does not match the syntax of a " + configString[iniFile],
                                "Error when reading " + configString[iniFile],
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                return false;

            #region After reading, convert ExitKeySequence of MsgHook ini file
            // The Exit Key Sequence of the MsgHook ini file needs a special conversion
            if (iniFile == FileMsgHook)
                // Convert the B1, B2, B3 strings to integers
                String tmpB1 = settingString[StateTmp, GroupExitSequence, ValueExitKey1];
                String tmpB2 = settingString[StateTmp, GroupExitSequence, ValueExitKey2];
                String tmpB3 = settingString[StateTmp, GroupExitSequence, ValueExitKey3];

                int tmpIndexExitKey1 = 0;
                int tmpIndexExitKey2 = 0;
                int tmpIndexExitKey3 = 0;

                for (int indexFunctionKey = 1; indexFunctionKey <= 12; indexFunctionKey++)
                    String vkc = virtualKeyCodeString[indexFunctionKey];

                    if (tmpB1.Equals(vkc)) tmpIndexExitKey1 = indexFunctionKey;
                    if (tmpB2.Equals(vkc)) tmpIndexExitKey2 = indexFunctionKey;
                    if (tmpB3.Equals(vkc)) tmpIndexExitKey3 = indexFunctionKey;

                settingInteger[StateTmp, GroupExitSequence, ValueExitKey1] = tmpIndexExitKey1;
                settingInteger[StateTmp, GroupExitSequence, ValueExitKey2] = tmpIndexExitKey2;
                settingInteger[StateTmp, GroupExitSequence, ValueExitKey3] = tmpIndexExitKey3;

            // Accept the tmp values as the new values
            for (group = mingroup; group <= maxgroup; group++)
                minvalue = minValue[group];
                maxvalue = maxValue[group];

                for (value = minvalue; value <= maxvalue; value++)
                    settingBoolean[StateOld, group, value] = settingBoolean[StateTmp, group, value];
                    settingString [StateOld, group, value] = settingString [StateTmp, group, value];
                    settingInteger[StateOld, group, value] = settingInteger[StateTmp, group, value];

                    settingBoolean[StateNew, group, value] = settingBoolean[StateTmp, group, value];
                    settingString [StateNew, group, value] = settingString [StateTmp, group, value];
                    settingInteger[StateNew, group, value] = settingInteger[StateTmp, group, value];

            return true;

        } // end of method   OpenIniFile()
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// A PALT (palette) chunk was not found when searching through this archive's rsmp,
        /// so find it manually.
        /// </summary>
        private void FindPALT()
            m_Reader.BaseStream.Position = 64;

            List<KeyValuePair<string, uint>> PALTOffsets = new List<KeyValuePair<string, uint>>();
            while (true)
                uint offset = (uint)m_Reader.BaseStream.Position;

                byte[] TagBytes = m_Reader.ReadBytes(4);
                string tag = new ASCIIEncoding().GetString(TagBytes);

                byte[] bytes = m_Reader.ReadBytes(4);

                if (bytes.Length == 0)

                uint size = Endian.SwapUInt32(BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, 0));

                m_Reader.BaseStream.Position += (size - 8);

                if (tag.Equals("PALT"))
                    PALTOffsets.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, uint>(tag, offset));

                //76 bytes is the size of a chunkheader, so don't bother reading the next one
                //the stream has less than 76 bytes left.
                if (m_Reader.BaseStream.Position == m_Reader.BaseStream.Length ||
                    (m_Reader.BaseStream.Length - m_Reader.BaseStream.Position) < 76)

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, uint> KVP in PALTOffsets)
                m_Reader.BaseStream.Position = KVP.Value;

                IffChunk Chunk = new IffChunk(KVP.Key);

                Chunk.Length = Endian.SwapUInt32(m_Reader.ReadUInt32()) - 76;
                Chunk.ID = Endian.SwapUInt16(m_Reader.ReadUInt16());

                ushort Flags = Endian.SwapUInt16(m_Reader.ReadUInt16());
                Chunk.NameString = GetNameString();

                if ((m_Reader.BaseStream.Length - m_Reader.BaseStream.Position) >= Chunk.Length)
                    m_Reader.BaseStream.Position = KVP.Value + 76;
                    Chunk.Data = m_Reader.ReadBytes((int)Chunk.Length);
                    Chunk.Data = new byte[Chunk.Length];

                m_PMaps.Add(new PaletteMap(Chunk));
 public void MessageTransfer(IMessage m)
     BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m.Body, Encoding.UTF8);
     byte[] buffer = new byte[m.Body.Length - m.Body.Position];
     reader.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
     string str = new ASCIIEncoding().GetString(buffer);
     Console.WriteLine("Message: " + str);
     if (str.Equals("That's all, folks!"))
         this._session.MessageAccept(this._range, new Option[0]);
         IClientSession session = this._session;
         lock (session)