Beispiel #1
        // Returns input for decoding failures, as the content might not be encoded.
        private static string EncodeAndQuoteMime(string input)
            string result      = input;
            bool   needsQuotes = false;

            // Remove bounding quotes, they'll get re-added later.
            if (IsQuoted(result))
                result      = result.Substring(1, result.Length - 2);
                needsQuotes = true;

            if (result.Contains('"')) // Only bounding quotes are allowed.
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                      SR.net_http_headers_invalid_value, input));
            else if (HeaderUtilities.ContainsNonAscii(result))
                needsQuotes = true;               // Encoded data must always be quoted, the equals signs are invalid in tokens.
                result      = EncodeMime(result); // =?utf-8?B?asdfasdfaesdf?=
            else if (!needsQuotes && HttpRuleParser.GetTokenLength(result, 0) != result.Length)
                needsQuotes = true;

            if (needsQuotes)
                // Re-add quotes "value".
                result = "\"" + result + "\"";
Beispiel #2
        private static string EncodeAndQuoteMime(string input)
            string input1 = input;
            bool   flag   = false;

            if (ContentDispositionHeaderValue.IsQuoted((ReadOnlySpan <char>)input1))
                input1 = input1.Substring(1, input1.Length - 2);
                flag   = true;
            if (input1.Contains('"'))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, SR.net_http_headers_invalid_value, (object)input));
            if (HeaderUtilities.ContainsNonAscii(input1))
                flag   = true;
                input1 = ContentDispositionHeaderValue.EncodeMime(input1);
            else if (!flag && HttpRuleParser.GetTokenLength(input1, 0) != input1.Length)
                flag = true;
            if (flag)
                input1 = "\"" + input1 + "\"";