Beispiel #1
        public static double GetDoubleFromParts(int sign, int exp, ulong man)
            DoubleUlong du;

            du.dbl = 0;

            if (man == 0)
                du.uu = 0;
                // Normalize so that 0x0010 0000 0000 0000 is the highest bit set.
                int cbitShift = BitOperations.LeadingZeroCount(man) - 11;
                if (cbitShift < 0)
                    man >>= -cbitShift;
                    man <<= cbitShift;
                exp -= cbitShift;
                Debug.Assert((man & 0xFFF0000000000000) == 0x0010000000000000);

                // Move the point to just behind the leading 1: 0x001.0 0000 0000 0000
                // (52 bits) and skew the exponent (by 0x3FF == 1023).
                exp += 1075;

                if (exp >= 0x7FF)
                    // Infinity.
                    du.uu = 0x7FF0000000000000;
                else if (exp <= 0)
                    // Denormalized.
                    if (exp < -52)
                        // Underflow to zero.
                        du.uu = 0;
                        du.uu = man >> -exp;
                        Debug.Assert(du.uu != 0);
                    // Mask off the implicit high bit.
                    du.uu = (man & 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)exp << 52);

            if (sign < 0)
                du.uu |= 0x8000000000000000;

        private static void Divide(Span <uint> left, ReadOnlySpan <uint> right, Span <uint> bits)
            Debug.Assert(left.Length >= 1);
            Debug.Assert(right.Length >= 1);
            Debug.Assert(left.Length >= right.Length);
            Debug.Assert(bits.Length == left.Length - right.Length + 1 ||
                         bits.Length == 0);

            // Executes the "grammar-school" algorithm for computing q = a / b.
            // Before calculating q_i, we get more bits into the highest bit
            // block of the divisor. Thus, guessing digits of the quotient
            // will be more precise. Additionally we'll get r = a % b.

            uint divHi = right[right.Length - 1];
            uint divLo = right.Length > 1 ? right[right.Length - 2] : 0;

            // We measure the leading zeros of the divisor
            int shift     = BitOperations.LeadingZeroCount(divHi);
            int backShift = 32 - shift;

            // And, we make sure the most significant bit is set
            if (shift > 0)
                uint divNx = right.Length > 2 ? right[right.Length - 3] : 0;

                divHi = (divHi << shift) | (divLo >> backShift);
                divLo = (divLo << shift) | (divNx >> backShift);

            // Then, we divide all of the bits as we would do it using
            // pen and paper: guessing the next digit, subtracting, ...
            for (int i = left.Length; i >= right.Length; i--)
                int  n = i - right.Length;
                uint t = (uint)i < (uint)left.Length ? left[i] : 0;

                ulong valHi = ((ulong)t << 32) | left[i - 1];
                uint  valLo = i > 1 ? left[i - 2] : 0;

                // We shifted the divisor, we shift the dividend too
                if (shift > 0)
                    uint valNx = i > 2 ? left[i - 3] : 0;

                    valHi = (valHi << shift) | (valLo >> backShift);
                    valLo = (valLo << shift) | (valNx >> backShift);

                // First guess for the current digit of the quotient,
                // which naturally must have only 32 bits...
                ulong digit = valHi / divHi;
                if (digit > 0xFFFFFFFF)
                    digit = 0xFFFFFFFF;

                // Our first guess may be a little bit to big
                while (DivideGuessTooBig(digit, valHi, valLo, divHi, divLo))

                if (digit > 0)
                    // Now it's time to subtract our current quotient
                    uint carry = SubtractDivisor(left.Slice(n), right, digit);
                    if (carry != t)
                        Debug.Assert(carry == t + 1);

                        // Our guess was still exactly one too high
                        carry = AddDivisor(left.Slice(n), right);

                        Debug.Assert(carry == 1);

                // We have the digit!
                if ((uint)n < (uint)bits.Length)
                    bits[n] = (uint)digit;

                if ((uint)i < (uint)left.Length)
                    left[i] = 0;