DrawBezier() public method

public DrawBezier ( Pen pen, Point pt1, Point pt2, Point pt3, Point pt4 ) : void
pen Pen
pt1 Point
pt2 Point
pt3 Point
pt4 Point
return void
Beispiel #1
 public override void Draw(System.Drawing.Graphics g)
     g.DrawArc(pen, Shape_Point.X, Shape_Point.Y, Width / 2, Height / 2, StartAngle, SweepAngle);
     g.DrawArc(pen, (MouseDown_Point.X + MouseUp_Point.X) / 2, Shape_Point.Y, Width / 2, Height / 2, StartAngle, SweepAngle);
     g.DrawBezier(pen, new Point(Shape_Point.X, Shape_Point.Y + Height / 4), new Point(Shape_Point.X + Width / 10, Shape_Point.Y + Height / 4 * 3), new Point(Shape_Point.X + Width / 10 * 4, Shape_Point.Y + Height), new Point(Width / 2 + Shape_Point.X, Shape_Point.Y + Height));
     g.DrawBezier(pen, new Point(Shape_Point.X + Width, Shape_Point.Y + Height / 4), new Point(Shape_Point.X + Width - Width / 10, Shape_Point.Y + Height / 4 * 3), new Point(Shape_Point.X + Width - Width / 10 * 4, Shape_Point.Y + Height), new Point(Width / 2 + Shape_Point.X, Shape_Point.Y + Height));
Beispiel #2
        public static void DrawEdge( Graphics g, Edge edge )
            // Line
            if( edge.IsComplex )
                var old_end_cap = edge.LinePen.EndCap;
                edge.LinePen.EndCap = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.Round;

                for( int seg_ind = 0; seg_ind < edge.Segments.Length - 1; ++seg_ind )
                    var segment = edge.Segments[seg_ind];
                    if( segment.IsLinear )
                        g.DrawLine(edge.LinePen, segment.Points[0], segment.Points[1]);
                        g.DrawBezier(edge.LinePen, segment.Points[0], segment.Points[1], segment.Points[2], segment.Points[3]);

                edge.LinePen.EndCap = old_end_cap;

                var last_segment = edge.Segments[edge.Segments.Length - 1];
                if( last_segment.IsLinear )
                    g.DrawLine(edge.LinePen, last_segment.Points[0], last_segment.Points[1]);
                    g.DrawBezier(edge.LinePen, last_segment.Points[0], last_segment.Points[1], last_segment.Points[2], last_segment.Points[3]);
                g.DrawLine(edge.LinePen, edge.StartPosition, edge.EndPosition);

            // Label
            if( edge.LabelText != null )
                g.DrawString(edge.LabelText, edge.LabelFont, edge.LabelBrush,
                    edge.LabelPosition.X, edge.LabelPosition.Y);
        private void DrawLineCore(Point from, Point to, float width, Color color, LineStyle lineStyle, Action <Pen> initializePen)
            using (var brush = new SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(color.A, color.R, color.G, color.B)))
                using (var pen = new Pen(brush, width))

                    switch (lineStyle)
                    case LineStyle.Clean:
                        m_Graphics.DrawLine(pen, from.ToPointF(), to.ToPointF());

                    case LineStyle.Sketchy:
                        using (AntiAliasedGraphics())
                            var bezierCurve = new BezierCurve(from, to);
                            m_Graphics.DrawBezier(pen, from.ToPointF(), bezierCurve.FirstControlPoint.ToPointF(), bezierCurve.SecondControlPoint.ToPointF(), to.ToPointF());

        public override void Draw(Graphics g)
            if (this.lineComponent.IsSelected)
                g.DrawLine(ViewFactory.BoundingBoxPen, this.lineComponent.StartPoint.X, this.lineComponent.StartPoint.Y, this.lineComponent.ControlPoint1.X, this.lineComponent.ControlPoint1.Y);
                g.DrawLine(ViewFactory.BoundingBoxPen, this.lineComponent.EndPoint.X, this.lineComponent.EndPoint.Y, this.lineComponent.ControlPoint2.X, this.lineComponent.ControlPoint2.Y);
            if (this.lineComponent.ParentMoving)
                g.DrawLines(ViewFactory.LinePen, this.lineComponent.points.ToArray());
                /*DrawPoint(g, new FlowChartPoint(points[points.Count/2].X,points[points.Count/2].Y), 
                    GraphicsSettings.LabelPen, GraphicsSettings.EdgeBoxWidth);*/

            DrawArrow(g, this.lineComponent.EndPoint, this.lineComponent.ControlPoint2,

            if (this.lineComponent.IsSelected)
                DrawPoint(g, this.lineComponent.ControlPoint1, ViewFactory.EdgePen, ViewFactory.EdgeBoxWidth);
                DrawPoint(g, this.lineComponent.ControlPoint2, ViewFactory.EdgePen, ViewFactory.EdgeBoxWidth);
Beispiel #5
        public void lines(Graphics g, int[,] A, Point[] P, Pen pen)
            for (int i = 0; i < A.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < A.GetLength(0); j++)
                    if (A[i,j] == 1)
                        Point p1 = normDistance(P[i], P[j]);
                        Point p2 = normDistance(P[j], P[i]);

                        g.DrawLine(pen, p1,p2);

                    if (A[i,i] != 0)
                        Pen self = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(0,255,255),8);
                        int Xs = P[i].X, Ys = P[i].Y + 20;
                        int Xe = Xs, Ye = Ys;
                        int p1X = Xs - 100;
                        int p1Y = Ys + 50;
                        int p2X = Xs + 100;
                        int p2Y = Ys + 50;

                        g.DrawBezier(self, Xs, Ys, p1X, p1Y, p2X, p2Y, Xe, Ye);

Beispiel #6
        public static Bitmap GetBitmap(Emgu.CV.Image <Bgr, byte> image)
            Emgu.CV.Image <Gray, byte> gray = image.Convert <Gray, byte>();
            int [] k = new int[gray.Width];
            for (int i = 0; i < gray.Width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < gray.Height; j++)
                    if (gray[j, i].Intensity <= 200)

            Bitmap image2 = new Bitmap(gray.Width, gray.Height);

            System.Drawing.Graphics p = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(image2);
            for (int i = 0; i < k.Length - 3; i++)
                PointF p1 = new PointF(i, k[i]);
                PointF p2 = new PointF(i + 1, k[i + 1]);
                PointF p3 = new PointF(i + 2, k[i + 2]);
                PointF p4 = new PointF(i + 3, k[i + 3]);
                p.DrawBezier(new Pen(Brushes.White), p1, p2, p3, p4);

        private void DrawRealTemperature()
            double mult1X, mult1Y, mult2X, mult2Y;

            mult1X = .17;
            mult1Y = .67;
            mult2X = .41;
            mult2Y = .9;

            Point start, end, ctrl1, ctrl2;

            double segX = m_width / m_cntX;
            double segY = m_height / m_cntY;

            for (int i = 0; i < m_points.Count - 1; i++)
                int height = ((Point)m_points[i]).Y - ((Point)m_points[i + 1]).Y;
                //int width = ((Point)m_points[i]).X - ((Point)m_points[i + 1]).X;

                double relativeH = height / segY;
                double relativeW;
                if (relativeH > 0)
                    relativeW = Math.Abs(2 * relativeH);
                    relativeW = Math.Abs(.5 * relativeH);

                double width = relativeW * segX;

                if (((Point)m_points[i + 1]).X - width > 0)
                    start = new Point(((Point)m_points[i + 1]).X, ((Point)m_points[i]).Y);
                    end   = new Point((int)(((Point)m_points[i + 1]).X + width), ((Point)m_points[i + 1]).Y);

                    //start = new Point((int)(((Point)m_points[i + 1]).X - width), ((Point)m_points[i]).Y);
                    //end = new Point(((Point)m_points[i + 1]).X, ((Point)m_points[i + 1]).Y);
                    start = new Point(0, ((Point)m_points[i]).Y);
                    end   = new Point((int)width, ((Point)m_points[i + 1]).Y);

                ctrl1 = new Point((int)(start.X + width * mult1X), (int)(start.Y - height * mult1Y));
                ctrl2 = new Point((int)(start.X + width * mult2X), (int)(start.Y - height * mult2Y));


                m_graphics.DrawBezier(m_penGreen, PointLocation(start), PointLocation(ctrl1), PointLocation(ctrl2), PointLocation(end));
Beispiel #8
        //mouse has been released
        private void pictureBoxDrawArea_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            //capture the second x and y coord
            x2 = e.X;
            y2 = e.Y;
            //create a pen to use
            System.Drawing.Pen myPen;
            //set the color to the chosen color
            myPen = new System.Drawing.Pen(button1.BackColor);
            //create a graphics thingy from the bm
            System.Drawing.Graphics test = Graphics.FromImage(bm);

            //bunch of if elses that should be a case of something , basically what state am i in, do something different
            if (currentstate == state.DrawLine)
                test.DrawLine(myPen, x1, y1, x2, y2);
            else if (currentstate == state.DrawRect)
                test.DrawRectangle(myPen, new Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2));
            else if (currentstate == state.DrawElipse)
                test.DrawEllipse(myPen, new Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2));
            else if (currentstate == state.DrawCurve)
                test.DrawBezier(myPen, new Point(x1, y1), new Point(x1, y1), new Point(x2, y2), new Point(x2, y2));
                //dont work
            else if (currentstate == state.DrawPoly)
                // test.DrawPolygon(
            else if (currentstate == state.Pencil)
            else if (currentstate == state.Brush)
            else if (currentstate == state.RectSelect)
            else if (currentstate == state.WriteText)
                System.Drawing.Font drawFont = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 16);

                System.Drawing.SolidBrush drawBrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.Black);
                test.DrawString(writetext, drawFont, drawBrush, x1, y1);
            //clean up some stuff
            //show the new image
            pictureBoxDrawArea.Image = bm;
Beispiel #9
        private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


            Pen redPen = new Pen(Color.Red, 3);

            g.DrawBezier(redPen, 0, 110, 35, 0, 65, 200, 100, 100);
 public override void OnDraw(System.Drawing.Graphics g)
         g.DrawBezier(new System.Drawing.Pen(new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(this.Color), width), ptStart, ptControl1, ptControl2, ptEnd);
Beispiel #11
 public override void Paint(System.Drawing.Graphics g)
     Point[] p = new Point[4];
     for (int i = 0; i < p.Length; ++i)
         p[i] = new Point(point.X + vertex[i].X, point.Y + vertex[i].Y);
     g.DrawBezier(pen, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);
        public override void DrawGraphics(Graphics destination)
            using (var pen = Style.CreatePen())
                destination.DrawBezier(pen, ControlPoints[0], ControlPoints[1], ControlPoints[2], ControlPoints[3]);

		public static void DrawLeftToRightArrow(Graphics g, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) 
			int startLine = 7;
			int endLine = 15;
			int bezierStregth = 10;
			float arrowLength = 7.0f;
			float arrowWidth = 3.2f;
			// Shadow
			// Head shadow
			PointF[] arrowPointsShadow = { 
				new PointF(x2-5-arrowLength+1,y2-arrowWidth+1),
				new PointF(x2-5+1,y2+1), 
				new PointF(x2-5-arrowLength+1,y2+arrowWidth+1)
			GraphicsPath arrowPathShadow = new GraphicsPath();
			// Line
			// Head
			PointF[] arrowPoints = { 
				new PointF(x2-5-arrowLength,y2-arrowWidth),
				new PointF(x2-5,y2), 
				new PointF(x2-5-arrowLength,y2+arrowWidth)
			GraphicsPath arrowPath = new GraphicsPath();
Beispiel #14
		public override void Paint(Graphics graphics)
			Point pointN = SupplierViewer.GetOutputLineConnectionPoint(Item);
			Point pointM = ConsumerViewer.GetInputLineConnectionPoint(Item);
			Point pointN2 = new Point(pointN.X, pointN.Y - Math.Max((int)((pointN.Y - pointM.Y) / 2), 40));
			Point pointM2 = new Point(pointM.X, pointM.Y + Math.Max((int)((pointN.Y - pointM.Y) / 2), 40));

			using (Pen pen = new Pen(DataCache.IconAverageColour(Item.Icon), 3f))
				graphics.DrawBezier(pen, pointN, pointN2, pointM2, pointM);
Beispiel #15
 /// <summary>
 /// This method draws a Bezier curve.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="graphics">It receives the Graphics instance</param>
 /// <param name="array">An array of (x,y) pairs of coordinates used to draw the curve.</param>
 public static void Bezier(System.Drawing.Graphics graphics, int[] array)
     System.Drawing.Pen pen;
     pen = GraphicsManager.manager.GetPen(graphics);
         graphics.DrawBezier(pen, array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3], array[4], array[5], array[6], array[7]);
     catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e)
         throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException(e.ToString());
Beispiel #16
        public void DrawBezier(Pen pen, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double x4, double y4)
            if (pen == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("pen");

            lock (bitmapLock) {
                TryExpand(0.0d, 0.0d, Math.Max(Math.Max(Math.Max(x1, x2), x3), x4), Math.Max(Math.Max(Math.Max(y1, y2), y3), y4), pen.Width);
                using (System.Drawing.Graphics g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) {
                    g.SmoothingMode = (Antialiasing) ? SmoothingMode.AntiAlias : SmoothingMode.None;
                    g.DrawBezier(pen, (float)x1, (float)y1, (float)x2, (float)y2, (float)x3, (float)y3, (float)x4, (float)y4);
Beispiel #17
        private void butBezier_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            g = PictureBox1.CreateGraphics();
            float startX    = 100.0F;
            float startY    = 100.0F;
            float controlX1 = 200.0F;
            float controlY1 = 10.0F;
            float controlX2 = 350.0F;
            float controlY2 = 50.0F;
            float endX      = 500.0F;
            float endY      = 100.0F;

            g.DrawBezier(penRed, startX, startY,
                         controlX1, controlY1,
                         controlX2, controlY2,
                         endX, endY);
Beispiel #18
        private void button3_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PointF P1 = new PointF();
            PointF P2 = new PointF();

            //  g.DrawLine(pen1, 0, 0, 50, 300);
            PointF Pstart = new PointF(0, 0);
            PointF Pend   = new PointF(300, 300);

            P1.X = (float)Double.Parse(textBox1.Text);
            P1.Y = (float)Double.Parse(textBox2.Text);
            P2.X = (float)Double.Parse(textBox3.Text);
            P2.Y = (float)Double.Parse(textBox4.Text);

            g.DrawBezier(pen1, Pstart, P1, P2, Pend);
        private static void DrawAxons(this Network network, Graphics graphic)
            foreach (Axon axon in network.Axons)
                Point source = Translate(network, axon.Source).Add(5);
                Point target = Translate(network, axon.Target).Add(5);

                Point s2 = source.Shift(50, 0);
                Point t2 = target.Shift(-50, 0);

                Color color = Blend(Color.Gray, Color.Red, axon.Signal);
                float width = (float)axon.Weight*2;
                Pen axonpen = new Pen(color, width);
                graphic.DrawBezier(axonpen, source, s2, t2, target);

Beispiel #20
        private void DrawBezier(Graphics g)
            // Draw a black Bezier curve.
            Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Black);
            pen.Width = 5;
            pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;

            // Specify which type of drawing must occur at the ends of the stroke
            pen.StartCap = LineCap.RoundAnchor;
            pen.EndCap = LineCap.ArrowAnchor;

                new Point(10, 30),
                new Point(30, 200),
                new Point(50, -100),
                new Point(70, 100));
Beispiel #21
        public override void Paint(System.Drawing.Graphics graphics)
            Point pointN = Parent.ScreenToGraph(Parent.PointToClient(Cursor.Position));
            Point pointM = pointN;

            if (SupplierElement != null)
                pointN = SupplierElement.GetOutputLineConnectionPoint(Item);
            if (ConsumerElement != null)
                pointM = ConsumerElement.GetInputLineConnectionPoint(Item);
            Point pointN2 = new Point(pointN.X, pointN.Y - Math.Max((int)((pointN.Y - pointM.Y) / 2), 40));
            Point pointM2 = new Point(pointM.X, pointM.Y + Math.Max((int)((pointN.Y - pointM.Y) / 2), 40));

            using (Pen pen = new Pen(DataCache.IconAverageColour(Item.Icon), 3f))
                graphics.DrawBezier(pen, pointN, pointN2, pointM2, pointM);
Beispiel #22
 /// <summary>
 /// This method draws a Bezier curve.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="graphics">It receives the Graphics instance</param>
 /// <param name="array">An array of (x,y) pairs of coordinates used to draw the curve.</param>
 public static void Bezier(Graphics graphics, int[] array)
     Pen pen = Manager.GetPen(graphics);
         graphics.DrawBezier(pen, array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3], array[4], array[5], array[6], array[7]);
     catch(IndexOutOfRangeException e)
         throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(e.ToString());
Beispiel #23
        private void DrawConnectors(DiagramShapeControlBase parentShape, Graphics g, Pen pen, Brush brush, DiagramLayoutDirection direction, DiagramConnectorType connectorType)
            if (parentShape.Expanded)
                Point startPoint = new Point();
                Point endPoint = new Point();

                if (showExpanders)
                    startPoint.X = parentShape.expander.Left + parentShape.expander.Width / 2;
                    startPoint.Y = parentShape.expander.Top + parentShape.expander.Height / 2;
                    if (direction == DiagramLayoutDirection.Vertical)
                        startPoint.X = parentShape.Left + parentShape.Width / 2;
                        startPoint.Y = parentShape.Bottom;
                    else if (direction == DiagramLayoutDirection.Horizontal)
                        startPoint.Y = parentShape.Top + parentShape.Height / 2;
                        startPoint.X = parentShape.Right;

                foreach (DiagramShapeControlBase shape in parentShape.childShapes)
                    if (direction == DiagramLayoutDirection.Vertical)
                        endPoint.Y = shape.Top;
                        endPoint.X = shape.Left + (shape.Width / 2);
                    else if (direction == DiagramLayoutDirection.Horizontal)
                        endPoint.Y = shape.Top + (shape.Height / 2);
                        endPoint.X = shape.Left;

                    switch (connectorType)
                        case DiagramConnectorType.Standard:
                            g.DrawLine(pen, startPoint, endPoint);


                        case DiagramConnectorType.Bezier:
                            Point pt1 = Point.Empty;
                            Point pt2 = Point.Empty;

                            if (direction == DiagramLayoutDirection.Vertical)
                                pt1 = new Point(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y + 20);
                                pt2 = new Point(endPoint.X, endPoint.Y - 20);
                            else if (direction == DiagramLayoutDirection.Horizontal)
                                pt1 = new Point(startPoint.X + 20, startPoint.Y);
                                pt2 = new Point(endPoint.X - 20, endPoint.Y);

                            g.DrawBezier(pen, startPoint, pt1, pt2, endPoint);


                    // Draw arrows
                    if (drawArrows)
                        Point anglePoint = new Point(endPoint.X - startPoint.X, endPoint.Y - startPoint.Y);
                        float angle = (float)(Math.Atan2(anglePoint.Y, anglePoint.X) * (180.0 / Math.PI));

                        if (connectorType == DiagramConnectorType.Bezier)
                            if (direction == DiagramLayoutDirection.Horizontal)
                                angle *= 0.5f;
                                angle = 90.0f + (angle - 90.0f) * 0.5f;

                        g.TranslateTransform(endPoint.X, endPoint.Y);

                        g.FillPath(brush, arrowPath);


                    DrawConnectors(shape, g, pen, brush, direction, connectorType);
        private void DrawOne(Graphics g, int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax)
            var shape = Shape.Arc;
            var color = new Color();
            var randomValue = RandomProvider.RandomGenerator.NextDouble();
            foreach (var probabilitiesOfShape in ProbabilitiesOfShapes)
                if (randomValue < probabilitiesOfShape.Probability)
                    shape = probabilitiesOfShape.Value;

            randomValue = RandomProvider.RandomGenerator.NextDouble();

            foreach (var colorProbabilityPair in colorsCDFs)
                if (randomValue < colorProbabilityPair.probability)
                    color = colorProbabilityPair.color;

            var pen = new Pen(color);

            var x1 = RandomProvider.RandomGenerator.Next(xmin, xmax + 1);
            var y1 = RandomProvider.RandomGenerator.Next(ymin, ymax + 1);

            var x2 = RandomProvider.RandomGenerator.Next(xmin, xmax + 1);
            var y2 = RandomProvider.RandomGenerator.Next(ymin, ymax + 1);

            var x3 = RandomProvider.RandomGenerator.Next(xmin, xmax + 1);
            var y3 = RandomProvider.RandomGenerator.Next(ymin, ymax + 1);

            var x4 = RandomProvider.RandomGenerator.Next(xmin, xmax + 1);
            var y4 = RandomProvider.RandomGenerator.Next(ymin, ymax + 1);

            var w1 = RandomProvider.RandomGenerator.Next(x1, xmax + 1);
            var h1 = RandomProvider.RandomGenerator.Next(y1, ymax + 1);

            var angle1 = RandomProvider.RandomGenerator.Next(0, 360);

            switch (shape)
                case Shape.Arc:
                    g.DrawArc(pen, x1, y1, w1, h1, RandomProvider.RandomGenerator.Next(0, 360),
                        RandomProvider.RandomGenerator.Next(0, 360));
                case Shape.Bezier:
                    g.DrawBezier(pen, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);
                case Shape.ClosedCurve:
                        new[] {new PointF(x1, y1), new PointF(x2, y2), new PointF(x3, y3), new PointF(x4, y4)});
                case Shape.Curve:
                        new[] {new PointF(x1, y1), new PointF(x2, y2), new PointF(x3, y3), new PointF(x4, y4)});
                case Shape.Ellipse:
                    g.DrawEllipse(pen, x1, y1, w1, h1);
                case Shape.Line:
                    g.DrawLine(pen, x1, y1, x2, y2);
                case Shape.Lines:
                        new[] {new PointF(x1, y1), new PointF(x2, y2), new PointF(x3, y3), new PointF(x4, y4)});
                case Shape.Pie:
                    g.DrawPie(pen, x1, y1, w1, h1, RandomProvider.RandomGenerator.Next(0, 360),
                        RandomProvider.RandomGenerator.Next(0, 360));
                case Shape.Polygon:
                        new[] {new PointF(x1, y1), new PointF(x2, y2), new PointF(x3, y3), new PointF(x4, y4)});
                case Shape.Rectangle:
                    g.DrawRectangle(pen, x1, y1, w1, h1);
                case Shape.String:
                        new Font("Cambria", RandomProvider.RandomGenerator.Next(1, 50)), new SolidBrush(color),
                        new PointF(x1, y1));
                case Shape.FillClosedCurve:
                    g.FillClosedCurve(new SolidBrush(color),
                        new[] {new PointF(x1, y1), new PointF(x2, y2), new PointF(x3, y3), new PointF(x4, y4)});
                case Shape.FillEllipse:
                    g.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(color), x1, y1, w1, h1);
                case Shape.FillPie:
                    g.FillPie(new SolidBrush(color), x1, y1, w1, h1, RandomProvider.RandomGenerator.Next(0, 360),
                        RandomProvider.RandomGenerator.Next(0, 360));
                case Shape.FillPolygon:
                    g.FillPolygon(new SolidBrush(color),
                        new[] {new PointF(x1, y1), new PointF(x2, y2), new PointF(x3, y3), new PointF(x4, y4)});
                case Shape.FillRectangle:
                    g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(color), x1, y1, w1, h1);
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
            // g.Save();
Beispiel #25
 /// <summary>
 /// This method draws a Bezier curve.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="graphics">It receives the Graphics instance</param>
 /// <param name="array">An array of (x,y) pairs of coordinates used to draw the curve.</param>
 public static void Bezier(System.Drawing.Graphics graphics, int[] array)
     System.Drawing.Pen pen;
     pen = GraphicsManager.Manager.GetPen(graphics);
     graphics.DrawBezier(pen, array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3], array[4], array[5], array[6], array[7]);
Beispiel #26
        static public bool DrawGraphicsPath(
            System.Drawing.Graphics pGraphics,
            System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath pGraphicsPath,
            System.Drawing.Color clrPen,
            float fPenWidth)
            if (pGraphics == null || pGraphicsPath == null)

            System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathData pathData = pGraphicsPath.PathData;

            if (pathData.Points.Length <= 0)

            System.Drawing.Pen pen = new Pen(clrPen, fPenWidth);
            pen.LineJoin = LineJoin.Round;

            stBezier bezier    = new stBezier();
            stStart  start     = new stStart();
            PointF   prevPoint = new PointF();

            for (int i = 0; i < pathData.Types.Length; ++i)
                byte maskedByte = pathData.Types[i];
                if (pathData.Types[i] == (byte)PathPointType.PathTypeMask)
                    maskedByte = (byte)(pathData.Types[i] & 0x3);

                switch (maskedByte)
                case PathPointType.Start:
                case PathPointType.Start | PathPointType.PathMarker:
                    start.fPoint  = pathData.Points[i];
                    start.nCount  = 1;
                    start.bDrawn  = false;
                    bezier.nCount = 0;

                case PathPointType.Line:
                case PathPointType.Line | PathPointType.PathMarker:
                    pGraphics.DrawLine(pen, prevPoint, pathData.Points[i]);

                case PathPointType.Line | PathPointType.CloseSubpath:
                case PathPointType.Line | PathPointType.PathMarker | PathPointType.CloseSubpath:
                    pGraphics.DrawLine(pen, prevPoint, pathData.Points[i]);
                    pGraphics.DrawLine(pen, pathData.Points[i], start.fPoint);
                    start.nCount = 0;

                case PathPointType.Bezier:
                case PathPointType.Bezier | PathPointType.PathMarker:
                    bezier.fPoints[bezier.nCount] = pathData.Points[i];
                    if (bezier.nCount == 1)
                        pGraphics.DrawLine(pen, prevPoint, pathData.Points[i]);
                    if (bezier.nCount >= 4)
                                             bezier.fPoints[0], bezier.fPoints[1],
                                             bezier.fPoints[2], bezier.fPoints[3]);
                        bezier.nCount = 0;

                case PathPointType.Bezier | PathPointType.CloseSubpath:
                case PathPointType.Bezier | PathPointType.PathMarker | PathPointType.CloseSubpath:
                    bezier.fPoints[bezier.nCount] = pathData.Points[i];
                    if (bezier.nCount == 1)
                        pGraphics.DrawLine(pen, prevPoint, pathData.Points[i]);
                    if (bezier.nCount >= 4)
                                             bezier.fPoints[0], bezier.fPoints[1],
                                             bezier.fPoints[2], bezier.fPoints[3]);
                        bezier.nCount = 0;
                        if (start.nCount == 1)
                            pGraphics.DrawLine(pen, pathData.Points[i], start.fPoint);
                            start.nCount = 0;
                    else if (start.nCount == 1)
                        pGraphics.DrawLine(pen, pathData.Points[i], start.fPoint);
                        start.nCount = 0;
                        start.bDrawn = true;

                    //wchar_t buf[200];
                    //memset(buf,0, sizeof(buf));
                    //wsprintf(buf,_T("maskedByte: 0x%X\n"), maskedByte);
                prevPoint = pathData.Points[i];

Beispiel #27
 public static void DrawBezier(Graphics g, DiagramView view, System.Drawing.Pen pen, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, float x4, float y4)
     if (pen != null)
         g.DrawBezier(pen, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);
Beispiel #28
        private void DrawBezier(Graphics graphics, Bezier bezier, Pen pen, Brush brush, bool control)
            graphics.DrawBezier(pen, bezier.Point1.ToPointF(), bezier.Point2.ToPointF(), bezier.Point3.ToPointF(), bezier.Point4.ToPointF());
            if (control)
                graphics.DrawLine(pen, bezier.Point1.ToPointF(), bezier.Point2.ToPointF());
                graphics.DrawLine(pen, bezier.Point4.ToPointF(), bezier.Point3.ToPointF());

                DrawPoint(graphics, bezier.Point1.X, bezier.Point1.Y, brush);
                DrawPoint(graphics, bezier.Point2.X, bezier.Point2.Y, brush);
                DrawPoint(graphics, bezier.Point3.X, bezier.Point3.Y, brush);
                DrawPoint(graphics, bezier.Point4.X, bezier.Point4.Y, brush);
Beispiel #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Paints the connection on the canvas
        /// The From part is always the child node while the To part is
        /// always the parent node.
        /// Hence;
        /// - vertical: Parent->Child <=> Top->Bottom
        /// - horizontal: Parent->Child <=> Left->Right
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        public override void Paint(System.Drawing.Graphics g)
            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            PointF p1, p2, p3, p4;             //intermediate points

            if (visible)
                if (hovered || isSelected)
                    pen = redPen;
                    pen = currentPen;

                switch (site.ConnectionType)
                case ConnectionType.Default:
                    switch (site.LayoutDirection)
                    case TreeDirection.Vertical:
                        p1 = new PointF(from.Left + from.Width / 2, from.Top);
                        p2 = new PointF(to.Left + to.Width / 2, to.Bottom + 5);
                        g.DrawLine(pen, p1, p2);

                    case TreeDirection.Horizontal:
                        p1 = new PointF(from.Left, from.Top + from.Height / 2);
                        p2 = new PointF(to.Right + 4, to.Top + to.Height / 2);
                        g.DrawLine(pen, p1, p2);

                case ConnectionType.Traditional:
                    switch (site.LayoutDirection)
                    case TreeDirection.Vertical:
                        p1 = new PointF(from.Left + from.Width / 2, from.Top - (from.Top - to.Bottom) / 2);
                        p2 = new PointF(to.Left + to.Width / 2, from.Top - (from.Top - to.Bottom) / 2);
                        g.DrawLine(pen, Start, p1);
                        g.DrawLine(pen, p1, p2);
                        g.DrawLine(pen, End, p2);

                    case TreeDirection.Horizontal:

                        p1 = new PointF(to.Right + (from.Left - to.Right) / 2, from.Top + from.Height / 2);
                        p2 = new PointF(to.Right + (from.Left - to.Right) / 2, to.Top + to.Height / 2);
                        g.DrawLine(pen, Start, p1);
                        g.DrawLine(pen, p1, p2);
                        g.DrawLine(pen, End, p2);

                case ConnectionType.Bezier:
                    switch (site.LayoutDirection)
                    case TreeDirection.Vertical:
                        p1 = new PointF(from.Left + from.Width / 2, from.Top);
                        p2 = new PointF(from.Left + from.Width / 2, from.Top - (from.Top - to.Bottom) / 2);
                        p3 = new PointF(to.Left + to.Width / 2, from.Top - (from.Top - to.Bottom) / 2);
                        p4 = new PointF(to.Left + to.Width / 2, to.Bottom);
                        g.DrawBezier(pen, p1, p2, p3, p4);


                    case TreeDirection.Horizontal:

                        p1 = new PointF(to.Right, to.Top + to.Height / 2);
                        p2 = new PointF(to.Right + (from.Left - to.Right) / 2, to.Top + to.Height / 2);
                        p3 = new PointF(to.Right + (from.Left - to.Right) / 2, from.Top + from.Height / 2);
                        p4 = new PointF(from.Left, from.Top + from.Height / 2);
                        g.DrawBezier(pen, p1, p2, p3, p4);
Beispiel #30
        private void DrawEdge(Edge e, Pen pen, Graphics graphics)
            ICurve curve = e.Curve;
            Curve c = curve as Curve;
            if (c != null) {
                foreach (ICurve s in c.Segments) {
                    LineSegment l = s as LineSegment;
                    if (l != null)
                        graphics.DrawLine(pen, MsaglPointToDrawingPoint(l.Start), MsaglPointToDrawingPoint(l.End));
                    CubicBezierSegment cs = s as CubicBezierSegment;
                    if (cs != null)
                        graphics.DrawBezier(pen, MsaglPointToDrawingPoint(cs.B(0)), MsaglPointToDrawingPoint(cs.B(1)), MsaglPointToDrawingPoint(cs.B(2)), MsaglPointToDrawingPoint(cs.B(3)));

                if (e.ArrowheadAtSource)
                    DrawArrow(e, pen, graphics, e.Curve.Start, e.EdgeGeometry.SourceArrowhead.TipPosition);
                if (e.ArrowheadAtTarget)
                    DrawArrow(e, pen, graphics, e.Curve.End, e.EdgeGeometry.TargetArrowhead.TipPosition);
            } else {
                var l=curve as LineSegment;
                if (l != null)
                    graphics.DrawLine(pen, MsaglPointToDrawingPoint(l.Start), MsaglPointToDrawingPoint(l.End));
Beispiel #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Zeichnet das LineSegment mit dem Stift pen auf die Zeichenfläche g
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g">Zeichenfläche auf die gemalt werden soll</param>
 /// <param name="pen">zu benutzender Stift</param>
 public void Draw(Graphics g, Pen pen)
     g.DrawBezier(pen, _p0, _p1, _p2, _p3);
Beispiel #32
        private void DrawChildren(Graphics g, IList<INative> children)
            foreach (var child in children)
                if (child is IPin)
                    var pin = child as IPin;
                    var color = Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
                    Brush brush = new SolidBrush(color);

                    double x = pin.Point.X - 4.0;
                    double y = pin.Point.Y - 4.0;
                    double width = 8.0;
                    double height = 8.0;


                else if (child is ILine)
                    var line = child as ILine;
                    Pen pen = new Pen(


                else if (child is IBezier)
                    var bezier = child as IBezier;
                    Pen pen = new Pen(


                else if (child is IQuadraticBezier)
                    var quadraticBezier = child as IQuadraticBezier;
                    Pen pen = new Pen(

                    double x1 = quadraticBezier.Start.X;
                    double y1 = quadraticBezier.Start.Y;
                    double x2 = quadraticBezier.Start.X + (2.0 * (quadraticBezier.Point1.X - quadraticBezier.Start.X)) / 3.0;
                    double y2 = quadraticBezier.Start.Y + (2.0 * (quadraticBezier.Point1.Y - quadraticBezier.Start.Y)) / 3.0;
                    double x3 = x2 + (quadraticBezier.Point2.X - quadraticBezier.Start.X) / 3.0;
                    double y3 = y2 + (quadraticBezier.Point2.Y - quadraticBezier.Start.Y) / 3.0;
                    double x4 = quadraticBezier.Point2.X;
                    double y4 = quadraticBezier.Point2.Y;


                else if (child is IArc)
                    var arc = child as IArc;

                    double x = Math.Min(arc.Point1.X, arc.Point2.X);
                    double y = Math.Min(arc.Point1.Y, arc.Point2.Y);
                    double width = Math.Abs(arc.Point2.X - arc.Point1.X);
                    double height = Math.Abs(arc.Point2.Y - arc.Point1.Y);

                    if (width > 0.0 && height > 0.0)
                        Pen pen = new Pen(


                else if (child is IRectangle)
                    var rectangle = child as IRectangle;
                    Pen pen = new Pen(

                    double x = Math.Min(rectangle.Point1.X, rectangle.Point2.X);
                    double y = Math.Min(rectangle.Point1.Y, rectangle.Point2.Y);
                    double width = Math.Abs(rectangle.Point2.X - rectangle.Point1.X);
                    double height = Math.Abs(rectangle.Point2.Y - rectangle.Point1.Y);


                else if (child is IEllipse)
                    var ellipse = child as IEllipse;
                    Pen pen = new Pen(

                    double x = Math.Min(ellipse.Point1.X, ellipse.Point2.X);
                    double y = Math.Min(ellipse.Point1.Y, ellipse.Point2.Y);
                    double width = Math.Abs(ellipse.Point2.X - ellipse.Point1.X);
                    double height = Math.Abs(ellipse.Point2.Y - ellipse.Point1.Y);


                else if (child is IText)
                    var text = child as IText;
                    Brush brush = new SolidBrush(ToNativeColor(text.Foreground));
                    Font font = new Font("Calibri", (float)(text.Size *  72 / 96));

                    double x = Math.Min(text.Point1.X, text.Point2.X);
                    double y = Math.Min(text.Point1.Y, text.Point2.Y);
                    double width = Math.Abs(text.Point2.X - text.Point1.X);
                    double height = Math.Abs(text.Point2.Y - text.Point1.Y);

                        new RectangleF(
                        new StringFormat()
                            Alignment = (StringAlignment)text.HorizontalAlignment,
                            LineAlignment = (StringAlignment)text.VerticalAlignment

                else if (child is IBlock)
                    var block = child as IBlock;

                    DrawChildren(g, block.Children);
Beispiel #33
        /** Draw a flat symbol.
         * @param ynote The pixel location of the top of the accidental's note.
        public void DrawFlat(Graphics g, Pen pen, int ynote)
            int x = SheetMusic.LineSpace/4;

            /* Draw the vertical line */
            pen.Width = 1;
            g.DrawLine(pen, x, ynote - SheetMusic.NoteHeight - SheetMusic.NoteHeight/2,
                        x, ynote + SheetMusic.NoteHeight);

            /* Draw 3 bezier curves.
             * All 3 curves start and stop at the same points.
             * Each subsequent curve bulges more and more towards
             * the topright corner, making the curve look thicker
             * towards the top-right.
            g.DrawBezier(pen, x, ynote + SheetMusic.LineSpace/4,
            x + SheetMusic.LineSpace/2, ynote - SheetMusic.LineSpace/2,
            x + SheetMusic.LineSpace, ynote + SheetMusic.LineSpace/3,
            x, ynote + SheetMusic.LineSpace + SheetMusic.LineWidth + 1);

            g.DrawBezier(pen, x, ynote + SheetMusic.LineSpace/4,
            x + SheetMusic.LineSpace/2, ynote - SheetMusic.LineSpace/2,
            x + SheetMusic.LineSpace + SheetMusic.LineSpace/4,
              ynote + SheetMusic.LineSpace/3 - SheetMusic.LineSpace/4,
            x, ynote + SheetMusic.LineSpace + SheetMusic.LineWidth + 1);

            g.DrawBezier(pen, x, ynote + SheetMusic.LineSpace/4,
            x + SheetMusic.LineSpace/2, ynote - SheetMusic.LineSpace/2,
            x + SheetMusic.LineSpace + SheetMusic.LineSpace/2,
             ynote + SheetMusic.LineSpace/3 - SheetMusic.LineSpace/2,
            x, ynote + SheetMusic.LineSpace + SheetMusic.LineWidth + 1);
        private Graph.LaneInfo DrawPenLoop(Graphics wa, int top, int lane, int mid, Graph.LaneInfo laneInfo, Brush brushLineColor, bool drawBorder)
            for (int i = drawBorder ? 0 : 2; i < 3; i++)
                Pen penLine;
                if (i == 0)
                    penLine = new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.White), LANE_LINE_WIDTH + 2);
                else if (i == 1)
                    penLine = new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.Black), LANE_LINE_WIDTH + 1);
                    penLine = new Pen(brushLineColor, LANE_LINE_WIDTH);

                if (laneInfo.ConnectLane == lane)
                            new Point(mid, top - 1),
                            new Point(mid, top + rowHeight + 2)
                            new Point(mid, top - 1),
                            new Point(mid, top + rowHeight + 2),
                            new Point(mid + (laneInfo.ConnectLane - lane) * LANE_WIDTH, top - 1),
                            new Point(mid + (laneInfo.ConnectLane - lane) * LANE_WIDTH, top + rowHeight + 2)
            return laneInfo;
Beispiel #35
		public void DrawPath(Graphics g)
			//if (mBaseMovement != null)
			//	mBaseMovement.DrawPath(g);

			if (mBaseMovement != null)

			PointF anchor = GetAnchorPoint();

			try {

				Matrix mx = new Matrix();
				mx.RotateAt(-mMoveRotation, new PointF(anchor.X, anchor.Y));

				g.Transform = mx;

				Pen pen = new Pen(Color.White);
				pen.DashPattern = new float[] { 6.0f, 8.0f };
				pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Custom;

				switch (mType) {
					case MovementType.VerticalCycle:
						g.DrawLine(pen, anchor.X, anchor.Y - GetYRadius(),
							anchor.X, anchor.Y + GetYRadius());
					case MovementType.HorizontalCycle:
						g.DrawLine(pen, anchor.X - GetXRadius(), anchor.Y,
							anchor.X + GetXRadius(), anchor.Y);
					case MovementType.Circle:
					case MovementType.RotateAroundCircle:
						g.DrawEllipse(pen, anchor.X - GetXRadius(), anchor.Y - GetYRadius(),
										GetXRadius() * 2, GetYRadius() * 2);
					case MovementType.HorizontalInfinity:
							anchor.X, anchor.Y,
							anchor.X - (GetXRadius() * 1.35f), anchor.Y - (GetYRadius() * 1.8f),
							anchor.X - (GetXRadius() * 1.35f), anchor.Y + (GetYRadius() * 1.8f),
							anchor.X, anchor.Y);
							anchor.X, anchor.Y,
							anchor.X + (GetXRadius() * 1.35f), anchor.Y - (GetYRadius() * 1.8f),
							anchor.X + (GetXRadius() * 1.35f), anchor.Y + (GetYRadius() * 1.8f),
							anchor.X, anchor.Y);
					case MovementType.VericalInfinity:
							anchor.X, anchor.Y,
							anchor.X - GetXRadius(), anchor.Y - GetYRadius(),
							anchor.X + GetXRadius(), anchor.Y - GetYRadius(),
							anchor.X, anchor.Y);
							anchor.X, anchor.Y,
							anchor.X - GetXRadius(), anchor.Y + GetYRadius(),
							anchor.X + GetXRadius(), anchor.Y + GetYRadius(),
							anchor.X, anchor.Y);
					case MovementType.VerticalArc:
						g.DrawArc(pen, anchor.X - GetXRadius(), anchor.Y - GetYRadius(),
							GetXRadius() * 2, GetYRadius() * 2, -90.0f, 180.0f);
					case MovementType.HorizontalArc:
						g.DrawArc(pen, anchor.X - GetXRadius(), anchor.Y - GetYRadius(),
										GetXRadius() * 2, GetYRadius() * 2, 180.0f, 180.0f);
					case MovementType.HorizontalWrap:
						if (mReverse) {
							g.DrawLine(pen, anchor.X, anchor.Y,
								anchor.X - GetXRadius(), anchor.Y);
						} else {
							g.DrawLine(pen, anchor.X, anchor.Y,
								anchor.X + GetXRadius(), anchor.Y);
					case MovementType.VerticalWrap:
						if (mReverse) {
							g.DrawLine(pen, anchor.X, anchor.Y,
								anchor.X, anchor.Y + GetYRadius());
						} else {
							g.DrawLine(pen, anchor.X, anchor.Y,
								anchor.X, anchor.Y - GetYRadius());

			} catch {

			} finally {
				g.Transform = new Matrix();
		private void dibujarVehiculo(Graphics grafico, Vehiculo vehiculo)
			//El punto es el centro del vehiculo
			int xInicio = (int)vehiculo.X;
			int yInicio = (int)vehiculo.Y;
			int largo = vehiculo.Largo;
			int ancho = 12;

			//Coordenada del inicio del dibujo
			int x = xInicio-(ancho/2);
			int y = yInicio-largo;
			Random a = new Random (vehiculo.Id);
			Color colorVehiculo = Color.White;
			if (vehiculo.Tipo == Vehiculo.AUTOPERSONAL) {
				colorVehiculo = Color.FromArgb(a.Next(20, 105),a.Next(30, 160),125);
			} else if (vehiculo.Tipo == Vehiculo.CAMION) {
				colorVehiculo = Color.FromArgb(a.Next(0, 120),a.Next(0, 50),0);
			} else if (vehiculo.Tipo == Vehiculo.TRASPORTEPUBLICO) {
				colorVehiculo = Color.FromArgb(a.Next(230, 255),a.Next(50, 200),0);
			if(Modificar.eliminarVehiculos && Modificar.estaSobre(vehiculo)) {
				colorVehiculo = Configuracion.COLORRESALTAR;

			Color interDerecho = Color.Gray;
			Color interIzquierdo = Color.Gray;
			Color freno = Color.Gray;

			if (vehiculo.Intermitente == Vehiculo.INTERMITENTE_DERECHA)
				interDerecho = Color.Yellow;
			else if (vehiculo.Intermitente == Vehiculo.INTERMITENTE_IZQUIERDA)
				interIzquierdo = Color.Yellow;
			if (vehiculo.LuzFreno)
				freno = Color.Red;

			if (Configuracion.mostrarBezier) {
				Bezier b = vehiculo.Conductor.Bezier;
				if (b != null)
					grafico.DrawBezier (new Pen (colorVehiculo), b.X1, b.Y1, b.X2, b.Y2, b.X3, b.Y3, b.X4, b.Y4);
			//Rota el vehiculo con el angulo de giro
			Matrix m = new Matrix ();
			m.Translate (Configuracion.origenX,Configuracion.origenY);
			m.Scale (Configuracion.tamañoMapa,Configuracion.tamañoMapa);
			m.RotateAt ((int)vehiculo.Angulo, new PointF (xInicio, yInicio));
			grafico.Transform = m;
			grafico.FillRectangle (new SolidBrush (colorVehiculo), x, y, ancho, largo);
			grafico.FillRectangle (new SolidBrush (interIzquierdo), x, y+largo-2, 2, 2);
			grafico.FillRectangle (new SolidBrush (freno), x+4, y+largo-2, 4, 2);
			grafico.FillRectangle (new SolidBrush (interDerecho), x+10, y+largo-2, 2, 2);
			//grafico.FillRectangle (new SolidBrush (Color.Green), x+ancho/2, y+largo, 4, 4);
			//grafico.FillRectangle (new SolidBrush (Color.YellowGreen), x+ancho/2-4, y+largo, 4, 4);
			if (Configuracion.mostrarRadioPercepcion) {
				grafico.DrawEllipse (new Pen (colorVehiculo), xInicio - Configuracion.radioPercepcionVehiculo, yInicio-(largo/2) - Configuracion.radioPercepcionVehiculo, Configuracion.radioPercepcionVehiculo * 2, Configuracion.radioPercepcionVehiculo * 2);
				grafico.DrawEllipse (new Pen (colorVehiculo), xInicio - Configuracion.radioPercepcionSeñaletica, yInicio-(largo/2) - Configuracion.radioPercepcionSeñaletica, Configuracion.radioPercepcionSeñaletica * 2, Configuracion.radioPercepcionSeñaletica * 2);
			this.dibujarID (grafico, vehiculo.Id, Elemento.VERTICAL, x+3, y);
			grafico.ResetTransform ();

			//Se reestablecen los ajustes del mapa
			grafico.TranslateTransform (Configuracion.origenX,Configuracion.origenY);
			grafico.ScaleTransform (Configuracion.tamañoMapa,Configuracion.tamañoMapa);
Beispiel #37
        public override void DrawToGraphics(Graphics graphics)
            Pen pen = Pens.Black;
            switch (this.CurrentState)
                case ItemState.Free:
                    pen = new Pen(ColorDefinition.GetColorWhenFree());

                case ItemState.Hover:
                    pen = new Pen(ColorDefinition.GetColorWhenHover());

                case ItemState.Selected:
                    pen = new Pen(ColorDefinition.GetColorWhenSelected());

            } // switch

            List<PointF> tempNails = new List<PointF>();
            foreach (NailItem nail in this.Nails)

            float R = NailItem.R;
            if (this.CurrentState == ItemState.Free)
                R = NailItem.R + 5;

            PointF[] points = new PointF[3];
            PointF firstNail = PointF.Empty;
            firstNail = tempNails[0];
            for (int i = 0; i < tempNails.Count - 1; i++)
                points[1] = tempNails[i + 1];
                points[0] = GraphUltility.FindPointByDistance(points[1], firstNail, R);
                graphics.DrawLine(pen, firstNail, points[0]);

                if (i + 2 < tempNails.Count)
                    points[2] = GraphUltility.FindPointByDistance(points[1], tempNails[i + 2], R);
                    firstNail = points[2];

                    //Make the intersection curved
                    if (this.CurrentState == ItemState.Free)
                        graphics.DrawBezier(pen, points[0], points[1], points[1], points[2]);
            DrawRouteWithBigArrow(graphics, pen, firstNail, tempNails[tempNails.Count - 1]);

            Label.Value = _weight;
            Label.CurrentState = this.CurrentState;
        public void Render(System.Drawing.Graphics g, WorldTransform t)
            if (rndf != null && DrawingUtility.DrawRndf)
                foreach (Segment segment in rndf.Segments.Values)
                    foreach (Way way in segment.Ways.Values)
                        foreach (Lane lane in way.Lanes.Values)
                            foreach (LanePartition lanePartition in lane.LanePartitions)
                                // Draw Line representing the Lane Partition w/ added WayColor if it is wanted
                                if (DrawingUtility.DrawLanePartitions)
                                    if (way.WayID.WayNumber == 1)
                                        DrawingUtility.DrawControlLine(lanePartition.InitialWaypoint.Position, lanePartition.FinalWaypoint.Position, DrawingUtility.LanePartitionWay1Color, g, t);
                                        DrawingUtility.DrawControlLine(lanePartition.InitialWaypoint.Position, lanePartition.FinalWaypoint.Position, DrawingUtility.LanePartitionWay2Color, g, t);

                                foreach (UserPartition userPartition in lanePartition.UserPartitions)
                                    // Draw Line representing the User Partition w/ added WayColor if it is wanted
                                    if (DrawingUtility.DrawUserPartitions)
                                        if (way.WayID.WayNumber == 1)
                                            DrawingUtility.DrawControlLine(userPartition.InitialWaypoint.Position, userPartition.FinalWaypoint.Position, DrawingUtility.UserPartitionWay1Color, g, t);
                                            DrawingUtility.DrawControlLine(userPartition.InitialWaypoint.Position, userPartition.FinalWaypoint.Position, DrawingUtility.UserPartitionWay2Color, g, t);

                                    // Draw Final User Waypoints if User Waypoints and if wanted
                                    if (DrawingUtility.DrawUserWaypoints)
                                        if (userPartition.FinalWaypoint is UserWaypoint)
                                            Color c = DrawingUtility.GetWaypointColor(userPartition.FinalWaypoint);

                                            if (DrawingUtility.DrawUserWaypointText)
                                                DrawingUtility.DrawControlPoint(userPartition.FinalWaypoint.Position, c, userPartition.FinalWaypoint.ToString(), ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, ControlPointStyle.SmallCircle, g, t);
                                                DrawingUtility.DrawControlPoint(userPartition.FinalWaypoint.Position, c, null, ContentAlignment.BottomCenter, ControlPointStyle.SmallCircle, g, t);

                            // draw splines
                            if (DrawingUtility.DisplayLaneSplines)
                                List <Coordinates> waypointLocations = new List <Coordinates>();

                                foreach (RndfWayPoint waypoint in lane.Waypoints.Values)

                                // get spline
                                List <CubicBezier> c2Spline = RndfTools.SplineC2FromPoints(waypointLocations);
                                float nomPixelWidth         = 2.0f;
                                float penWidth = nomPixelWidth / t.Scale;
                                Pen   pen      = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(100, Color.DarkSeaGreen), penWidth);
                                foreach (CubicBezier cb in c2Spline)
                                    g.DrawBezier(pen, DrawingUtility.ToPointF(cb.P0), DrawingUtility.ToPointF(cb.P1), DrawingUtility.ToPointF(cb.P2), DrawingUtility.ToPointF(cb.P3));

                            if (DrawingUtility.DrawRndfWaypoints)
                                foreach (RndfWayPoint rndfWayPoint in lane.Waypoints.Values)
                                    if (DrawingUtility.DrawRndfWaypointText)
                                        DrawingUtility.DrawControlPoint(rndfWayPoint.Position, DrawingUtility.GetWaypointColor(rndfWayPoint), rndfWayPoint.WaypointID.ToString(), ContentAlignment.BottomCenter, ControlPointStyle.SmallCircle, g, t);
                                        DrawingUtility.DrawControlPoint(rndfWayPoint.Position, DrawingUtility.GetWaypointColor(rndfWayPoint), null, ContentAlignment.BottomCenter, ControlPointStyle.SmallCircle, g, t);

                                    if (DrawingUtility.DisplayRndfGoals && rndfWayPoint.IsCheckpoint)
                                        DrawingUtility.DrawControlPoint(rndfWayPoint.Position, DrawingUtility.GetWaypointColor(rndfWayPoint), rndfWayPoint.CheckpointNumber.ToString(), ContentAlignment.TopCenter, ControlPointStyle.SmallCircle, g, t);

                if (DrawingUtility.DrawInterconnects)
                    foreach (Interconnect interconnect in rndf.Interconnects.Values)
                        DrawingUtility.DrawControlLine(interconnect.InitialWaypoint.Position, interconnect.FinalWaypoint.Position, DrawingUtility.InterconnectColor, g, t);

                if (DrawingUtility.DisplayIntersectionSplines)
                    foreach (Interconnect interconnect in rndf.Interconnects.Values)
                            Coordinates        d0     = interconnect.InitialWaypoint.Position - interconnect.InitialWaypoint.PreviousLanePartition.InitialWaypoint.Position;
                            Coordinates        p0     = interconnect.InitialWaypoint.Position;
                            Coordinates        dn     = interconnect.FinalWaypoint.NextLanePartition.FinalWaypoint.Position - interconnect.FinalWaypoint.Position;
                            Coordinates        pn     = interconnect.FinalWaypoint.Position;
                            List <Coordinates> coords = new List <Coordinates>();
                            if (interconnect.UserPartitions != null)
                                for (int i = 1; i < interconnect.UserPartitions.Count; i++)

                            List <CubicBezier> c2Spline = RndfTools.SplineC2FromSegmentAndDerivatives(coords, d0, dn);
                            float nomPixelWidth         = 2.0f;
                            float penWidth = nomPixelWidth / t.Scale;
                            Pen   pen      = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(100, Color.DarkSeaGreen), penWidth);
                            foreach (CubicBezier cb in c2Spline)
                                g.DrawBezier(pen, DrawingUtility.ToPointF(cb.P0), DrawingUtility.ToPointF(cb.P1), DrawingUtility.ToPointF(cb.P2), DrawingUtility.ToPointF(cb.P3));
                        catch (Exception ex)

                if (DrawingUtility.DisplayIntersectionBounds && rndf.intersections != null)
                    foreach (Intersection intersection in rndf.intersections.Values)
                        if (intersection.Perimeter != null)
                            foreach (BoundaryLine boundary in intersection.Perimeter)
                                DrawingUtility.DrawColoredControlLine(DrawingUtility.IntersectionAreaColor, boundary.p1, boundary.p2, g, t);
Beispiel #39
		/// <summary>
		/// Draws the edges connecting the nodes.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="graphics">The graphics object we render to.</param>
		/// <param name="nvd">The view data of this node in the current view.</param>
		/// <param name="edgePen">The pen used for normal connectors.</param>
		/// <param name="edgePenReadOnly">The pen used for read-only connectors.</param>
		public virtual void DrawEdges(Graphics graphics, NodeViewData nvd, Pen edgePen, Pen edgePenReadOnly)
			RectangleF boundingBox= nvd.BoundingBox;

			// calculate an offset so we cannot see the end or beginning of the rendered edge
			float edgePenHalfWidth= edgePen.Width *0.5f;

			foreach(NodeViewData node in nvd.Children)
				RectangleF nodeBoundingBox= node.BoundingBox;

				// calculate the centre between both nodes and of the edge
				float middle= boundingBox.Right + (nodeBoundingBox.Left - boundingBox.Right) *0.5f;

				// end at the middle of the other node
				float nodeHeight= nodeBoundingBox.Top + nodeBoundingBox.Height *0.5f;

				// find the correct connector for this node
				for(int i= 0; i <_subItems.Count; ++i)
					SubItemConnector conn= _subItems[i] as SubItemConnector;
					if(conn !=null && conn.Child ==node.Node)
						// get the bounding box of the event
						RectangleF subitemBoundingBox= GetSubItemBoundingBox(boundingBox, i);

						// start at the middle of the connector
						float connectorHeight= subitemBoundingBox.Top + subitemBoundingBox.Height *0.5f;

						graphics.DrawBezier(conn.Connector.IsReadOnly ? edgePenReadOnly : edgePen,
											boundingBox.Right - edgePenHalfWidth, connectorHeight,
											middle, connectorHeight,
											middle, nodeHeight,
											nodeBoundingBox.Left + edgePenHalfWidth, nodeHeight);

Beispiel #40
        private bool DrawItem(Graphics wa, Graph.ILaneRow row)
            if (row == null || row.NodeLane == -1)
                return false;

            // Clip to the area we're drawing in, but draw 1 pixel past so
            // that the top/bottom of the line segment's anti-aliasing isn't
            // visible in the final rendering.
            int top = wa.RenderingOrigin.Y + _rowHeight / 2;
            var laneRect = new Rectangle(0, top, (int)wa.ClipBounds.Width, _rowHeight);
            Region oldClip = wa.Clip;
            var newClip = new Region(laneRect);
            wa.Clip = newClip;
            // wa.Clear(Color.Transparent);

            //Getting RevisionGraphDrawStyle results in call to AppSettings. This is not very cheap, cache.
            revisionGraphDrawStyleCache = RevisionGraphDrawStyle;

            //for (int r = 0; r < 2; r++)
            for (int lane = 0; lane < row.Count; lane++)
                int mid = wa.RenderingOrigin.X + (int)((lane + 0.5) * _laneWidth);

                for (int item = 0; item < row.LaneInfoCount(lane); item++)
                    if (item > 2)
                    Graph.LaneInfo laneInfo = row[lane, item];

                    bool highLight = (revisionGraphDrawStyleCache == RevisionGraphDrawStyleEnum.DrawNonRelativesGray && laneInfo.Junctions.Any(j => j.IsRelative)) ||
                                     (revisionGraphDrawStyleCache == RevisionGraphDrawStyleEnum.HighlightSelected && laneInfo.Junctions.Any(j => j.HighLight)) ||
                                     (revisionGraphDrawStyleCache == RevisionGraphDrawStyleEnum.Normal);

                    List<Color> curColors = GetJunctionColors(laneInfo.Junctions);

                    // Create the brush for drawing the line
                    Brush brushLineColor = null;
                    Pen brushLineColorPen = null;
                        bool drawBorder = highLight && AppSettings.BranchBorders; //hide border for "non-relatives"

                        if (curColors.Count == 1 || !AppSettings.StripedBranchChange)
                            if (curColors[0] != _nonRelativeColor)
                                brushLineColor = new SolidBrush(curColors[0]);
                            else if (curColors.Count > 1 && curColors[1] != _nonRelativeColor)
                                brushLineColor = new SolidBrush(curColors[1]);
                                drawBorder = false;
                                brushLineColor = new SolidBrush(_nonRelativeColor);
                            Color lastRealColor = curColors.LastOrDefault(c => c != _nonRelativeColor);

                            if (lastRealColor.IsEmpty)
                                brushLineColor = new SolidBrush(_nonRelativeColor);
                                drawBorder = false;
                                brushLineColor = new HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DarkDownwardDiagonal, curColors[0], lastRealColor);

                        // Precalculate line endpoints
                        bool singleLane = laneInfo.ConnectLane == lane;
                        int x0 = mid;
                        int y0 = top - 1;
                        int x1 = singleLane ? x0 : mid + (laneInfo.ConnectLane - lane) * _laneWidth;
                        int y1 = top + _rowHeight;

                        Point p0 = new Point(x0, y0);
                        Point p1 = new Point(x1, y1);

                        // Precalculate curve control points when needed
                        Point c0, c1;
                        if (singleLane)
                            c0 = c1 = Point.Empty;
                            // Controls the curvature of cross-lane lines (0 = straight line, 1 = 90 degree turns)
                            const float severity = 0.5f;
                            c0 = new Point(x0, (int)(y0 * (1.0f - severity) + y1 * severity));
                            c1 = new Point(x1, (int)(y1 * (1.0f - severity) + y0 * severity));

                        for (int i = drawBorder ? 0 : 2; i < 3; i++)
                            Pen penLine = null;
                            if (i == 0)
                                penLine = _whiteBorderPen;
                            else if (i == 1)
                                penLine = _blackBorderPen;
                                if (brushLineColorPen == null)
                                    brushLineColorPen = new Pen(brushLineColor, _laneLineWidth);
                                penLine = brushLineColorPen;

                            if (laneInfo.ConnectLane == lane)
                                        new Point(mid, top - 1),
                                        new Point(mid, top + _rowHeight + 2)
                                        new Point(mid, top - 1),
                                        new Point(mid, top + _rowHeight + 2),
                                        new Point(mid + (laneInfo.ConnectLane - lane) * _laneWidth, top - 1),
                                        new Point(mid + (laneInfo.ConnectLane - lane) * _laneWidth, top + _rowHeight + 2)
                        if (brushLineColorPen != null)
                        if (brushLineColor != null)

            // Reset the clip region
            wa.Clip = oldClip;
                // Draw node
                var nodeRect = new Rectangle
                    wa.RenderingOrigin.X + (_laneWidth - _nodeDimension) / 2 + row.NodeLane * _laneWidth,
                    wa.RenderingOrigin.Y + (_rowHeight - _nodeDimension) / 2,

                Brush nodeBrush;

                List<Color> nodeColors = GetJunctionColors(row.Node.Ancestors);

                bool highlight = (revisionGraphDrawStyleCache == RevisionGraphDrawStyleEnum.DrawNonRelativesGray && row.Node.Ancestors.Any(j => j.IsRelative)) ||
                                 (revisionGraphDrawStyleCache == RevisionGraphDrawStyleEnum.HighlightSelected && row.Node.Ancestors.Any(j => j.HighLight)) ||
                                 (revisionGraphDrawStyleCache == RevisionGraphDrawStyleEnum.Normal);

                bool drawBorder = AppSettings.BranchBorders && highlight;

                if (nodeColors.Count == 1)
                    nodeBrush = new SolidBrush(highlight ? nodeColors[0] : _nonRelativeColor);
                    if (nodeColors[0] == _nonRelativeColor) drawBorder = false;
                    nodeBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(nodeRect, nodeColors[0], nodeColors[1],
                    if (nodeColors.All(c => c == _nonRelativeColor))
                        drawBorder = false;

                if (_filterMode == FilterType.Highlight && row.Node.IsFiltered)
                    Rectangle highlightRect = nodeRect;
                    highlightRect.Inflate(2, 3);
                    wa.FillRectangle(Brushes.Yellow, highlightRect);
                    wa.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, highlightRect);

                if (row.Node.Data == null)
                    wa.FillEllipse(Brushes.White, nodeRect);
                    using (var pen = new Pen(Color.Red, 2))
                        wa.DrawEllipse(pen, nodeRect);
                else if (row.Node.IsActive)
                    wa.FillRectangle(nodeBrush, nodeRect);
                    nodeRect.Inflate(1, 1);
                    using (var pen = new Pen(Color.Black, 3))
                        wa.DrawRectangle(pen, nodeRect);
                else if (row.Node.IsSpecial)
                    wa.FillRectangle(nodeBrush, nodeRect);
                    if (drawBorder)
                        wa.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, nodeRect);
                    wa.FillEllipse(nodeBrush, nodeRect);
                    if (drawBorder)
                        wa.DrawEllipse(Pens.Black, nodeRect);
            return true;
Beispiel #41
        private void Render(Graphics g)
            Size csize = this.ClientSize;
            int w = (int)csize.Width;
            int h = (int)csize.Height;

            frmclk.Start(); // start frame timer.

            switch (m_sampleDrawing)

                case SampleDrawings.FillSolidRects:
                        for (int i = 0; i < m_rects.Count; i++)
                            m_brush1.Color = m_colors[i];
                            g.FillRectangle(m_brush1, m_rects[i]);

                case SampleDrawings.Draw_Rects:
                        Pen p = new Pen(Color.Red);
                        for (int i = 0; i < m_rects.Count; i++)
                            p.Color = m_colors[i];
                            g.DrawRectangle(p, m_rects[i]);

                case SampleDrawings.DrawRandomLines1:

                        Pen p = new Pen(Color.Red);
                        for (int i = 0; i < m_lines.Count; i++)
                            p.Color = m_colors[i];
                            Line line = m_lines[i];
                            g.DrawLine(p, line.P1, line.P2);
                case SampleDrawings.DrawRandomLines2:
                        Pen p = new Pen(Color.Red, 2.0f);
                        for (int i = 0; i < m_lines.Count; i++)
                            p.Color = m_colors[i];
                            Line line = m_lines[i];
                            g.DrawLine(p, line.P1, line.P2);


                case SampleDrawings.DrawBeziers:
                        int c = 0;
                        Pen p = new Pen(Color.White, 2.0f);
                        //Pen p = new Pen(Color.White);                        
                        foreach (Bezier bz in m_beziers)
                            p.Color = m_colors[c++];
                            g.DrawBezier(p, bz.P1, bz.P2, bz.P3, bz.P4);
                case SampleDrawings.DrawText:
                        RectangleF layoutrect = new RectangleF();
                        layoutrect.Size = g.MeasureString(m_drawInfo, m_info);

                        for (int i = 0; i < m_texts.Count; i++)
                            m_brush1.Color = m_colors[i];
                            layoutrect.Location = m_texts[i];
                                , m_info, m_brush1, layoutrect, m_strFormat);

                case SampleDrawings.DrawBitmaps:
                        Random rnd = new Random(7533);

                        RectangleF bmpRect = new RectangleF();
                        bmpRect.Size = m_bmp.Size;

                        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                            bmpRect.Location = new PointF(rnd.Next(w), rnd.Next(h));
                            g.DrawImage(m_bmp, bmpRect);


            m_cumulativeTime += (float)frmclk.Elapsed;

            // compute fps and tpf every 10 frames.
            if (m_frameCount > 10)
                m_fps = m_frameCount / m_cumulativeTime;
                m_cumulativeTime = 0;
                m_frameCount = 0;

Beispiel #42
		public virtual void DrawConnections(Graphics g, Color outlineColor, NodePort selectedPort)
			if (g == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("g");

			for (Int32 i = 0; i < InputsLength; i++)
				if (GetInput(i).Connection != null)
					Color color = Color.Black;

					if (Object.ReferenceEquals(GetInput(i), selectedPort))
						color = outlineColor;

					NodeBase currentNode = GetInput(i).Connection.Node;
					Int32 connectionIndex = 0;

					for (Int32 j = 0; j < currentNode.OutputsLength; j++)
						if (Object.ReferenceEquals(currentNode.GetOutput(j), GetInput(i).Connection))
							connectionIndex = j;

					/* Calculate extreme points. */

					Point output = new Point(
						currentNode.BodyRectangle.X + currentNode.BodyRectangle.Width
						, currentNode.BodyRectangle.Y + connectionIndex * currentNode.HeaderRectangle.Height + currentNode.HeaderRectangle.Height / 2 + 1

					Point input = new Point(
						, BodyRectangle.Y + i * HeaderRectangle.Height + HeaderRectangle.Height / 2 + 1

					/* Draw connection shadow and the connection itself. */

						, input
						, new Point(input.X - 26, input.Y + 4)
						, new Point(output.X + 34, output.Y + 4)
						, output

					using (SolidBrush sb = new SolidBrush(color))
					using (Pen pen = new Pen(sb, 2f))
						g.DrawBezier(pen, input, new Point(input.X - 30, input.Y), new Point(output.X + 30, output.Y), output);
						g.FillPolygon(sb, new Point[] { new Point(input.X - 5, input.Y - 5), input, new Point(input.X - 5, input.Y + 5) });
        private void DrawSelectedString(Graphics g)
            // highlight the selected cells
            g.DrawImage(texSelected, new Point(0,0));

            // draw the wiring
            if (cellPoints.Length > 1) {
                g.DrawLines(new Pen(Color.FromArgb(80, Color.Black), 3.0f), cellPoints);
                g.DrawLines(new Pen(Color.LightYellow, 1.0f), cellPoints);

            // draw the bypass diode arcs
            int ndiodes = CellString.BypassDiodes.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < ndiodes; i++) {
                ArraySpec.BypassDiode diode = CellString.BypassDiodes[i];
                PointF pA = junctionPoints[diode.CellIxs.First];
                PointF pB = junctionPoints[diode.CellIxs.Second + 1];
                float perpX = (pB.Y - pA.Y) * 0.2f;
                float perpY = (pA.X - pB.X) * 0.2f;
                PointF pMidA = new PointF(
                    pA.X * 0.7f + pB.X * 0.3f + perpX,
                    pA.Y * 0.7f + pB.Y * 0.3f + perpY);
                PointF pMidB = new PointF(
                    pA.X * 0.3f + pB.X * 0.7f + perpX,
                    pA.Y * 0.3f + pB.Y * 0.7f + perpY);
                g.DrawBezier(new Pen(Color.FromArgb(200, Color.Black), 5f), pA, pMidA, pMidB, pB);
                g.DrawBezier(new Pen(Color.Red, 3f), pA, pMidA, pMidB, pB);

            // draw the bypass diode endpoints
            foreach(int i in bypassJunctions){
                DrawJunction(g, junctionPoints[i], Brushes.Red);
Beispiel #44
        public void Draw(Graphics g)
            if (Start.IsEmpty == false)
                g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Blue, Start.X - 4, Start.Y - 4, 8, 8);

            if (End.IsEmpty == false)
                g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Blue, End.X - 4, End.Y - 4, 8, 8);

            if (CP1.IsEmpty == false)
                g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Orange, CP1.X - 4, CP1.Y - 4, 8, 8);

            if (CP2.IsEmpty == false)
                g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Orange, CP2.X - 4, CP2.Y - 4, 8, 8);

            using (Pen dashed = new Pen(Brushes.Violet, 1.5f))
                dashed.DashStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Dash;
                if (Start.IsEmpty == false && CP1.IsEmpty == false)
                    g.DrawLine(dashed, Start, CP1);

                if (CP1.IsEmpty == false && CP2.IsEmpty == false)
                    g.DrawLine(dashed, CP1, CP2);

                if (CP2.IsEmpty == false && End.IsEmpty == false)
                    g.DrawLine(dashed, CP2, End);

            if (Start.IsEmpty == false && CP1.IsEmpty == false && CP2.IsEmpty == false && End.IsEmpty == false)
                g.DrawBezier(Pens.Magenta, Start, CP1, CP2, End);

            if (_pointSelected.IsEmpty == false)
                using (Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Violet, 3f))
                    if (IsStartSelected(_pointSelected, _curveSelected) == true)
                        g.DrawRectangle(pen, _curveSelected.Start.X - 8, _curveSelected.Start.Y - 8, 16, 16);

                    if (IsCP1Selected(_pointSelected, _curveSelected) == true)
                        g.DrawEllipse(pen, _curveSelected.CP1.X - 8, _curveSelected.CP1.Y - 8, 16, 16);

                    if (IsCP2Selected(_pointSelected, _curveSelected) == true)
                        g.DrawEllipse(pen, _curveSelected.CP2.X - 8, _curveSelected.CP2.Y - 8, 16, 16);

                    if (IsEndSelected(_pointSelected, _curveSelected) == true)
                        g.DrawRectangle(pen, _curveSelected.End.X - 8, _curveSelected.End.Y - 8, 16, 16);
Beispiel #45
        // end drawGraph
        private bool DrawItem(Graphics wa, Graph.ILaneRow row)
            if (row == null || row.NodeLane == -1)
                return false;

            // Clip to the area we're drawing in, but draw 1 pixel past so
            // that the top/bottom of the line segment's anti-aliasing isn't
            // visible in the final rendering.
            int top = wa.RenderingOrigin.Y + rowHeight / 2;
            var laneRect = new Rectangle(0, top, Width, rowHeight);
            Region oldClip = wa.Clip;
            var newClip = new Region(laneRect);
            wa.Clip = newClip;

            //for (int r = 0; r < 2; r++)
                for (int lane = 0; lane < row.Count; lane++)
                    int mid = wa.RenderingOrigin.X + (int)((lane + 0.5) * LANE_WIDTH);

                    for (int item = 0; item < row.LaneInfoCount(lane); item++)
                        Graph.LaneInfo laneInfo = row[lane, item];

                        bool highLight = (RevisionGraphDrawStyle == RevisionGraphDrawStyleEnum.DrawNonRelativesGray && laneInfo.Junctions.Any(j => j.IsRelative)) ||
                                         (RevisionGraphDrawStyle == RevisionGraphDrawStyleEnum.HighlightSelected && laneInfo.Junctions.Any(j => j.HighLight)) ||
                                         (RevisionGraphDrawStyle == RevisionGraphDrawStyleEnum.Normal);

                        List<Color> curColors = GetJunctionColors(laneInfo.Junctions);

                        // Create the brush for drawing the line
                        Brush brushLineColor = null;
                        Pen brushLineColorPen = null;
                            bool drawBorder = Settings.BranchBorders && highLight; //hide border for "non-relatives"

                            if (curColors.Count == 1 || !Settings.StripedBranchChange)
                                if (curColors[0] != nonRelativeColor)
                                    brushLineColor = new SolidBrush(curColors[0]);
                                else if (curColors.Count > 1 && curColors[1] != nonRelativeColor)
                                    brushLineColor = new SolidBrush(curColors[1]);
                                    drawBorder = false;
                                    brushLineColor = new SolidBrush(nonRelativeColor);
                                Color lastRealColor = curColors.LastOrDefault(c => c != nonRelativeColor);

                                if (lastRealColor.IsEmpty)
                                    brushLineColor = new SolidBrush(nonRelativeColor);
                                    drawBorder = false;
                                    brushLineColor = new HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DarkDownwardDiagonal, curColors[0], lastRealColor);

                            for (int i = drawBorder ? 0 : 2; i < 3; i++)
                                Pen penLine = null;
                                if (i == 0)
                                    penLine = whiteBorderPen;
                                else if (i == 1)
                                    penLine = blackBorderPen;
                                    if (brushLineColorPen == null)
                                        brushLineColorPen = new Pen(brushLineColor, LANE_LINE_WIDTH);
                                    penLine = brushLineColorPen;

                                if (laneInfo.ConnectLane == lane)
                                            new Point(mid, top - 1),
                                            new Point(mid, top + rowHeight + 2)
                                            new Point(mid, top - 1),
                                            new Point(mid, top + rowHeight + 2),
                                            new Point(mid + (laneInfo.ConnectLane - lane) * LANE_WIDTH, top - 1),
                                            new Point(mid + (laneInfo.ConnectLane - lane) * LANE_WIDTH, top + rowHeight + 2)
                            if (brushLineColorPen != null)
                            if (brushLineColor != null)

            // Reset the clip region
            wa.Clip = oldClip;
                // Draw node
                var nodeRect = new Rectangle
                    wa.RenderingOrigin.X + (LANE_WIDTH - NODE_DIMENSION) / 2 + row.NodeLane * LANE_WIDTH,
                    wa.RenderingOrigin.Y + (rowHeight - NODE_DIMENSION) / 2,

                Brush nodeBrush;

                List<Color> nodeColors = GetJunctionColors(row.Node.Ancestors);

                bool highlight = (RevisionGraphDrawStyle == RevisionGraphDrawStyleEnum.DrawNonRelativesGray && row.Node.Ancestors.Any(j => j.IsRelative)) ||
                                 (RevisionGraphDrawStyle == RevisionGraphDrawStyleEnum.HighlightSelected && row.Node.Ancestors.Any(j => j.HighLight)) ||
                                 (RevisionGraphDrawStyle == RevisionGraphDrawStyleEnum.Normal);

                bool drawBorder = Settings.BranchBorders && highlight;

                if (nodeColors.Count == 1)
                    nodeBrush = new SolidBrush(highlight ? nodeColors[0] : nonRelativeColor);
                    if (nodeColors[0] == nonRelativeColor) drawBorder = false;
                    nodeBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(nodeRect, nodeColors[0], nodeColors[1],
                    if (nodeColors.All(c => c == nonRelativeColor))
                        drawBorder = false;

                if (filterMode == FilterType.Highlight && row.Node.IsFiltered)
                    Rectangle highlightRect = nodeRect;
                    highlightRect.Inflate(2, 3);
                    wa.FillRectangle(Brushes.Yellow, highlightRect);
                    wa.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, highlightRect);

                if (row.Node.Data == null)
                    wa.FillEllipse(Brushes.White, nodeRect);
                    using (var pen = new Pen(Color.Red, 2))
                        wa.DrawEllipse(pen, nodeRect);
                else if (row.Node.IsActive)
                    wa.FillRectangle(nodeBrush, nodeRect);
                    nodeRect.Inflate(1, 1);
                    using (var pen = new Pen(Color.Black, 3))
                        wa.DrawRectangle(pen, nodeRect);
                else if (row.Node.IsSpecial)
                    wa.FillRectangle(nodeBrush, nodeRect);
                    if (drawBorder)
                        wa.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, nodeRect);
                    wa.FillEllipse(nodeBrush, nodeRect);
                    if (drawBorder)
                        wa.DrawEllipse(Pens.Black, nodeRect);
            return true;
Beispiel #46
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws lines between boxes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a">First node (From)</param>
        /// <param name="b">Second Node (To)</param>
        /// <param name="whichKid">The number of the child node being connected to.</param>
        /// <param name="kidCount">Number of kids being connected to from the first node.</param>
        private void joinNodes(Node a, Node b, int whichKid, int kidCount)
            PointF[] points = null;
            float    dx, dy, x1, y1, x2, y2;
            Node     temp;

            Options.ElementOptions eo;

            eo = Options.OptionsData.whichOption(b);              // the second node determines the line style
            if ((treeOrientation == DrawTree.treeOrientationType.bottom_up) | (treeOrientation == DrawTree.treeOrientationType.top_down))
                if (a.y > b.y)                 // swap
                    temp = b; b = a; a = temp;
                if (a.x > b.x)                 // swap
                    temp = b; b = a; a = temp;

            // Create pen.
            Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Black, 1);

            // calc offset
            if (treeOrientation == DrawTree.treeOrientationType.top_down)
                temp = a;
                temp = b;

            // bool distributeX = false;

            float gap;
            float xdif = 0;

            if (opts.Distributed)
                gap = temp.width / (float)(kidCount + 1);

                if (treeOrientation == DrawTree.treeOrientationType.top_down)
                    xdif = gap * (float)(whichKid + 1) - temp.width / 2;
                    xdif = -(gap * (float)(whichKid + 1) - temp.width / 2);

            if ((treeOrientation == DrawTree.treeOrientationType.bottom_up) | (treeOrientation == DrawTree.treeOrientationType.top_down))
                dx = (b.x + b.width / 2) - (a.x + a.width / 2);         // x difference
                dy = (b.y - a.y - a.height) / 2F;                       // y difference
                x1 = a.x + a.width / 2F + offsetX;                      // right side of top box
                y1 = a.y + a.height + this.offsetY;                     // bottom of the box
                x2 = b.x + (b.width / 2.0F) + this.offsetX;             // middle of the bottom box
                y2 = b.y + this.offsetY;                                // top of bottom box

                if (opts.Distributed)
                    if (treeOrientation == DrawTree.treeOrientationType.top_down)
                        x1 += xdif; dx -= xdif;
                        x2 -= xdif;
                        dx  = x2 - x1;
                x1 = a.x + a.width + offsetX;            // halfway in x-axis for the top box
                y1 = a.y + a.height / 2 + this.offsetY;  // bottom of the box
                x2 = b.x + this.offsetX;                 // left of right box
                y2 = b.y + b.height / 2F + this.offsetY; // top of bottom box
                dx = (x2 - x1) / 2;                      // x difference
                dy = y2 - y1;                            // y difference

            // Create array of points that define lines to draw.
            if ((treeOrientation == DrawTree.treeOrientationType.bottom_up) | (treeOrientation == DrawTree.treeOrientationType.top_down))
                if (join == joinType.dogleg || join == joinType.curve)
                    if (dx == 0F)                     // If there is no horizontal movement, just draw one line
                        PointF[] p1 = { new PointF(x1, y1), new PointF(x2, y2) };
                        points = p1;
                        PointF[] p1 = { new PointF(x1,      y1),
                                        new PointF(x1,      y1 + dy),
                                        new PointF(x1 + dx, y1 + dy),
                                        new PointF(x2,      y2) };
                        points = p1;
                else if (join == joinType.direct)               // joinType.direct - i.e. a straight line
                    PointF[] p1 = { new PointF(x1, y1), new PointF(x2, y2) };
                    points = p1;
                else if (join == joinType.curve)
                }                                                  // do nothing
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Unknown join type");
            else              // left to right
                if (join == joinType.dogleg || join == joinType.curve)
                    if (dy == 0F)                     // If there is no vertical movement, just draw one line
                        PointF[] p1 = { new PointF(x1, y1), new PointF(x2, y2) };
                        points = p1;
                        PointF[] p1 = { new PointF(x1,      y1),
                                        new PointF(x1 + dx, y1),
                                        new PointF(x1 + dx, y1 + dy),
                                        new PointF(x2,      y2) };
                        points = p1;
                else if (join == joinType.direct)               // joinType.direct - i.e. a straight line
                    PointF[] p1 = { new PointF(x1, y1), new PointF(x2, y2) };
                    points = p1;
                else if (join == joinType.curve)
                    PointF[] p1 = { new PointF(x1,      y1),
                                    new PointF(x1,      y1 + dy),
                                    new PointF(x1 + dx, y1 + dy),
                                    new PointF(x2,      y2) };
                    points = p1;
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Unknown join type");

            pen.DashStyle = eo.lineStyle;

            // add arrow if required
            if (arrows != arrowType.none)
                AdjustableArrowCap myArrow = new AdjustableArrowCap(4, 6, true);
                if (arrows == arrowType.start | arrows == arrowType.both)
                    pen.CustomStartCap = myArrow;
                if (arrows == arrowType.end | arrows == arrowType.both)
                    pen.CustomEndCap = myArrow;

            //Draw lines to screen.

            if (join == joinType.curve)
                graphics.DrawBezier(pen, x1, y1, x1, y1 + dy, x1 + dx, y1 + dy, x2, y2);
                graphics.DrawLines(pen, points);
            if (marker != markerType.none)
                drawElementMarker(b, join, x2, y2, pen, new SolidBrush(Color.BlueViolet));
Beispiel #47
        // end DrawGraph
        private bool DrawItem(Graphics wa, Graph.LaneRow row)
            if (row == null || row.NodeLane == -1)
                return false;

            // Clip to the area we're drawing in, but draw 1 pixel past so
            // that the top/bottom of the line segment's anti-aliasing isn't
            // visible in the final rendering.
            int top = wa.RenderingOrigin.Y + _rowHeight / 2;
            var laneRect = new Rectangle(0, top, Width, _rowHeight);
            Region oldClip = wa.Clip;
            var newClip = new Region(laneRect);
            wa.Clip = newClip;

            for (int r = 0; r < 2; r++)
                for (int lane = 0; lane < row.Count; lane++)
                    int mid = wa.RenderingOrigin.X + (int)((lane + 0.5) * LaneWidth);

                    for (int item = 0; item < row.LaneInfoCount(lane); item++)
                        Graph.LaneInfo laneInfo = row[lane, item];

                        //Draw all non-relative items first, them draw
                        //all relative items on top
                        if (laneInfo.Junctions.FirstOrDefault() != null)
                            if (laneInfo.Junctions.First().IsRelative == (r == 0))

                        List<Color> curColors = GetJunctionColors(laneInfo.Junctions);

                        // Create the brush for drawing the line
                        Brush brushLineColor;
                        bool drawBorder = BranchBorders; //hide border for "non-relatives"
                        if (curColors.Count == 1 || !StripedBranchChange)
                            if (curColors[0] != _nonRelativeColor)
                                brushLineColor = new SolidBrush(curColors[0]);
                            else if (curColors.Count > 1 && curColors[1] != _nonRelativeColor)
                                brushLineColor = new SolidBrush(curColors[1]);
                                drawBorder = false;
                                brushLineColor = new SolidBrush(_nonRelativeColor);
                            brushLineColor = new HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DarkDownwardDiagonal, curColors[0], curColors[1]);
                            if (curColors[0] == _nonRelativeColor && curColors[1] == _nonRelativeColor) drawBorder = false;

                        for (int i = drawBorder ? 0 : 2; i < 3; i++)
                            Pen penLine;
                            if (i == 0)
                                penLine = new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.White), LaneLineWidth + 2);
                            else if (i == 1)
                                penLine = new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.Black), LaneLineWidth + 1);
                                penLine = new Pen(brushLineColor, LaneLineWidth);

                            if (laneInfo.ConnectLane == lane)
                                        new Point(mid, top - 1),
                                        new Point(mid, top + _rowHeight + 2)
                                        new Point(mid, top - 1),
                                        new Point(mid, top + _rowHeight + 2),
                                        new Point(mid + (laneInfo.ConnectLane - lane) * LaneWidth, top - 1),
                                        new Point(mid + (laneInfo.ConnectLane - lane) * LaneWidth, top + _rowHeight + 2)

            // Reset the clip region
            wa.Clip = oldClip;
                // Draw node
                var nodeRect = new Rectangle
                    wa.RenderingOrigin.X + (LaneWidth - NodeDimensions) / 2 + row.NodeLane * LaneWidth,
                    wa.RenderingOrigin.Y + (_rowHeight - NodeDimensions) / 2,

                Brush nodeBrush;
                bool drawBorder = BranchBorders;
                List<Color> nodeColors = GetJunctionColors(row.Node.Ancestors);
                if (nodeColors.Count == 1)
                    nodeBrush = new SolidBrush(nodeColors[0]);
                    if (nodeColors[0] == _nonRelativeColor) drawBorder = false;
                    nodeBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(nodeRect, nodeColors[0], nodeColors[1],
                    if (nodeColors[0] == _nonRelativeColor && nodeColors[1] == Color.LightGray) drawBorder = false;

                if (_filterMode == FilterType.Highlight && row.Node.IsFiltered)
                    Rectangle highlightRect = nodeRect;
                    highlightRect.Inflate(2, 3);
                    wa.FillRectangle(Brushes.Yellow, highlightRect);
                    wa.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Brushes.Black), highlightRect);

                if (row.Node.Data == null)
                    wa.FillEllipse(Brushes.White, nodeRect);
                    wa.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Red, 2), nodeRect);
                else if (row.Node.IsActive)
                    wa.FillRectangle(nodeBrush, nodeRect);
                    nodeRect.Inflate(1, 1);
                    wa.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Black, 3), nodeRect);
                else if (row.Node.IsSpecial)
                    wa.FillRectangle(nodeBrush, nodeRect);
                    if (drawBorder)
                        wa.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), nodeRect);
                    wa.FillEllipse(nodeBrush, nodeRect);
                    if (drawBorder)
                        wa.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), nodeRect);
            return true;
Beispiel #48
 private void btnBezier_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     g = pictureBox1.CreateGraphics();
     g.DrawBezier(penGreen, 100, 100, 200, 10, 350, 50, 500, 100);;
        private void RenderRelativePath(VehicleState vs, Path transPath, Graphics g, WorldTransform t, bool isArbiterPath)
            if((isArbiterPath && DrawingUtility.DrawArbiterLanePath) ||
                (!isArbiterPath && DrawingUtility.DrawOperationalLanePath))
                // compute the rotation matrix to add in our vehicles rotation
                /*Matrix3 rotMatrix = new Matrix3(
                    Math.Cos(vs.heading.ArcTan), -Math.Sin(vs.heading.ArcTan), 0,
                    Math.Sin(vs.heading.ArcTan), Math.Cos(vs.heading.ArcTan), 0,
                    0, 0, 1);

                // compute the translation matrix to move our vehicle's location
                Matrix3 transMatrix = new Matrix3(
                    1, 0, vs.xyPosition.X,
                    0, 1, vs.xyPosition.Y,
                    0, 0, 1);

                // compute the combined transformation matrix
                Matrix3 m = rotMatrix * transMatrix;

                // clone, transform and add each segment to our path

                float nomPixelWidth = 2.0f;
                float penWidth = nomPixelWidth / t.Scale;
                Pen arbiterPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(100, DrawingUtility.ArbiterLanePath), penWidth);
                Pen operationalPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(100, DrawingUtility.OperationalLanePath), penWidth);

                // display path
                foreach (IPathSegment ps in transPath)
                    if (ps is BezierPathSegment)
                        BezierPathSegment seg = (BezierPathSegment)ps;
                        CubicBezier cb = seg.cb;

                        if (isArbiterPath)
                            g.DrawBezier(arbiterPen, DrawingUtility.ToPointF(cb.P0), DrawingUtility.ToPointF(cb.P1), DrawingUtility.ToPointF(cb.P2), DrawingUtility.ToPointF(cb.P3));
                            g.DrawBezier(operationalPen, DrawingUtility.ToPointF(cb.P0), DrawingUtility.ToPointF(cb.P1), DrawingUtility.ToPointF(cb.P2), DrawingUtility.ToPointF(cb.P3));
Beispiel #50
 private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     g.DrawBezier(pen1, new Point(100, 100), new Point(200, 10), new Point(350, 50), new Point(500, 100));