[Test] // ctor (String, String, Int32)
		public void Constructor2 ()
			SqlNotificationRequest nr;
			nr = new SqlNotificationRequest ("UD", "options", 5);
			Assert.AreEqual ("options", nr.Options, "#A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (5, nr.Timeout, "#A2");
			Assert.AreEqual ("UD", nr.UserData, "#A3");

			nr = new SqlNotificationRequest (string.Empty, " ", 0);
			Assert.AreEqual (" ", nr.Options, "#B1");
			Assert.AreEqual (0, nr.Timeout, "#B2");
			Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, nr.UserData, "#B3");

			nr = new SqlNotificationRequest (" ", "O", int.MaxValue);
			Assert.AreEqual ("O", nr.Options, "#C1");
			Assert.AreEqual (int.MaxValue, nr.Timeout, "#C2");
			Assert.AreEqual (" ", nr.UserData, "#C3");

			nr = new SqlNotificationRequest ((string) null, "O", 7);
			Assert.AreEqual ("O", nr.Options, "#D1");
			Assert.AreEqual (7, nr.Timeout, "#D2");
			Assert.IsNull (nr.UserData, "#D3");

			nr = new SqlNotificationRequest ("UD", (string) null, 14);
			Assert.IsNull (nr.Options, "#E1");
			Assert.AreEqual (14, nr.Timeout, "#E2");
			Assert.AreEqual ("UD", nr.UserData, "#E3");

			nr = new SqlNotificationRequest (new string ('A', 0xffff), new string ('X', 0xffff), 3);
			Assert.AreEqual (new string ('X', 0xffff), nr.Options, "#F1");
			Assert.AreEqual (3, nr.Timeout, "#F2");
			Assert.AreEqual (new string ('A', 0xffff), nr.UserData, "#F3");
		[Test] // ctor ()
		public void Constructor1 ()
			SqlNotificationRequest nr = new SqlNotificationRequest ();
			Assert.IsNull (nr.Options, "#1");
			Assert.AreEqual (0, nr.Timeout, "#2");
			Assert.IsNull (nr.UserData, "#3");
		public void Timeout_Value_Negative ()
			SqlNotificationRequest nr = new SqlNotificationRequest ();
			try {
				nr.Timeout = -1;
				Assert.Fail ("#1");
			} catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) {
				Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentOutOfRangeException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
				Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3");
				Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4");
				Assert.AreEqual ("Timeout", ex.ParamName, "#5");
		public void Timeout ()
			SqlNotificationRequest nr = new SqlNotificationRequest ();
			nr.Timeout = 5;
			Assert.AreEqual (5, nr.Timeout, "#1");
			nr.Timeout = 0;
			Assert.AreEqual (0, nr.Timeout, "#2");
			nr.Timeout = int.MaxValue;
			Assert.AreEqual (int.MaxValue, nr.Timeout, "#3");
Beispiel #5
		public void Clone ()
			SqlNotificationRequest notificationReq = new SqlNotificationRequest ();

			SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand ();
			cmd.CommandText = "sp_insert";
			cmd.CommandTimeout = 100;
			cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
			cmd.DesignTimeVisible = false;
			cmd.Notification = notificationReq;
			cmd.NotificationAutoEnlist = false;
			cmd.Parameters.Add ("@TestPar1", SqlDbType.Int);
			cmd.Parameters ["@TestPar1"].Value = DBNull.Value;
			cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@BirthDate", DateTime.Now);
			cmd.UpdatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.OutputParameters;

			SqlCommand clone = (((ICloneable) (cmd)).Clone ()) as SqlCommand;
			Assert.AreEqual ("sp_insert", clone.CommandText, "#1");
			Assert.AreEqual (100, clone.CommandTimeout, "#2");
			Assert.AreEqual (CommandType.StoredProcedure, clone.CommandType, "#3");
			Assert.IsNull (cmd.Connection, "#4");
			Assert.IsFalse (cmd.DesignTimeVisible, "#5");
			Assert.AreSame (notificationReq, cmd.Notification, "#6");
			Assert.IsFalse (cmd.NotificationAutoEnlist, "#7");
			Assert.AreEqual (2, clone.Parameters.Count, "#8");
			Assert.AreEqual (100, clone.CommandTimeout, "#9");
			clone.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@test", DateTime.Now);
			clone.Parameters [0].ParameterName = "@ClonePar1";
			Assert.AreEqual (3, clone.Parameters.Count, "#10");
			Assert.AreEqual (2, cmd.Parameters.Count, "#11");
			Assert.AreEqual ("@ClonePar1", clone.Parameters [0].ParameterName, "#12");
			Assert.AreEqual ("@TestPar1", cmd.Parameters [0].ParameterName, "#13");
			Assert.AreEqual ("@BirthDate", clone.Parameters [1].ParameterName, "#14");
			Assert.AreEqual ("@BirthDate", cmd.Parameters [1].ParameterName, "#15");
			Assert.IsNull (clone.Transaction, "#16");
 internal void StartTimer(SqlNotificationRequest notificationRequest)
     IntPtr ptr;
     Bid.NotificationsScopeEnter(out ptr, "<sc.SqlDependency.StartTimer|DEP> %d#", this.ObjectID);
         if (this._expirationTime == DateTime.MaxValue)
             Bid.NotificationsTrace("<sc.SqlDependency.StartTimer|DEP> We've timed out, executing logic.\n");
             int timeout = 0x69780;
             if (this._timeout != 0)
                 timeout = this._timeout;
             if (((notificationRequest != null) && (notificationRequest.Timeout < timeout)) && (notificationRequest.Timeout != 0))
                 timeout = notificationRequest.Timeout;
             this._expirationTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds((double) timeout);
         Bid.ScopeLeave(ref ptr);
        private void WriteRPCBatchHeaders(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, SqlNotificationRequest notificationRequest) {
            Debug.Assert(_isYukon, "WriteRPCBatchHeaders can only be called on Yukon or higher version servers");
            /* Header:
               TotalLength  - DWORD  - including all headers and lengths, including itself
               Each Data Session:
                     HeaderLength - DWORD  - including all header length fields, including itself
                     HeaderType   - USHORT

            int notificationHeaderSize = GetNotificationHeaderSize(notificationRequest);

            const int marsHeaderSize = 18; // 4 + 2 + 8 + 4

            // Header Length (DWORD)
            // Header Type (ushort)
            // Trace Data Guid
            // Trace Data Sequence Number (uint)
            const int traceHeaderSize = 26;  // 4 + 2 + GUID_SIZE + sizeof(UInt32);

            // TotalLength  - DWORD  - including all headers and lengths, including itself
            int totalHeaderLength = this.IncludeTraceHeader ? (4 + marsHeaderSize + notificationHeaderSize + traceHeaderSize) : (4 + marsHeaderSize + notificationHeaderSize);
            Debug.Assert(stateObj._outBytesUsed == stateObj._outputHeaderLen, "Output bytes written before total header length");
            // Write total header length
            WriteInt(totalHeaderLength, stateObj);

            // Write Mars header length
            WriteInt(marsHeaderSize, stateObj);
            // Write Mars header data
            WriteMarsHeaderData(stateObj, CurrentTransaction);

            if (0 != notificationHeaderSize) {
                // Write Notification header length
                WriteInt(notificationHeaderSize, stateObj);
                // Write notificaiton header data
                WriteQueryNotificationHeaderData(notificationRequest, stateObj);

            if (IncludeTraceHeader) {
                // Write trace header length
                WriteInt(traceHeaderSize, stateObj);
                // Write trace header data
 internal void TdsExecuteSQLBatch(string text, int timeout, SqlNotificationRequest notificationRequest, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
     if ((TdsParserState.Broken != this.State) && (this.State != TdsParserState.Closed))
         if (stateObj.BcpLock)
             throw SQL.ConnectionLockedForBcpEvent();
         bool lockTaken = false;
         lock (this._connHandler)
                 if (this._isYukon && !this.MARSOn)
                     Monitor.Enter(this._physicalStateObj, ref lockTaken);
                 if (!this._fMARS && this._physicalStateObj.HasOpenResult)
                     Bid.Trace("<sc.TdsParser.TdsExecuteSQLBatch|ERR> Potential multi-threaded misuse of connection, non-MARs connection with an open result %d#\n", this.ObjectID);
                 stateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_Execute;
                 if (this._isYukon)
                     this.WriteMarsHeader(stateObj, this.CurrentTransaction);
                     if (notificationRequest != null)
                         this.WriteQueryNotificationHeader(notificationRequest, stateObj);
                 stateObj._outputMessageType = 1;
                 this.WriteString(text, text.Length, 0, stateObj);
                 stateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_Read;
             catch (Exception exception)
                 if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(exception))
                 this.FailureCleanup(stateObj, exception);
                 if (lockTaken)
      internal Task TdsExecuteRPC(SqlCommand cmd, _SqlRPC[] rpcArray, int timeout, bool inSchema, SqlNotificationRequest notificationRequest, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, bool isCommandProc, bool sync = true, 
          TaskCompletionSource<object> completion = null, int startRpc = 0, int startParam = 0) {
          bool firstCall = (completion == null);
          bool releaseConnectionLock = false;

          Debug.Assert(cmd != null, @"cmd cannot be null inside TdsExecuteRPC");
          Debug.Assert(!firstCall || startRpc == 0, "startRpc is not 0 on first call");
          Debug.Assert(!firstCall || startParam == 0, "startParam is not 0 on first call");
          Debug.Assert(!firstCall || !_connHandler.ThreadHasParserLockForClose, "Thread should not already have connection lock");
          Debug.Assert(firstCall || _connHandler._parserLock.ThreadMayHaveLock(), "Connection lock not taken after the first call");
          try {
              _SqlRPC rpcext = null;
              int tempLen;

              // SQLBUDT #20010853 - Promote, Commit and Rollback requests for
              // delegated transactions often happen while there is an open result
              // set, so we need to handle them by using a different MARS session, 
              // otherwise we'll write on the physical state objects while someone
              // else is using it.  When we don't have MARS enabled, we need to 
              // lock the physical state object to syncronize it's use at least 
              // until we increment the open results count.  Once it's been 
              // incremented the delegated transaction requests will fail, so they
              // won't stomp on anything.

              if (firstCall) {
                  releaseConnectionLock = true;
              try {
                  // Ensure that connection is alive
                  if ((TdsParserState.Broken == State) || (TdsParserState.Closed == State)) {
                      throw ADP.ClosedConnectionError();

                  // This validation step MUST be done after locking the connection to guarantee we don't 
                  //  accidentally execute after the transaction has completed on a different thread.
                  if (firstCall) {
                      _asyncWrite = !sync;


                      if ((!_fMARS) && (_physicalStateObj.HasOpenResult)) 
                          Bid.Trace("<sc.TdsParser.TdsExecuteRPC|ERR> Potential multi-threaded misuse of connection, non-MARs connection with an open result %d#\n", ObjectID);
                      stateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_Execute;

                      if (_isYukon) {

                          WriteRPCBatchHeaders(stateObj, notificationRequest);

                      stateObj._outputMessageType = TdsEnums.MT_RPC;

                  for (int ii = startRpc; ii < rpcArray.Length; ii++) {
                      rpcext = rpcArray[ii];

                      if (startParam == 0 || ii > startRpc) {
                          if (rpcext.ProcID != 0 && _isShiloh) {
                              // Perf optimization for Shiloh and later,
                              Debug.Assert(rpcext.ProcID < 255, "rpcExec:ProcID can't be larger than 255");
                              WriteShort(0xffff, stateObj);
                              WriteShort((short)(rpcext.ProcID), stateObj);
                          else {
                              Debug.Assert(!ADP.IsEmpty(rpcext.rpcName), "must have an RPC name");
                              tempLen = rpcext.rpcName.Length;
                              WriteShort(tempLen, stateObj);
                              WriteString(rpcext.rpcName, tempLen, 0, stateObj);

                          // Options
                          WriteShort((short)rpcext.options, stateObj);

                      // Stream out parameters
                      SqlParameter[] parameters = rpcext.parameters;

                      for (int i = (ii == startRpc) ? startParam : 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) {
                          //                Debug.WriteLine("i:  " + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                          // parameters can be unnamed
                          SqlParameter param = parameters[i];
                          // Since we are reusing the parameters array, we cannot rely on length to indicate no of parameters.
                          if (param == null)
                              break;      // End of parameters for this execute

                          // Throw an exception if ForceColumnEncryption is set on a parameter and the ColumnEncryption is not enabled on SqlConnection or SqlCommand
                          if (param.ForceColumnEncryption && 
                              !(cmd.ColumnEncryptionSetting == SqlCommandColumnEncryptionSetting.Enabled || 
                              (cmd.ColumnEncryptionSetting == SqlCommandColumnEncryptionSetting.UseConnectionSetting && cmd.Connection.IsColumnEncryptionSettingEnabled))) {
                              throw SQL.ParamInvalidForceColumnEncryptionSetting(param.ParameterName, rpcext.GetCommandTextOrRpcName());

                          // Check if the applications wants to force column encryption to avoid sending sensitive data to server
                          if (param.ForceColumnEncryption && param.CipherMetadata == null
                              && (param.Direction == ParameterDirection.Input || param.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput)) {
                              // Application wants a parameter to be encrypted before sending it to server, however server doesnt think this parameter needs encryption.
                              throw SQL.ParamUnExpectedEncryptionMetadata(param.ParameterName, rpcext.GetCommandTextOrRpcName());

                          // Validate parameters are not variable length without size and with null value.  MDAC 66522
                          param.Validate(i, isCommandProc);

                          // type (parameter record stores the MetaType class which is a helper that encapsulates all the type information we need here)
                          MetaType mt = param.InternalMetaType;

                          if (mt.IsNewKatmaiType) {
                              WriteSmiParameter(param, i, 0 != (rpcext.paramoptions[i] & TdsEnums.RPC_PARAM_DEFAULT), stateObj);

                          if ((!_isShiloh && !mt.Is70Supported) ||
                              (!_isYukon && !mt.Is80Supported) ||
                              (!_isKatmai && !mt.Is90Supported)) {
                              throw ADP.VersionDoesNotSupportDataType(mt.TypeName);
                          object value = null;
                          bool isNull = true;
                          bool isSqlVal = false;
                          bool isDataFeed = false;
                          // if we have an output param, set the value to null so we do not send it across to the server
                          if (param.Direction == ParameterDirection.Output) {
                              isSqlVal = param.ParamaterIsSqlType;  // We have to forward the TYPE info, we need to know what type we are returning.  Once we null the paramater we will no longer be able to distinguish what type were seeing.
                              param.Value = null;
                              param.ParamaterIsSqlType = isSqlVal;
                          else {
                              value = param.GetCoercedValue();
                              isNull = param.IsNull;
                              if (!isNull) {
                                  isSqlVal = param.CoercedValueIsSqlType;
                                  isDataFeed = param.CoercedValueIsDataFeed;

                          WriteParameterName(param.ParameterNameFixed, stateObj);

                          // Write parameter status

                          // MaxLen field is only written out for non-fixed length data types
                          // use the greater of the two sizes for maxLen
                          int actualSize;
                          int size = mt.IsSizeInCharacters ? param.GetParameterSize() * 2 : param.GetParameterSize();

                          //for UDTs, we calculate the length later when we get the bytes. This is a really expensive operation
                          if (mt.TDSType != TdsEnums.SQLUDT)
                              // getting the actualSize is expensive, cache here and use below
                              actualSize = param.GetActualSize();
                              actualSize = 0; //get this later

                          byte precision = 0;
                          byte scale = 0;

                          // scale and precision are only relevant for numeric and decimal types
                          // adjust the actual value scale and precision to match the user specified
                          if (mt.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.Decimal) {
                              precision = param.GetActualPrecision();
                              scale = param.GetActualScale();

                              if (precision > TdsEnums.MAX_NUMERIC_PRECISION) {
                                  throw SQL.PrecisionValueOutOfRange(precision);

                              // bug 49512, make sure the value matches the scale the user enters
                              if (!isNull) {
                                  if (isSqlVal) {
                                      value = AdjustSqlDecimalScale((SqlDecimal)value, scale);

                                      // If Precision is specified, verify value precision vs param precision
                                      if (precision != 0) {
                                          if (precision < ((SqlDecimal)value).Precision) {
                                              throw ADP.ParameterValueOutOfRange((SqlDecimal)value);
                                  else {
                                      value = AdjustDecimalScale((Decimal)value, scale);

                                      SqlDecimal sqlValue = new SqlDecimal((Decimal)value);

                                      // If Precision is specified, verify value precision vs param precision
                                      if (precision != 0) {
                                          if (precision < sqlValue.Precision) {
                                              throw ADP.ParameterValueOutOfRange((Decimal)value);

                          bool isParameterEncrypted = 0 != (rpcext.paramoptions[i] & TdsEnums.RPC_PARAM_ENCRYPTED);

                          // Additional information we need to send over wire to the server when writing encrypted parameters.
                          SqlColumnEncryptionInputParameterInfo encryptedParameterInfoToWrite = null;

                          // If the parameter is encrypted, we need to encrypt the value.
                          if (isParameterEncrypted) {
                              Debug.Assert(mt.TDSType != TdsEnums.SQLVARIANT &&
                                  mt.TDSType != TdsEnums.SQLUDT &&
                                  mt.TDSType != TdsEnums.SQLXMLTYPE &&
                                  mt.TDSType != TdsEnums.SQLIMAGE &&
                                  mt.TDSType != TdsEnums.SQLTEXT &&
                                  mt.TDSType != TdsEnums.SQLNTEXT, "Type unsupported for encryption");

                              byte[] serializedValue = null;
                              byte[] encryptedValue = null;

                              if (!isNull) {
                                  try {
                                    if (isSqlVal) {
                                        serializedValue = SerializeUnencryptedSqlValue(value, mt, actualSize, param.Offset, param.NormalizationRuleVersion, stateObj);
                                    else {
                                        // for codePageEncoded types, WriteValue simply expects the number of characters
                                        // For plp types, we also need the encoded byte size
                                        serializedValue = SerializeUnencryptedValue(value, mt, param.GetActualScale(), actualSize, param.Offset, isDataFeed, param.NormalizationRuleVersion, stateObj);

                                    Debug.Assert(serializedValue != null, "serializedValue should not be null in TdsExecuteRPC.");
                                    encryptedValue = SqlSecurityUtility.EncryptWithKey(serializedValue, param.CipherMetadata, _connHandler.ConnectionOptions.DataSource);
                                catch (Exception e) {
                                    throw SQL.ParamEncryptionFailed(param.ParameterName, null, e);

                                  Debug.Assert(encryptedValue != null && encryptedValue.Length > 0,
                                      "encryptedValue should not be null or empty in TdsExecuteRPC.");
                              else {
                                  encryptedValue = null;

                              // Change the datatype to varbinary(max).
                              // Since we don't know the size of the encrypted parameter on the server side, always set to (max).
                              mt = MetaType.MetaMaxVarBinary;
                              size = -1;
                              actualSize = (encryptedValue == null) ? 0 : encryptedValue.Length;

                              encryptedParameterInfoToWrite = new SqlColumnEncryptionInputParameterInfo(param.GetMetadataForTypeInfo(),

                              // Set the value to the encrypted value and mark isSqlVal as false for VARBINARY encrypted value.
                              value = encryptedValue;
                              isSqlVal = false;

                          Debug.Assert(isParameterEncrypted == (encryptedParameterInfoToWrite != null),
                                            "encryptedParameterInfoToWrite can be not null if and only if isParameterEncrypted is true.");

                          Debug.Assert(!isSqlVal || !isParameterEncrypted, "isParameterEncrypted can be true only if isSqlVal is false.");

                          // fixup the types by using the NullableType property of the MetaType class
                          // following rules should be followed based on feedback from the M-SQL team
                          // 1) always use the BIG* types (ex: instead of SQLCHAR use SQLBIGCHAR)
                          // 2) always use nullable types (ex: instead of SQLINT use SQLINTN)
                          // 3) DECIMALN should always be sent as NUMERICN

                          // handle variants here: the SQLVariant writing routine will write the maxlen and actual len columns
                          if (mt.TDSType == TdsEnums.SQLVARIANT) {
                              // devnote: Do we ever hit this codepath? Yes, when a null value is being writen out via a sql variant
                              // param.GetActualSize is not used
                              WriteSqlVariantValue(isSqlVal ? MetaType.GetComValueFromSqlVariant(value) : value, param.GetActualSize(), param.Offset, stateObj);

                          int codePageByteSize = 0;
                          int maxsize = 0;

                          if (mt.IsAnsiType) {
                              // Avoid the following code block if ANSI but unfilled LazyMat blob
                              if ((!isNull) && (!isDataFeed)) {
                                  string s;

                                  if (isSqlVal) {
                                      if (value is SqlString) {
                                          s = ((SqlString)value).Value;
                                      else {
                                          Debug.Assert(value is SqlChars, "Unknown value for Ansi datatype");
                                          s = new String(((SqlChars)value).Value);
                                  else {
                                      s = (string)value;

                                  codePageByteSize = GetEncodingCharLength(s, actualSize, param.Offset, _defaultEncoding);

                              if (mt.IsPlp) {
                                  WriteShort(TdsEnums.SQL_USHORTVARMAXLEN, stateObj);
                              else {
                                  maxsize = (size > codePageByteSize) ? size : codePageByteSize;
                                  if (maxsize == 0) {
                                      // Yukon doesn't like 0 as MaxSize. Change it to 2 for unicode types (SQL9 - 682322)
                                      if (mt.IsNCharType)
                                          maxsize = 2;
                                          maxsize = 1;

                                  WriteParameterVarLen(mt, maxsize, false/*IsNull*/, stateObj);
                          else {
                              // If type timestamp - treat as fixed type and always send over timestamp length, which is 8.
                              // For fixed types, we either send null or fixed length for type length.  We want to match that
                              // behavior for timestamps.  However, in the case of null, we still must send 8 because if we
                              // send null we will not receive a output val.  You can send null for fixed types and still
                              // receive a output value, but not for variable types.  So, always send 8 for timestamp because
                              // while the user sees it as a fixed type, we are actually representing it as a bigbinary which
                              // is variable.
                              if (mt.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.Timestamp) {
                                  WriteParameterVarLen(mt, TdsEnums.TEXT_TIME_STAMP_LEN, false, stateObj);
                              else if (mt.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.Udt) {
                                  byte[] udtVal = null;
                                  Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.Format format = Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.Format.Native;

                                  Debug.Assert(_isYukon, "Invalid DataType UDT for non-Yukon or later server!");

                                  if (!isNull) {
                                      udtVal = _connHandler.Connection.GetBytes(value, out format, out maxsize);

                                      Debug.Assert(null != udtVal, "GetBytes returned null instance. Make sure that it always returns non-null value");
                                      size = udtVal.Length;

                                      //it may be legitimate, but we dont support it yet
                                      if (size < 0 || (size >= UInt16.MaxValue && maxsize != -1))
                                          throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();

                                  //if this is NULL value, write special null value
                                  byte[] lenBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((Int64)size);

                                  if (ADP.IsEmpty(param.UdtTypeName))
                                      throw SQL.MustSetUdtTypeNameForUdtParams();

                                  // Split the input name. TypeName is returned as single 3 part name during DeriveParameters.
                                  // NOTE: ParseUdtTypeName throws if format is incorrect
                                  String[] names = SqlParameter.ParseTypeName(param.UdtTypeName, true /* is UdtTypeName */);
                                  if (!ADP.IsEmpty(names[0]) && TdsEnums.MAX_SERVERNAME < names[0].Length) {
                                      throw ADP.ArgumentOutOfRange("names");
                                  if (!ADP.IsEmpty(names[1]) && TdsEnums.MAX_SERVERNAME < names[names.Length - 2].Length) {
                                      throw ADP.ArgumentOutOfRange("names");
                                  if (TdsEnums.MAX_SERVERNAME < names[2].Length) {
                                      throw ADP.ArgumentOutOfRange("names");

                                  WriteUDTMetaData(value, names[0], names[1], names[2], stateObj);

                                  if (!isNull) {
                                      WriteUnsignedLong((ulong)udtVal.Length, stateObj); // PLP length
                                      if (udtVal.Length > 0) { // Only write chunk length if its value is greater than 0
                                          WriteInt(udtVal.Length, stateObj);                  // Chunk length
                                          stateObj.WriteByteArray(udtVal, udtVal.Length, 0); // Value
                                      WriteInt(0, stateObj);                              // Terminator
                                  else {
                                      WriteUnsignedLong(TdsEnums.SQL_PLP_NULL, stateObj); // PLP Null.
                                  continue; // End of UDT - continue to next parameter.
                              else if (mt.IsPlp) {
                                  if (mt.SqlDbType != SqlDbType.Xml)
                                      WriteShort(TdsEnums.SQL_USHORTVARMAXLEN, stateObj);
                              else if ((!mt.IsVarTime) && (mt.SqlDbType != SqlDbType.Date)) {   // Time, Date, DateTime2, DateTimeoffset do not have the size written out
                                  maxsize = (size > actualSize) ? size : actualSize;
                                  if (maxsize == 0 && IsYukonOrNewer) {
                                      // Yukon doesn't like 0 as MaxSize. Change it to 2 for unicode types (SQL9 - 682322)
                                      if (mt.IsNCharType)
                                          maxsize = 2;
                                          maxsize = 1;

                                  WriteParameterVarLen(mt, maxsize, false/*IsNull*/, stateObj);

                          // scale and precision are only relevant for numeric and decimal types
                          if (mt.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.Decimal) {
                              if (0 == precision) {
                                  if (_isShiloh)

                          else if (mt.IsVarTime) {

                          // write out collation or xml metadata

                          if (_isYukon && (mt.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.Xml)) {
                              if (((param.XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase != null) && (param.XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase != ADP.StrEmpty)) ||
                                  ((param.XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema != null) && (param.XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema != ADP.StrEmpty)) ||
                                  ((param.XmlSchemaCollectionName != null) && (param.XmlSchemaCollectionName != ADP.StrEmpty))) {
                                  stateObj.WriteByte(1);   //Schema present flag

                                  if ((param.XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase != null) && (param.XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase != ADP.StrEmpty)) {
                                      tempLen = (param.XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase).Length;
                                      WriteString(param.XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase, tempLen, 0, stateObj);
                                  else {
                                      stateObj.WriteByte(0);       // No dbname

                                  if ((param.XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema != null) && (param.XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema != ADP.StrEmpty)) {
                                      tempLen = (param.XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema).Length;
                                      WriteString(param.XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema, tempLen, 0, stateObj);
                                  else {
                                      stateObj.WriteByte(0);      // no xml schema name
                                  if ((param.XmlSchemaCollectionName != null) && (param.XmlSchemaCollectionName != ADP.StrEmpty)) {
                                      tempLen = (param.XmlSchemaCollectionName).Length;
                                      WriteShort((short)(tempLen), stateObj);
                                      WriteString(param.XmlSchemaCollectionName, tempLen, 0, stateObj);
                                  else {
                                      WriteShort(0, stateObj);       // No xml schema collection name

                              else {
                                  stateObj.WriteByte(0);       // No schema
                          else if (_isShiloh && mt.IsCharType) {
                              // if it is not supplied, simply write out our default collation, otherwise, write out the one attached to the parameter
                              SqlCollation outCollation = (param.Collation != null) ? param.Collation : _defaultCollation;
                              Debug.Assert(_defaultCollation != null, "_defaultCollation is null!");

                              WriteUnsignedInt(outCollation.info, stateObj);

                          if (0 == codePageByteSize)
                              WriteParameterVarLen(mt, actualSize, isNull, stateObj, isDataFeed);
                              WriteParameterVarLen(mt, codePageByteSize, isNull, stateObj, isDataFeed);

                          Task writeParamTask = null;
                          // write the value now
                          if (!isNull) {
                              if (isSqlVal) {
                                  writeParamTask = WriteSqlValue(value, mt, actualSize, codePageByteSize, param.Offset, stateObj);
                              else {
                                  // for codePageEncoded types, WriteValue simply expects the number of characters
                                  // For plp types, we also need the encoded byte size
                                  writeParamTask = WriteValue(value, mt, isParameterEncrypted ? (byte)0 : param.GetActualScale(), actualSize, codePageByteSize, isParameterEncrypted ? 0 : param.Offset, stateObj, isParameterEncrypted ? 0 : param.Size, isDataFeed);

                          // Send encryption metadata for encrypted parameters.
                          if (isParameterEncrypted) {
                              writeParamTask = WriteEncryptionMetadata(writeParamTask, encryptedParameterInfoToWrite, stateObj);

                          if (!sync) {
                              if (writeParamTask == null) {
                                  writeParamTask = stateObj.WaitForAccumulatedWrites();                             

                              if (writeParamTask != null) {
                                  Task task = null;
                                  if (completion == null) {
                                      completion = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
                                      task = completion.Task;

                                  AsyncHelper.ContinueTask(writeParamTask, completion,
                                      () => TdsExecuteRPC(cmd, rpcArray, timeout, inSchema, notificationRequest, stateObj, isCommandProc, sync, completion,
                                                            startRpc: ii, startParam: i + 1),
                                      connectionToDoom: _connHandler,
                                      onFailure: exc => TdsExecuteRPC_OnFailure(exc, stateObj));

                                  // Take care of releasing the locks
                                  if (releaseConnectionLock) {
                                      task.ContinueWith(_ => {
                                      }, TaskScheduler.Default);
                                      releaseConnectionLock = false;

                                  return task;
                          else {
                              Debug.Assert(writeParamTask == null, "Should not have a task when executing sync");
                      } // parameter for loop

                      // If this is not the last RPC we are sending, add the batch flag
                      if (ii < (rpcArray.Length - 1)) {
                          if (_isYukon) {

                          else {
                  } // rpc for loop

                  Task execFlushTask = stateObj.ExecuteFlush();
                  Debug.Assert(!sync || execFlushTask == null, "Should not get a task when executing sync");
                  if (execFlushTask != null) {
                      Task task = null;

                      if (completion == null) {
                          completion = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
                          task = completion.Task;

                      bool taskReleaseConnectionLock = releaseConnectionLock;
                      execFlushTask.ContinueWith(tsk => ExecuteFlushTaskCallback(tsk, stateObj, completion, taskReleaseConnectionLock), TaskScheduler.Default);
                      // ExecuteFlushTaskCallback will take care of the locks for us
                      releaseConnectionLock = false;
                      return task;
              catch (Exception e) {
                  if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e)) {

                  FailureCleanup(stateObj, e);

              if (completion != null) {
              return null;
          catch (Exception e) {
              if (completion != null) {
                  return null;
              else {
                  throw e;
          finally {
              Debug.Assert(firstCall || !releaseConnectionLock, "Shouldn't be releasing locks synchronously after the first call");
              if (releaseConnectionLock) {
        internal Task TdsExecuteSQLBatch(string text, int timeout, SqlNotificationRequest notificationRequest, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, bool sync, bool callerHasConnectionLock = false) {
            if (TdsParserState.Broken == State || TdsParserState.Closed == State) {
                return null;

            if (stateObj.BcpLock) {
                throw SQL.ConnectionLockedForBcpEvent();

            // SQLBUDT #20010853 - Promote, Commit and Rollback requests for
            // delegated transactions often happen while there is an open result
            // set, so we need to handle them by using a different MARS session, 
            // otherwise we'll write on the physical state objects while someone
            // else is using it.  When we don't have MARS enabled, we need to 
            // lock the physical state object to syncronize it's use at least 
            // until we increment the open results count.  Once it's been 
            // incremented the delegated transaction requests will fail, so they
            // won't stomp on anything.

            // Only need to take the lock if neither the thread nor the caller claims to already have it
            bool needToTakeParserLock = (!callerHasConnectionLock) && (!_connHandler.ThreadHasParserLockForClose);
            Debug.Assert(!_connHandler.ThreadHasParserLockForClose || sync, "Thread shouldn't claim to have the parser lock if we are doing async writes");     // Since we have the possibility of pending with async writes, make sure the thread doesn't claim to already have the lock
            Debug.Assert(needToTakeParserLock || _connHandler._parserLock.ThreadMayHaveLock(), "Thread or caller claims to have connection lock, but lock is not taken");

            bool releaseConnectionLock = false;
            if (needToTakeParserLock) {
                _connHandler._parserLock.Wait(canReleaseFromAnyThread: !sync);
                releaseConnectionLock = true;

            // Switch the writing mode
            // NOTE: We are not turning off async writes when we complete since SqlBulkCopy uses this method and expects _asyncWrite to not change
            _asyncWrite = !sync;

            try {
                // Check that the connection is still alive
                if ((_state == TdsParserState.Closed) || (_state == TdsParserState.Broken)) {
                    throw ADP.ClosedConnectionError();

                // This validation step MUST be done after locking the connection to guarantee we don't 
                //  accidentally execute after the transaction has completed on a different thread.

                if ((!_fMARS) && (_physicalStateObj.HasOpenResult)) 
                    Bid.Trace("<sc.TdsParser.TdsExecuteSQLBatch|ERR> Potential multi-threaded misuse of connection, non-MARs connection with an open result %d#\n", ObjectID);
                stateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_Execute;

                if (_isYukon) {

                    WriteRPCBatchHeaders(stateObj, notificationRequest);

                stateObj._outputMessageType = TdsEnums.MT_SQL;

                WriteString(text, text.Length, 0, stateObj);

                Task executeTask = stateObj.ExecuteFlush();
                if (executeTask == null) {
                    stateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_Read;
                else {
                    Debug.Assert(!sync, "Should not have gotten a Task when writing in sync mode");

                    // Need to wait for flush - continuation will unlock the connection                    
                    bool taskReleaseConnectionLock = releaseConnectionLock;
                    releaseConnectionLock = false;
                    return executeTask.ContinueWith(t => {
                        Debug.Assert(!t.IsCanceled, "Task should not be canceled");
                        try {
                            if (t.IsFaulted) {
                                FailureCleanup(stateObj, t.Exception.InnerException);
                                throw t.Exception.InnerException;
                            else {
                                stateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_Read;
                        finally {
                            if (taskReleaseConnectionLock) {
                    }, TaskScheduler.Default);

                // Finished [....]
                return null;
            catch (Exception e) {
                //Debug.Assert(_state == TdsParserState.Broken, "Caught exception in TdsExecuteSQLBatch but connection was not broken!");
                if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e)) {

                FailureCleanup(stateObj, e);

            finally {
                if (releaseConnectionLock) {
Beispiel #11
        // This method is used by SqlCommand.
        internal void StartTimer(SqlNotificationRequest notificationRequest) {
            IntPtr hscp;
            Bid.NotificationsScopeEnter(out hscp, "<sc.SqlDependency.StartTimer|DEP> %d#", ObjectID);
            try {
                if(_expirationTime == DateTime.MaxValue) {			
                    Bid.NotificationsTrace("<sc.SqlDependency.StartTimer|DEP> We've timed out, executing logic.\n");

    				int seconds = SQL.SqlDependencyServerTimeout;
                    if (0 != _timeout) {
    					seconds = _timeout;					
                    if (notificationRequest != null && notificationRequest.Timeout < seconds && notificationRequest.Timeout != 0) {						
    					seconds = notificationRequest.Timeout;

                    // VSDD 563926: we use UTC to check if SqlDependency is expired, need to use it here as well.
                    _expirationTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(seconds);
            finally {
                Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp);
 public SqlDbCacheListiner(CacheManagerBase cacheManager, SqlNotificationRequest request)
     _cacheManager = cacheManager;
     // should implement SqlNotificationRequest and attach to it property
Beispiel #13
		public void NotificationTest ()
			cmd = new SqlCommand ();
			SqlNotificationRequest notification = new SqlNotificationRequest("MyNotification","MyService",15);
			Assert.AreEqual (null, cmd.Notification, "#1 The default value for this property should be null");
			cmd.Notification = notification;
			Assert.AreEqual ("MyService", cmd.Notification.Options, "#2 The value should be MyService as the constructor is initiated with this value");
			Assert.AreEqual (15, cmd.Notification.Timeout, "#2 The value should be 15 as the constructor is initiated with this value");
 private void WriteQueryNotificationHeader(SqlNotificationRequest notificationRequest, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
     if (notificationRequest != null)
         string userData = notificationRequest.UserData;
         string options = notificationRequest.Options;
         int timeout = notificationRequest.Timeout;
         if (userData == null)
             throw ADP.ArgumentNull("CallbackId");
         if (0xffff < userData.Length)
             throw ADP.ArgumentOutOfRange("CallbackId");
         if (options == null)
             throw ADP.ArgumentNull("Service");
         if (0xffff < options.Length)
             throw ADP.ArgumentOutOfRange("Service");
         if (-1 > timeout)
             throw ADP.ArgumentOutOfRange("Timeout");
         Bid.NotificationsTrace("<sc.TdsParser.WriteQueryNotificationHeader|DEP> NotificationRequest: userData: '%ls', options: '%ls', timeout: '%d'\n", notificationRequest.UserData, notificationRequest.Options, notificationRequest.Timeout);
         int v = ((8 + (userData.Length * 2)) + 2) + (options.Length * 2);
         if (timeout > 0)
             v += 4;
         int num4 = (v + stateObj._outBytesUsed) - 8;
         int num3 = stateObj._outBytesUsed;
         stateObj._outBytesUsed = 8;
         this.WriteInt(num4, stateObj);
         stateObj._outBytesUsed = num3;
         this.WriteInt(v, stateObj);
         this.WriteShort(1, stateObj);
         this.WriteShort(userData.Length * 2, stateObj);
         this.WriteString(userData, stateObj);
         this.WriteShort(options.Length * 2, stateObj);
         this.WriteString(options, stateObj);
         if (timeout > 0)
             this.WriteInt(timeout, stateObj);
		public void UserData ()
			SqlNotificationRequest nr = new SqlNotificationRequest ();
			nr.UserData = "XYZ";
			Assert.AreEqual ("XYZ", nr.UserData, "#1");
			nr.UserData = null;
			Assert.IsNull (nr.UserData, "#2");
			nr.UserData = " \r ";
			Assert.AreEqual (" \r ", nr.UserData, "#3");
			nr.UserData = string.Empty;
			Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, nr.UserData, "#4");
			nr.UserData = new string ('X', 0xffff);
			Assert.AreEqual (new string ('X', 0xffff), nr.UserData, "#5");
		public void UserData_Value_ExceedMaxLength ()
			SqlNotificationRequest nr = new SqlNotificationRequest ();
			string userData = new string ('X', 0x10000);

			try {
				nr.UserData = userData;
				Assert.Fail ("#1");
			} catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) {
				Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentOutOfRangeException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
				Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3");
				Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4");
				Assert.AreEqual ("UserData", ex.ParamName, "#5");
        private int GetNotificationHeaderSize(SqlNotificationRequest notificationRequest) {
            if (null != notificationRequest) {
                string callbackId = notificationRequest.UserData;
                string service = notificationRequest.Options;
                int timeout = notificationRequest.Timeout;

                if (null == callbackId) {
                    throw ADP.ArgumentNull("CallbackId");
                else if (UInt16.MaxValue < callbackId.Length) {
                    throw ADP.ArgumentOutOfRange("CallbackId");

                if (null == service) {
                    throw ADP.ArgumentNull("Service");
                else if (UInt16.MaxValue < service.Length) {
                    throw ADP.ArgumentOutOfRange("Service");

                if (-1 > timeout) {
                    throw ADP.ArgumentOutOfRange("Timeout");

                // Header Length (uint) (included in size) (already written to output buffer)
                // Header Type (ushort)
                // NotifyID Length (ushort)
                // NotifyID UnicodeStream (unicode text)
                // SSBDeployment Length (ushort)
                // SSBDeployment UnicodeStream (unicode text)
                // Timeout (uint) -- optional
                // WEBDATA 102263: Don't send timeout value if it is 0

                int headerLength = 4 + 2 + 2 + (callbackId.Length * 2) + 2 + (service.Length * 2);
                if (timeout > 0)
                    headerLength += 4;
                return headerLength;
            else {
                return 0;
        // Write query notificaiton header data, not including the notificaiton header length
        private void WriteQueryNotificationHeaderData(SqlNotificationRequest notificationRequest, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) {
            Debug.Assert(_isYukon, "WriteQueryNotificationHeaderData called on a non-Yukon server");

            // We may need to update the notification header length if the header is changed in the future

            Debug.Assert (null != notificationRequest, "notificaitonRequest is null");
            string callbackId = notificationRequest.UserData;
            string service = notificationRequest.Options;
            int timeout = notificationRequest.Timeout;

            // we did verification in GetNotificationHeaderSize, so just assert here.
            Debug.Assert(null != callbackId, "CallbackId is null");
            Debug.Assert(UInt16.MaxValue >= callbackId.Length, "CallbackId length is out of range");
            Debug.Assert(null != service, "Service is null");
            Debug.Assert(UInt16.MaxValue >= service.Length, "Service length is out of range");
            Debug.Assert(-1 <= timeout, "Timeout");

            Bid.NotificationsTrace("<sc.TdsParser.WriteQueryNotificationHeader|DEP> NotificationRequest: userData: '%ls', options: '%ls', timeout: '%d'\n", notificationRequest.UserData, notificationRequest.Options, notificationRequest.Timeout);

            WriteShort(TdsEnums.HEADERTYPE_QNOTIFICATION, stateObj);      // Query notifications Type

            WriteShort(callbackId.Length * 2, stateObj); // Length in bytes
            WriteString(callbackId, stateObj);

            WriteShort(service.Length * 2, stateObj); // Length in bytes
            WriteString(service, stateObj);
            if (timeout > 0)
                WriteInt(timeout, stateObj);
 internal void TdsExecuteRPC(_SqlRPC[] rpcArray, int timeout, bool inSchema, SqlNotificationRequest notificationRequest, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, bool isCommandProc)
     if ((TdsParserState.Broken != this.State) && (this.State != TdsParserState.Closed))
         _SqlRPC lrpc = null;
         bool lockTaken = false;
         lock (this._connHandler)
                 if (this._isYukon && !this.MARSOn)
                     Monitor.Enter(this._physicalStateObj, ref lockTaken);
                 if (!this._fMARS && this._physicalStateObj.HasOpenResult)
                     Bid.Trace("<sc.TdsParser.TdsExecuteRPC|ERR> Potential multi-threaded misuse of connection, non-MARs connection with an open result %d#\n", this.ObjectID);
                 stateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_Execute;
                 if (this._isYukon)
                     this.WriteMarsHeader(stateObj, this.CurrentTransaction);
                     if (notificationRequest != null)
                         this.WriteQueryNotificationHeader(notificationRequest, stateObj);
                 stateObj._outputMessageType = 3;
                 for (int i = 0; i < rpcArray.Length; i++)
                     int length;
                     lrpc = rpcArray[i];
                     if ((lrpc.ProcID != 0) && this._isShiloh)
                         this.WriteShort(0xffff, stateObj);
                         this.WriteShort((short) lrpc.ProcID, stateObj);
                         length = lrpc.rpcName.Length;
                         this.WriteShort(length, stateObj);
                         this.WriteString(lrpc.rpcName, length, 0, stateObj);
                     this.WriteShort((short) lrpc.options, stateObj);
                     SqlParameter[] parameters = lrpc.parameters;
                     for (int j = 0; j < parameters.Length; j++)
                         SqlParameter param = parameters[j];
                         if (param == null)
                         param.Validate(j, isCommandProc);
                         MetaType internalMetaType = param.InternalMetaType;
                         if (internalMetaType.IsNewKatmaiType)
                             this.WriteSmiParameter(param, j, 0 != (lrpc.paramoptions[j] & 2), stateObj);
                             bool flag2;
                             if (((!this._isShiloh && !internalMetaType.Is70Supported) || (!this._isYukon && !internalMetaType.Is80Supported)) || (!this._isKatmai && !internalMetaType.Is90Supported))
                                 throw ADP.VersionDoesNotSupportDataType(internalMetaType.TypeName);
                             object coercedValue = null;
                             if (param.Direction == ParameterDirection.Output)
                                 bool paramaterIsSqlType = param.ParamaterIsSqlType;
                                 param.Value = null;
                                 coercedValue = null;
                                 param.ParamaterIsSqlType = paramaterIsSqlType;
                                 coercedValue = param.GetCoercedValue();
                             bool isNull = ADP.IsNull(coercedValue, out flag2);
                             string parameterNameFixed = param.ParameterNameFixed;
                             this.WriteParameterName(parameterNameFixed, stateObj);
                             this.WriteByte(lrpc.paramoptions[j], stateObj);
                             this.WriteByte(internalMetaType.NullableType, stateObj);
                             if (internalMetaType.TDSType == 0x62)
                                 this.WriteSqlVariantValue(flag2 ? MetaType.GetComValueFromSqlVariant(coercedValue) : coercedValue, param.GetActualSize(), param.Offset, stateObj);
                                 int actualSize;
                                 int num4 = internalMetaType.IsSizeInCharacters ? (param.GetParameterSize() * 2) : param.GetParameterSize();
                                 if (internalMetaType.TDSType != 240)
                                     actualSize = param.GetActualSize();
                                     actualSize = 0;
                                 int size = 0;
                                 int num = 0;
                                 if (internalMetaType.IsAnsiType)
                                     if (!isNull)
                                         string str;
                                         if (flag2)
                                             if (coercedValue is SqlString)
                                                 SqlString str3 = (SqlString) coercedValue;
                                                 str = str3.Value;
                                                 str = new string(((SqlChars) coercedValue).Value);
                                             str = (string) coercedValue;
                                         size = this.GetEncodingCharLength(str, actualSize, param.Offset, this._defaultEncoding);
                                     if (internalMetaType.IsPlp)
                                         this.WriteShort(0xffff, stateObj);
                                         num = (num4 > size) ? num4 : size;
                                         if (num == 0)
                                             if (internalMetaType.IsNCharType)
                                                 num = 2;
                                                 num = 1;
                                         this.WriteParameterVarLen(internalMetaType, num, false, stateObj);
                                 else if (internalMetaType.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.Timestamp)
                                     this.WriteParameterVarLen(internalMetaType, 8, false, stateObj);
                                     if (internalMetaType.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.Udt)
                                         byte[] b = null;
                                         bool flag3 = ADP.IsNull(coercedValue);
                                         Format native = Format.Native;
                                         if (!flag3)
                                             b = this._connHandler.Connection.GetBytes(coercedValue, out native, out num);
                                             num4 = b.Length;
                                             if ((num4 < 0) || ((num4 >= 0xffff) && (num != -1)))
                                                 throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
                                         BitConverter.GetBytes((long) num4);
                                         if (ADP.IsEmpty(param.UdtTypeName))
                                             throw SQL.MustSetUdtTypeNameForUdtParams();
                                         string[] strArray = SqlParameter.ParseTypeName(param.UdtTypeName, true);
                                         if (!ADP.IsEmpty(strArray[0]) && (0xff < strArray[0].Length))
                                             throw ADP.ArgumentOutOfRange("names");
                                         if (!ADP.IsEmpty(strArray[1]) && (0xff < strArray[strArray.Length - 2].Length))
                                             throw ADP.ArgumentOutOfRange("names");
                                         if (0xff < strArray[2].Length)
                                             throw ADP.ArgumentOutOfRange("names");
                                         this.WriteUDTMetaData(coercedValue, strArray[0], strArray[1], strArray[2], stateObj);
                                         if (!flag3)
                                             this.WriteUnsignedLong((ulong) b.Length, stateObj);
                                             if (b.Length > 0)
                                                 this.WriteInt(b.Length, stateObj);
                                                 this.WriteByteArray(b, b.Length, 0, stateObj);
                                             this.WriteInt(0, stateObj);
                                             this.WriteUnsignedLong(ulong.MaxValue, stateObj);
                                         goto Label_080A;
                                     if (internalMetaType.IsPlp)
                                         if (internalMetaType.SqlDbType != SqlDbType.Xml)
                                             this.WriteShort(0xffff, stateObj);
                                     else if (!internalMetaType.IsVarTime && (internalMetaType.SqlDbType != SqlDbType.Date))
                                         num = (num4 > actualSize) ? num4 : actualSize;
                                         if ((num == 0) && this.IsYukonOrNewer)
                                             if (internalMetaType.IsNCharType)
                                                 num = 2;
                                                 num = 1;
                                         this.WriteParameterVarLen(internalMetaType, num, false, stateObj);
                                 if (internalMetaType.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.Decimal)
                                     byte actualPrecision = param.GetActualPrecision();
                                     byte actualScale = param.GetActualScale();
                                     if (actualPrecision > 0x26)
                                         throw SQL.PrecisionValueOutOfRange(actualPrecision);
                                     if (!isNull)
                                         if (flag2)
                                             coercedValue = AdjustSqlDecimalScale((SqlDecimal) coercedValue, actualScale);
                                             if (actualPrecision != 0)
                                                 SqlDecimal num11 = (SqlDecimal) coercedValue;
                                                 if (actualPrecision < num11.Precision)
                                                     throw ADP.ParameterValueOutOfRange((SqlDecimal) coercedValue);
                                             coercedValue = AdjustDecimalScale((decimal) coercedValue, actualScale);
                                             SqlDecimal num10 = new SqlDecimal((decimal) coercedValue);
                                             if ((actualPrecision != 0) && (actualPrecision < num10.Precision))
                                                 throw ADP.ParameterValueOutOfRange((decimal) coercedValue);
                                     if (actualPrecision == 0)
                                         if (this._isShiloh)
                                             this.WriteByte(0x1d, stateObj);
                                             this.WriteByte(0x1c, stateObj);
                                         this.WriteByte(actualPrecision, stateObj);
                                     this.WriteByte(actualScale, stateObj);
                                 else if (internalMetaType.IsVarTime)
                                     this.WriteByte(param.GetActualScale(), stateObj);
                                 if (this._isYukon && (internalMetaType.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.Xml))
                                     if ((((param.XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase != null) && (param.XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase != ADP.StrEmpty)) || ((param.XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema != null) && (param.XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema != ADP.StrEmpty))) || ((param.XmlSchemaCollectionName != null) && (param.XmlSchemaCollectionName != ADP.StrEmpty)))
                                         this.WriteByte(1, stateObj);
                                         if ((param.XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase != null) && (param.XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase != ADP.StrEmpty))
                                             length = param.XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase.Length;
                                             this.WriteByte((byte) length, stateObj);
                                             this.WriteString(param.XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase, length, 0, stateObj);
                                             this.WriteByte(0, stateObj);
                                         if ((param.XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema != null) && (param.XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema != ADP.StrEmpty))
                                             length = param.XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema.Length;
                                             this.WriteByte((byte) length, stateObj);
                                             this.WriteString(param.XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema, length, 0, stateObj);
                                             this.WriteByte(0, stateObj);
                                         if ((param.XmlSchemaCollectionName != null) && (param.XmlSchemaCollectionName != ADP.StrEmpty))
                                             length = param.XmlSchemaCollectionName.Length;
                                             this.WriteShort((short) length, stateObj);
                                             this.WriteString(param.XmlSchemaCollectionName, length, 0, stateObj);
                                             this.WriteShort(0, stateObj);
                                         this.WriteByte(0, stateObj);
                                 else if (this._isShiloh && internalMetaType.IsCharType)
                                     SqlCollation collation = (param.Collation != null) ? param.Collation : this._defaultCollation;
                                     this.WriteUnsignedInt(collation.info, stateObj);
                                     this.WriteByte(collation.sortId, stateObj);
                                 if (size == 0)
                                     this.WriteParameterVarLen(internalMetaType, actualSize, isNull, stateObj);
                                     this.WriteParameterVarLen(internalMetaType, size, isNull, stateObj);
                                 if (!isNull)
                                     if (flag2)
                                         this.WriteSqlValue(coercedValue, internalMetaType, actualSize, size, param.Offset, stateObj);
                                         this.WriteValue(coercedValue, internalMetaType, param.GetActualScale(), actualSize, size, param.Offset, stateObj);
                     if (i < (rpcArray.Length - 1))
                         if (this._isYukon)
                             this.WriteByte(0xff, stateObj);
                             this.WriteByte(0x80, stateObj);
                 stateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_Read;
             catch (Exception exception)
                 if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(exception))
                 this.FailureCleanup(stateObj, exception);
                 if (lockTaken)