internal DynamicResolver(DynamicILInfo dynamicILInfo)
     this.m_stackSize = dynamicILInfo.MaxStackSize;
     this.m_code = dynamicILInfo.Code;
     this.m_localSignature = dynamicILInfo.LocalSignature;
     this.m_exceptionHeader = dynamicILInfo.Exceptions;
     this.m_scope = dynamicILInfo.DynamicScope;
     this.m_method = dynamicILInfo.DynamicMethod;
     this.m_method.m_resolver = this;
Beispiel #2
        [System.Security.SecurityCritical]  // auto-generated
        internal DynamicILInfo GetDynamicILInfo(DynamicScope scope)
            if (m_DynamicILInfo == null)
                byte[] methodSignature = SignatureHelper.GetMethodSigHelper(
                        null, CallingConvention, ReturnType, null, null, m_parameterTypes, null, null).GetSignature(true);
                m_DynamicILInfo = new DynamicILInfo(scope, this, methodSignature);

            return m_DynamicILInfo;
Beispiel #3
		public DynamicILInfo GetDynamicILInfo () {
			if (il_info == null)
				il_info = new DynamicILInfo (this);
			return il_info;
  internal static void Customize(byte[] body, DynamicILInfo ilInfo, Dictionary<int, DiscoverMemberInfo> schema)
   BindingFlags bf = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.GetField |  BindingFlags.Instance | 
   ArrayReader ar = new ArrayReader(body);
    int offset = ar.Position;
    OpCode opCode = OpCodes.Nop;
    //int token = 0;

    Byte code = ar.ReadByte();
    if(code != 0xFE)
     opCode = OneByteOpCodes[code];
     opCode = TwoByteOpCodes[ar.ReadByte()];

     #region ...
     case OperandType.InlineNone: break;
     //The operand is an 8-bit integer branch target.
     case OperandType.ShortInlineBrTarget: ar.ReadSByte(); break;
     //The operand is a 32-bit integer branch target.
     case OperandType.InlineBrTarget: ar.ReadInt32(); break;
     //The operand is an 8-bit integer: 001F  ldc.i4.s, FE12  unaligned.
     case OperandType.ShortInlineI: ar.ReadByte(); break;
     //The operand is a 32-bit integer.
     case OperandType.InlineI: ar.ReadInt32(); break;
     //The operand is a 64-bit integer.
     case OperandType.InlineI8: ar.ReadInt64(); break;
     //The operand is a 32-bit IEEE floating point number.
     case OperandType.ShortInlineR: ar.ReadSingle(); break;
     //The operand is a 64-bit IEEE floating point number.
     case OperandType.InlineR: ar.ReadDouble(); break;
     //The operand is an 8-bit integer containing the ordinal of a local variable or an argument
     case OperandType.ShortInlineVar: ar.ReadByte(); break;
     //The operand is 16-bit integer containing the ordinal of a local variable or an argument.
     case OperandType.InlineVar: ar.ReadUInt16(); break;
     #endregion ...

     //The operand is a 32-bit metadata string token.
     case OperandType.InlineString:
      #region ...
      int token = ar.ReadInt32();
      string s = new String(schema[token].Name.ToCharArray());
      ar.OverwriteInt32(ilInfo.GetTokenFor(s), offset + opCode.Size); 
      #endregion ...

     //The operand is a 32-bit metadata signature token.
     case OperandType.InlineSig:
      #region ...
      throw new Exception("НАДО ПРОВЕРИТЬ InlineSig !!!");
      //int token = ar.ReadInt32();
      //inlineSigInstruction.Offset + inlineSigInstruction.OpCode.Size);

      #endregion ...

     //The operand is a 32-bit metadata token.
     case OperandType.InlineMethod:
      #region ...
      int token = ar.ReadInt32();
      MethodBase mi;
      Type t = schema[token].DeclaringType; // ?? dstType;
       mi = t.GetConstructor(bf, null, schema[token].ParametersTypes, null);
       mi = t.GetMethod(schema[token].Name, bf, null, schema[token].ParametersTypes, null);
      if(mi == null)
       throw new PulsarException("Не удалось определить MethodBase для операнда {0}:{1}", opCode, opCode.OperandType);
      ar.OverwriteInt32(ilInfo.GetTokenFor(mi.MethodHandle, t.TypeHandle), offset + opCode.Size); 
      #endregion ...

     //The operand is a 32-bit metadata token.
     case OperandType.InlineField:
      #region ...
      int token = ar.ReadInt32();
      FieldInfo fi = schema[token].DeclaringType.GetField(schema[token].Name, bf | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);
      if(fi == null)
       throw new PulsarException("Не удалось определить FieldInfo для операнда {0}:{1}", opCode, opCode.OperandType);
      ar.OverwriteInt32(ilInfo.GetTokenFor(fi.FieldHandle), offset + opCode.Size); 
      #endregion ...

     //The operand is a 32-bit metadata token.
     case OperandType.InlineType:
      #region ...
      int token = ar.ReadInt32();
      Type t = schema[token].DeclaringType;
      ar.OverwriteInt32(ilInfo.GetTokenFor(t.TypeHandle), offset + opCode.Size); 
      #endregion ...

     //The operand is a FieldRef, MethodRef, or TypeRef token.
     case OperandType.InlineTok:
      #region ...
      throw new Exception("НАДО ПРОВЕРИТЬ InlineTok !!!");
      //int token = ar.ReadInt32();
      //     MemberInfo mi = inlineTokInstruction.Member;
      //int token = 0;
      //if(mi.MemberType == MemberTypes.TypeInfo || mi.MemberType == MemberTypes.NestedType)
      // Type type = mi as Type;
      // token = ilInfo.GetTokenFor(type.TypeHandle);
      //else if(mi.MemberType == MemberTypes.Method || mi.MemberType == MemberTypes.Constructor)
      // MethodBase m = mi as MethodBase;
      // token = ilInfo.GetTokenFor(m.MethodHandle, m.DeclaringType.TypeHandle);
      //else if(mi.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field)
      // FieldInfo f = mi as FieldInfo;
      // //CLR BUG: token = ilInfo.GetTokenFor(f.FieldHandle, f.DeclaringType.TypeHandle);
      // token = ilInfo.GetTokenFor(f.FieldHandle);

      //   inlineTokInstruction.Offset + inlineTokInstruction.OpCode.Size);

      #endregion ...

     //The operand is the 32-bit integer argument to a switch instruction.
     case OperandType.InlineSwitch:
      #region ...
      throw new Exception("НАДО ПРОВЕРИТЬ InlineSwitch !!!");
      //Int32 cases = ar.ReadInt32();
      //Int32[] deltas = new Int32[cases];
      //for(Int32 i = 0; i < cases; i++)
      // deltas[i] = ar.ReadInt32();

      #endregion ...
     default: throw new BadImageFormatException("Unexpected OperandType " + opCode.OperandType);
