Beispiel #1
        private static int NlsGetCalendars(string localeName, bool useUserOverride, CalendarId[] calendars)
            NlsEnumCalendarsData data = default;

            data.userOverride = 0;
            data.calendars    = new List <int>();

            // First call GetLocaleInfo if necessary
            if (useUserOverride)
                // They want user overrides, see if the user calendar matches the input calendar
                int userCalendar = CultureData.GetLocaleInfoExInt(localeName, LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE);

                // If we got a default, then use it as the first calendar
                if (userCalendar != 0)
                    data.userOverride = userCalendar;

                Interop.Kernel32.EnumCalendarInfoExEx(&EnumCalendarsCallback, localeName, ENUM_ALL_CALENDARS, null, CAL_ICALINTVALUE, Unsafe.AsPointer(ref data));

            // Copy to the output array
            for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(calendars.Length, data.calendars.Count); i++)
                calendars[i] = (CalendarId)data.calendars[i];

            // Now we have a list of data, return the count
Beispiel #2
        private bool LoadCalendarDataFromSystemCore(string localeName, CalendarId calendarId)

            if (GlobalizationMode.UseNls)
                return(NlsLoadCalendarDataFromSystem(localeName, calendarId));

            // If running using ICU on Windows we should honor user overrides using NLS and the rest from ICU
            bool result = IcuLoadCalendarDataFromSystem(localeName, calendarId);

            if (result && bUseUserOverrides)
                NormalizeCalendarId(ref calendarId, ref localeName);
                result &= CallGetCalendarInfoEx(localeName, calendarId, CAL_ITWODIGITYEARMAX, out this.iTwoDigitYearMax);

                // They want user overrides, see if the user calendar matches the input calendar
                CalendarId userCalendar = (CalendarId)CultureData.GetLocaleInfoExInt(localeName, LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE);

                // If the calendars were the same, see if the locales were the same
                if (userCalendar == calendarId)
                    string?shortDateOverride = CultureData.ReescapeWin32String(CultureData.GetLocaleInfoEx(localeName, LOCALE_SSHORTDATE));
                    string?longDateOverride  = CultureData.ReescapeWin32String(CultureData.GetLocaleInfoEx(localeName, LOCALE_SLONGDATE));
                    InsertOrSwapOverride(shortDateOverride, ref this.saShortDates);
                    InsertOrSwapOverride(longDateOverride, ref this.saLongDates);

Beispiel #3
        private static unsafe bool CallEnumCalendarInfo(string localeName, CalendarId calendar, uint calType, uint lcType, out string[]?data)
            EnumData context = default;

            context.userOverride = null;
            context.strings      = new List <string>();
            // First call GetLocaleInfo if necessary
            if ((lcType != 0) && ((lcType & CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE) == 0))
                // They want user overrides, see if the user calendar matches the input calendar
                CalendarId userCalendar = (CalendarId)CultureData.GetLocaleInfoExInt(localeName, LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE);

                // If the calendars were the same, see if the locales were the same
                if (userCalendar == calendar)
                    // They matched, get the user override since locale & calendar match
                    string?res = CultureData.GetLocaleInfoEx(localeName, lcType);

                    // if it succeeded remember the override for the later callers
                    if (res != null)
                        // Remember this was the override (so we can look for duplicates later in the enum function)
                        context.userOverride = res;

                        // Add to the result strings.

            // Now call the enumeration API. Work is done by our callback function
            Interop.Kernel32.EnumCalendarInfoExEx(&EnumCalendarInfoCallback, localeName, (uint)calendar, null, calType, Unsafe.AsPointer(ref context));

            // Now we have a list of data, fail if we didn't find anything.
            Debug.Assert(context.strings != null);
            if (context.strings.Count == 0)
                data = null;

            string[] output = context.strings.ToArray();

            if (calType == CAL_SABBREVERASTRING || calType == CAL_SERASTRING)
                // Eras are enumerated backwards.  (oldest era name first, but
                // Japanese calendar has newest era first in array, and is only
                // calendar with multiple eras)
                Array.Reverse(output, 0, output.Length);

            data = output;

Beispiel #4
        private static CultureInfo NlsGetPredefinedCultureInfo(string name)

            if (CultureData.GetLocaleInfoExInt(name, Interop.Kernel32.LOCALE_ICONSTRUCTEDLOCALE) == 1)
                throw new CultureNotFoundException(nameof(name), SR.Format(SR.Argument_InvalidPredefinedCultureName, name));

        // Call native side to figure out which calendars are allowed
        internal static int GetCalendars(String localeName, bool useUserOverride, CalendarId[] calendars)

            EnumCalendarsData data = new EnumCalendarsData();

            data.userOverride = 0;
            data.calendars    = new IntList();

            // First call GetLocaleInfo if necessary
            if (useUserOverride)
                // They want user overrides, see if the user calendar matches the input calendar
                int userCalendar = CultureData.GetLocaleInfoExInt(localeName, LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE);

                // If we got a default, then use it as the first calendar
                if (userCalendar != 0)
                    data.userOverride = userCalendar;

            GCHandle contextHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(data);

                // Now call the enumeration API. Work is done by our callback function
                Interop.Kernel32.EnumCalendarInfoExEx(EnumCalendarsCallback, localeName, ENUM_ALL_CALENDARS, null, CAL_ICALINTVALUE, (IntPtr)contextHandle);
                IntPtr callback = AddrofIntrinsics.AddrOf <Func <IntPtr, uint, IntPtr, IntPtr, Interop.BOOL> >(EnumCalendarsCallback);
                Interop.Kernel32.EnumCalendarInfoExEx(callback, localeName, ENUM_ALL_CALENDARS, null, CAL_ICALINTVALUE, (IntPtr)contextHandle);

            // Copy to the output array
            for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(calendars.Length, data.calendars.Count); i++)
                calendars[i] = (CalendarId)data.calendars[i];

            // Now we have a list of data, return the count
Beispiel #6
        internal static int GetCalendarsCore(string localeName, bool useUserOverride, CalendarId[] calendars)

            if (GlobalizationMode.UseNls)
                return(NlsGetCalendars(localeName, useUserOverride, calendars));

            int count = IcuGetCalendars(localeName, calendars);

            if (useUserOverride)
                // They want user overrides, see if the user calendar matches the input calendar
                int userCalendar = CultureData.GetLocaleInfoExInt(localeName, LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE);

                if (userCalendar != 0 && (CalendarId)userCalendar != calendars[0])
                    CalendarId userOverride = (CalendarId)userCalendar;
                    for (int i = 1; i < calendars.Length; i++)
                        if (calendars[i] == userOverride)
                            CalendarId tmp = calendars[0];
                            calendars[0] = userOverride;
                            calendars[i] = tmp;

                    // We didn't find it, we insert it at the beginning of the array. If calendar's array is full, we drop the last element.
                    count = count < calendars.Length ? count + 1 : count;
                    Span <CalendarId> tmpSpan = stackalloc CalendarId[count]; // should be 23 max.
                    tmpSpan[0] = userOverride;
                    calendars.AsSpan(0, count - 1).CopyTo(tmpSpan.Slice(1));

Beispiel #7
 internal static bool NlsIsEnsurePredefinedLocaleName(string name)
     return(CultureData.GetLocaleInfoExInt(name, Interop.Kernel32.LOCALE_ICONSTRUCTEDLOCALE) != 1);
        private static unsafe bool CallEnumCalendarInfo(string localeName, CalendarId calendar, uint calType, uint lcType, out string[] data)
            EnumData context = new EnumData();

            context.userOverride = null;
            context.strings      = new StringList();
            // First call GetLocaleInfo if necessary
            if (((lcType != 0) && ((lcType & CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE) == 0)) &&
                // Get user locale, see if it matches localeName.
                // Note that they should match exactly, including letter case
                GetUserDefaultLocaleName() == localeName)
                // They want user overrides, see if the user calendar matches the input calendar
                CalendarId userCalendar = (CalendarId)CultureData.GetLocaleInfoExInt(localeName, LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE);

                // If the calendars were the same, see if the locales were the same
                if (userCalendar == calendar)
                    // They matched, get the user override since locale & calendar match
                    string res = CultureData.GetLocaleInfoEx(localeName, lcType);

                    // if it succeeded remember the override for the later callers
                    if (res != "")
                        // Remember this was the override (so we can look for duplicates later in the enum function)
                        context.userOverride = res;

                        // Add to the result strings.

            GCHandle contextHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(context);

                Interop.Kernel32.EnumCalendarInfoExEx(EnumCalendarInfoCallback, localeName, (uint)calendar, null, calType, (IntPtr)contextHandle);
                // Now call the enumeration API. Work is done by our callback function
                IntPtr callback = AddrofIntrinsics.AddrOf <Func <IntPtr, uint, IntPtr, IntPtr, Interop.BOOL> >(EnumCalendarInfoCallback);
                Interop.Kernel32.EnumCalendarInfoExEx(callback, localeName, (uint)calendar, null, calType, (IntPtr)contextHandle);
#endif // CORECLR

            // Now we have a list of data, fail if we didn't find anything.
            if (context.strings.Count == 0)
                data = null;

            string[] output = context.strings.ToArray();

            if (calType == CAL_SABBREVERASTRING || calType == CAL_SERASTRING)
                // Eras are enumerated backwards.  (oldest era name first, but
                // Japanese calendar has newest era first in array, and is only
                // calendar with multiple eras)
                Array.Reverse(output, 0, output.Length);

            data = output;
