/// <summary>
        /// No more elements will be added, so we can sort the group now.
        /// </summary>
        internal void DoneAdding()
            Debug.Assert(_values != null);

            int count = _values.Count;
            ListChunk <Pair <TOrderKey, TElement> >?curChunk = _values;

            while ((curChunk = curChunk.Next) != null)
                count += curChunk.Count;

            TElement[]  values    = new TElement[count];
            TOrderKey[] orderKeys = new TOrderKey[count];

            int idx = 0;

            foreach (Pair <TOrderKey, TElement> p in _values)
                orderKeys[idx] = p.First;
                values[idx]    = p.Second;


            Array.Sort(orderKeys, values, _orderComparer);

            _sortedValues = values;

            _values = null; // Any future calls to Add() or DoneAdding() will fail
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Allocates a new root chunk of a particular size.
 /// </summary>
 internal ListChunk(int size)
     Contract.Assert(size > 0);
     _chunk      = new TInputOutput[size];
     _chunkCount = 0;
     _tailChunk  = this;
        private readonly IComparer <TOrderKey> _orderComparer;   // Comparer for order keys

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new grouping
        /// </summary>
        internal OrderedGroupByGrouping(
            TGroupKey groupKey,
            IComparer <TOrderKey> orderComparer)
            _groupKey      = groupKey;
            _values        = new ListChunk <Pair <TOrderKey, TElement> >(INITIAL_CHUNK_SIZE);
            _orderComparer = orderComparer;
Beispiel #4
 public IEnumerator <TInputOutput> GetEnumerator()
     for (ListChunk <TInputOutput> iteratorVariable0 = (ListChunk <TInputOutput>) this; iteratorVariable0 != null; iteratorVariable0 = iteratorVariable0.m_nextChunk)
         for (int i = 0; i < iteratorVariable0.m_chunkCount; i++)
             yield return(iteratorVariable0.m_chunk[i]);
Beispiel #5
 internal HashRepartitionEnumerator(QueryOperatorEnumerator <TInputOutput, TIgnoreKey> source, int partitionCount, int partitionIndex, Func <TInputOutput, THashKey> keySelector, HashRepartitionStream <TInputOutput, THashKey, int> repartitionStream, CountdownEvent barrier, ListChunk <Pair <TInputOutput, THashKey> >[,] valueExchangeMatrix, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     this.m_source              = source;
     this.m_partitionCount      = partitionCount;
     this.m_partitionIndex      = partitionIndex;
     this.m_keySelector         = keySelector;
     this.m_repartitionStream   = repartitionStream;
     this.m_barrier             = barrier;
     this.m_valueExchangeMatrix = valueExchangeMatrix;
     this.m_cancellationToken   = cancellationToken;
Beispiel #6
        internal void Add(TInputOutput e)
            ListChunk <TInputOutput> tailChunk = this.m_tailChunk;

            if (tailChunk.m_chunkCount == tailChunk.m_chunk.Length)
                this.m_tailChunk = new ListChunk <TInputOutput>(tailChunk.m_chunkCount * 2);
                tailChunk        = tailChunk.m_nextChunk = this.m_tailChunk;
            tailChunk.m_chunk[tailChunk.m_chunkCount++] = e;
        internal UnorderedHashRepartitionStream(PartitionedStream <TInputOutput, TIgnoreKey> inputStream, Func <TInputOutput, THashKey> keySelector, IEqualityComparer <THashKey> keyComparer, IEqualityComparer <TInputOutput> elementComparer, CancellationToken cancellationToken) : base(inputStream.PartitionCount, Util.GetDefaultComparer <int>(), keyComparer, elementComparer)
            base.m_partitions = (QueryOperatorEnumerator <Pair <TInputOutput, THashKey>, int>[]) new HashRepartitionEnumerator <TInputOutput, THashKey, TIgnoreKey> [inputStream.PartitionCount];
            CountdownEvent barrier = new CountdownEvent(inputStream.PartitionCount);

            ListChunk <Pair <TInputOutput, THashKey> >[,] valueExchangeMatrix = new ListChunk <Pair <TInputOutput, THashKey> > [inputStream.PartitionCount, inputStream.PartitionCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < inputStream.PartitionCount; i++)
                base.m_partitions[i] = new HashRepartitionEnumerator <TInputOutput, THashKey, TIgnoreKey>(inputStream[i], inputStream.PartitionCount, i, keySelector, this, barrier, valueExchangeMatrix, cancellationToken);
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an element to this chunk.  Only ever called on the root.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">The new element.</param>
        internal void Add(TInputOutput e)
            ListChunk <TInputOutput> tail = _tailChunk;

            if (tail._chunkCount == tail._chunk.Length)
                _tailChunk = new ListChunk <TInputOutput>(tail._chunkCount * 2);
                tail       = (tail._nextChunk = _tailChunk);

            tail._chunk[tail._chunkCount++] = e;
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a value/ordering key pair to the list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">value to add</param>
        /// <param name="orderKey">ordering key</param>
        /// <returns>if true, the internal memory has changed</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// As this is a value type, if the internal memory changes,
        /// then the changes need to be reflected (to a HashLookup, for example)
        /// as necessary
        /// </remarks>
        internal bool Add(TElement value, TOrderKey orderKey)
            bool requiresMemoryChange = (_tail == null);

            if (requiresMemoryChange)
                _tail = new ListChunk <Pair <TElement, TOrderKey> >(INITIAL_CHUNK_SIZE);
            _tail.Add(CreatePair(value, orderKey));

Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Fetches an enumerator to walk the elements in all chunks rooted from this one.
        /// </summary>
        public IEnumerator <TInputOutput> GetEnumerator()
            ListChunk <TInputOutput> curr = this;

            while (curr != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < curr._chunkCount; i++)
                    yield return(curr._chunk[i]);
                Contract.Assert(curr._chunkCount == curr._chunk.Length || curr._nextChunk == null);
                curr = curr._nextChunk;
Beispiel #11
        private void EnumerateAndRedistributeElements()
            Mutables <TInputOutput, THashKey, TOrderKey> mutables = this.m_mutables;

            ListChunk <Pair <TInputOutput, THashKey> >[] chunkArray = new ListChunk <Pair <TInputOutput, THashKey> > [this.m_partitionCount];
            ListChunk <TOrderKey>[] chunkArray2    = new ListChunk <TOrderKey> [this.m_partitionCount];
            TInputOutput            currentElement = default(TInputOutput);
            TOrderKey currentKey = default(TOrderKey);
            int       num        = 0;

            while (this.m_source.MoveNext(ref currentElement, ref currentKey))
                int num2;
                if ((num++ & 0x3f) == 0)
                THashKey key = default(THashKey);
                if (this.m_keySelector != null)
                    key  = this.m_keySelector(currentElement);
                    num2 = this.m_repartitionStream.GetHashCode(key) % this.m_partitionCount;
                    num2 = this.m_repartitionStream.GetHashCode(currentElement) % this.m_partitionCount;
                ListChunk <Pair <TInputOutput, THashKey> > chunk = chunkArray[num2];
                ListChunk <TOrderKey> chunk2 = chunkArray2[num2];
                if (chunk == null)
                    chunkArray[num2]  = chunk = new ListChunk <Pair <TInputOutput, THashKey> >(0x80);
                    chunkArray2[num2] = chunk2 = new ListChunk <TOrderKey>(0x80);
                chunk.Add(new Pair <TInputOutput, THashKey>(currentElement, key));
            for (int i = 0; i < this.m_partitionCount; i++)
                this.m_valueExchangeMatrix[this.m_partitionIndex, i] = chunkArray[i];
                this.m_keyExchangeMatrix[this.m_partitionIndex, i]   = chunkArray2[i];
            mutables.m_currentBufferIndex = this.m_partitionIndex;
            mutables.m_currentBuffer      = chunkArray[this.m_partitionIndex];
            mutables.m_currentKeyBuffer   = chunkArray2[this.m_partitionIndex];
            mutables.m_currentIndex       = -1;
            public bool Add(THashKey hashKey, TElement element, TOrderKey orderKey)
                bool hasCollision = true;

                ListChunk <TElement>?currentValue = default(ListChunk <TElement>);

                if (!_base.TryGetValue(hashKey, ref currentValue))
                    const int INITIAL_CHUNK_SIZE = 2;
                    currentValue = new ListChunk <TElement>(INITIAL_CHUNK_SIZE);
                    _base.Add(hashKey, currentValue);
                    hasCollision = false;


        // Creates a new repartitioning enumerator.
        // Arguments:
        //     source            - the data stream from which to pull elements
        //     useOrdinalOrderPreservation - whether order preservation is required
        //     partitionCount    - total number of partitions
        //     partitionIndex    - this operator's unique partition index
        //     repartitionStream - the stream object to use for partition selection
        //     barrier           - a latch used to signal task completion
        //     buffers           - a set of buffers for inter-task communication

        internal HashRepartitionEnumerator(
            QueryOperatorEnumerator <TInputOutput, TIgnoreKey> source, int partitionCount, int partitionIndex,
            Func <TInputOutput, THashKey> keySelector, HashRepartitionStream <TInputOutput, THashKey, int> repartitionStream,
            CountdownEvent barrier, ListChunk <Pair <TInputOutput, THashKey> >[,] valueExchangeMatrix, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            Contract.Assert(source != null);
            Contract.Assert(keySelector != null || typeof(THashKey) == typeof(NoKeyMemoizationRequired));
            Contract.Assert(repartitionStream != null);
            Contract.Assert(barrier != null);
            Contract.Assert(valueExchangeMatrix != null);
            Contract.Assert(valueExchangeMatrix.GetLength(0) == partitionCount, "expected square matrix of buffers (NxN)");
            Contract.Assert(valueExchangeMatrix.GetLength(1) == partitionCount, "expected square matrix of buffers (NxN)");
            Contract.Assert(0 <= partitionIndex && partitionIndex < partitionCount);

            m_source              = source;
            m_partitionCount      = partitionCount;
            m_partitionIndex      = partitionIndex;
            m_keySelector         = keySelector;
            m_repartitionStream   = repartitionStream;
            m_barrier             = barrier;
            m_valueExchangeMatrix = valueExchangeMatrix;
            m_cancellationToken   = cancellationToken;
        // Builds the hash lookup, transforming from TSource to TElement through whatever means is appropriate.

        protected override HashLookup <Wrapper <TGroupKey>, ListChunk <TElement> > BuildHashLookup()
            HashLookup <Wrapper <TGroupKey>, ListChunk <TElement> > hashlookup =
                new HashLookup <Wrapper <TGroupKey>, ListChunk <TElement> >(new WrapperEqualityComparer <TGroupKey>(_keyComparer));

            Pair <TSource, TGroupKey> sourceElement = default(Pair <TSource, TGroupKey>);
            TOrderKey sourceKeyUnused = default(TOrderKey) !;
            int       i = 0;

            while (_source.MoveNext(ref sourceElement, ref sourceKeyUnused))
                if ((i++ & CancellationState.POLL_INTERVAL) == 0)

                // Generate a key and place it into the hashtable.
                Wrapper <TGroupKey> key = new Wrapper <TGroupKey>(sourceElement.Second);

                // If the key already exists, we just append it to the existing list --
                // otherwise we will create a new one and add it to that instead.
                ListChunk <TElement>?currentValue = null;
                if (!hashlookup.TryGetValue(key, ref currentValue))
                    const int INITIAL_CHUNK_SIZE = 2;
                    currentValue = new ListChunk <TElement>(INITIAL_CHUNK_SIZE);
                    hashlookup.Add(key, currentValue);
                Debug.Assert(currentValue != null);

                // Call to the base class to yield the current value.

Beispiel #15
        protected override HashLookup <Wrapper <TGroupKey>, ListChunk <TSource> > BuildHashLookup()
            HashLookup <Wrapper <TGroupKey>, ListChunk <TSource> > lookup = new HashLookup <Wrapper <TGroupKey>, ListChunk <TSource> >(new WrapperEqualityComparer <TGroupKey>(base.m_keyComparer));
            Pair <TSource, TGroupKey> currentElement = new Pair <TSource, TGroupKey>();
            TOrderKey currentKey = default(TOrderKey);
            int       num        = 0;

            while (base.m_source.MoveNext(ref currentElement, ref currentKey))
                if ((num++ & 0x3f) == 0)
                Wrapper <TGroupKey> key   = new Wrapper <TGroupKey>(currentElement.Second);
                ListChunk <TSource> chunk = null;
                if (!lookup.TryGetValue(key, ref chunk))
                    chunk = new ListChunk <TSource>(2);
                    lookup.Add(key, chunk);
Beispiel #16
        // Creates a new partition exchange operator.

        internal UnorderedHashRepartitionStream(
            PartitionedStream <TInputOutput, TIgnoreKey> inputStream,
            Func <TInputOutput, THashKey> keySelector, IEqualityComparer <THashKey> keyComparer, IEqualityComparer <TInputOutput> elementComparer,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            : base(inputStream.PartitionCount, Util.GetDefaultComparer <int>(), keyComparer, elementComparer)
            // Create our array of partitions.
            m_partitions = new HashRepartitionEnumerator <TInputOutput, THashKey, TIgnoreKey> [inputStream.PartitionCount];

            // Initialize state shared among the partitions. A latch and a matrix of buffers. Note that
            // the actual elements in the buffer array are lazily allocated if needed.
            CountdownEvent barrier = new CountdownEvent(inputStream.PartitionCount);

            ListChunk <Pair <TInputOutput, THashKey> >[,] valueExchangeMatrix =
                new ListChunk <Pair <TInputOutput, THashKey> > [inputStream.PartitionCount, inputStream.PartitionCount];

            // Now construct each partition object.
            for (int i = 0; i < inputStream.PartitionCount; i++)
                m_partitions[i] = new HashRepartitionEnumerator <TInputOutput, THashKey, TIgnoreKey>(
                    inputStream[i], inputStream.PartitionCount, i, keySelector, this,
                    barrier, valueExchangeMatrix, cancellationToken);
Beispiel #17
 internal ListChunk(int size)
     this.m_chunk      = new TInputOutput[size];
     this.m_chunkCount = 0;
     this.m_tailChunk  = (ListChunk <TInputOutput>) this;
Beispiel #18
        // MoveNext implements all the hash-join logic noted earlier. When it is called first, it
        // will execute the entire inner query tree, and build a hash-table lookup. This is the
        // Building phase. Then for the first call and all subsequent calls to MoveNext, we will
        // incrementally perform the Probing phase. We'll keep getting elements from the outer
        // data source, looking into the hash-table we built, and enumerating the full results.
        // This routine supports both inner and outer (group) joins. An outer join will yield a
        // (possibly empty) list of matching elements from the inner instead of one-at-a-time,
        // as we do for inner joins.

        internal override bool MoveNext(ref TOutput currentElement, ref TOutputKey currentKey)
            Debug.Assert(_resultSelector != null, "expected a compiled result selector");
            Debug.Assert(_leftSource != null);
            Debug.Assert(_rightLookupBuilder != null);

            // BUILD phase: If we haven't built the hash-table yet, create that first.
            Mutables mutables = _mutables;

            if (mutables == null)
                mutables = _mutables = new Mutables();
                mutables._rightHashLookup = _rightLookupBuilder.BuildHashLookup(_cancellationToken);

            // PROBE phase: So long as the source has a next element, return the match.
            ListChunk <Pair <TRightInput, TRightKey> > currentRightChunk = mutables._currentRightMatches;

            if (currentRightChunk != null && mutables._currentRightMatchesIndex == currentRightChunk.Count)
                mutables._currentRightMatches      = currentRightChunk.Next;
                mutables._currentRightMatchesIndex = 0;

            if (mutables._currentRightMatches == null)
                // We have to look up the next list of matches in the hash-table.
                Pair <TLeftInput, THashKey> leftPair = default(Pair <TLeftInput, THashKey>);
                TLeftKey leftKey = default(TLeftKey);
                while (_leftSource.MoveNext(ref leftPair, ref leftKey))
                    if ((mutables._outputLoopCount++ & CancellationState.POLL_INTERVAL) == 0)

                    // Find the match in the hash table.
                    HashLookupValueList <TRightInput, TRightKey> matchValue = default(HashLookupValueList <TRightInput, TRightKey>);
                    TLeftInput leftElement = leftPair.First;
                    THashKey   leftHashKey = leftPair.Second;

                    // Ignore null keys.
                    if (leftHashKey != null)
                        if (mutables._rightHashLookup.TryGetValue(leftHashKey, ref matchValue))
                            // We found a new match. We remember the list in case there are multiple
                            // values under this same key -- the next iteration will pick them up.
                            mutables._currentRightMatches = matchValue.Tail;
                            Debug.Assert(mutables._currentRightMatches == null || mutables._currentRightMatches.Count > 0,
                                         "we were expecting that the list would be either null or empty");
                            mutables._currentRightMatchesIndex = 0;

                            // Yield the value.
                            currentElement = _resultSelector(leftElement, matchValue.Head.First);
                            currentKey     = _outputKeyBuilder.Combine(leftKey, matchValue.Head.Second);

                            // If there is a list of matches, remember the left values for next time.
                            if (matchValue.Tail != null)
                                mutables._currentLeft    = leftElement;
                                mutables._currentLeftKey = leftKey;


                // If we've reached the end of the data source, we're done.

            // Produce the next element.
            Debug.Assert(mutables._currentRightMatches != null);
            Debug.Assert(0 <= mutables._currentRightMatchesIndex && mutables._currentRightMatchesIndex < mutables._currentRightMatches.Count);

            Pair <TRightInput, TRightKey> rightMatch = mutables._currentRightMatches._chunk[mutables._currentRightMatchesIndex];

            currentElement = _resultSelector(mutables._currentLeft, rightMatch.First);
            currentKey     = _outputKeyBuilder.Combine(mutables._currentLeftKey, rightMatch.Second);


Beispiel #19
        internal override bool MoveNext(ref TOutput currentElement, ref TLeftKey currentKey)
            Mutables <TLeftInput, TLeftKey, TRightInput, THashKey, TOutput> mutables = this.m_mutables;

            if (mutables == null)
                mutables = this.m_mutables = new Mutables <TLeftInput, TLeftKey, TRightInput, THashKey, TOutput>();
                mutables.m_rightHashLookup = new HashLookup <THashKey, Pair <TRightInput, ListChunk <TRightInput> > >(this.m_keyComparer);
                Pair <TRightInput, THashKey> pair = new Pair <TRightInput, THashKey>();
                int num  = 0;
                int num2 = 0;
                while (this.m_rightSource.MoveNext(ref pair, ref num))
                    if ((num2++ & 0x3f) == 0)
                    TRightInput first  = pair.First;
                    THashKey    second = pair.Second;
                    if (second != null)
                        Pair <TRightInput, ListChunk <TRightInput> > pair2 = new Pair <TRightInput, ListChunk <TRightInput> >();
                        if (!mutables.m_rightHashLookup.TryGetValue(second, ref pair2))
                            pair2 = new Pair <TRightInput, ListChunk <TRightInput> >(first, null);
                            if (this.m_groupResultSelector != null)
                                pair2.Second = new ListChunk <TRightInput>(2);
                            mutables.m_rightHashLookup.Add(second, pair2);
                            if (pair2.Second == null)
                                pair2.Second = new ListChunk <TRightInput>(2);
                                mutables.m_rightHashLookup[second] = pair2;
            ListChunk <TRightInput> currentRightMatches = mutables.m_currentRightMatches;

            if ((currentRightMatches != null) && (mutables.m_currentRightMatchesIndex == currentRightMatches.Count))
                currentRightMatches = mutables.m_currentRightMatches = currentRightMatches.Next;
                mutables.m_currentRightMatchesIndex = 0;
            if (mutables.m_currentRightMatches == null)
                Pair <TLeftInput, THashKey> pair3 = new Pair <TLeftInput, THashKey>();
                TLeftKey local3 = default(TLeftKey);
                while (this.m_leftSource.MoveNext(ref pair3, ref local3))
                    if ((mutables.m_outputLoopCount++ & 0x3f) == 0)
                    Pair <TRightInput, ListChunk <TRightInput> > pair4 = new Pair <TRightInput, ListChunk <TRightInput> >();
                    TLeftInput local4 = pair3.First;
                    THashKey   key    = pair3.Second;
                    if (((key != null) && mutables.m_rightHashLookup.TryGetValue(key, ref pair4)) && (this.m_singleResultSelector != null))
                        mutables.m_currentRightMatches      = pair4.Second;
                        mutables.m_currentRightMatchesIndex = 0;
                        currentElement = this.m_singleResultSelector(local4, pair4.First);
                        currentKey     = local3;
                        if (pair4.Second != null)
                            mutables.m_currentLeft    = local4;
                            mutables.m_currentLeftKey = local3;
                    if (this.m_groupResultSelector != null)
                        IEnumerable <TRightInput> enumerable = pair4.Second;
                        if (enumerable == null)
                            enumerable = (IEnumerable <TRightInput>)ParallelEnumerable.Empty <TRightInput>();
                        currentElement = this.m_groupResultSelector(local4, enumerable);
                        currentKey     = local3;
            currentElement = this.m_singleResultSelector(mutables.m_currentLeft, mutables.m_currentRightMatches.m_chunk[mutables.m_currentRightMatchesIndex]);
            currentKey     = mutables.m_currentLeftKey;
Beispiel #20
 // constructor used to build a new list.
 internal HashLookupValueList(TElement firstValue, TOrderKey firstOrderKey)
     _head = CreatePair(firstValue, firstOrderKey);
     _tail = null;
 protected override Pair <IEnumerable <TElement>, int> CreateValuePair(ListChunk <TElement> baseValue)
     return(new Pair <IEnumerable <TElement>, int>(baseValue, OrderKey));
        // Called when this enumerator is first enumerated; it must walk through the source
        // and redistribute elements to their slot in the exchange matrix.

        private void EnumerateAndRedistributeElements()
            Mutables mutables = m_mutables;

            Contract.Assert(mutables != null);

            ListChunk <Pair <TInputOutput, THashKey> >[] privateBuffers = new ListChunk <Pair <TInputOutput, THashKey> > [m_partitionCount];
            ListChunk <TOrderKey>[] privateKeyBuffers = new ListChunk <TOrderKey> [m_partitionCount];

            TInputOutput element   = default(TInputOutput);
            TOrderKey    key       = default(TOrderKey);
            int          loopCount = 0;

            while (m_source.MoveNext(ref element, ref key))
                if ((loopCount++ & CancellationState.POLL_INTERVAL) == 0)

                // Calculate the element's destination partition index, placing it into the
                // appropriate buffer from which partitions will later enumerate.
                int      destinationIndex;
                THashKey elementHashKey = default(THashKey);
                if (m_keySelector != null)
                    elementHashKey   = m_keySelector(element);
                    destinationIndex = m_repartitionStream.GetHashCode(elementHashKey) % m_partitionCount;
                    Contract.Assert(typeof(THashKey) == typeof(NoKeyMemoizationRequired));
                    destinationIndex = m_repartitionStream.GetHashCode(element) % m_partitionCount;

                Contract.Assert(0 <= destinationIndex && destinationIndex < m_partitionCount,
                                "destination partition outside of the legal range of partitions");

                // Get the buffer for the destnation partition, lazily allocating if needed.  We maintain
                // this list in our own private cache so that we avoid accessing shared memory locations
                // too much.  In the original implementation, we'd access the buffer in the matrix ([N,M],
                // where N is the current partition and M is the destination), but some rudimentary
                // performance profiling indicates copying at the end performs better.
                ListChunk <Pair <TInputOutput, THashKey> > buffer = privateBuffers[destinationIndex];
                ListChunk <TOrderKey> keyBuffer = privateKeyBuffers[destinationIndex];
                if (buffer == null)
                    const int INITIAL_PRIVATE_BUFFER_SIZE = 128;
                    Contract.Assert(keyBuffer == null);
                    privateBuffers[destinationIndex]    = buffer = new ListChunk <Pair <TInputOutput, THashKey> >(INITIAL_PRIVATE_BUFFER_SIZE);
                    privateKeyBuffers[destinationIndex] = keyBuffer = new ListChunk <TOrderKey>(INITIAL_PRIVATE_BUFFER_SIZE);

                buffer.Add(new Pair <TInputOutput, THashKey>(element, elementHashKey));

            // Copy the local buffers to the shared space and then signal to other threads that
            // we are done.  We can then immediately move on to enumerating the elements we found
            // for the current partition before waiting at the barrier.  If we found a lot, we will
            // hopefully never have to physically wait.
            for (int i = 0; i < m_partitionCount; i++)
                m_valueExchangeMatrix[m_partitionIndex, i] = privateBuffers[i];
                m_keyExchangeMatrix[m_partitionIndex, i]   = privateKeyBuffers[i];


            // Begin at our own buffer.
            mutables.m_currentBufferIndex = m_partitionIndex;
            mutables.m_currentBuffer      = privateBuffers[m_partitionIndex];
            mutables.m_currentKeyBuffer   = privateKeyBuffers[m_partitionIndex];
            mutables.m_currentIndex       = ENUMERATION_NOT_STARTED;
Beispiel #23
        // MoveNext implements all the hash-join logic noted earlier. When it is called first, it
        // will execute the entire inner query tree, and build a hash-table lookup. This is the
        // Building phase. Then for the first call and all subsequent calls to MoveNext, we will
        // incrementally perform the Probing phase. We'll keep getting elements from the outer
        // data source, looking into the hash-table we built, and enumerating the full results.
        // This routine supports both inner and outer (group) joins. An outer join will yield a
        // (possibly empty) list of matching elements from the inner instead of one-at-a-time,
        // as we do for inner joins.

        internal override bool MoveNext(ref TOutput currentElement, ref TLeftKey currentKey)
            Contract.Assert(_singleResultSelector != null || _groupResultSelector != null, "expected a compiled result selector");
            Contract.Assert(_leftSource != null);
            Contract.Assert(_rightSource != null);

            // BUILD phase: If we haven't built the hash-table yet, create that first.
            Mutables mutables = _mutables;

            if (mutables == null)
                mutables = _mutables = new Mutables();
                int hashLookupCount   = 0;
                int hashKeyCollisions = 0;
                mutables._rightHashLookup = new HashLookup <THashKey, Pair>(_keyComparer);

                Pair rightPair      = new Pair(default(TRightInput), default(THashKey));
                int  rightKeyUnused = default(int);
                int  i = 0;
                while (_rightSource.MoveNext(ref rightPair, ref rightKeyUnused))
                    if ((i++ & CancellationState.POLL_INTERVAL) == 0)

                    TRightInput rightElement = (TRightInput)rightPair.First;
                    THashKey    rightHashKey = (THashKey)rightPair.Second;

                    // We ignore null keys.
                    if (rightHashKey != null)

                        // See if we've already stored an element under the current key. If not, we
                        // lazily allocate a pair to hold the elements mapping to the same key.
                        const int INITIAL_CHUNK_SIZE = 2;
                        Pair      currentValue       = new Pair(default(TRightInput), default(ListChunk <TRightInput>));
                        if (!mutables._rightHashLookup.TryGetValue(rightHashKey, ref currentValue))
                            currentValue = new Pair(rightElement, null);

                            if (_groupResultSelector != null)
                                // For group joins, we also add the element to the list. This makes
                                // it easier later to yield the list as-is.
                                currentValue.Second = new ListChunk <TRightInput>(INITIAL_CHUNK_SIZE);
                                ((ListChunk <TRightInput>)currentValue.Second).Add((TRightInput)rightElement);

                            mutables._rightHashLookup.Add(rightHashKey, currentValue);
                            if (currentValue.Second == null)
                                // Lazily allocate a list to hold all but the 1st value. We need to
                                // re-store this element because the pair is a value type.
                                currentValue.Second = new ListChunk <TRightInput>(INITIAL_CHUNK_SIZE);
                                mutables._rightHashLookup[rightHashKey] = currentValue;

                            ((ListChunk <TRightInput>)currentValue.Second).Add((TRightInput)rightElement);

                TraceHelpers.TraceInfo("ParallelJoinQueryOperator::MoveNext - built hash table [count = {0}, collisions = {1}]",
                                       hashLookupCount, hashKeyCollisions);

            // PROBE phase: So long as the source has a next element, return the match.
            ListChunk <TRightInput> currentRightChunk = mutables._currentRightMatches;
            if (currentRightChunk != null && mutables._currentRightMatchesIndex == currentRightChunk.Count)
                currentRightChunk = mutables._currentRightMatches = currentRightChunk.Next;
                mutables._currentRightMatchesIndex = 0;

            if (mutables._currentRightMatches == null)
                // We have to look up the next list of matches in the hash-table.
                Pair     leftPair = new Pair(default(TLeftInput), default(THashKey));
                TLeftKey leftKey  = default(TLeftKey);
                while (_leftSource.MoveNext(ref leftPair, ref leftKey))
                    if ((mutables._outputLoopCount++ & CancellationState.POLL_INTERVAL) == 0)

                    // Find the match in the hash table.
                    Pair       matchValue  = new Pair(default(TRightInput), default(ListChunk <TRightInput>));
                    TLeftInput leftElement = (TLeftInput)leftPair.First;
                    THashKey   leftHashKey = (THashKey)leftPair.Second;

                    // Ignore null keys.
                    if (leftHashKey != null)
                        if (mutables._rightHashLookup.TryGetValue(leftHashKey, ref matchValue))
                            // We found a new match. For inner joins, we remember the list in case
                            // there are multiple value under this same key -- the next iteration will pick
                            // them up. For outer joins, we will use the list momentarily.
                            if (_singleResultSelector != null)
                                mutables._currentRightMatches = (ListChunk <TRightInput>)matchValue.Second;
                                Contract.Assert(mutables._currentRightMatches == null || mutables._currentRightMatches.Count > 0,
                                                "we were expecting that the list would be either null or empty");
                                mutables._currentRightMatchesIndex = 0;

                                // Yield the value.
                                currentElement = _singleResultSelector(leftElement, (TRightInput)matchValue.First);
                                currentKey     = leftKey;

                                // If there is a list of matches, remember the left values for next time.
                                if (matchValue.Second != null)
                                    mutables._currentLeft    = leftElement;
                                    mutables._currentLeftKey = leftKey;


                    // For outer joins, we always yield a result.
                    if (_groupResultSelector != null)
                        // Grab the matches, or create an empty list if there are none.
                        IEnumerable <TRightInput> matches = (ListChunk <TRightInput>)matchValue.Second;
                        if (matches == null)
                            matches = ParallelEnumerable.Empty <TRightInput>();

                        // Generate the current value.
                        currentElement = _groupResultSelector(leftElement, matches);
                        currentKey     = leftKey;

                // If we've reached the end of the data source, we're done.

            // Produce the next element and increment our index within the matches.
            Contract.Assert(_singleResultSelector != null);
            Contract.Assert(mutables._currentRightMatches != null);
            Contract.Assert(0 <= mutables._currentRightMatchesIndex && mutables._currentRightMatchesIndex < mutables._currentRightMatches.Count);

            currentElement = _singleResultSelector(
                mutables._currentLeft, mutables._currentRightMatches._chunk[mutables._currentRightMatchesIndex]);
            currentKey = mutables._currentLeftKey;

