public override bool TryRead(out T item)
                SingleConsumerUnboundedChannel <T> parent = _parent;

                if (parent._items.TryDequeue(out item))
                    if (parent._doneWriting != null && parent._items.IsEmpty)
                        ChannelUtilities.Complete(parent._completion, parent._doneWriting);
            public override Task <bool> WaitToReadAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                // Outside of the lock, check if there are any items waiting to be read.  If there are, we're done.
                return(!_parent._items.IsEmpty ?
                       ChannelUtilities.s_trueTask :

                Task <bool> WaitToReadAsyncCore(CancellationToken ct)
                    // Now check for cancellation.
                    if (ct.IsCancellationRequested)
                        return(Task.FromCanceled <bool>(ct));

                    SingleConsumerUnboundedChannel <T> parent = _parent;
                    ReaderInteractor <bool>            oldWaiter = null, newWaiter;

                    lock (parent.SyncObj)
                        // Again while holding the lock, check to see if there are any items available.
                        if (!parent._items.IsEmpty)

                        // There aren't any items; if we're done writing, there never will be more items.
                        if (parent._doneWriting != null)
                            return(parent._doneWriting != ChannelUtilities.s_doneWritingSentinel ?
                                   Task.FromException <bool>(parent._doneWriting) :

                        // Create the new waiter.  We're a bit more tolerant of a stray waiting reader
                        // than we are of a blocked reader, as with usage patterns it's easier to leave one
                        // behind, so we just cancel any that may have been waiting around.
                        oldWaiter             = parent._waitingReader;
                        parent._waitingReader = newWaiter = ReaderInteractor <bool> .Create(parent._runContinuationsAsynchronously, ct);

 internal UnboundedChannelReader(SingleConsumerUnboundedChannel <T> parent) => _parent = parent;