Beispiel #1
        internal void ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, bool callerHasConnectionLock = false, bool asyncClose = false)
            Debug.Assert(!callerHasConnectionLock || _connHandler._parserLock.ThreadMayHaveLock(), "Caller claims to have lock, but connection lock is not taken");

            SqlException exception = null;
            bool breakConnection;

            // This function should only be called when there was an error or warning.  If there aren't any
            // errors, the handler will be called for the warning(s).  If there was an error, the warning(s) will
            // be copied to the end of the error collection so that the user may see all the errors and also the
            // warnings that occurred.
            // can be deleted)
            SqlErrorCollection temp = stateObj.GetFullErrorAndWarningCollection(out breakConnection);

            Debug.Assert(temp.Count > 0, "TdsParser::ThrowExceptionAndWarning called with no exceptions or warnings!");
            Debug.Assert(_connHandler != null, "TdsParser::ThrowExceptionAndWarning called with null connectionHandler!");

            // Don't break the connection if it is already closed
            breakConnection &= (TdsParserState.Closed != _state);
            if (breakConnection)
                if ((_state == TdsParserState.OpenNotLoggedIn) && (_connHandler.ConnectionOptions.MultiSubnetFailover || _loginWithFailover) && (temp.Count == 1) && ((temp[0].Number == TdsEnums.TIMEOUT_EXPIRED) || (temp[0].Number == TdsEnums.SNI_WAIT_TIMEOUT)))
                    // For Multisubnet Failover we slice the timeout to make reconnecting faster (with the assumption that the server will not failover instantaneously)
                    // However, when timeout occurs we need to not doom the internal connection and also to mark the TdsParser as closed such that the login will be will retried
                    breakConnection = false;
                    _state = TdsParserState.Broken;

            Debug.Assert(temp != null, "TdsParser::ThrowExceptionAndWarning: 0 errors in collection");
            if (temp != null && temp.Count > 0)
                // Construct the exception now that we've collected all the errors
                string serverVersion = null;
                if (_state == TdsParserState.OpenLoggedIn)
                    serverVersion = _connHandler.ServerVersion;
                exception = SqlException.CreateException(temp, serverVersion, _connHandler);

            // call OnError outside of _ErrorCollectionLock to avoid deadlock
            if (exception != null)
                if (breakConnection)
                    // report exception to pending async operation
                    // before OnConnectionClosed overrides the exception
                    // due to connection close notification through references
                    var taskSource = stateObj._networkPacketTaskSource;
                    if (taskSource != null)

                if (asyncClose)
                    // Wait until we have the parser lock, then try to close
                    var connHandler = _connHandler;
                    Action<Action> wrapCloseAction = closeAction =>
                        Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                            connHandler._parserLock.Wait(canReleaseFromAnyThread: false);
                            connHandler.ThreadHasParserLockForClose = true;
                                connHandler.ThreadHasParserLockForClose = false;

                    _connHandler.OnError(exception, breakConnection, wrapCloseAction);
                    // Let close know that we already have the _parserLock
                    bool threadAlreadyHadParserLockForClose = _connHandler.ThreadHasParserLockForClose;
                    if (callerHasConnectionLock)
                        _connHandler.ThreadHasParserLockForClose = true;
                        // the following handler will throw an exception or generate a warning event   
                        _connHandler.OnError(exception, breakConnection);
                        if (callerHasConnectionLock)
                            _connHandler.ThreadHasParserLockForClose = threadAlreadyHadParserLockForClose;