Beispiel #1
        private int FillFromADODB(object data, object adodb, string?srcTable, bool multipleResults)
            Debug.Assert(null != data, "FillFromADODB: null data object");
            Debug.Assert(null != adodb, "FillFromADODB: null ADODB");
            Debug.Assert(!(adodb is DataTable), "call Fill( (DataTable) value)");
            Debug.Assert(!(adodb is DataSet), "call Fill( (DataSet) value)");

             * IntPtr adodbptr = ADP.PtrZero;
             * try { // generate a new COM Callable Wrapper around the user object so they can't ReleaseComObject on us.
             *  adodbptr = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(adodb);
             *  adodb = System.Runtime.Remoting.Services.EnterpriseServicesHelper.WrapIUnknownWithComObject(adodbptr);
             * }
             * finally {
             *  if (ADP.PtrZero != adodbptr) {
             *      Marshal.Release(adodbptr);
             *  }
             * }

            bool closeRecordset = multipleResults;

            UnsafeNativeMethods.ADORecordsetConstruction?recordset = (adodb as UnsafeNativeMethods.ADORecordsetConstruction);
            UnsafeNativeMethods.ADORecordConstruction?   record    = null;

            if (null != recordset)
                if (multipleResults)
                    // The NextRecordset method is not available on a disconnected Recordset object, where ActiveConnection has been set to NULL
                    object activeConnection;
                    activeConnection = ((UnsafeNativeMethods.Recordset15)adodb).get_ActiveConnection();

                    if (null == activeConnection)
                        multipleResults = false;
                record = (adodb as UnsafeNativeMethods.ADORecordConstruction);

                if (null != record)
                    multipleResults = false; // IRow implies CommandBehavior.SingleRow which implies CommandBehavior.SingleResult
            // else throw ODB.Fill_NotADODB("adodb"); /* throw later, less code here*/

            int results = 0;

            if (null != recordset)
                int      resultCount = 0;
                bool     incrementResultCount;
                object[] value = new object[1];

                    string?tmp = null;
                    if (data is DataSet)
                        tmp = GetSourceTableName(srcTable !, resultCount);
                    results += FillFromRecordset(data, recordset, tmp, out incrementResultCount);

                    if (multipleResults)
                        value[0] = DBNull.Value;

                        object       recordsAffected;
                        object       nextresult;
                        OleDbHResult hr = ((UnsafeNativeMethods.Recordset15)adodb).NextRecordset(out recordsAffected, out nextresult);

                        if (0 > hr)
                            // Current provider does not support returning multiple recordsets from a single execution.
                            if (ODB.ADODB_NextResultError != (int)hr)

                                string message = string.Empty;
                                throw new COMException(message, (int)hr);
                        adodb = nextresult;
                        if (null != adodb)
                            recordset = (UnsafeNativeMethods.ADORecordsetConstruction)adodb;

                            if (incrementResultCount)
                } while (null != recordset);

                if ((null != recordset) && (closeRecordset || (null == adodb)))
                    FillClose(true, recordset);
            else if (null != record)
                results = FillFromRecord(data, record, srcTable !);
                if (closeRecordset)
                    FillClose(false, record);
                throw ODB.Fill_NotADODB("adodb");
        private int FillFromADODB(Object data, object adodb, string srcTable, bool multipleResults)
            Debug.Assert(null != data, "FillFromADODB: null data object");
            Debug.Assert(null != adodb, "FillFromADODB: null ADODB");
            Debug.Assert(!(adodb is DataTable), "call Fill( (DataTable) value)");
            Debug.Assert(!(adodb is DataSet), "call Fill( (DataSet) value)");

             * IntPtr adodbptr = ADP.PtrZero;
             * try { // generate a new COM Callable Wrapper around the user object so they can't ReleaseComObject on us.
             *  adodbptr = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(adodb);
             *  adodb = System.Runtime.Remoting.Services.EnterpriseServicesHelper.WrapIUnknownWithComObject(adodbptr);
             * }
             * finally {
             *  if (ADP.PtrZero != adodbptr) {
             *      Marshal.Release(adodbptr);
             *  }
             * }

            bool closeRecordset = multipleResults; // MDAC 60332, 66668
            Type recordsetType  = null;

            UnsafeNativeMethods.ADORecordConstruction    record    = null;
            UnsafeNativeMethods.ADORecordsetConstruction recordset = null;
            try {
                ODB.Trace_Cast("Object", "ADORecordsetConstruction", "get_Rowset");
                recordset     = (UnsafeNativeMethods.ADORecordsetConstruction)adodb;
                recordsetType = adodb.GetType();

                if (multipleResults)
                    // The NextRecordset method is not available on a disconnected Recordset object, where ActiveConnection has been set to NULL
                    object activeConnection = recordsetType.InvokeMember("ActiveConnection", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, adodb, new object[0]);
                    if (null == activeConnection)
                        multipleResults = false;
            catch (InvalidCastException e) {

                try {
                    ODB.Trace_Cast("Object", "ADORecordConstruction", "get_Row");
                    record          = (UnsafeNativeMethods.ADORecordConstruction)adodb;
                    multipleResults = false; // IRow implies CommandBehavior.SingleRow which implies CommandBehavior.SingleResult
                catch (InvalidCastException f) {
                    // $Consider: telling use either type of object passed in
                    throw ODB.Fill_NotADODB("adodb", f);
            int results = 0;
            if (null != recordset)
                int      resultCount = 0;
                bool     incrementResultCount; // MDAC 59632
                object[] value = new object[1];

                    string tmp = null;
                    if (data is DataSet)
                        tmp = DbDataAdapter.GetSourceTableName(srcTable, resultCount);
                    results += FillFromRecordset(data, recordset, tmp, out incrementResultCount);

                    if (multipleResults)
                        value[0] = DBNull.Value;
                        try {
                            adodb = recordsetType.InvokeMember("NextRecordset", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, adodb, value);
                            if (null != adodb)
                                try {
                                    ODB.Trace_Cast("ADODB", "ADORecordsetConstruction", "get_Rowset");
                                    recordset = (UnsafeNativeMethods.ADORecordsetConstruction)adodb;
                                catch (Exception e) {
                                recordsetType = adodb.GetType(); // MDAC 59253
                                if (incrementResultCount)
                        catch (TargetInvocationException e) { // MDAC 59244, 65506
                            if (e.InnerException is COMException)
                                FillNextResultError((COMException)e.InnerException, e);
                                closeRecordset = true; // MDAC 60408
                        catch (COMException e) {   // used as backup to the TargetInvocationException
                            FillNextResultError(e, e);
                            closeRecordset = true; // MDAC 60408
                } while(null != recordset);

                if ((null != recordset) && (closeRecordset || (null == adodb)))   // MDAC 59746, 60902
                    FillClose(recordsetType, recordset);
            else if (null != record)
                results = FillFromRecord(data, record, srcTable);
                if (closeRecordset)                     // MDAC 66668
                    FillClose(adodb.GetType(), record); // MDAC 60848
                throw ODB.Fill_NotADODB("adodb", null);
Beispiel #3
        private int FillFromADODB(Object data, object adodb, string srcTable, bool multipleResults)
            Debug.Assert(null != data, "FillFromADODB: null data object");
            Debug.Assert(null != adodb, "FillFromADODB: null ADODB");
            Debug.Assert(!(adodb is DataTable), "call Fill( (DataTable) value)");
            Debug.Assert(!(adodb is DataSet), "call Fill( (DataSet) value)");

             * IntPtr adodbptr = ADP.PtrZero;
             * try { // generate a new COM Callable Wrapper around the user object so they can't ReleaseComObject on us.
             *  adodbptr = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(adodb);
             *  adodb = System.Runtime.Remoting.Services.EnterpriseServicesHelper.WrapIUnknownWithComObject(adodbptr);
             * }
             * finally {
             *  if (ADP.PtrZero != adodbptr) {
             *      Marshal.Release(adodbptr);
             *  }
             * }

            bool closeRecordset = multipleResults; // MDAC 60332, 66668

            Bid.Trace("<oledb.IUnknown.QueryInterface|API|OLEDB|ADODB> ADORecordsetConstruction\n");
            UnsafeNativeMethods.ADORecordsetConstruction recordset = (adodb as UnsafeNativeMethods.ADORecordsetConstruction);
            UnsafeNativeMethods.ADORecordConstruction    record    = null;

            if (null != recordset)   // MDAC 78415
                if (multipleResults)
                    // The NextRecordset method is not available on a disconnected Recordset object, where ActiveConnection has been set to NULL
                    object activeConnection;

                    activeConnection = ((UnsafeNativeMethods.Recordset15)adodb).get_ActiveConnection();

                    if (null == activeConnection)
                        multipleResults = false;
                Bid.Trace("<oledb.IUnknown.QueryInterface|API|OLEDB|ADODB> ADORecordConstruction\n");
                record = (adodb as UnsafeNativeMethods.ADORecordConstruction);

                if (null != record)          // MDAC 78415
                    multipleResults = false; // IRow implies CommandBehavior.SingleRow which implies CommandBehavior.SingleResult
            // else throw ODB.Fill_NotADODB("adodb"); /* throw later, less code here*/

            int results = 0;

            if (null != recordset)
                int      resultCount = 0;
                bool     incrementResultCount; // MDAC 59632
                object[] value = new object[1];

                    string tmp = null;
                    if (data is DataSet)
                        tmp = GetSourceTableName(srcTable, resultCount);
                    results += FillFromRecordset(data, recordset, tmp, out incrementResultCount);

                    if (multipleResults)
                        value[0] = DBNull.Value;

                        object recordsAffected;
                        object nextresult;

                        OleDbHResult hr = ((UnsafeNativeMethods.Recordset15)adodb).NextRecordset(out recordsAffected, out nextresult); // MDAC 78415
                        Bid.Trace("<oledb.Recordset15.NextRecordset|API|ADODB|RET> %08X{HRESULT}\n", hr);

                        if (0 > hr)
                            // Current provider does not support returning multiple recordsets from a single execution.
                            if (ODB.ADODB_NextResultError != (int)hr)
                                UnsafeNativeMethods.IErrorInfo errorInfo = null;
                                UnsafeNativeMethods.GetErrorInfo(0, out errorInfo);

                                string message = String.Empty;
                                if (null != errorInfo)
                                    OleDbHResult hresult = ODB.GetErrorDescription(errorInfo, hr, out message);
                                throw new COMException(message, (int)hr);
                        adodb = nextresult;
                        if (null != adodb)
                            Bid.Trace("<oledb.IUnknown.QueryInterface|API|OLEDB|ADODB> ADORecordsetConstruction\n");
                            recordset = (UnsafeNativeMethods.ADORecordsetConstruction)adodb;

                            if (incrementResultCount)
                } while(null != recordset);

                if ((null != recordset) && (closeRecordset || (null == adodb)))   // MDAC 59746, 60902
                    FillClose(true, recordset);
            else if (null != record)
                results = FillFromRecord(data, record, srcTable);
                if (closeRecordset)           // MDAC 66668
                    FillClose(false, record); // MDAC 60848
                throw ODB.Fill_NotADODB("adodb");
        private int FillFromADODB(object data, object adodb, string srcTable, bool multipleResults)
            string sourceTableName;
            bool   flag2;
            bool   flag = multipleResults;

            Bid.Trace("<oledb.IUnknown.QueryInterface|API|OLEDB|ADODB> ADORecordsetConstruction\n");
            System.Data.Common.UnsafeNativeMethods.ADORecordsetConstruction recordset = adodb as System.Data.Common.UnsafeNativeMethods.ADORecordsetConstruction;
            System.Data.Common.UnsafeNativeMethods.ADORecordConstruction    record    = null;
            if (recordset != null)
                if (multipleResults)
                    if (((System.Data.Common.UnsafeNativeMethods.Recordset15)adodb).get_ActiveConnection() == null)
                        multipleResults = false;
                Bid.Trace("<oledb.IUnknown.QueryInterface|API|OLEDB|ADODB> ADORecordConstruction\n");
                record = adodb as System.Data.Common.UnsafeNativeMethods.ADORecordConstruction;
                if (record != null)
                    multipleResults = false;
            int num = 0;

            if (recordset == null)
                if (record == null)
                    throw ODB.Fill_NotADODB("adodb");
                num = this.FillFromRecord(data, record, srcTable);
                if (flag)
                    this.FillClose(false, record);
            int index = 0;

            object[] objArray = new object[1];
            sourceTableName = null;
            if (data is DataSet)
                sourceTableName = GetSourceTableName(srcTable, index);
            num += this.FillFromRecordset(data, recordset, sourceTableName, out flag2);
            if (multipleResults)
                object obj2;
                object obj4;
                objArray[0] = DBNull.Value;
                OleDbHResult result = ((System.Data.Common.UnsafeNativeMethods.Recordset15)adodb).NextRecordset(out obj4, out obj2);
                Bid.Trace("<oledb.Recordset15.NextRecordset|API|ADODB|RET> %08X{HRESULT}\n", result);
                if (OleDbHResult.S_OK > result)
                    if (((OleDbHResult)(-2146825037)) != result)
                        System.Data.Common.UnsafeNativeMethods.IErrorInfo ppIErrorInfo = null;
                        System.Data.Common.UnsafeNativeMethods.GetErrorInfo(0, out ppIErrorInfo);
                        string message = string.Empty;
                        if (ppIErrorInfo != null)
                            ODB.GetErrorDescription(ppIErrorInfo, result, out message);
                        throw new COMException(message, (int)result);
                    adodb = obj2;
                    if (adodb != null)
                        Bid.Trace("<oledb.IUnknown.QueryInterface|API|OLEDB|ADODB> ADORecordsetConstruction\n");
                        recordset = (System.Data.Common.UnsafeNativeMethods.ADORecordsetConstruction)adodb;
                        if (flag2)
                        if (recordset != null)
                            goto Label_0068;
            if ((recordset != null) && (flag || (adodb == null)))
                this.FillClose(true, recordset);