Beispiel #1
        public static PeerName CreateFromPeerHostName(string peerHostName)
            //Check arguments
            if (peerHostName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("peerHostName");
            if (peerHostName.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Pnrp_InvalidPeerHostName), "peerHostName");

            Int32        result;
            SafePeerData shPeerName = null;
            string       peerName   = null;

                result = UnsafeP2PNativeMethods.PeerHostNameToPeerName(peerHostName, out shPeerName);
                if (result != 0)
                    throw PeerToPeerException.CreateFromHr(SR.GetString(SR.Pnrp_CouldNotGetPeerNameFromPeerHostName), result);
                peerName = shPeerName.UnicodeString;
                if (shPeerName != null)

            string authority;
            string classifier;

            WeakParsePeerName(peerName, out authority, out classifier);
            PeerName p = new PeerName(peerName, authority, classifier);

            Logging.P2PTraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "PeerName created from PeerHostName - PeerHostName {0} to PeerName PeerName {1} Authority {2} Classfier {3}", peerHostName, peerName, authority, classifier);
Beispiel #2
        public static PeerName CreateRelativePeerName(
            PeerName peerName,
            string classifier)
            //Check arguments
            if (peerName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("peerName", SR.GetString(SR.Pnrp_PeerNameCantBeNull));
            if (!peerName.IsSecured && (classifier == null || classifier.Length == 0))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Pnrp_InvalidClassifier), "classifier");
            if (classifier != null && classifier.Length > PEER_MAX_CLASSIFIER_LENGTH)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Pnrp_InvalidClassifier), "classifier");

            //Normalize using NFC
            if (classifier != null && classifier.Length > 0)
                classifier = classifier.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormC);

            Int32        result;
            SafePeerData shNewPeerName = null;
            string       newPeerName   = null;

                //Here there is change made on the native side
                //when passing secured peer names, it takes string of the form [40hexdigits].claasisifer and a newclassifier
                //returns [40hexdigits.newclassifier]
                //But for unsecured peer names it does not take 0.clasfier and newclassfier to return 0.newclassfier.
                //It expects NULL as the first param. To satisfy this broken finctionality, we are passing null if the
                //peer name is unsecured.
                result = UnsafeP2PNativeMethods.PeerCreatePeerName(peerName.IsSecured? peerName.m_PeerName : null, classifier, out shNewPeerName);
                if (result != 0)
                    throw PeerToPeerException.CreateFromHr(SR.GetString(SR.Pnrp_CouldNotCreateRelativePeerName), result);
                newPeerName = shNewPeerName.UnicodeString;
                if (shNewPeerName != null)

            string authority;
            string newClassifier;

            WeakParsePeerName(newPeerName, out authority, out newClassifier);
            PeerName p = new PeerName(newPeerName, authority, newClassifier);

            Logging.P2PTraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "A new PeerName created from existing PeerName with a new classfier. Existing PeerName {0} Classifier {1} New PeerName {2}", peerName, classifier, p);
Beispiel #3
        public PeerName(string classifier, PeerNameType peerNameType)
            //Check arguments
            if ((classifier == null || classifier.Length == 0) &&
                peerNameType == PeerNameType.Unsecured)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("classifier");
            if (classifier != null && classifier.Length > PEER_MAX_CLASSIFIER_LENGTH)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Pnrp_InvalidClassifier), "classifier");
            //Normalize using NFC
            if (classifier != null && classifier.Length > 0)
                classifier = classifier.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormC);
            //call the helper to create the PeerName
            Int32        result;
            SafePeerData shNewPeerName     = null;
            SafePeerData shDefaultIdentity = null;

                if (peerNameType == PeerNameType.Unsecured)
                    result = UnsafeP2PNativeMethods.PeerCreatePeerName((string)null, classifier, out shNewPeerName);
                    if (result != 0)
                        throw PeerToPeerException.CreateFromHr(SR.GetString(SR.Pnrp_CouldNotCreateUnsecuredPeerName), result);
                    m_Authority = PEERNAME_UNSECURED_AUTHORITY;
                    result = UnsafeP2PNativeMethods.PeerIdentityGetDefault(out shDefaultIdentity);
                    if (result != 0)
                        throw PeerToPeerException.CreateFromHr(SR.GetString(SR.Pnrp_CouldNotGetDefaultIdentity), result);
                    m_Authority = shDefaultIdentity.UnicodeString;

                    result = UnsafeP2PNativeMethods.PeerCreatePeerName(m_Authority, classifier, out shNewPeerName);
                    if (result != 0)
                        throw PeerToPeerException.CreateFromHr(SR.GetString(SR.Pnrp_CouldNotCreateSecuredPeerName), result);
                m_PeerName   = shNewPeerName.UnicodeString;
                m_Classifier = classifier;
                if (shNewPeerName != null)
                if (shDefaultIdentity != null)
            Logging.P2PTraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "PeerName instance created - PeerName {0} Authority {1} Classfier {2}", m_PeerName, m_Authority, m_Classifier);
 internal extern static Int32 PeerIdentityGetDefault(out SafePeerData defaultIdentity);
 internal extern static Int32 PeerHostNameToPeerName(string peerHostName, out SafePeerData peerName);
 internal extern static Int32 PeerPnrpGetCloudInfo(out UInt32 pNumClouds, out SafePeerData pArrayOfClouds);
 PeerCreatePeerName(string identity, string classfier, out SafePeerData peerName);
 public extern static Int32 PeerPnrpResolve(string pcwzPeerNAme,
                                            string pcwzCloudName,
                                            ref UInt32 pcEndPoints,
                                            out SafePeerData pEndPoints);
 public extern static Int32 PeerPnrpGetEndpoint(IntPtr Handle,
                                                out SafePeerData pEndPoint);
 internal extern static Int32 PeerHostNameToPeerName(string peerHostName, out SafePeerData peerName);
        private static void GetCloudOrClouds(string cloudName, bool bGlobalCloudOnly, out CloudCollection clouds, out Cloud cloud)
            cloud  = null;
            clouds = null;

            Logging.Enter(Logging.P2PTraceSource, "Cloud::GetCloudOrClouds()");

            //Demand for the Unrestricted Pnrp Permission

            Int32        result    = 0;
            UInt32       numClouds = 0;
            SafePeerData ArrayOfCloudInfoStructures = null;

            if (cloudName == null)
                //We need the collection only when we are not
                //getting a specific cloud
                clouds = new CloudCollection();
                //No perf hit here, real native call happens only one time if it
                //did not already happen

                result = UnsafeP2PNativeMethods.PeerPnrpGetCloudInfo(out numClouds, out ArrayOfCloudInfoStructures);
                if (result != 0)
                    throw PeerToPeerException.CreateFromHr(SR.GetString(SR.Pnrp_CouldNotEnumerateClouds), result);
                if (numClouds != 0)
                    Logging.P2PTraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "Number of clouds returned {0}", numClouds);
                    IntPtr pPEER_PNRP_CLOUD_INFO = ArrayOfCloudInfoStructures.DangerousGetHandle();
                    for (ulong i = 0; i < numClouds; i++)
                        PEER_PNRP_CLOUD_INFO cloudinfo = (PEER_PNRP_CLOUD_INFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pPEER_PNRP_CLOUD_INFO, typeof(PEER_PNRP_CLOUD_INFO));
                        string nativeCloudName         = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(cloudinfo.pwzCloudName);
                        pPEER_PNRP_CLOUD_INFO = (IntPtr)((long)pPEER_PNRP_CLOUD_INFO + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(PEER_PNRP_CLOUD_INFO)));
                        Cloud c = new Cloud(nativeCloudName, (PnrpScope)((int)cloudinfo.dwScope), (int)cloudinfo.dwScopeId);
                        if (cloudName == null && !bGlobalCloudOnly)
                        //If a specific cloud by name is required, then test for name
                        //note that scope is PnrpScope.All but we don't test that now
                        if (cloudName != null && cloudName == nativeCloudName)
                            cloud = c;

                        if (bGlobalCloudOnly && c.Scope == PnrpScope.Global)
                            cloud = c;
                    Logging.P2PTraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Warning, 0, "No Clouds returned from the native call");
                if (ArrayOfCloudInfoStructures != null)
            if (cloudName != null && cloud == null)
                Logging.P2PTraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "The specific cloud name {0} asked for is not found", cloudName);
            Logging.Leave(Logging.P2PTraceSource, "Cloud::GetCloudOrClouds()");
 internal extern static Int32 PeerIdentityGetDefault(out SafePeerData defaultIdentity);
 PeerCreatePeerName(string identity, string classfier, out SafePeerData peerName);
 internal extern static Int32 PeerPnrpGetCloudInfo(out UInt32 pNumClouds, out SafePeerData pArrayOfClouds);
 public extern static Int32 PeerPnrpGetEndpoint(IntPtr Handle,
                                                out SafePeerData pEndPoint);
 public extern static Int32 PeerPnrpResolve(string pcwzPeerNAme,
                                            string pcwzCloudName,
                                            ref UInt32 pcEndPoints,
                                            out SafePeerData pEndPoints);