Provides static methods for converting from Win32 errors codes to exceptions, HRESULTS and error messages.
        private static void MoveDirectory(string sourceFullPath, string destFullPath, bool sameDirectoryDifferentCase)
            if (!Interop.Kernel32.MoveFile(sourceFullPath, destFullPath, overwrite: false))
                int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

                if (errorCode == Interop.Errors.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
                    throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(Interop.Errors.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, sourceFullPath);

                if (errorCode == Interop.Errors.ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)
                    throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(Interop.Errors.ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, destFullPath);

                // This check was originally put in for Win9x (unfortunately without special casing it to be for Win9x only). We can't change the NT codepath now for backcomp reasons.
                if (errorCode == Interop.Errors.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) // WinNT throws IOException. This check is for Win9x. We can't change it for backcomp.
                    throw new IOException(SR.Format(SR.UnauthorizedAccess_IODenied_Path, sourceFullPath), Win32Marshal.MakeHRFromErrorCode(errorCode));

                throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(errorCode);
Beispiel #2
        [System.Security.SecurityCritical]  // auto-generated
        private static void RemoveDirectoryHelper(string fullPath, bool recursive, bool throwOnTopLevelDirectoryNotFound)
            bool      r;
            int       errorCode;
            Exception ex = null;

            // Do not recursively delete through reparse points.  Perhaps in a
            // future version we will add a new flag to control this behavior,
            // but for now we're much safer if we err on the conservative side.
            // This applies to symbolic links and mount points.
            // Note the logic to check whether fullPath is a reparse point is
            // in Delete(String, String, bool), and will set "recursive" to false.
            // Note that Win32's DeleteFile and RemoveDirectory will just delete
            // the reparse point itself.

            if (recursive)
                Interop.mincore.WIN32_FIND_DATA data = new Interop.mincore.WIN32_FIND_DATA();

                // Open a Find handle
                using (SafeFindHandle hnd = Interop.mincore.FindFirstFile(Directory.EnsureTrailingDirectorySeparator(fullPath) + "*", ref data))
                    if (hnd.IsInvalid)
                        throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForLastWin32Error(fullPath);

                        bool isDir = (0 != (data.dwFileAttributes & Interop.mincore.FileAttributes.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY));
                        if (isDir)
                            // Skip ".", "..".
                            if (data.cFileName.Equals(".") || data.cFileName.Equals(".."))

                            // Recurse for all directories, unless they are
                            // reparse points.  Do not follow mount points nor
                            // symbolic links, but do delete the reparse point
                            // itself.
                            bool shouldRecurse = (0 == (data.dwFileAttributes & (int)FileAttributes.ReparsePoint));
                            if (shouldRecurse)
                                string newFullPath = Path.Combine(fullPath, data.cFileName);
                                    RemoveDirectoryHelper(newFullPath, recursive, false);
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    if (ex == null)
                                        ex = e;
                                // Check to see if this is a mount point, and
                                // unmount it.
                                if (data.dwReserved0 == Interop.mincore.IOReparseOptions.IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT)
                                    // Use full path plus a trailing '\'
                                    String mountPoint = Path.Combine(fullPath, data.cFileName + PathHelpers.DirectorySeparatorCharAsString);
                                    if (!Interop.mincore.DeleteVolumeMountPoint(mountPoint))
                                        errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

                                        if (errorCode != Interop.mincore.Errors.ERROR_SUCCESS &&
                                            errorCode != Interop.mincore.Errors.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)
                                                throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(errorCode, data.cFileName);
                                            catch (Exception e)
                                                if (ex == null)
                                                    ex = e;

                                // RemoveDirectory on a symbolic link will
                                // remove the link itself.
                                String reparsePoint = Path.Combine(fullPath, data.cFileName);
                                r = Interop.mincore.RemoveDirectory(reparsePoint);
                                if (!r)
                                    errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                                    if (errorCode != Interop.mincore.Errors.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)
                                            throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(errorCode, data.cFileName);
                                        catch (Exception e)
                                            if (ex == null)
                                                ex = e;
                            String fileName = Path.Combine(fullPath, data.cFileName);
                            r = Interop.mincore.DeleteFile(fileName);
                            if (!r)
                                errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                                if (errorCode != Interop.mincore.Errors.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
                                        throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(errorCode, data.cFileName);
                                    catch (Exception e)
                                        if (ex == null)
                                            ex = e;
                    } while (Interop.mincore.FindNextFile(hnd, ref data));
                    // Make sure we quit with a sensible error.
                    errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

                if (ex != null)
                    throw ex;
                if (errorCode != 0 && errorCode != Interop.mincore.Errors.ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)
                    throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(errorCode, fullPath);

            r = Interop.mincore.RemoveDirectory(fullPath);

            if (!r)
                errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                if (errorCode == Interop.mincore.Errors.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) // A dubious error code.
                    errorCode = Interop.mincore.Errors.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND;
                // This check was originally put in for Win9x (unfortunately without special casing it to be for Win9x only). We can't change the NT codepath now for backcomp reasons.
                if (errorCode == Interop.mincore.Errors.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
                    throw new IOException(SR.Format(SR.UnauthorizedAccess_IODenied_Path, fullPath));

                // don't throw the DirectoryNotFoundException since this is a subdir and
                // there could be a race condition between two Directory.Delete callers
                if (errorCode == Interop.mincore.Errors.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND && !throwOnTopLevelDirectoryNotFound)

                throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(errorCode, fullPath);
Beispiel #3
        private async Task <FileStreamBase> OpenAsync(string fullPath, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, int bufferSize, FileOptions options, FileStream parent)
            // Win32 CreateFile returns ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND when given a path that ends with '\'
            if (PathHelpers.EndsInDirectorySeparator(fullPath))
                throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(Interop.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, fullPath);

            StorageFile file = null;

            // FileMode
            if (mode == FileMode.Open || mode == FileMode.Truncate)
                file = await StorageFile.GetFileFromPathAsync(fullPath).TranslateWinRTTask(fullPath);
                CreationCollisionOption collisionOptions;

                switch (mode)
                case FileMode.Create:
                    collisionOptions = CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting;

                case FileMode.CreateNew:
                    collisionOptions = CreationCollisionOption.FailIfExists;

                case FileMode.Append:
                case FileMode.OpenOrCreate:
                    collisionOptions = CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists;

                string directoryPath, fileName;
                PathHelpers.SplitDirectoryFile(fullPath, out directoryPath, out fileName);

                StorageFolder directory = await StorageFolder.GetFolderFromPathAsync(directoryPath).TranslateWinRTTask(directoryPath, isDirectory: true);

                file = await directory.CreateFileAsync(fileName, collisionOptions).TranslateWinRTTask(fullPath);

            // FileAccess: WinRT doesn't support FileAccessMode.Write so we upgrade to ReadWrite
            FileAccessMode accessMode = ((access & FileAccess.Write) != 0) ? FileAccessMode.ReadWrite : FileAccessMode.Read;

            // FileShare: cannot translate StorageFile uses a different sharing model (oplocks) that is controlled via FileAccessMode

            // FileOptions: ignore most values of FileOptions as they are hints and are not supported by WinRT.
            // FileOptions.Encrypted is not a hint, and not supported by WinRT, but there is precedent for ignoring this (FAT).
            // FileOptions.DeleteOnClose should result in an UnauthorizedAccessException when
            //   opening a file that can only be read, but we cannot safely reproduce that behavior
            //   in WinRT without actually deleting the file.
            //   Instead the failure will occur in the finalizer for WinRTFileStream and be ignored.

            // open our stream
            Stream stream = (await file.OpenAsync(accessMode).TranslateWinRTTask(fullPath)).AsStream(bufferSize);

            if (mode == FileMode.Append)
                // seek to end.
                stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
            else if (mode == FileMode.Truncate)
                // truncate stream to 0

            return(new WinRTFileStream(stream, file, access, options, parent));
Beispiel #4
        [System.Security.SecurityCritical]  // auto-generated
        internal static int FillAttributeInfo(String path, ref Interop.mincore.WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA data, bool tryagain, bool returnErrorOnNotFound)
            int errorCode = 0;

            if (tryagain) // someone has a handle to the file open, or other error
                Interop.mincore.WIN32_FIND_DATA findData;
                findData = new Interop.mincore.WIN32_FIND_DATA();

                // Remove trialing slash since this can cause grief to FindFirstFile. You will get an invalid argument error
                String tempPath = path.TrimEnd(PathHelpers.DirectorySeparatorChars);

                // For floppy drives, normally the OS will pop up a dialog saying
                // there is no disk in drive A:, please insert one.  We don't want that.
                // SetErrorMode will let us disable this, but we should set the error
                // mode back, since this may have wide-ranging effects.
                uint oldMode = Interop.mincore.SetErrorMode(Interop.mincore.SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS);
                    bool           error  = false;
                    SafeFindHandle handle = Interop.mincore.FindFirstFile(tempPath, ref findData);
                        if (handle.IsInvalid)
                            error     = true;
                            errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

                            if (errorCode == Interop.mincore.Errors.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ||
                                errorCode == Interop.mincore.Errors.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ||
                                errorCode == Interop.mincore.Errors.ERROR_NOT_READY)  // floppy device not ready
                                if (!returnErrorOnNotFound)
                                    // Return default value for backward compatibility
                                    errorCode           = 0;
                                    data.fileAttributes = -1;
                        // Close the Win32 handle
                            // if we're already returning an error, don't throw another one.
                            if (!error)
                                throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForLastWin32Error();

                // Copy the information to data
                data.PopulateFrom(ref findData);
                // For floppy drives, normally the OS will pop up a dialog saying
                // there is no disk in drive A:, please insert one.  We don't want that.
                // SetErrorMode will let us disable this, but we should set the error
                // mode back, since this may have wide-ranging effects.
                bool success = false;
                uint oldMode = Interop.mincore.SetErrorMode(Interop.mincore.SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS);
                    success = Interop.mincore.GetFileAttributesEx(path, Interop.mincore.GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS.GetFileExInfoStandard, ref data);

                if (!success)
                    errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                    if (errorCode != Interop.mincore.Errors.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND &&
                        errorCode != Interop.mincore.Errors.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND &&
                        errorCode != Interop.mincore.Errors.ERROR_NOT_READY)  // floppy device not ready
                        // In case someone latched onto the file. Take the perf hit only for failure
                        return(FillAttributeInfo(path, ref data, true, returnErrorOnNotFound));
                        if (!returnErrorOnNotFound)
                            // Return default value for backward compatibility
                            errorCode           = 0;
                            data.fileAttributes = -1;

Beispiel #5
        public override void CreateDirectory(string fullPath)
            if (PathInternal.IsDirectoryTooLong(fullPath))
                throw new PathTooLongException(SR.IO_PathTooLong);

            // We can save a bunch of work if the directory we want to create already exists.  This also
            // saves us in the case where sub paths are inaccessible (due to ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) but the
            // final path is accessable and the directory already exists.  For example, consider trying
            // to create c:\Foo\Bar\Baz, where everything already exists but ACLS prevent access to c:\Foo
            // and c:\Foo\Bar.  In that case, this code will think it needs to create c:\Foo, and c:\Foo\Bar
            // and fail to due so, causing an exception to be thrown.  This is not what we want.
            if (DirectoryExists(fullPath))

            List <string> stackDir = new List <string>();

            // Attempt to figure out which directories don't exist, and only
            // create the ones we need.  Note that InternalExists may fail due
            // to Win32 ACL's preventing us from seeing a directory, and this
            // isn't threadsafe.

            bool somepathexists = false;

            int length = fullPath.Length;

            // We need to trim the trailing slash or the code will try to create 2 directories of the same name.
            if (length >= 2 && PathHelpers.EndsInDirectorySeparator(fullPath))

            int lengthRoot = PathInternal.GetRootLength(fullPath);

            if (length > lengthRoot)
                // Special case root (fullpath = X:\\)
                int i = length - 1;
                while (i >= lengthRoot && !somepathexists)
                    String dir = fullPath.Substring(0, i + 1);

                    if (!DirectoryExists(dir)) // Create only the ones missing
                        somepathexists = true;

                    while (i > lengthRoot && !PathInternal.IsDirectorySeparator(fullPath[i]))

            int count = stackDir.Count;

            // If we were passed a DirectorySecurity, convert it to a security
            // descriptor and set it in he call to CreateDirectory.
            Interop.mincore.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs = default(Interop.mincore.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);

            bool   r           = true;
            int    firstError  = 0;
            String errorString = fullPath;

            // If all the security checks succeeded create all the directories
            while (stackDir.Count > 0)
                String name = stackDir[stackDir.Count - 1];
                stackDir.RemoveAt(stackDir.Count - 1);

                r = Interop.mincore.CreateDirectory(name, ref secAttrs);
                if (!r && (firstError == 0))
                    int currentError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                    // While we tried to avoid creating directories that don't
                    // exist above, there are at least two cases that will
                    // cause us to see ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS here.  InternalExists
                    // can fail because we didn't have permission to the
                    // directory.  Secondly, another thread or process could
                    // create the directory between the time we check and the
                    // time we try using the directory.  Thirdly, it could
                    // fail because the target does exist, but is a file.
                    if (currentError != Interop.mincore.Errors.ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)
                        firstError = currentError;
                        // If there's a file in this directory's place, or if we have ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED when checking if the directory already exists throw.
                        if (File.InternalExists(name) || (!DirectoryExists(name, out currentError) && currentError == Interop.mincore.Errors.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED))
                            firstError  = currentError;
                            errorString = name;

            // We need this check to mask OS differences
            // Handle CreateDirectory("X:\\") when X: doesn't exist. Similarly for n/w paths.
            if ((count == 0) && !somepathexists)
                String root = Directory.InternalGetDirectoryRoot(fullPath);
                if (!DirectoryExists(root))
                    throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(Interop.mincore.Errors.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, root);

            // Only throw an exception if creating the exact directory we
            // wanted failed to work correctly.
            if (!r && (firstError != 0))
                throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(firstError, errorString);
Beispiel #6
        [System.Security.SecurityCritical]  // auto-generated
        private unsafe static string NormalizePath(string path, bool fullCheck, int maxPathLength, bool expandShortPaths)
            Contract.Requires(path != null, "path can't be null");

            // If we're doing a full path check, trim whitespace and look for
            // illegal path characters.
            if (fullCheck)
                // Trim whitespace off the end of the string.
                // Win32 normalization trims only U+0020.
                path = path.TrimEnd(TrimEndChars);

                // Look for illegal path characters.

            int index = 0;

            // We prefer to allocate on the stack for workingset/perf gain. If the
            // starting path is less than MaxPath then we can stackalloc; otherwise we'll
            // use a StringBuilder (PathHelper does this under the hood). The latter may
            // happen in 2 cases:
            // 1. Starting path is greater than MaxPath but it normalizes down to MaxPath.
            // This is relevant for paths containing escape sequences. In this case, we
            // attempt to normalize down to MaxPath, but the caller pays a perf penalty
            // since StringBuilder is used.
            // 2. IsolatedStorage, which supports paths longer than MaxPath (value given
            // by maxPathLength.
            PathHelper newBuffer = null;

            if (path.Length + 1 <= MaxPath)
                char *m_arrayPtr = stackalloc char[MaxPath];
                newBuffer = new PathHelper(m_arrayPtr, MaxPath);
                newBuffer = new PathHelper(path.Length + MaxPath, maxPathLength);

            uint numSpaces = 0;
            uint numDots   = 0;
            bool fixupDirectorySeparator = false;
            // Number of significant chars other than potentially suppressible
            // dots and spaces since the last directory or volume separator char
            uint numSigChars = 0;
            int  lastSigChar = -1; // Index of last significant character.
            // Whether this segment of the path (not the complete path) started
            // with a volume separator char.  Reject "c:...".
            bool startedWithVolumeSeparator = false;
            bool firstSegment = true;
            int  lastDirectorySeparatorPos = 0;

            bool mightBeShortFileName = false;

            // LEGACY: This code is here for backwards compatibility reasons. It
            // ensures that \\foo.cs\bar.cs stays \\foo.cs\bar.cs instead of being
            // turned into \foo.cs\bar.cs.
            if (path.Length > 0 && IsDirectorySeparator(path[0]))
                lastSigChar = 0;

            // Normalize the string, stripping out redundant dots, spaces, and
            // slashes.
            while (index < path.Length)
                char currentChar = path[index];

                // We handle both directory separators and dots specially.  For
                // directory separators, we consume consecutive appearances.
                // For dots, we consume all dots beyond the second in
                // succession.  All other characters are added as is.  In
                // addition we consume all spaces after the last other char
                // in a directory name up until the directory separator.

                if (IsDirectorySeparator(currentChar))
                    // If we have a path like "123.../foo", remove the trailing dots.
                    // However, if we found "c:\temp\..\bar" or "c:\temp\...\bar", don't.
                    // Also remove trailing spaces from both files & directory names.
                    // This was agreed on with the OS team to fix undeletable directory
                    // names ending in spaces.

                    // If we saw a '\' as the previous last significant character and
                    // are simply going to write out dots, suppress them.
                    // If we only contain dots and slashes though, only allow
                    // a string like [dot]+ [space]*.  Ignore everything else.
                    // Legal: "\.. \", "\...\", "\. \"
                    // Illegal: "\.. .\", "\. .\", "\ .\"
                    if (numSigChars == 0)
                        // Dot and space handling
                        if (numDots > 0)
                            // Look for ".[space]*" or "..[space]*"
                            int start = lastSigChar + 1;
                            if (path[start] != '.')
                                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Arg_PathIllegal);

                            // Only allow "[dot]+[space]*", and normalize the
                            // legal ones to "." or ".."
                            if (numDots >= 2)
                                // Reject "C:..."
                                if (startedWithVolumeSeparator && numDots > 2)
                                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Arg_PathIllegal);

                                if (path[start + 1] == '.')
                                    // Search for a space in the middle of the
                                    // dots and throw
                                    for (int i = start + 2; i < start + numDots; i++)
                                        if (path[i] != '.')
                                            throw new ArgumentException(SR.Arg_PathIllegal);

                                    numDots = 2;
                                    if (numDots > 1)
                                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.Arg_PathIllegal);
                                    numDots = 1;

                            if (numDots == 2)

                            fixupDirectorySeparator = false;
                            // Continue in this case, potentially writing out '\'.

                        if (numSpaces > 0 && firstSegment)
                            // Handle strings like " \\server\share".
                            if (index + 1 < path.Length && IsDirectorySeparator(path[index + 1]))
                    numDots   = 0;
                    numSpaces = 0;  // Suppress trailing spaces

                    if (!fixupDirectorySeparator)
                        fixupDirectorySeparator = true;
                    numSigChars = 0;
                    lastSigChar = index;
                    startedWithVolumeSeparator = false;
                    firstSegment = false;

                    // For short file names, we must try to expand each of them as
                    // soon as possible.  We need to allow people to specify a file
                    // name that doesn't exist using a path with short file names
                    // in it, such as this for a temp file we're trying to create:
                    // C:\DOCUME~1\USERNA~1.RED\LOCALS~1\Temp\bg3ylpzp
                    // We could try doing this afterwards piece by piece, but it's
                    // probably a lot simpler to do it here.
                    if (mightBeShortFileName)
                        mightBeShortFileName = false;

                    int thisPos = newBuffer.Length - 1;
                    if (thisPos - lastDirectorySeparatorPos > MaxComponentLength)
                        throw new PathTooLongException(SR.IO_PathTooLong);
                    lastDirectorySeparatorPos = thisPos;
                } // if (Found directory separator)
                else if (currentChar == '.')
                    // Reduce only multiple .'s only after slash to 2 dots. For
                    // instance a...b is a valid file name.
                    // Don't flush out non-terminal spaces here, because they may in
                    // the end not be significant.  Turn "c:\ . .\foo" -> "c:\foo"
                    // which is the conclusion of removing trailing dots & spaces,
                    // as well as folding multiple '\' characters.
                else if (currentChar == ' ')
                {  // Normal character logic
                    if (currentChar == '~' && expandShortPaths)
                        mightBeShortFileName = true;

                    fixupDirectorySeparator = false;

                    // To reject strings like "C:...\foo" and "C  :\foo"
                    if (firstSegment && currentChar == VolumeSeparatorChar)
                        // Only accept "C:", not "c :" or ":"
                        // Get a drive letter or ' ' if index is 0.
                        char driveLetter = (index > 0) ? path[index - 1] : ' ';
                        bool validPath   = ((numDots == 0) && (numSigChars >= 1) && (driveLetter != ' '));
                        if (!validPath)
                            throw new ArgumentException(SR.Arg_PathIllegal);

                        startedWithVolumeSeparator = true;
                        // We need special logic to make " c:" work, we should not fix paths like "  foo::$DATA"
                        if (numSigChars > 1)
                        {                       // Common case, simply do nothing
                            int spaceCount = 0; // How many spaces did we write out, numSpaces has already been reset.
                            while ((spaceCount < newBuffer.Length) && newBuffer[spaceCount] == ' ')
                            if (numSigChars - spaceCount == 1)
                                //Safe to update stack ptr directly
                                newBuffer.Length = 0;
                                newBuffer.Append(driveLetter); // Overwrite spaces, we need a special case to not break "  foo" as a relative path.
                        numSigChars = 0;
                        numSigChars += 1 + numDots + numSpaces;

                    // Copy any spaces & dots since the last significant character
                    // to here.  Note we only counted the number of dots & spaces,
                    // and don't know what order they're in.  Hence the copy.
                    if (numDots > 0 || numSpaces > 0)
                        int numCharsToCopy = (lastSigChar >= 0) ? index - lastSigChar - 1 : index;
                        if (numCharsToCopy > 0)
                            for (int i = 0; i < numCharsToCopy; i++)
                                newBuffer.Append(path[lastSigChar + 1 + i]);
                        numDots   = 0;
                        numSpaces = 0;

                    lastSigChar = index;

            } // end while

            if (newBuffer.Length - 1 - lastDirectorySeparatorPos > MaxComponentLength)
                throw new PathTooLongException(SR.IO_PathTooLong);

            // Drop any trailing dots and spaces from file & directory names, EXCEPT
            // we MUST make sure that "C:\foo\.." is correctly handled.
            // Also handle "C:\foo\." -> "C:\foo", while "C:\." -> "C:\"
            if (numSigChars == 0)
                if (numDots > 0)
                    // Look for ".[space]*" or "..[space]*"
                    int start = lastSigChar + 1;
                    if (path[start] != '.')
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.Arg_PathIllegal);

                    // Only allow "[dot]+[space]*", and normalize the
                    // legal ones to "." or ".."
                    if (numDots >= 2)
                        // Reject "C:..."
                        if (startedWithVolumeSeparator && numDots > 2)
                            throw new ArgumentException(SR.Arg_PathIllegal);

                        if (path[start + 1] == '.')
                            // Search for a space in the middle of the
                            // dots and throw
                            for (int i = start + 2; i < start + numDots; i++)
                                if (path[i] != '.')
                                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Arg_PathIllegal);

                            numDots = 2;
                            if (numDots > 1)
                                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Arg_PathIllegal);
                            numDots = 1;

                    if (numDots == 2)

            } // if (numSigChars == 0)

            // If we ended up eating all the characters, bail out.
            if (newBuffer.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Arg_PathIllegal);

            // Disallow URL's here.  Some of our other Win32 API calls will reject
            // them later, so we might be better off rejecting them here.
            // Note we've probably turned them into "file:\D:\foo.tmp" by now.
            // But for compatibility, ensure that callers that aren't doing a
            // full check aren't rejected here.
            if (fullCheck)
                if (newBuffer.OrdinalStartsWith("http:", false) ||
                    newBuffer.OrdinalStartsWith("file:", false))
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_PathUriFormatNotSupported);

            // If the last part of the path (file or directory name) had a tilde,
            // expand that too.
            if (mightBeShortFileName)

            // Call the Win32 API to do the final canonicalization step.
            int result = 1;

            if (fullCheck)
                // NOTE: Win32 GetFullPathName requires the input buffer to be big enough to fit the initial
                // path which is a concat of CWD and the relative path, this can be of an arbitrary
                // size and could be > MaxPath (which becomes an artificial limit at this point),
                // even though the final normalized path after fixing up the relative path syntax
                // might be well within the MaxPath restriction. For ex,
                // "c:\SomeReallyLongDirName(thinkGreaterThan_MAXPATH)\..\foo.txt" which actually requires a
                // buffer well with in the MaxPath as the normalized path is just "c:\foo.txt"
                // This buffer requirement seems wrong, it could be a bug or a perf optimization
                // like returning required buffer length quickly or avoid stratch buffer etc.
                // Either way we need to workaround it here...

                // Ideally we would get the required buffer length first by calling GetFullPathName
                // once without the buffer and use that in the later call but this doesn't always work
                // due to Win32 GetFullPathName bug. For instance, in Win2k, when the path we are trying to
                // fully qualify is a single letter name (such as "a", "1", ",") GetFullPathName
                // fails to return the right buffer size (i.e, resulting in insufficient buffer).
                // To workaround this bug we will start with MaxPath buffer and grow it once if the
                // return value is > MaxPath.

                result = newBuffer.GetFullPathName();

                // If we called GetFullPathName with something like "foo" and our
                // command window was in short file name mode (ie, by running edlin or
                // DOS versions of grep, etc), we might have gotten back a short file
                // name.  So, check to see if we need to expand it.
                mightBeShortFileName = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < newBuffer.Length && !mightBeShortFileName; i++)
                    if (newBuffer[i] == '~' && expandShortPaths)
                        mightBeShortFileName = true;

                if (mightBeShortFileName)
                    bool r = newBuffer.TryExpandShortFileName();
                    // Consider how the path "Doesn'tExist" would expand.  If
                    // we add in the current directory, it too will need to be
                    // fully expanded, which doesn't happen if we use a file
                    // name that doesn't exist.
                    if (!r)
                        int lastSlash = -1;

                        for (int i = newBuffer.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            if (newBuffer[i] == DirectorySeparatorChar)
                                lastSlash = i;

                        if (lastSlash >= 0)
                            // This bounds check is for safe memcpy but we should never get this far
                            if (newBuffer.Length >= maxPathLength)
                                throw new PathTooLongException(SR.IO_PathTooLong);

                            int lenSavedName = newBuffer.Length - lastSlash - 1;
                            Debug.Assert(lastSlash < newBuffer.Length, "path unexpectedly ended in a '\'");

                            newBuffer.Fixup(lenSavedName, lastSlash);

            if (result != 0)
                /* Throw an ArgumentException for paths like \\, \\server, \\server\
                *  This check can only be properly done after normalizing, so
                \\foo\.. will be properly rejected.  Also, reject \\?\GLOBALROOT\
                *  (an internal kernel path) because it provides aliases for drives. */
                if (newBuffer.Length > 1 && newBuffer[0] == '\\' && newBuffer[1] == '\\')
                    int startIndex = 2;
                    while (startIndex < result)
                        if (newBuffer[startIndex] == '\\')
                    if (startIndex == result)
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.Arg_PathIllegalUNC);

                    // Check for \\?\Globalroot, an internal mechanism to the kernel
                    // that provides aliases for drives and other undocumented stuff.
                    // The kernel team won't even describe the full set of what
                    // is available here - we don't want managed apps mucking
                    // with this for security reasons.
                    if (newBuffer.OrdinalStartsWith("\\\\?\\globalroot", true))
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.Arg_PathGlobalRoot);

            // Check our result and form the managed string as necessary.
            if (newBuffer.Length >= maxPathLength)
                throw new PathTooLongException(SR.IO_PathTooLong);

            if (result == 0)
                int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                if (errorCode == 0)
                    errorCode = Interop.mincore.Errors.ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME;
                throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(errorCode, path);

            string returnVal = newBuffer.ToString();

            if (string.Equals(returnVal, path, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                returnVal = path;
Beispiel #7
 private void HandleError(int hr, String path)
     throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(hr, path);
Beispiel #8
        internal unsafe int GetFullPathName()
            if (useStackAlloc)
                char *finalBuffer = stackalloc char[Path.MaxPath + 1];
                int   result      = Interop.mincore.GetFullPathNameUnsafe(m_arrayPtr, Path.MaxPath + 1, finalBuffer, IntPtr.Zero);

                // If success, the return buffer length does not account for the terminating null character.
                // If in-sufficient buffer, the return buffer length does account for the path + the terminating null character.
                // If failure, the return buffer length is zero
                if (result > Path.MaxPath)
                    char *tempBuffer = stackalloc char[result];
                    finalBuffer = tempBuffer;
                    result      = Interop.mincore.GetFullPathNameUnsafe(m_arrayPtr, result, finalBuffer, IntPtr.Zero);

                // Full path is genuinely long
                if (result >= Path.MaxPath)
                    throw new PathTooLongException(SR.IO_PathTooLong);

                Debug.Assert(result < Path.MaxPath, "did we accidently remove a PathTooLongException check?");
                if (result == 0 && m_arrayPtr[0] != '\0')
                    throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForLastWin32Error();

                else if (result < Path.MaxPath)
                    // Null terminate explicitly (may be only needed for some cases such as empty strings)
                    // GetFullPathName return length doesn't account for null terminating char...
                    finalBuffer[result] = '\0'; // Safe to write directly as result is < Path.MaxPath

                // We have expanded the paths and GetLongPathName may or may not behave differently from before.
                // We need to call it again to see:
                doNotTryExpandShortFileName = false;

                Wstrcpy(m_arrayPtr, finalBuffer, result);
                // Doesn't account for null terminating char. Think of this as the last
                // valid index into the buffer but not the length of the buffer
                Length = result;
                StringBuilder finalBuffer = new StringBuilder(m_capacity + 1);
                int           result      = Interop.mincore.GetFullPathName(m_sb.ToString(), m_capacity + 1, finalBuffer, IntPtr.Zero);

                // If success, the return buffer length does not account for the terminating null character.
                // If in-sufficient buffer, the return buffer length does account for the path + the terminating null character.
                // If failure, the return buffer length is zero
                if (result > m_maxPath)
                    finalBuffer.Length = result;
                    result             = Interop.mincore.GetFullPathName(m_sb.ToString(), result, finalBuffer, IntPtr.Zero);

                // Fullpath is genuinely long
                if (result >= m_maxPath)
                    throw new PathTooLongException(SR.IO_PathTooLong);

                Debug.Assert(result < m_maxPath, "did we accidentally remove a PathTooLongException check?");
                if (result == 0 && m_sb[0] != '\0')
                    if (Length >= m_maxPath)
                        throw new PathTooLongException(SR.IO_PathTooLong);
                    throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForLastWin32Error();

                // We have expanded the paths and GetLongPathName may or may not behave differently from before.
                // We need to call it again to see:
                doNotTryExpandShortFileName = false;

                m_sb = finalBuffer;
Beispiel #9
        private static unsafe void WriteSyncUsingAsyncHandle(SafeFileHandle handle, ReadOnlySpan <byte> buffer, long fileOffset)
            if (buffer.IsEmpty)


            CallbackResetEvent resetEvent = new CallbackResetEvent(handle.ThreadPoolBinding !);
            NativeOverlapped * overlapped = null;

                overlapped = GetNativeOverlappedForAsyncHandle(handle, fileOffset, resetEvent);

                fixed(byte *pinned = &MemoryMarshal.GetReference(buffer))
                    Interop.Kernel32.WriteFile(handle, pinned, buffer.Length, IntPtr.Zero, overlapped);

                    int errorCode = FileStreamHelpers.GetLastWin32ErrorAndDisposeHandleIfInvalid(handle);

                    if (errorCode == Interop.Errors.ERROR_IO_PENDING)
                        errorCode = Interop.Errors.ERROR_SUCCESS;

                    if (errorCode == Interop.Errors.ERROR_SUCCESS)
                        int result = 0;
                        if (Interop.Kernel32.GetOverlappedResult(handle, overlapped, ref result, bWait: false))
                            Debug.Assert(result == buffer.Length, $"GetOverlappedResult returned {result} for {buffer.Length} bytes request");

                        errorCode = FileStreamHelpers.GetLastWin32ErrorAndDisposeHandleIfInvalid(handle);

                    switch (errorCode)
                    case Interop.Errors.ERROR_NO_DATA:
                        // For pipes, ERROR_NO_DATA is not an error, but the pipe is closing.

                    case Interop.Errors.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER:
                        // ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER may be returned for writes
                        // where the position is too large or for synchronous writes
                        // to a handle opened asynchronously.
                        throw new IOException(SR.IO_FileTooLong);

                        throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(errorCode, handle.Path);
                if (overlapped != null)

Beispiel #10
 private Exception HandleError(int errorCode, string path)
     return(Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(errorCode, path));
 private void HandleError(int errorCode, string path)
     throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(errorCode, path);
Beispiel #12
        // Returns 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code.  Note that
        // classes should use -1 as the uninitialized state for dataInitialized.
        internal static int FillAttributeInfo(String path, ref Win32Native.WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA data, bool tryagain, bool returnErrorOnNotFound)
            int dataInitialised = 0;

            if (tryagain) // someone has a handle to the file open, or other error
                Win32Native.WIN32_FIND_DATA findData;
                findData = new Win32Native.WIN32_FIND_DATA();

                // Remove trialing slash since this can cause grief to FindFirstFile. You will get an invalid argument error
                String tempPath = path.TrimEnd(new char[] { Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar });

                // For floppy drives, normally the OS will pop up a dialog saying
                // there is no disk in drive A:, please insert one.  We don't want that.
                // SetThreadErrorMode will let us disable this, but we should set the error
                // mode back, since this may have wide-ranging effects.
                uint oldMode;
                bool errorModeSuccess = Interop.Kernel32.SetThreadErrorMode(Interop.Kernel32.SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS, out oldMode);
                bool error            = false;
                SafeFindHandle handle = Win32Native.FindFirstFile(tempPath, findData);
                    if (handle.IsInvalid)
                        error           = true;
                        dataInitialised = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

                        if (dataInitialised == Win32Native.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ||
                            dataInitialised == Win32Native.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ||
                            dataInitialised == Win32Native.ERROR_NOT_READY)      // floppy device not ready
                            if (!returnErrorOnNotFound)
                                // Return default value for backward compatibility
                                dataInitialised     = 0;
                                data.fileAttributes = -1;
                    // Close the Win32 handle
                        // if we're already returning an error, don't throw another one.
                        if (!error)
                            Debug.Fail("File::FillAttributeInfo - FindClose failed!");
                            throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForLastWin32Error();
                if (errorModeSuccess)
                    Interop.Kernel32.SetThreadErrorMode(oldMode, out oldMode);

                // Copy the information to data
                bool success = false;

                // For floppy drives, normally the OS will pop up a dialog saying
                // there is no disk in drive A:, please insert one.  We don't want that.
                // SetThreadErrorMode will let us disable this, but we should set the error
                // mode back, since this may have wide-ranging effects.
                uint oldMode;
                bool errorModeSuccess = Interop.Kernel32.SetThreadErrorMode(Interop.Kernel32.SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS, out oldMode);
                success = Win32Native.GetFileAttributesEx(path, GetFileExInfoStandard, ref data);
                if (errorModeSuccess)
                    Interop.Kernel32.SetThreadErrorMode(oldMode, out oldMode);

                if (!success)
                    dataInitialised = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                    if (dataInitialised != Win32Native.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND &&
                        dataInitialised != Win32Native.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND &&
                        dataInitialised != Win32Native.ERROR_NOT_READY)  // floppy device not ready
                        // In case someone latched onto the file. Take the perf hit only for failure
                        return(FillAttributeInfo(path, ref data, true, returnErrorOnNotFound));
                        if (!returnErrorOnNotFound)
                            // Return default value for backward compbatibility
                            dataInitialised     = 0;
                            data.fileAttributes = -1;

Beispiel #13
        public override void MoveDirectory(string sourceFullPath, string destFullPath)
            if (!Interop.mincore.MoveFile(sourceFullPath, destFullPath))
                int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

                if (errorCode == Interop.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
                    throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(Interop.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, sourceFullPath);

                // This check was originally put in for Win9x (unfortunately without special casing it to be for Win9x only). We can't change the NT codepath now for backcomp reasons.
                if (errorCode == Interop.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) // WinNT throws IOException. This check is for Win9x. We can't change it for backcomp.
                    throw new IOException(SR.Format(SR.UnauthorizedAccess_IODenied_Path, sourceFullPath), Win32Marshal.MakeHRFromErrorCode(errorCode));

                throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(errorCode);
Beispiel #14
        private static void RemoveDirectoryRecursive(string fullPath, ref Interop.Kernel32.WIN32_FIND_DATA findData, bool topLevel)
            int       errorCode;
            Exception exception = null;

            using (SafeFindHandle handle = Interop.Kernel32.FindFirstFile(Directory.EnsureTrailingDirectorySeparator(fullPath) + "*", ref findData))
                if (handle.IsInvalid)
                    throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForLastWin32Error(fullPath);

                    if ((findData.dwFileAttributes & Interop.Kernel32.FileAttributes.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0)
                        // File
                        string fileName = findData.cFileName.GetStringFromFixedBuffer();
                        if (!Interop.Kernel32.DeleteFile(Path.Combine(fullPath, fileName)) && exception == null)
                            errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

                            // We don't care if something else deleted the file first
                            if (errorCode != Interop.Errors.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
                                exception = Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(errorCode, fileName);
                        // Directory, skip ".", "..".
                        if (findData.cFileName.FixedBufferEqualsString(".") || findData.cFileName.FixedBufferEqualsString(".."))

                        string fileName = findData.cFileName.GetStringFromFixedBuffer();
                        if ((findData.dwFileAttributes & (int)FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) == 0)
                            // Not a reparse point, recurse.
                                    Path.Combine(fullPath, fileName),
                                    findData: ref findData,
                                    topLevel: false);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                if (exception == null)
                                    exception = e;
                            // Reparse point, don't recurse, just remove. (dwReserved0 is documented for this flag)
                            if (findData.dwReserved0 == Interop.Kernel32.IOReparseOptions.IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT)
                                // Mount point. Unmount using full path plus a trailing '\'.
                                // (Note: This doesn't remove the underlying directory)
                                string mountPoint = Path.Combine(fullPath, fileName + PathHelpers.DirectorySeparatorCharAsString);
                                if (!Interop.Kernel32.DeleteVolumeMountPoint(mountPoint) && exception == null)
                                    errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                                    if (errorCode != Interop.Errors.ERROR_SUCCESS &&
                                        errorCode != Interop.Errors.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)
                                        exception = Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(errorCode, fileName);

                            // Note that RemoveDirectory on a symbolic link will remove the link itself.
                            if (!Interop.Kernel32.RemoveDirectory(Path.Combine(fullPath, fileName)) && exception == null)
                                errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                                if (errorCode != Interop.Errors.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)
                                    exception = Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(errorCode, fileName);
                } while (Interop.Kernel32.FindNextFile(handle, ref findData));

                if (exception != null)
                    throw exception;

                errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                if (errorCode != Interop.Errors.ERROR_SUCCESS && errorCode != Interop.Errors.ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)
                    throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(errorCode, fullPath);

            RemoveDirectoryInternal(fullPath, topLevel: topLevel);
        private static void RemoveDirectoryRecursive(string fullPath, ref Interop.Kernel32.WIN32_FIND_DATA findData, bool topLevel)
            int       errorCode;
            Exception?exception = null;

            using (SafeFindHandle handle = Interop.Kernel32.FindFirstFile(Path.Join(fullPath, "*"), ref findData))
                if (handle.IsInvalid)
                    throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForLastWin32Error(fullPath);

                    if ((findData.dwFileAttributes & Interop.Kernel32.FileAttributes.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0)
                        // File
                        string fileName = findData.cFileName.GetStringFromFixedBuffer();
                        if (!Interop.Kernel32.DeleteFile(Path.Combine(fullPath, fileName)) && exception == null)
                            errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

                            // We don't care if something else deleted the file first
                            if (errorCode != Interop.Errors.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
                                exception = Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(errorCode, fileName);
                        // Directory, skip ".", "..".
                        if (findData.cFileName.FixedBufferEqualsString(".") || findData.cFileName.FixedBufferEqualsString(".."))

                        string fileName = findData.cFileName.GetStringFromFixedBuffer();

                        if (!IsNameSurrogateReparsePoint(ref findData))
                            // Not a reparse point, or the reparse point isn't a name surrogate, recurse.
                                    Path.Combine(fullPath, fileName),
                                    findData: ref findData,
                                    topLevel: false);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                if (exception == null)
                                    exception = e;
                            // Name surrogate reparse point, don't recurse, simply remove the directory.
                            // If a mount point, we have to delete the mount point first.
                            if (findData.dwReserved0 == Interop.Kernel32.IOReparseOptions.IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT)
                                // Mount point. Unmount using full path plus a trailing '\'.
                                // (Note: This doesn't remove the underlying directory)
                                string mountPoint = Path.Join(fullPath, fileName, PathInternal.DirectorySeparatorCharAsString);
                                if (!Interop.Kernel32.DeleteVolumeMountPoint(mountPoint) && exception == null)
                                    errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                                    if (errorCode != Interop.Errors.ERROR_SUCCESS &&
                                        errorCode != Interop.Errors.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)
                                        exception = Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(errorCode, fileName);

                            // Note that RemoveDirectory on a symbolic link will remove the link itself.
                            if (!Interop.Kernel32.RemoveDirectory(Path.Combine(fullPath, fileName)) && exception == null)
                                errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                                if (errorCode != Interop.Errors.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)
                                    exception = Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(errorCode, fileName);
                } while (Interop.Kernel32.FindNextFile(handle, ref findData));

                if (exception != null)
                    throw exception;

                errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                if (errorCode != Interop.Errors.ERROR_SUCCESS && errorCode != Interop.Errors.ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)
                    throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(errorCode, fullPath);

            // As we successfully removed all of the files we shouldn't care about the directory itself
            // not being empty. As file deletion is just a marker to remove the file when all handles
            // are closed we could still have undeleted contents.
            RemoveDirectoryInternal(fullPath, topLevel: topLevel, allowDirectoryNotEmpty: true);
Beispiel #16
        private static unsafe int ReadSyncUsingAsyncHandle(SafeFileHandle handle, Span <byte> buffer, long fileOffset)

            CallbackResetEvent resetEvent = new CallbackResetEvent(handle.ThreadPoolBinding !);
            NativeOverlapped * overlapped = null;

                overlapped = GetNativeOverlappedForAsyncHandle(handle, fileOffset, resetEvent);

                fixed(byte *pinned = &MemoryMarshal.GetReference(buffer))
                    Interop.Kernel32.ReadFile(handle, pinned, buffer.Length, IntPtr.Zero, overlapped);

                    int errorCode = FileStreamHelpers.GetLastWin32ErrorAndDisposeHandleIfInvalid(handle);

                    if (errorCode == Interop.Errors.ERROR_IO_PENDING)
                        errorCode = Interop.Errors.ERROR_SUCCESS;

                    if (errorCode == Interop.Errors.ERROR_SUCCESS)
                        int result = 0;
                        if (Interop.Kernel32.GetOverlappedResult(handle, overlapped, ref result, bWait: false))
                            Debug.Assert(result >= 0 && result <= buffer.Length, $"GetOverlappedResult returned {result} for {buffer.Length} bytes request");

                        errorCode = FileStreamHelpers.GetLastWin32ErrorAndDisposeHandleIfInvalid(handle);

                    switch (errorCode)
                    case Interop.Errors.ERROR_HANDLE_EOF:     // logically success with 0 bytes read (read at end of file)
                    case Interop.Errors.ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE:
                    case Interop.Errors.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER when IsEndOfFileForNoBuffering(handle, fileOffset):
                        // EOF on a pipe. Callback will not be called.
                        // We clear the overlapped status bit for this special case (failure
                        // to do so looks like we are freeing a pending overlapped later).
                        overlapped->InternalLow = IntPtr.Zero;


                        throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(errorCode, handle.Path);
                if (overlapped != null)

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets reparse point information associated to <paramref name="linkPath"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The immediate link target, absolute or relative or null if the file is not a supported link.</returns>
        internal static unsafe string?GetImmediateLinkTarget(string linkPath, bool isDirectory, bool throwOnError, bool returnFullPath)
            using SafeFileHandle handle = OpenSafeFileHandle(linkPath,
                                                             Interop.Kernel32.FileOperations.FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS |

            if (handle.IsInvalid)
                if (!throwOnError)

                int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                // File not found doesn't make much sense coming from a directory.
                if (isDirectory && error == Interop.Errors.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
                    error = Interop.Errors.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND;

                throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(error, linkPath);

            byte[] buffer = ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Rent(Interop.Kernel32.MAXIMUM_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE);

                bool success = Interop.Kernel32.DeviceIoControl(
                    dwIoControlCode: Interop.Kernel32.FSCTL_GET_REPARSE_POINT,
                    lpInBuffer: IntPtr.Zero,
                    nInBufferSize: 0,
                    lpOutBuffer: buffer,
                    nOutBufferSize: Interop.Kernel32.MAXIMUM_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE,
                    out _,

                if (!success)
                    if (!throwOnError)

                    int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                    // The file or directory is not a reparse point.
                    if (error == Interop.Errors.ERROR_NOT_A_REPARSE_POINT)

                    throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(error, linkPath);

                Span <byte> bufferSpan = new(buffer);
                success = MemoryMarshal.TryRead(bufferSpan, out Interop.Kernel32.SymbolicLinkReparseBuffer rbSymlink);

                // We always use SubstituteName(Offset|Length) instead of PrintName(Offset|Length),
                // the latter is just the display name of the reparse point and it can show something completely unrelated to the target.

                if (rbSymlink.ReparseTag == Interop.Kernel32.IOReparseOptions.IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK)
                    int offset = sizeof(Interop.Kernel32.SymbolicLinkReparseBuffer) + rbSymlink.SubstituteNameOffset;
                    int length = rbSymlink.SubstituteNameLength;

                    Span <char> targetPath = MemoryMarshal.Cast <byte, char>(bufferSpan.Slice(offset, length));

                    bool isRelative = (rbSymlink.Flags & Interop.Kernel32.SYMLINK_FLAG_RELATIVE) != 0;
                    if (!isRelative)
                        // Absolute target is in NT format and we need to clean it up before return it to the user.
                        if (targetPath.StartsWith(PathInternal.UncNTPathPrefix.AsSpan()))
                            // We need to prepend the Win32 equivalent of UNC NT prefix.
                            return(Path.Join(PathInternal.UncPathPrefix.AsSpan(), targetPath.Slice(PathInternal.UncNTPathPrefix.Length)));

                    else if (returnFullPath)
                        return(Path.Join(Path.GetDirectoryName(linkPath.AsSpan()), targetPath));
                else if (rbSymlink.ReparseTag == Interop.Kernel32.IOReparseOptions.IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT)
                    success = MemoryMarshal.TryRead(bufferSpan, out Interop.Kernel32.MountPointReparseBuffer rbMountPoint);

                    int offset = sizeof(Interop.Kernel32.MountPointReparseBuffer) + rbMountPoint.SubstituteNameOffset;
                    int length = rbMountPoint.SubstituteNameLength;

                    Span <char> targetPath = MemoryMarshal.Cast <byte, char>(bufferSpan.Slice(offset, length));

                    // Unlike symbolic links, mount point paths cannot be relative.
                    // Mount points cannot point to a remote location.

                ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Return(buffer);
        private static void MoveDirectory(string sourceFullPath, string destFullPath, bool isCaseSensitiveRename)
            // Source and destination must have the same root.
            ReadOnlySpan <char> sourceRoot      = Path.GetPathRoot(sourceFullPath);
            ReadOnlySpan <char> destinationRoot = Path.GetPathRoot(destFullPath);

            if (!sourceRoot.Equals(destinationRoot, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                throw new IOException(SR.IO_SourceDestMustHaveSameRoot);

            if (!Interop.Kernel32.MoveFile(sourceFullPath, destFullPath, overwrite: false))
                int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

                if (errorCode == Interop.Errors.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
                    throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(Interop.Errors.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, sourceFullPath);

                if (errorCode == Interop.Errors.ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)
                    throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(Interop.Errors.ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, destFullPath);

                // This check was originally put in for Win9x (unfortunately without special casing it to be for Win9x only). We can't change the NT codepath now for backcomp reasons.
                if (errorCode == Interop.Errors.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) // WinNT throws IOException. This check is for Win9x. We can't change it for backcomp.
                    throw new IOException(SR.Format(SR.UnauthorizedAccess_IODenied_Path, sourceFullPath), Win32Marshal.MakeHRFromErrorCode(errorCode));

                throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(errorCode);