Beispiel #1
        private static MemberBindExpression BindProperty(ResourceType resourceType, string LeftHandSide, string RightHandSide)
            PropertyExpression    sourceProperty = new PropertyExpression(resourceType.Properties[RightHandSide] as ResourceProperty);
            TypedMemberExpression targetProperty = new TypedMemberExpression(resourceType.ClientClrType, resourceType.Properties[LeftHandSide].Name);

            return(new MemberBindExpression(sourceProperty, targetProperty));
Beispiel #2
        public KeyExpression(ResourceContainer container, ResourceType resourceType, IDictionary <string, object> properties)
            : base(null)
            // populate key and ETag from properties
            List <NodeProperty> keyProperties = resourceType.Key.Properties.ToList();

            _properties        = new PropertyExpression[keyProperties.Count];
            _values            = new ConstantExpression[keyProperties.Count];
            _include           = new bool[keyProperties.Count];
            _resourceType      = resourceType;
            _resourceContainer = container; // originally, this would not happen if using constructor without type

            for (int i = 0; i < keyProperties.Count; i++)
                NodeProperty property = keyProperties[i];
                _properties[i] = new PropertyExpression(property);
                _values[i]     = new ConstantExpression(new NodeValue(properties[property.Name], property.Type));
                _include[i]    = true;

            if (resourceType.Properties.Any(p => p.Facets.ConcurrencyModeFixed))
                ETag = ConcurrencyUtil.ConstructETag(container, properties);
                ETag = null;

            this.KnownPropertyValues = properties;
Beispiel #3
        public AstoriaRequest EntitySetTopLevelWithSingleExpand(ResourceContainer container, ResourceProperty property)
            PropertyExpression[] expandValues = new PropertyExpression[] { new PropertyExpression(property) };

            ExpNode q = Query.From(

Beispiel #4
        protected override String Visit(ExpNode caller, ExpNode node)
            if (node is ProjectExpression)
                ProjectExpression e = (ProjectExpression)node;
                if (e.Projections.Count == 0)
                                         this.Visit(e, e.Input)
                else if (e.Projections.Count == 1)
                    if (e.Projections[0] is PropertyExpression)
                                             this.Visit(e, e.Input),
                                             this.Visit(e, e.Projections[0])
                    throw new Exception("More than 1 projection, invalid");
            else if (node is ServiceOperationExpression)
                AstoriaTestLog.WriteLine("Calling Service Operation");
                ServiceOperationExpression e = (ServiceOperationExpression)node;

                string serviceOp = this.Visit(e, e.Input);
                StringBuilder sbParametersString = new StringBuilder();
                if (!serviceOp.Contains("?"))
                for (int index = 0; index < e.Arguments.Length; index++)
                    ServiceOperationParameterExpression parameter = e.Arguments[index];
                    if (index > 0)
                    string strLiteralString = CreateKeyStringValue(parameter.ParameterValue);
                    sbParametersString.AppendFormat("{0}={1}", parameter.ParameterName, strLiteralString);
                return(String.Format("{0}{1}", serviceOp, sbParametersString.ToString()));
            else if (node is ScanExpression)
                ScanExpression e = (ScanExpression)node;

                if (e.Input is VariableExpression && ((VariableExpression)e.Input).Variable is ResourceContainer)
                                         this.Visit(e, e.Input)
                throw new Exception("Unsupported on in scan expression");
            else if (node is PredicateExpression)
                PredicateExpression e   = (PredicateExpression)node;
                KeyExpression       key = e.Predicate as KeyExpression;
                if (key != null)
                                         this.Visit(e, e.Input),
                                         this.Visit(e, e.Predicate)
                                         this.Visit(e, e.Input),
                                         this.Visit(e, e.Predicate)
            else if (node is CountExpression)
                CountExpression e      = (CountExpression)node;
                string          sCount = "";
                string          visit  = "";

                if (!e.IsInline)
                    visit  = this.Visit(e, e.Input);
                    sCount = string.Format("{0}/$count", visit);
                    visit = this.Visit(e, e.Input);

                    if (visit.IndexOf("?$") == -1)
                        sCount = string.Format("{0}?$inlinecount={1}", visit, e.CountKind);
                        sCount = string.Format("{0}&$inlinecount={1}", visit, e.CountKind);
            else if (node is NewExpression)
                NewExpression e   = (NewExpression)node;
                string        uri = this.Visit(e, e.Input);
                ExpNode[]     pe  = new ExpNode[] { };

                List <ExpNode> nodes = new List <ExpNode>();
                foreach (ExpNode parameter in e.Arguments)
                    nodes.Add(parameter as ExpNode);
                pe = nodes.ToArray();
                string _select = String.Format("{0}", this.Visit(e, pe[0]));

                if (nodes.Count > 1)
                    for (int j = 1; j < nodes.Count; j++)
                        _select = String.Format("{0},{1}", _select, this.Visit(e, pe[j]));

                if (uri.IndexOf("?$") == -1)
                    return(string.Format("{0}?$select={1}", uri, _select));
                    return(string.Format("{0}&$select={1}", uri, _select));
            else if (node is MemberBindExpression)
                return(this.Visit(node, ((MemberBindExpression)node).SourceProperty));
            else if (node is TopExpression)
                TopExpression e     = (TopExpression)node;
                string        visit = this.Visit(e, e.Input);

                if (visit.IndexOf("?$") == -1)
                    return(string.Format("{0}?$top={1}", visit, e.Predicate));
                    return(string.Format("{0}&$top={1}", visit, e.Predicate));
            else if (node is SkipExpression)
                SkipExpression e     = (SkipExpression)node;
                string         visit = this.Visit(e, e.Input);

                if (visit.IndexOf("?$") == -1)
                    return(string.Format("{0}?$skip={1}", visit, e.Predicate));
                    return(string.Format("{0}&$skip={1}", visit, e.Predicate));
            else if (node is OrderByExpression)
                OrderByExpression e          = (OrderByExpression)node;
                string            ordervalue = String.Empty;
                int i = 0;

                string visit = this.Visit(e, e.Input);
                if (e.ExcludeFromUri)

                string propVisit = this.Visit(e, e.PropertiesExp[0]);

                switch (e.AscDesc)
                case true:
                    if (visit.IndexOf("?$") == -1)
                        ordervalue = String.Format("{0}?$orderby={1}", visit, propVisit);
                        ordervalue = String.Format("{0}&$orderby={1}", visit, propVisit);

                case false:
                    if (visit.IndexOf("?$") == -1)
                        ordervalue = String.Format("{0}?$orderby={1} desc", visit, propVisit);
                        ordervalue = String.Format("{0}&$orderby={1} desc", visit, propVisit);

                if (e.PropertiesExp.Length > 0)
                    for (i++; i < e.PropertiesExp.Length; i++)
                        String nextValue = this.Visit(e, e.PropertiesExp[i]);
                        nextValue = String.Format("{0}", nextValue);

                        switch (e.AscDesc)
                        case true:
                            ordervalue = String.Format("{0},{1}", ordervalue, nextValue);

                        case false:
                            ordervalue = String.Format("{0},{1} desc", ordervalue, nextValue);
            else if (node is ThenByExpression)
                ThenByExpression e          = (ThenByExpression)node;
                string           ordervalue = String.Empty;
                int i = 0;

                string visit = this.Visit(e, e.Input);
                if (e.ExcludeFromUri)

                switch (e.AscDesc)
                case true:
                    ordervalue = String.Format("{0},{1}", visit, e.Properties[0].Name);

                case false:
                    ordervalue = String.Format("{0},{1} desc", visit, e.Properties[0].Name);

                if (e.Properties.Length > 0)
                    for (i++; i < e.Properties.Length; i++)
                        String nextValue = e.Properties[i].Name;
                        nextValue = String.Format("{0}", nextValue);

                        switch (e.AscDesc)
                        case true:
                            ordervalue = String.Format("{0},{1}", ordervalue, nextValue);

                        case false:
                            ordervalue = String.Format("{0},{1} desc", ordervalue, nextValue);
            else if (node is ExpandExpression)
                ExpandExpression e   = (ExpandExpression)node;
                string           uri = this.Visit(e, e.Input);

                string expand = String.Format("{0}", this.Visit(e, e.PropertiesExp[0]));

                if (e.Properties.Length > 1)
                    for (int i = 1; i < e.Properties.Length; i++)
                        expand = String.Format("{0},{1}", expand, this.Visit(e, e.PropertiesExp[i]));

                if (uri.IndexOf("?$") == -1)
                    return(string.Format("{0}?$expand={1}", uri, expand));
                    return(string.Format("{0}&$expand={1}", uri, expand));
            else if (node is NavigationExpression)
                NavigationExpression e = (NavigationExpression)node;
                if (!e.IsLink)
                    return(String.Format("{0}/{1}", this.Visit(e, e.Input), this.Visit(e, e.PropertyExp)));
                    return(String.Format("{0}/{1}/$ref", this.Visit(e, e.Input), this.Visit(e, e.PropertyExp)));
            else if (node is KeyExpression)
                KeyExpression key = node as KeyExpression;
            else if (node is NestedPropertyExpression)
                NestedPropertyExpression e = (NestedPropertyExpression)node;
                string enitySetname        = e.Name;
                string nestedProperty      = "";

                foreach (PropertyExpression p in e.PropertyExpressions)
                    string interim = this.Visit(e, p);
                    if (p.ValueOnly)
                        nestedProperty = String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2},", nestedProperty, enitySetname, interim + "/$value").TrimStart('/');
                        nestedProperty = String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2},", nestedProperty, enitySetname, interim).TrimStart('/');

                return(nestedProperty.TrimEnd(',').Replace(",/", ","));
            else if (node is PropertyExpression)
                PropertyExpression e = (PropertyExpression)node;
                if (e.ValueOnly)
                    return(e.Property.Name + "/$value");
            else if (node is VariableExpression)
                VariableExpression e = (VariableExpression)node;
            if (node is LogicalExpression)
                LogicalExpression e     = (LogicalExpression)node;
                string            left  = this.Visit(e, e.Left);
                string            right = null;

                if (e.Operator != LogicalOperator.Not)
                    right = this.Visit(e, e.Right);

                string logical;
                switch (e.Operator)
                case LogicalOperator.And:
                    logical = string.Format("{0} and {1}", left, right);

                case LogicalOperator.Or:
                    logical = string.Format("{0} or {1}", left, right);

                case LogicalOperator.Not:
                    logical = string.Format("not {0}", left);

                    throw new Exception("Unhandled Comparison Type: " + e.Operator);
            else if (node is ComparisonExpression)
                ComparisonExpression e = (ComparisonExpression)node;
                String left            = this.Visit(e, e.Left);
                String right           = this.Visit(e, e.Right);

                switch (e.Operator)
                case ComparisonOperator.Equal:
                    return(String.Format("{0} eq {1}", left, right));

                case ComparisonOperator.NotEqual:
                    return(String.Format("{0} ne {1}", left, right));

                case ComparisonOperator.GreaterThan:
                    return(String.Format("{0} gt {1}", left, right));

                case ComparisonOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual:
                    return(String.Format("{0} ge {1}", left, right));

                case ComparisonOperator.LessThan:
                    return(String.Format("{0} lt {1}", left, right));

                case ComparisonOperator.LessThanOrEqual:
                    return(String.Format("{0} le {1}", left, right));

                    throw new Exception("Unhandled Comparison Type: " + e.Operator);
            else if (node is IsOfExpression || node is CastExpression)
                ExpNode  target;
                NodeType targetType;
                string   operation;
                if (node is IsOfExpression)
                    IsOfExpression e = (IsOfExpression)node;
                    operation  = "isof";
                    target     = e.Target;
                    targetType = e.TargetType;
                    CastExpression e = (CastExpression)node;
                    operation  = "cast";
                    target     = e.Target;
                    targetType = e.TargetType;

                string targetTypeName = targetType.FullName;
                if (targetType is PrimitiveType)
                    targetTypeName = TypeData.FindForType(targetType.ClrType).GetEdmTypeName();

                if (target == null)
                    return(String.Format("{0}('{1}')", operation, targetTypeName));
                    return(String.Format("{0}({1}, '{2}')", operation, this.Visit(node, target), targetTypeName));
            else if (node is ArithmeticExpression)
                ArithmeticExpression e = (ArithmeticExpression)node;
                String left            = this.Visit(e, e.Left);
                String right           = this.Visit(e, e.Right);

                switch (e.Operator)
                case ArithmeticOperator.Add:
                    return(String.Format("{0} add {1}", left, right));

                case ArithmeticOperator.Div:
                    return(String.Format("{0} div {1}", left, right));

                case ArithmeticOperator.Mod:
                    return(String.Format("{0} mod {1}", left, right));

                case ArithmeticOperator.Mult:
                    return(String.Format("{0} mul {1}", left, right));

                case ArithmeticOperator.Sub:
                    return(String.Format("{0} sub {1}", left, right));

                    throw new Exception("Unhandled Arithmetic Type: " + e.Operator);
            else if (node is MethodExpression)
                MethodExpression e = (MethodExpression)node;
                return(BuildMemberOrMethodExpression(node, e.Caller, e.Arguments, e.Name));
            else if (node is MemberExpression)
                MemberExpression e = (MemberExpression)node;
                return(BuildMemberOrMethodExpression(node, e.Caller, e.Arguments, e.Name));
            else if (node is ConstantExpression)
                ConstantExpression e     = (ConstantExpression)node;
                object             value = e.Value.ClrValue;

                string val = TypeData.FormatForKey(value, this.UseSmallCasing, false);
                if (this.EscapeUriValues)
                    // FormatForKey already does this for doubles that don't have the D
                    if (!(value is double) || Versioning.Server.SupportsV2Features)
                        val = Uri.EscapeDataString(val);

                if (value == null)
                    val = "null";
                else if (!(value is String))
                    val = val.Replace("+", "").Replace("%2B", "");

            else if (node is NegateExpression)
                NegateExpression e = (NegateExpression)node;
                return("-(" + this.Visit(e, e.Argument) + ")");
            else if (node is FirstExpression)
                FirstExpression first = node as FirstExpression;
                return(this.Visit(first, first.Input));
            else if (node is FirstOrDefaultExpression)
                FirstOrDefaultExpression first = node as FirstOrDefaultExpression;
                return(this.Visit(first, first.Input));
            else if (node is SingleExpression)
                SingleExpression first = node as SingleExpression;
                return(this.Visit(first, first.Input));
            else if (node is SingleOrDefaultExpression)
                SingleOrDefaultExpression first = node as SingleOrDefaultExpression;
                return(this.Visit(first, first.Input));
                throw new Exception(this.GetType().Name + " Unhandled Node: " + node.GetType().Name);
Beispiel #5
        private string Visit(Node caller, Node node)
            if (node is ProjectExpression)
                ProjectExpression e = (ProjectExpression)node;
                if (e.Projections.Count == 0)
                    return(String.Format("<ProjectExpression><Input>{0}</Input></ProjectExpression>", this.Visit(e, e.Input)));
                else if (e.Projections.Count == 1)
                    //if (e.Projections[0] is PropertyExpression)
                    return(String.Format("<ProjectExpression><Input>{0}</Input><ProjectionZero>{1}</ProjectionZero></ProjectExpression>", this.Visit(e, e.Input), this.Visit(e, e.Projections[0])));
                    //else if (e.Projections[0] is ConstantExpression)
                    //    return String.Format("<ProjectExpression><Input>{0}</Input>{1}</ProjectExpression>", this.Visit(e, e.Input), this.Visit(e, e.Projections[0]));
                    //else return String.Format("encountered {0}", e.Projections[0].Name);
                    throw new Exception("More than 1 projection, invalid");
            else if (node is ComparisonExpression)
                return(WriteBinaryExpressionXml("ComparisonExpression", node));
            else if (node is ArithmeticExpression)
                return(WriteBinaryExpressionXml("ArithmeticException", node));
            else if (node is ScanExpression)
                ScanExpression e = (ScanExpression)node;
                if (e.Input is VariableExpression && ((VariableExpression)e.Input).Variable is ResourceContainer)
                    return(String.Format("<ScanExpression><Input>{0}</Input></ScanExpression>", this.Visit(e, e.Input)));

                throw new Exception("Unsupported on in scan expression");
            else if (node is PredicateExpression)
                PredicateExpression e = (PredicateExpression)node;
                                     this.Visit(e, e.Input), this.Visit(e, e.Predicate)));
            else if (node is NavigationExpression)
                NavigationExpression e = (NavigationExpression)node;
                return(String.Format("<NavigationExpression IsLink=\"{2}\"><Input>{0}</Input><PropertyExp>{1}</PropertyExp></NavigationExpression>", this.Visit(e, e.Input), this.Visit(e, e.PropertyExp), e.IsLink.ToString()));
            else if (node is KeyExpression)
                string keyExpressionString = BuildKeyExpressionXml((KeyExpression)node);
                return(String.Format("<KeyExpression>{0}</KeyExpression>", keyExpressionString));
                //UriQueryBuilder.CreateKeyString((KeyExpression)node, false));
            else if (node is NestedPropertyExpression)
                NestedPropertyExpression e = (NestedPropertyExpression)node;

                string nestedProperty = "";
                foreach (PropertyExpression p in e.PropertyExpressions)
                    nestedProperty += this.Visit(e, p);

                return(String.Format("<NestedPropertyExpression>{0}</NestedPropertyExpression>", nestedProperty));
            else if (node is PropertyExpression)
                PropertyExpression e = (PropertyExpression)node;
                return(String.Format("<PropertyExpression Name=\"{0}\" ValueOnly=\"{1}\" />", e.Property.Name, e.ValueOnly.ToString()));
            else if (node is VariableExpression)
                VariableExpression e         = (VariableExpression)node;
                ResourceContainer  container = e.Variable as ResourceContainer;
                return(String.Format("<VariableExpression Name=\"{0}\" Type=\"{1}\"/>", container.Name,
                                     container.BaseType.ClrType != null ? container.BaseType.ClrType.FullName : container.BaseType.Name
            else if (node is ConstantExpression)
                ConstantExpression e = (ConstantExpression)node;
                return(String.Format("<ConstantExpression Value=\"{0}\" Type=\"{1}\" />", e.Value.ClrValue, e.Value.ClrValue.GetType().FullName));
            else if (node is ServiceContainer)
                string containerString = null;

                ServiceContainer e = (ServiceContainer)node;
                foreach (ResourceContainer container in e.ResourceContainers)
                    containerString += this.Visit(e, container);

                return(String.Format("<ServiceContainer Name=\"{0}\" Namespace=\"{1}\">{2}</ServiceContainer>", e.Name, e.Namespace, containerString));
            else if (node is ResourceContainer)
                string typeString = null;

                ResourceContainer e = (ResourceContainer)node;
                foreach (ResourceType type in e.ResourceTypes)
                    typeString += this.Visit(e, type);

                return(String.Format("<ResourceContainer Name=\"{0}\" Namespace=\"{1}\">{2}</ResourceContainer>", e.Name, e.Namespace, typeString));
            else if (node is ResourceType)
                string propertyString = null;

                ResourceType e = (ResourceType)node;
                foreach (ResourceProperty property in e.Properties)
                    propertyString += this.Visit(e, property);

                return(String.Format("<ResourceType Name=\"{0}\" Namespace=\"{1}\">{2}</ResourceType>", e.Name, e.Namespace, propertyString));
            else if (node is ResourceProperty)
                ResourceProperty e = (ResourceProperty)node;
                return(String.Format("<ResourceProperty Name=\"{0}\" IsNavigation=\"{1}\" IsComplexType=\"{2}\" />", e.Name, e.IsNavigation, e.IsComplexType));
                return(String.Format("<{0} name=\'{1}\'></{0}>", node.GetType().Name, node.Name));
Beispiel #6
 public NavigationExpression(QueryNode input, PropertyExpression property, bool isLink)
     : base(input)
     _isLink   = isLink;
     _property = property;
Beispiel #7
 public NavigationExpression(QueryNode input, PropertyExpression property)
     : this(input, property, false)
Beispiel #8
 public static NavigationExpression Nav(this QueryNode input, PropertyExpression property, bool isLink)
     return(new NavigationExpression(input, property, isLink));
Beispiel #9
 public PropertyStepExpression(PropertyExpression property, PredicateExpression predicate) :
     base(property, predicate)
Beispiel #10
        public void Expand()
            string sExpand = String.Empty;

            PropertyExpression[] expandValues = new PropertyExpression[1];

            List <ResourceProperty> properties = new List <ResourceProperty>();

            foreach (ResourceProperty property in from.Properties)
                if (property.IsNavigation && from.Properties.Contains(property) &&
                    !(from.Name == "BugDefectTrackingSet" || from.Name == "BugProjectTrackingSet"))

            if (properties.Count > 0)
                expandValues[0] = new PropertyExpression(properties[0]);
                sExpand         = expandValues[0].ToString();

                if (_query is TopExpression)
                    _query = ((TopExpression)_query).Expand(expandValues) as ExpandExpression;
                else if (_query is OrderByExpression)
                    _query = ((OrderByExpression)_query).Expand(expandValues) as ExpandExpression;
                else if (_query is ScanExpression)
                    _query = ((ScanExpression)_query).Expand(expandValues) as ExpandExpression;
                else if (_query is NavigationExpression)
                    _query = ((NavigationExpression)_query).Expand(expandValues) as ExpandExpression;
                else if (_query is SkipExpression)
                    _query = ((SkipExpression)_query).Expand(expandValues) as ExpandExpression;
                else if (_query is PredicateExpression)
                    _query = ((PredicateExpression)_query).Expand(expandValues) as ExpandExpression;
                else if (_query is CountExpression)
                    _query = ((CountExpression)_query).Expand(expandValues) as ExpandExpression;
                else if (_query is NavigationExpression)
                    _query = ((NavigationExpression)_query).Expand(expandValues) as ExpandExpression;

                bExpand   = true;
                _action   = LastAction.Expand;
                bIsOption = true;
                AstoriaTestLog.WriteLineIgnore(".Expand(" + sExpand + ")");
Beispiel #11
        public virtual void Select()
            PropertyExpression ordervalues = new PropertyExpression(this.ResType.Properties.Choose());

            if (_query is ScanExpression)
                _query = ((ScanExpression)_query).Select() as ProjectExpression;
            if (_query is NavigationExpression)
                _query = ((NavigationExpression)_query).Select() as ProjectExpression;
            if (_query is TopExpression)
                _query = ((TopExpression)_query).Select() as ProjectExpression;
            if (_query is SkipExpression)
                _query = ((SkipExpression)_query).Select() as ProjectExpression;
            if (_query is CountExpression)
                _query = ((CountExpression)_query).Select() as ProjectExpression;
            if (_query is ExpandExpression)
                _query = ((ExpandExpression)_query).Select() as ProjectExpression;

            if (_query is PredicateExpression)
                int i = this.Engine.Options.Random.Next(0, 2);

                if (bFilter)
                    i = 0;

                switch (i)
                case 0:
                    _query = ((PredicateExpression)_query).Select() as ProjectExpression;

                case 1:

                    if (ordervalues.Type is CollectionType)
                        this.ResType = (ResourceType)((ResourceCollection)ordervalues.Type).SubType;
                        _pType       = this.ResType.ClientClrType;
                    else if (ordervalues.Type is ResourceType)
                        this.ResType = (ResourceType)ordervalues.Type;
                        _pType       = ordervalues.Type.ClrType;
                        _pType = ordervalues.Type.ClrType;

                    _query = ((PredicateExpression)_query).Select(ordervalues) as ProjectExpression;


            if (_query != null)
                bSelect  = true;
                _action  = LastAction.Select;
                _isValid = isValid.Yes;
                this.Disabled = true;