internal static bool TryAdd(string name, Binding binding, out string bindingSectionName)
            // TryAdd built on assumption that BindingsSectionGroup.Configuration is valid.
            // This should be protected at the callers site.  If assumption is invalid, then
            // configuration system is in an indeterminate state.  Need to stop in a manner that
            // user code can not capture.
            if (null == BindingsSection.Configuration)
                Fx.Assert("The TryAdd(string name, Binding binding, Configuration config, out string binding) variant of this function should always be called first. The Configuration object is not set.");
                DiagnosticUtility.FailFast("The TryAdd(string name, Binding binding, Configuration config, out string binding) variant of this function should always be called first. The Configuration object is not set.");

            bool            retval = false;
            string          outBindingSectionName = null;
            BindingsSection sectionGroup          = BindingsSection.GetSection(BindingsSection.Configuration);

            foreach (string sectionName in sectionGroup.BindingCollectionElements.Keys)
                BindingCollectionElement bindingCollectionElement = sectionGroup.BindingCollectionElements[sectionName];

                // Save the custom bindings as the last choice
                if (!(bindingCollectionElement is CustomBindingCollectionElement))
                    MethodInfo tryAddMethod = bindingCollectionElement.GetType().GetMethod("TryAdd", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                    if (tryAddMethod != null)
                        retval = (bool)tryAddMethod.Invoke(bindingCollectionElement, new object[] { name, binding, BindingsSection.Configuration });
                        if (retval)
                            outBindingSectionName = sectionName;
            if (!retval)
                // Much of the time, the custombinding should come out ok.
                CustomBindingCollectionElement customBindingSection = CustomBindingCollectionElement.GetBindingCollectionElement();
                retval = customBindingSection.TryAdd(name, binding, BindingsSection.Configuration);
                if (retval)
                    outBindingSectionName = ConfigurationStrings.CustomBindingCollectionElementName;

            // This little oddity exists to make sure that the out param is assigned to before the method
            // exits.
            bindingSectionName = outBindingSectionName;
        internal static bool TryAdd(string name, Binding binding, out string bindingSectionName)
            if (Configuration == null)
                DiagnosticUtility.FailFast("The TryAdd(string name, Binding binding, Configuration config, out string binding) variant of this function should always be called first. The Configuration object is not set.");
            bool            flag    = false;
            string          str     = null;
            BindingsSection section = GetSection(Configuration);

            foreach (string str2 in section.BindingCollectionElements.Keys)
                BindingCollectionElement element = section.BindingCollectionElements[str2];
                if (!(element is CustomBindingCollectionElement))
                    MethodInfo method = element.GetType().GetMethod("TryAdd", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                    if (method != null)
                        flag = (bool)method.Invoke(element, new object[] { name, binding, Configuration });
                        if (flag)
                            str = str2;
            if (!flag)
                flag = CustomBindingCollectionElement.GetBindingCollectionElement().TryAdd(name, binding, Configuration);
                if (flag)
                    str = "customBinding";
            bindingSectionName = str;