Beispiel #1
         **Action: Get the CompareInfo constructed from the data table in the specified assembly for the specified culture.
         **       The purpose of this method is to provide versioning for CompareInfo tables.
         **       If you pass Assembly which contains different sorting table, you will sort your strings using the data
         **       in the assembly.
         **Returns: The CompareInfo for the specified culture.
         **   culture     the ID of the culture
         **   assembly   the assembly which contains the sorting table.
         **  ArugmentNullException when the assembly is null
         **  ArgumentException if culture is invalid.

        /* Note: The design goal here is that we can still provide version even when the underlying algorithm for CompareInfo
         *   is totally changed in the future.
         *   In the case that the algorithm for CompareInfo is changed, we can use this method to
         *   provide the old algorithm for the old tables.  The idea is to change the implementation for GetCompareInfo()
         *   to something like:
         *     1. Check the ID of the assembly.
         *     2. If the assembly needs old code, create an instance of the old CompareInfo class. The name of CompareInfo
         *        will be like CompareInfoVersion1 and extends from CompareInfo.
         *     3. Otherwise, create an instance of the current CompareInfo.
         *   The CompareInfo ctor always provides the implementation for the current data table.

        /// <include file='doc\CompareInfo.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="CompareInfo.GetCompareInfo"]/*' />
        public static CompareInfo GetCompareInfo(int culture, Assembly assembly)
            // Parameter checking.
            if (assembly == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("assembly");
            if (assembly != typeof(Object).Module.Assembly)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_OnlyMscorlib"));

            // culture is verified to see if it is valid when CompareInfo is constructed.

            GlobalizationAssembly ga = GlobalizationAssembly.GetGlobalizationAssembly(assembly);
            Object compInfo          = ga.compareInfoCache[culture];

            if (compInfo == null)
                lock (typeof(GlobalizationAssembly)) {
                    // Re-check again to make sure that no one has created the CompareInfo for the culture yet before the current
                    // thread enters this sync block.
                    if ((compInfo = ga.compareInfoCache[culture]) == null)
                        compInfo = new CompareInfo(ga, culture);
                        ga.compareInfoCache[culture] = compInfo;

Beispiel #2
        internal static unsafe void *GetNativeTextInfo(int cultureID)
            // First, assume this culture does not has exceptions. I.e. we should use the default casingg table.
            // So we assign the native NativeTextInfo for the default casing table to it.
            void *pNativeTextInfo = m_pDefaultCasingTable;

            // Now, go thru the exception table to see if it has exception or not.
            for (int i = 0; i < m_exceptionCount; i++)
                if (m_exceptionTable[i].langID == cultureID)
                    // This culture has exceptions.
                    if (m_exceptionNativeTextInfo[i] == 0)
                        lock (InternalSyncObject) {
                            // Read the exception casing file.
                            if (m_pExceptionFile == null)
                                m_pExceptionFile = GlobalizationAssembly.GetGlobalizationResourceBytePtr(typeof(TextInfo).Assembly, CASING_EXCEPTIONS_FILE_NAME);
                            long tempPtr = (long)(InternalAllocateCasingTable(m_pExceptionFile, m_exceptionTable[i].exceptIndex));
                            m_exceptionNativeTextInfo[i] = tempPtr;
                    pNativeTextInfo = (void *)m_exceptionNativeTextInfo[i];
Beispiel #3
        //  Actions:
        //      This is the static ctor for TextInfo.  It does the following items:
        //      * Get the total count of cultures with exceptions.
        //      * Set up an exception index table so that we can check if a culture has exception.  If yes, which sub-table
        //        in the exception table file we should use for this culture.
        //      * Set up a cache for NativeTextInfo that we create for cultures with exceptions.

        static unsafe TextInfo()
            //with AppDomains active, the static initializer is no longer good enough to ensure that only one
            //thread is ever in AllocateDefaultCasingTable at a given time.
            //We use InterlockedExchangePointer in the native side to ensure that only one instance of native CasingTable instance
            //is created per process.

            //We check if the table is already allocated in native, so we only need to synchronize
            //access in managed.
            byte *temp = GlobalizationAssembly.GetGlobalizationResourceBytePtr(typeof(TextInfo).Assembly, CASING_FILE_NAME);

            m_pDataTable = temp;

            TextInfoDataHeader *pHeader = (TextInfoDataHeader *)m_pDataTable;

            m_exceptionCount = pHeader->exceptionCount;
            // Setup exception tables
            m_exceptionTable          = (ExceptionTableItem *)&(pHeader->exceptionLangId);
            m_exceptionNativeTextInfo = new long[m_exceptionCount];

            // Create the native NativeTextInfo for the default linguistic casing table.
            m_pDefaultCasingTable = AllocateDefaultCasingTable(m_pDataTable);

            BCLDebug.Assert(m_pDataTable != null, "Error in reading the table.");
            BCLDebug.Assert(m_pDefaultCasingTable != null, "m_pDefaultCasingTable != null");
Beispiel #4
        internal unsafe void InitializeBaseInfoTablePointers(String fileName, bool fromAssembly)
            if (fromAssembly)
                m_pDataFileStart = GlobalizationAssembly.GetGlobalizationResourceBytePtr(typeof(BaseInfoTable).Assembly, fileName);
                this.memoryMapFile = new MemoryMapFile(fileName);

                if (this.memoryMapFile.FileSize == 0)
                    m_valid = false;

                this.m_pDataFileStart = this.memoryMapFile.GetBytePtr();
            EndianessHeader *pEndianHeader = (EndianessHeader *)m_pDataFileStart;

            // Set up pointer to the CultureTableHeader

            BCLDebug.Assert(pEndianHeader->beOffset != 0, "Big-Endian data is expected.");
            m_pCultureHeader = (CultureTableHeader *)(m_pDataFileStart + pEndianHeader->beOffset);
            BCLDebug.Assert(pEndianHeader->leOffset != 0, "Little-Endian data is expected.");
            m_pCultureHeader = (CultureTableHeader *)(m_pDataFileStart + pEndianHeader->leOffset);

            // Set up misc pointers and variables.
            // Different data items for calendar and culture, so they each have their own setting thingy.
Beispiel #5
        private static CompareInfo GetCompareInfoWithPrefixedLcid(int cultureKey, Assembly assembly, int prefix)
            if (assembly == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("assembly");
            int cultureId = cultureKey & ~prefix;

            if (System.Globalization.CultureTableRecord.IsCustomCultureId(cultureId))
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_CustomCultureCannotBePassedByNumber", new object[] { "culture" }));
            if (assembly != typeof(object).Module.Assembly)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_OnlyMscorlib"));
            GlobalizationAssembly globalizationAssembly = GlobalizationAssembly.GetGlobalizationAssembly(assembly);
            object obj2 = globalizationAssembly.compareInfoCache[cultureKey];

            if (obj2 == null)
                lock (InternalSyncObject)
                    obj2 = globalizationAssembly.compareInfoCache[cultureKey];
                    if (obj2 == null)
                        obj2 = new CompareInfo(globalizationAssembly, cultureId);
                        globalizationAssembly.compareInfoCache[cultureKey] = obj2;
 static GlobalizationAssembly() {
     lock (typeof(GlobalizationAssembly)) {
         if (m_defaultInstance==null) {
             // Initialize the default GlobalizationAseembly for the default assembly.
             m_defaultInstance = GetGlobalizationAssembly(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(GlobalizationAssembly)));
 static GlobalizationAssembly()
     lock (typeof(GlobalizationAssembly)) {
         if (m_defaultInstance == null)
             // Initialize the default GlobalizationAseembly for the default assembly.
             m_defaultInstance = GetGlobalizationAssembly(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(GlobalizationAssembly)));
        internal static GlobalizationAssembly GetGlobalizationAssembly(Assembly assembly)
            GlobalizationAssembly assembly2 = (GlobalizationAssembly)m_assemblyHash[assembly];

            if (assembly2 == null)
                RuntimeHelpers.TryCode code = new RuntimeHelpers.TryCode(GlobalizationAssembly.CreateGlobalizationAssembly);
                RuntimeHelpers.ExecuteCodeWithLock(typeof(CultureTableRecord), code, assembly);
                assembly2 = (GlobalizationAssembly)m_assemblyHash[assembly];
        private unsafe static bool InitTable()
            byte *globalizationResourceBytePtr = GlobalizationAssembly.GetGlobalizationResourceBytePtr(typeof(CharUnicodeInfo).Assembly, "charinfo.nlp");

            CharUnicodeInfo.UnicodeDataHeader *ptr = (CharUnicodeInfo.UnicodeDataHeader *)globalizationResourceBytePtr;
            CharUnicodeInfo.s_pCategoryLevel1Index = (ushort *)(globalizationResourceBytePtr + ptr->OffsetToCategoriesIndex);
            CharUnicodeInfo.s_pCategoriesValue     = globalizationResourceBytePtr + ptr->OffsetToCategoriesValue;
            CharUnicodeInfo.s_pNumericLevel1Index  = (ushort *)(globalizationResourceBytePtr + ptr->OffsetToNumbericIndex);
            CharUnicodeInfo.s_pNumericValues       = globalizationResourceBytePtr + ptr->OffsetToNumbericValue;
            CharUnicodeInfo.s_pDigitValues         = (CharUnicodeInfo.DigitValues *)(globalizationResourceBytePtr + ptr->OffsetToDigitValue);
Beispiel #10
 internal unsafe CompareInfo(GlobalizationAssembly ga, int culture)
     if (culture < 0)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("culture", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedPosNum"));
     this.m_sortingLCID = this.GetSortingLCID(culture);
     if (!this.IsSynthetic)
         this.m_pSortingTable = InitializeCompareInfo(GlobalizationAssembly.DefaultInstance.pNativeGlobalizationAssembly, this.m_sortingLCID);
     this.culture = culture;
 private static void CreateGlobalizationAssembly(object assem)
     Assembly assembly2 = (Assembly) assem;
     GlobalizationAssembly assembly = (GlobalizationAssembly) m_assemblyHash[assembly2];
     if (assembly == null)
         assembly = new GlobalizationAssembly {
             pNativeGlobalizationAssembly = nativeCreateGlobalizationAssembly(assembly2)
         m_assemblyHash[assembly2] = assembly;
Beispiel #12
 internal unsafe CompareInfo(GlobalizationAssembly ga, int culture)
     if (culture < 0)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("culture", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedPosNum"));
     this.m_sortingLCID = this.GetSortingLCID(culture);
     if (!this.IsSynthetic)
         this.m_pSortingTable = InitializeCompareInfo(GlobalizationAssembly.DefaultInstance.pNativeGlobalizationAssembly, this.m_sortingLCID);
     this.culture = culture;
Beispiel #13
        internal int culture;               // the culture ID used to create this instance.

        //  CompareInfo Constructor

        // Constructs an instance that most closely corresponds to the NLS locale
        // identifier.
        internal unsafe CompareInfo(GlobalizationAssembly ga, int culture)
            if (culture < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("culture", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedPosNum"));

            // NOTENOTE YSLin: In the future, move all the culture validation to the native code InitializeCompareInfo, since we make three
            // native calls below, which are expansive.

            // Verify that this is a valid culture.
            int dataItem = CultureTable.GetDataItemFromCultureID(CultureInfo.GetLangID(culture));

            if (dataItem == -1)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          String.Format(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_CultureNotSupported"), culture), "culture");

            // We do the following because the native C++ SortingTable is based on the
            // WIN32 LCID.  It doesn't work for neutral cultures liek 0x0009.  So we convert culture
            // to a Win32 LCID here.

            // Note that we have to get Sort ID from culture.  This will affect the result of string comparison.
            this.win32LCID = CultureTable.GetDefaultInt32Value(dataItem, CultureTable.WIN32LANGID);

            int sortID = CultureInfo.GetSortID(culture);

            if (sortID != 0)
                // Need to verify if the Sort ID is valid.
                if (!CultureTable.IsValidSortID(dataItem, sortID))
                    throw new ArgumentException(
                              String.Format(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_CultureNotSupported"), culture), "culture");
                // This is an alterinative sort LCID.  Hey man, don't forget to take your SORTID with you.
                win32LCID |= sortID << 16;

            // TODO: InitializeCompareInfo should use ga instead of getting the default instance.

            // Call to the native side to create/get the corresponding native C++ SortingTable for this culture.
            // The returned value is a 32-bit pointer to the native C++ SortingTable instance.
            // We cache this pointer so that we can call methods of the SortingTable directly.
            pSortingTable = InitializeCompareInfo(GlobalizationAssembly.m_defaultInstance.pNativeGlobalizationAssembly, win32LCID);
            // Since win32LCID can be different from the passed-in culture in the case of neutral cultures, store the culture ID in a different place.
            this.culture = culture;
        private static void CreateGlobalizationAssembly(object assem)
            Assembly assembly2             = (Assembly)assem;
            GlobalizationAssembly assembly = (GlobalizationAssembly)m_assemblyHash[assembly2];

            if (assembly == null)
                assembly = new GlobalizationAssembly {
                    pNativeGlobalizationAssembly = nativeCreateGlobalizationAssembly(assembly2)
                m_assemblyHash[assembly2] = assembly;
Beispiel #15
        private unsafe static void CreateGlobalizationAssembly(object assem)
            GlobalizationAssembly ga;
            Assembly assembly = (Assembly)assem;

            if ((ga = (GlobalizationAssembly)m_assemblyHash[assembly]) == null)
                // This assembly is not used before, create a corresponding native NativeGlobalizationAssembly object for it.
                ga = new GlobalizationAssembly();
                ga.pNativeGlobalizationAssembly = nativeCreateGlobalizationAssembly(assembly);
                m_assemblyHash[assembly] = ga;
Beispiel #16
        //We need to allocate the underlying table that provides us with the information that we
        //use.  We allocate this once in the class initializer and then we don't need to worry
        //about it again.
        unsafe static CharUnicodeInfo()
            m_pDataTable = GlobalizationAssembly.GetGlobalizationResourceBytePtr(typeof(CharUnicodeInfo).Assembly, UNICODE_INFO_FILE_NAME);
            UnicodeDataHeader *mainHeader = (UnicodeDataHeader *)m_pDataTable;

            // Set up the native pointer to different part of the tables.
            m_pCategoryLevel1Index = (ushort *)(m_pDataTable + mainHeader->OffsetToCategoriesIndex);
            m_pCategoriesValue     = (byte *)(m_pDataTable + mainHeader->OffsetToCategoriesValue);
            m_pNumericLevel1Index  = (ushort *)(m_pDataTable + mainHeader->OffsetToNumbericIndex);
            m_pNumericValues       = (byte *)(m_pDataTable + mainHeader->OffsetToNumbericValue);
            m_pDigitValues         = (DigitValues *)(m_pDataTable + mainHeader->OffsetToDigitValue);

            // Go to native side to make sure the native CharacterInfoTable pointer in the native side is initialized.
Beispiel #17
        unsafe static bool InitTable()
            // Go to native side and get pointer to the native table
            byte *pDataTable = GlobalizationAssembly.GetGlobalizationResourceBytePtr(typeof(CharUnicodeInfo).Assembly, UNICODE_INFO_FILE_NAME);

            UnicodeDataHeader *mainHeader = (UnicodeDataHeader *)pDataTable;

            // Set up the native pointer to different part of the tables.
            s_pCategoryLevel1Index = (ushort *)(pDataTable + EndianSwap(mainHeader->OffsetToCategoriesIndex));
            s_pCategoriesValue     = (byte *)(pDataTable + EndianSwap(mainHeader->OffsetToCategoriesValue));
            s_pNumericLevel1Index  = (ushort *)(pDataTable + EndianSwap(mainHeader->OffsetToNumbericIndex));
            s_pNumericValues       = (byte *)(pDataTable + EndianSwap(mainHeader->OffsetToNumbericValue));
            s_pDigitValues         = (DigitValues *)(pDataTable + EndianSwap(mainHeader->OffsetToDigitValue));

         **Action: Return the GlobalizationAssembly instance for the specified assembly.
         **  Every assembly should have one and only one instance of GlobalizationAssembly.
         **Returns: An instance of GlobalizationAssembly.
        unsafe internal static GlobalizationAssembly GetGlobalizationAssembly(Assembly assembly)
            GlobalizationAssembly ga;

            if ((ga = (GlobalizationAssembly)m_assemblyHash[assembly]) == null)
                lock (typeof(GlobalizationAssembly)) {
                    if ((ga = (GlobalizationAssembly)m_assemblyHash[assembly]) == null)
                        // This assembly is not used before, create a corresponding native NativeGlobalizationAssembly object for it.
                        ga = new GlobalizationAssembly();
                        ga.pNativeGlobalizationAssembly = nativeCreateGlobalizationAssembly(assembly);
                        m_assemblyHash[assembly]        = ga;
Beispiel #19
        internal unsafe void InitializeBaseInfoTablePointers(string fileName, bool fromAssembly)
            if (fromAssembly)
                this.m_pDataFileStart = GlobalizationAssembly.GetGlobalizationResourceBytePtr(typeof(BaseInfoTable).Assembly, fileName);
                this.memoryMapFile = new AgileSafeNativeMemoryHandle(fileName);
                if (this.memoryMapFile.FileSize == 0L)
                    this.m_valid = false;
                this.m_pDataFileStart = this.memoryMapFile.GetBytePtr();
            EndianessHeader *pDataFileStart = (EndianessHeader *)this.m_pDataFileStart;

            this.m_pCultureHeader = (CultureTableHeader *)(this.m_pDataFileStart + pDataFileStart->leOffset);
Beispiel #20
 **Action: Return the GlobalizationAssembly instance for the specified assembly.
 **  Every assembly should have one and only one instance of GlobalizationAssembly.
 **Returns: An instance of GlobalizationAssembly.
 unsafe internal static GlobalizationAssembly GetGlobalizationAssembly(Assembly assembly) {
     GlobalizationAssembly ga;
     if ((ga = (GlobalizationAssembly)m_assemblyHash[assembly]) == null) {            
         lock (typeof(GlobalizationAssembly)) {
             if ((ga = (GlobalizationAssembly)m_assemblyHash[assembly]) == null) {
                 // This assembly is not used before, create a corresponding native NativeGlobalizationAssembly object for it.
                 ga = new GlobalizationAssembly();
                 ga.pNativeGlobalizationAssembly = nativeCreateGlobalizationAssembly(assembly);
                 m_assemblyHash[assembly] = ga;
     return (ga);
Beispiel #21
        internal int culture;               // the culture ID used to create this instance.
        //  CompareInfo Constructor

        // Constructs an instance that most closely corresponds to the NLS locale 
        // identifier.  
        internal unsafe CompareInfo(GlobalizationAssembly ga, int culture) {
            if (culture < 0) {
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("culture", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedPosNum"));

            // Verify that this is a valid culture.
            int dataItem = CultureTable.GetDataItemFromCultureID(CultureInfo.GetLangID(culture));
            if (dataItem == -1) {
                throw new ArgumentException(
                    String.Format(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_CultureNotSupported"), culture), "culture");            

            // We do the following because the native C++ SortingTable is based on the 
            // WIN32 LCID.  It doesn't work for neutral cultures liek 0x0009.  So we convert culture
            // to a Win32 LCID here.

            // Note that we have to get Sort ID from culture.  This will affect the result of string comparison.
            this.win32LCID = CultureTable.GetDefaultInt32Value(dataItem, CultureTable.WIN32LANGID);

            int sortID = CultureInfo.GetSortID(culture);
            if (sortID != 0) {
                // Need to verify if the Sort ID is valid.
                if (!CultureTable.IsValidSortID(dataItem, sortID)) {
                    throw new ArgumentException(
                        String.Format(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_CultureNotSupported"), culture), "culture");            
                // This is an alterinative sort LCID.  Hey man, don't forget to take your SORTID with you.
                win32LCID |= sortID << 16;

            // Call to the native side to create/get the corresponding native C++ SortingTable for this culture.
            // The returned value is a 32-bit pointer to the native C++ SortingTable instance.  
            // We cache this pointer so that we can call methods of the SortingTable directly.
            pSortingTable = InitializeCompareInfo(GlobalizationAssembly.m_defaultInstance.pNativeGlobalizationAssembly, win32LCID);
            // Since win32LCID can be different from the passed-in culture in the case of neutral cultures, store the culture ID in a different place.
            this.culture = culture;

Beispiel #22
        private static unsafe bool InitTable()
            byte *globalizationResourceBytePtr;

            CharUnicodeInfo.UnicodeDataHeader *unicodeDataHeaderPtr = (CharUnicodeInfo.UnicodeDataHeader *)(globalizationResourceBytePtr = GlobalizationAssembly.GetGlobalizationResourceBytePtr(typeof(CharUnicodeInfo).Assembly, "charinfo.nlp"));
            IntPtr num1 = (IntPtr)unicodeDataHeaderPtr->OffsetToCategoriesIndex;

            CharUnicodeInfo.s_pCategoryLevel1Index = (ushort *)(globalizationResourceBytePtr + num1.ToInt64());
            IntPtr num2 = (IntPtr)unicodeDataHeaderPtr->OffsetToCategoriesValue;

            CharUnicodeInfo.s_pCategoriesValue = globalizationResourceBytePtr + num2.ToInt64();
            IntPtr num3 = (IntPtr)unicodeDataHeaderPtr->OffsetToNumbericIndex;

            CharUnicodeInfo.s_pNumericLevel1Index = (ushort *)(globalizationResourceBytePtr + num3.ToInt64());
            IntPtr num4 = (IntPtr)unicodeDataHeaderPtr->OffsetToNumbericValue;

            CharUnicodeInfo.s_pNumericValues = globalizationResourceBytePtr + num4.ToInt64();
            IntPtr num5 = (IntPtr)unicodeDataHeaderPtr->OffsetToDigitValue;

            CharUnicodeInfo.s_pDigitValues = (CharUnicodeInfo.DigitValues *)(globalizationResourceBytePtr + num5.ToInt64());
 private unsafe static void CreateGlobalizationAssembly(object assem)
     GlobalizationAssembly ga;
     Assembly assembly = (Assembly) assem;
     if ((ga = (GlobalizationAssembly)m_assemblyHash[assembly]) == null) 
         // This assembly is not used before, create a corresponding native NativeGlobalizationAssembly object for it.
         ga = new GlobalizationAssembly();
         ga.pNativeGlobalizationAssembly = nativeCreateGlobalizationAssembly(assembly);
         m_assemblyHash[assembly] = ga;
        private String m_name = null;                          // The name of the culture of this instance

        //  CompareInfo Constructor

        // Constructs an instance that most closely corresponds to the NLS locale 
        // identifier.  
        internal unsafe CompareInfo(GlobalizationAssembly ga, int culture) {
            if (culture < 0) {
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("culture", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedPosNum"));
            // Get the Win32 LCID used to create NativeCompareInfo, which only takes Win32 LCID.
            this.m_sortingLCID = GetSortingLCID(culture);

            // If version support is enabled, InitializeCompareInfo should use ga instead of getting the default 
            // instance.

            // Call to the native side to create/get the corresponding native C++ SortingTable for this culture.
            // The returned value is a 32-bit pointer to the native C++ SortingTable instance.  
            // We cache this pointer so that we can call methods of the SortingTable directly.
            if (!IsSynthetic)
                m_pSortingTable = InitializeCompareInfo(GlobalizationAssembly.DefaultInstance.pNativeGlobalizationAssembly, this.m_sortingLCID);
            // Since this.m_sortingLCID can be different from the passed-in culture in the case of neutral cultures, store the culture ID in a different place.
            this.culture = culture;
