Beispiel #1
        public SqlRandomTable(SqlRandomTableColumn[] columns, int? primaryKeyColumnIndex = null, int estimatedRowCount = 0)
            if (columns == null || columns.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("non-empty type array is required");
            if (estimatedRowCount < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("non-negative row count is required, use 0 for default");
            if (primaryKeyColumnIndex.HasValue && (primaryKeyColumnIndex.Value < 0 || primaryKeyColumnIndex.Value >= columns.Length))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("primaryColumnIndex");

            PrimaryKeyColumnIndex = primaryKeyColumnIndex;
            _columns = (SqlRandomTableColumn[])columns.Clone();
            _columnNames = new string[columns.Length];
            if (estimatedRowCount == 0)
                _rows = new List<object[]>();
                _rows = new List<object[]>(estimatedRowCount);

            Columns = new List<SqlRandomTableColumn>(_columns).AsReadOnly();
            ColumnNames = new List<string>(_columnNames).AsReadOnly();
            bool hasSparse = false;
            double totalNonSparse = 0;
            foreach (var c in _columns)
                if (c.IsSparse)
                    hasSparse = true;
                    totalNonSparse += c.GetInRowSize(null); // for non-sparse columns size does not depend on the value
            HasSparseColumns = hasSparse;
            NonSparseValuesTotalSize = totalNonSparse;
 protected override string GetTSqlTypeDefinitionInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     string sizeSuffix;
     if (!columnInfo.StorageSize.HasValue)
         sizeSuffix = DefaultSize.ToString();
         int size = columnInfo.StorageSize.Value;
         if (size > MaxDefinedSize)
             sizeSuffix = "max";
             Debug.Assert(size > 0, "wrong size");
             sizeSuffix = size.ToString();
     return string.Format("{0}({1})", TypePrefix, sizeSuffix);
 protected override string GetTSqlTypeDefinitionInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     return "uniqueidentifier";
 protected override object ReadInternal(DbDataReader reader, int ordinal, SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo, Type asType)
     return ReadByteArray(reader, ordinal, asType);
 protected override object ReadInternal(DbDataReader reader, int ordinal, SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo, Type asType)
     ValidateReadType(typeof(double), asType);
     if (reader.IsDBNull(ordinal))
         return DBNull.Value;
     return reader.GetDouble(ordinal);
 protected override double GetInRowSizeInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     return LargeVarDataRowUsage;
        protected override double GetInRowSizeInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
            int precision = columnInfo.Precision.HasValue ? columnInfo.Precision.Value : _defaultPrecision;
            if (precision < 1 || precision > 38)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("wrong precision");

            if (precision < 10)
                return 5;
            else if (precision < 20)
                return 9;
            else if (precision < 28)
                return 13;
                return 17;
 protected override string GetTSqlTypeDefinitionInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     return string.Format("{0}({1})", TypePrefix, GetCharSize(columnInfo));
 public override bool CanCompareValues(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     return((columnInfo.Options & SqlRandomColumnOptions.ColumnSet) == 0);
 protected override object ReadInternal(DbDataReader reader, int ordinal, SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo, Type asType)
 protected override string GetTSqlTypeDefinitionInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
 protected override string GetTSqlTypeDefinitionInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
 protected override object CreateRandomValueInternal(SqlRandomizer rand, SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     // this method does not use Guid.NewGuid since it is not based on the given rand object
 protected override string GetTSqlTypeDefinitionInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
 protected override object CreateRandomValueInternal(SqlRandomizer rand, SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     return rand.NextByteArray(0, columnInfo.StorageSize);
        private int GetCharSize(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)

            int charSize = columnInfo.StorageSize.HasValue ? columnInfo.StorageSize.Value / 2 : DefaultCharSize;
            if (charSize < 1 || charSize > MaxCharSize)
                throw new NotSupportedException("wrong size");

            return charSize;
 protected override object CreateRandomValueInternal(SqlRandomizer rand, SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     return(rand.NextByteArray(0, columnInfo.StorageSize));
 protected override double GetInRowSizeInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     return 0.125; // 8 bits => 1 byte
        protected override object CreateRandomValueInternal(SqlRandomizer rand, SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
            int size = columnInfo.StorageSize.HasValue ? columnInfo.StorageSize.Value : DefaultCharSize;

            return(rand.NextAnsiArray(0, size));
 protected override string GetTSqlTypeDefinitionInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     return TypeTSqlName;
 protected override double GetInRowSizeInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     return(GetCharSize(columnInfo) * 2); // nchar is not stored in row
 protected override string GetTSqlTypeDefinitionInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     int precision = columnInfo.Precision.HasValue ? columnInfo.Precision.Value : MaxFloatPrecision;
     if (precision != RealPrecision && precision != MaxFloatPrecision)
         throw new ArgumentException("wrong precision");
     int mantissaBits = (precision <= RealPrecision) ? 24 : 53;
     return string.Format("{0}({1})", TypePrefix, mantissaBits);
 protected override string GetTSqlTypeDefinitionInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     return(string.Format("{0}({1})", TypePrefix, GetCharSize(columnInfo)));
 protected override string GetTSqlTypeDefinitionInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     return "rowversion";
        protected override object CreateRandomValueInternal(SqlRandomizer rand, SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
            int storageSize = GetCharSize(columnInfo) * 2;

            return(rand.NextUcs2Array(0, storageSize));
 protected override bool CompareValuesInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo, object expected, object actual)
     throw new InvalidOperationException("should not be used for timestamp - use CanCompareValues before calling this method");
 protected override object ReadInternal(DbDataReader reader, int ordinal, SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo, Type asType)
     return(ReadCharData(reader, ordinal, asType));
 protected override bool CompareValuesInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo, object expected, object actual)
     throw new InvalidOperationException("should not be used for timestamp - use CanCompareValues before calling this method");
 protected override double GetInRowSizeInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     return(0.125); // 8 bits => 1 byte
 protected override object CreateRandomValueInternal(SqlRandomizer rand, SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     return rand.NextIntInclusive();
 protected override bool CompareValuesInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo, object expected, object actual)
     return(CompareByteArray(expected, actual, allowIncomplete: false));
 protected override object CreateRandomValueInternal(SqlRandomizer rand, SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     int size = columnInfo.StorageSize.HasValue ? columnInfo.StorageSize.Value : DefaultCharSize;
     return rand.NextAnsiArray(0, size);
 protected override object CreateRandomValueInternal(SqlRandomizer rand, SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
 protected override double GetInRowSizeInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     return GetCharSize(columnInfo) * 2; // nchar is not stored in row
 protected override double GetInRowSizeInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
 protected override object CreateRandomValueInternal(SqlRandomizer rand, SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     int storageSize = GetCharSize(columnInfo) * 2;
     return rand.NextUcs2Array(0, storageSize);
 protected override string GetTSqlTypeDefinitionInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
 protected override bool CompareValuesInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo, object expected, object actual)
     return CompareByteArray(expected, actual, allowIncomplete: false);
 protected override object CreateRandomValueInternal(SqlRandomizer rand, SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
 protected override object CreateRandomValueInternal(SqlRandomizer rand, SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     return (decimal)Math.Round(rand.NextDouble());
 protected override bool CompareValuesInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo, object expected, object actual)
     return(CompareValues <double>(expected, actual));
 protected override object CreateRandomValueInternal(SqlRandomizer rand, SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     return rand.NextSmallMoney();
 protected override double GetInRowSizeInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
 protected override double GetInRowSizeInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     // float
     if (!columnInfo.Precision.HasValue)
         return 8;
         int precision = columnInfo.Precision.Value;
         if (precision != RealPrecision && precision != MaxFloatPrecision)
             throw new ArgumentException("wrong precision");
         return (precision <= RealPrecision) ? 4 : 8;
Beispiel #45
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates random list of columns from the given source collection. The rules are:
        /// * table cannot contain more than 1024 non-sparse columns
        /// * total row size of non-sparse columns should not exceed 8060 or 8018 (with sparse)
        /// * column set column must be added if number of columns in total exceeds 1024
        /// </summary>
        public static SqlRandomTableColumn[] CreateRandTypes(SqlRandomizer rand, SqlRandomTypeInfoCollection sourceCollection, int maxColumnsCount, bool createIdColumn)
            var    retColumns          = new List <SqlRandomTableColumn>(maxColumnsCount);
            bool   hasTimestamp        = false;
            double totalRowSize        = 0;
            int    totalRegularColumns = 0;

            bool hasColumnSet     = false;
            bool hasSparseColumns = false;
            int  maxRowSize       = MaxBytesPerRow; // set to MaxBytesPerRowWithSparse when sparse column is first added

            int i = 0;

            if (createIdColumn)
                SqlRandomTypeInfo    keyType   = sourceCollection[SqlDbType.Int];
                SqlRandomTableColumn keyColumn = keyType.CreateDefaultColumn(SqlRandomColumnOptions.None);
                totalRowSize += keyType.GetInRowSize(keyColumn, null);

            for (; i < maxColumnsCount; i++)
                // select column options (sparse/column-set)
                bool isSparse; // must be set in the if/else flow below
                bool isColumnSet = false;

                if (totalRegularColumns >= MaxNonSparseColumns)
                    // reached the limit for regular columns

                    if (!hasColumnSet)
                        // no column-set yet, stop unconditionally
                        // this can happen if large char/binary value brought the row size total to a limit leaving no space for column-set

                    // there is a column set, enforce sparse from this point
                    isSparse = true;
                else if (i == (MaxNonSparseColumns - 1) && hasSparseColumns && !hasColumnSet)
                    // we almost reached the limit of regular & sparse columns with, but no column set added
                    // to increase chances for >1024 columns, enforce column set now
                    isColumnSet = true;
                    isSparse    = false;
                else if (totalRowSize > MaxBytesPerRowWithSparse)
                    Debug.Assert(totalRowSize <= MaxBytesPerRow, "size over the max limit");
                    Debug.Assert(!hasSparseColumns, "should not have sparse columns after MaxBytesPerRowWithSparse (check maxRowSize)");
                    // cannot insert sparse from this point
                    isSparse    = false;
                    isColumnSet = false;
                    // check how close we are to the limit of the row size
                    int sparseProbability;
                    if (totalRowSize < 100)
                        sparseProbability = 2;
                    else if (totalRowSize < MaxBytesPerRowWithSparse / 2)
                        sparseProbability = 10;
                    else if (totalRowSize < (MaxBytesPerRowWithSparse - s_columnSetSafetyRange))
                        sparseProbability = 50;
                        // close to the row size limit, special case
                        if (!hasColumnSet)
                            // if we have not added column set column yet
                            // column-set is a regular column and its size counts towards row size, so time to add it
                            isColumnSet       = true;
                            sparseProbability = -1; // not used
                            sparseProbability = 90;

                    if (!isColumnSet)
                        isSparse = (rand.Next(100) < sparseProbability);

                        if (!isSparse && !hasColumnSet)
                            // if decided to add regular column, give it a (low) chance to inject a column set at any position
                            isColumnSet = rand.Next(100) < 1;
                        isSparse = false;

                // select the type
                SqlRandomTypeInfo      ti;
                SqlRandomColumnOptions options = SqlRandomColumnOptions.None;

                if (isSparse)
                    Debug.Assert(!isColumnSet, "should not have both sparse and column set flags set");
                    ti = sourceCollection.NextSparse(rand);
                    Debug.Assert(ti.CanBeSparseColumn, "NextSparse must return only types that can be sparse");
                    options |= SqlRandomColumnOptions.Sparse;
                else if (isColumnSet)
                    Debug.Assert(!hasColumnSet, "there is already a column set, we should not set isColumnSet again above");
                    ti       = sourceCollection[SqlDbType.Xml];
                    options |= SqlRandomColumnOptions.ColumnSet;
                    // regular column
                    ti = sourceCollection.Next(rand);

                    if (ti.Type == SqlDbType.Timestamp)
                        // while table can contain single timestamp column only, there is no way to insert values into it.
                        // thus, do not allow this
                        if (hasTimestamp || maxColumnsCount == 1)
                            ti = sourceCollection[SqlDbType.Int];
                            // table cannot have two timestamp columns
                            hasTimestamp = true;

                SqlRandomTableColumn col = ti.CreateRandomColumn(rand, options);

                if (!isSparse)
                    double rowSize  = ti.GetInRowSize(col, DBNull.Value);
                    int    overhead = GetRowOverhead(retColumns.Count + 1); // +1 for this column

                    if (totalRowSize + rowSize + overhead > maxRowSize)
                        // cannot use this column
                        // note that if this column is a column set column

                    totalRowSize += rowSize;
                // else - sparse columns are not counted towards row size when table is created (they are when inserting new row with non-null value in the sparse column)...


                // after adding the column, update the state
                if (isColumnSet)
                    hasColumnSet = true;

                if (isSparse)
                    hasSparseColumns = true;
                    maxRowSize       = MaxBytesPerRowWithSparse; // reduce the max row size

 protected override object CreateRandomValueInternal(SqlRandomizer rand, SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     int precision = columnInfo.Precision.HasValue ? columnInfo.Precision.Value : MaxFloatPrecision;
     if (precision <= RealPrecision)
         return rand.NextDouble(float.MinValue, float.MaxValue, precision);
         return rand.NextDouble(double.MinValue, double.MaxValue, precision);
Beispiel #47
 protected abstract double GetInRowSizeInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo);
 protected override bool CompareValuesInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo, object expected, object actual)
     return CompareValues<Double>(expected, actual);
Beispiel #49
 /// <summary>
 /// gets TSQL definition of the column
 /// </summary>
 public string GetTSqlTypeDefinition(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
 protected override object CreateRandomValueInternal(SqlRandomizer rand, SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     return rand.NextRowVersion();
Beispiel #51
 protected abstract string GetTSqlTypeDefinitionInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo);
 public override bool CanCompareValues(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     // completely ignore TIMESTAMP value comparison
     return false;
Beispiel #53
 /// <summary>
 /// creates random, but valud value for the type, based on the given column definition
 /// </summary>
 public object CreateRandomValue(SqlRandomizer rand, SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     return(CreateRandomValueInternal(rand, columnInfo));
 protected override double GetInRowSizeInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     return 16;
 protected override bool CompareValuesInternal(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo, object expected, object actual)
     if ((columnInfo.Options & SqlRandomColumnOptions.ColumnSet) != 0)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("should not be used for ColumnSet columns - use CanCompareValues before calling this method");
     return CompareCharArray(expected, actual, allowIncomplete: false);
 protected override object CreateRandomValueInternal(SqlRandomizer rand, SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     // this method does not use Guid.NewGuid since it is not based on the given rand object
     return rand.NextUniqueIdentifier();
 public override bool CanCompareValues(SqlRandomTableColumn columnInfo)
     // completely ignore TIMESTAMP value comparison