Beispiel #1
        private void AddScalarMember(Type type, PropertyInfo clrProperty, StructuralType ospaceType, EdmProperty cspaceProperty, EdmType propertyType)
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "type != null");
            Debug.Assert(clrProperty != null, "clrProperty != null");
            Debug.Assert(clrProperty.CanRead && clrProperty.CanWrite, "The clr property has to have a setter and a getter.");
            Debug.Assert(ospaceType != null, "ospaceType != null");
            Debug.Assert(cspaceProperty != null, "cspaceProperty != null");
            Debug.Assert(propertyType != null, "propertyType != null");
            Debug.Assert(Helper.IsScalarType(propertyType), "Property has to be primitive or enum.");

            var cspaceType = cspaceProperty.DeclaringType;

            bool isKeyMember = Helper.IsEntityType(cspaceType) && ((EntityType)cspaceType).KeyMemberNames.Contains(clrProperty.Name);

            // the property is nullable only if it is not a key and can actually be set to null (i.e. is not a value type or is a nullable value type)
            bool nullableFacetValue = !isKeyMember && (!clrProperty.PropertyType.IsValueType || Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(clrProperty.PropertyType) != null);

            EdmProperty ospaceProperty =
                new EdmProperty(
                    TypeUsage.Create(propertyType, new FacetValues {
                Nullable = nullableFacetValue

            if (isKeyMember)
Beispiel #2
        private void CreateAndAddNavigationProperty(StructuralType cspaceType, StructuralType ospaceType, NavigationProperty cspaceProperty, PropertyInfo clrProperty)
            EdmType ospaceRelationship;

            if (SessionData.CspaceToOspace.TryGetValue(cspaceProperty.RelationshipType, out ospaceRelationship))
                Debug.Assert(ospaceRelationship is StructuralType, "Structural type expected.");

                bool    foundTarget = false;
                EdmType targetType  = null;
                if (Helper.IsCollectionType(cspaceProperty.TypeUsage.EdmType))
                    EdmType findType;
                    foundTarget = SessionData.CspaceToOspace.TryGetValue((StructuralType)((CollectionType)cspaceProperty.TypeUsage.EdmType).TypeUsage.EdmType, out findType);
                    if (foundTarget)
                        Debug.Assert(findType is StructuralType, "Structural type expected.");

                        targetType = findType.GetCollectionType();
                    EdmType findType;
                    foundTarget = SessionData.CspaceToOspace.TryGetValue((StructuralType)cspaceProperty.TypeUsage.EdmType, out findType);
                    if (foundTarget)
                        Debug.Assert(findType is StructuralType, "Structural type expected.");

                        targetType = findType;

                Debug.Assert(foundTarget, "Since the relationship will only be created if it can find the types for both ends, we will never fail to find one of the ends");

                NavigationProperty navigationProperty = new NavigationProperty(cspaceProperty.Name, TypeUsage.Create(targetType), clrProperty);
                navigationProperty.RelationshipType = (RelationshipType)ospaceRelationship;

                // we can use First because o-space relationships are created directly from
                // c-space relationship
                navigationProperty.ToEndMember   = (RelationshipEndMember)((RelationshipType)ospaceRelationship).Members.First(e => e.Name == cspaceProperty.ToEndMember.Name);
                navigationProperty.FromEndMember = (RelationshipEndMember)((RelationshipType)ospaceRelationship).Members.First(e => e.Name == cspaceProperty.FromEndMember.Name);
                EntityTypeBase missingType = cspaceProperty.RelationshipType.RelationshipEndMembers.Select(e => ((RefType)e.TypeUsage.EdmType).ElementType).First(e => e != cspaceType);
                string         message     =
                        Strings.Validator_OSpace_Convention_RelationshipNotLoaded(cspaceProperty.RelationshipType.FullName, missingType.FullName),
                SessionData.EdmItemErrors.Add(new EdmItemError(message, ospaceType));
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves enum type property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="declaringType">The type to add the declared property to.</param>
        /// <param name="clrProperty">Property to resolve.</param>
        private void ResolveEnumTypeProperty(StructuralType declaringType, PropertyInfo clrProperty)
            Debug.Assert(declaringType != null, "type != null");
            Debug.Assert(clrProperty != null, "clrProperty != null");
                (Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(clrProperty.PropertyType) ?? clrProperty.PropertyType).IsEnum,
                "This method should be called for enums only");

            EdmType propertyType;

            if (!TryGetLoadedType(clrProperty.PropertyType, out propertyType) || !Helper.IsEnumType(propertyType))
                    new EdmItemError(
                            clrProperty.PropertyType.FullName), null));
                var edmScalarPropertyAttribute = (EdmScalarPropertyAttribute)clrProperty.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EdmScalarPropertyAttribute), false).Single();

                EdmProperty enumProperty = new EdmProperty(
                    TypeUsage.Create(propertyType, new FacetValues()
                    Nullable = edmScalarPropertyAttribute.IsNullable


                if (declaringType.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.EntityType && edmScalarPropertyAttribute.EntityKeyProperty)
Beispiel #4
        private void CreateAndAddComplexType(Type type, StructuralType ospaceType, EdmProperty cspaceProperty, PropertyInfo clrProperty)
            EdmType propertyType;

            if (SessionData.CspaceToOspace.TryGetValue((StructuralType)cspaceProperty.TypeUsage.EdmType, out propertyType))
                Debug.Assert(propertyType is StructuralType, "Structural type expected.");

                EdmProperty property = new EdmProperty(cspaceProperty.Name, TypeUsage.Create(propertyType, new FacetValues {
                    Nullable = false
                }), clrProperty, type.TypeHandle);
                string message =
                SessionData.EdmItemErrors.Add(new EdmItemError(message, ospaceType));
        private void ResolveComplexTypeProperty(StructuralType type, PropertyInfo clrProperty)
            // Load the property type and create a new property object
            EdmType propertyType;

            // If the type could not be loaded it's definitely not a complex type, so that's an error
            // If it could be loaded but is not a complex type that's an error as well
            if (!TryGetLoadedType(clrProperty.PropertyType, out propertyType) || propertyType.BuiltInTypeKind != BuiltInTypeKind.ComplexType)
                // This property does not need to be validated further, just add to the errors collection and continue with the next property
                // This failure will cause an exception to be thrown later during validation of all of the types
                SessionData.EdmItemErrors.Add(new EdmItemError(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Validator_OSpace_ComplexPropertyNotComplex(clrProperty.Name, clrProperty.DeclaringType.FullName, clrProperty.PropertyType.FullName), null));
                EdmProperty newProperty = new EdmProperty(clrProperty.Name,
                                                          TypeUsage.Create(propertyType, new FacetValues {
                    Nullable = false
                                                          clrProperty, type.ClrType.TypeHandle);

        internal void ResolveNavigationProperty(StructuralType declaringType, PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
            Debug.Assert(propertyInfo.IsDefined(typeof(EdmRelationshipNavigationPropertyAttribute), false), "The property must have navigation property defined");

            // EdmScalarPropertyAttribute, EdmComplexPropertyAttribute and EdmRelationshipNavigationPropertyAttribute
            // are all EdmPropertyAttributes that we need to process. If the current property is not an EdmPropertyAttribute
            // we will just ignore it and skip to the next property.
            object[] relationshipPropertyAttributes = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EdmRelationshipNavigationPropertyAttribute), false);

            Debug.Assert(relationshipPropertyAttributes.Length == 1, "There should be exactly one property for every navigation property");

            // The only valid return types from navigation properties are:
            //     (1) EntityType
            //     (2) CollectionType containing valid EntityType

            // If TryGetLoadedType returned false, it could mean that we couldn't validate any part of the type, or it could mean that it's a generic
            // where the main generic type was validated, but the generic type parameter was not. We can't tell the difference, so just fail
            // with the same error message in both cases. The user will have to figure out which part of the type is wrong.
            // We can't just rely on checking for a generic because it can lead to a scenario where we report that the type parameter is invalid
            // when really it's the main generic type. That is more confusing than reporting the full name and letting the user determine the problem.
            EdmType propertyType;

            if (!TryGetLoadedType(propertyInfo.PropertyType, out propertyType) || !(propertyType.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.EntityType || propertyType.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.CollectionType))
                // Once an error is detected the property does not need to be validated further, just add to the errors
                // collection and continue with the next property. The failure will cause an exception to be thrown later during validation of all of the types.
                SessionData.EdmItemErrors.Add(new EdmItemError(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Validator_OSpace_InvalidNavPropReturnType(propertyInfo.Name, propertyInfo.DeclaringType.FullName, propertyInfo.PropertyType.FullName), null));
            // else we have a valid EntityType or CollectionType that contains EntityType. ResolveNonSchemaType enforces that a collection type
            // must contain an EntityType, and if it doesn't, propertyType will be null here. If propertyType is EntityType or CollectionType we know it is valid

            // Expecting EdmRelationshipNavigationPropertyAttribute to have AllowMultiple=False, so only look at first element in the attribute array

            EdmRelationshipNavigationPropertyAttribute attribute = (EdmRelationshipNavigationPropertyAttribute)relationshipPropertyAttributes[0];

            EdmMember member = null;
            EdmType   type;

            if (SessionData.TypesInLoading.TryGetValue(attribute.RelationshipNamespaceName + "." + attribute.RelationshipName, out type) &&
                AssociationType relationshipType = (AssociationType)type;
                if (relationshipType != null)
                    // The return value of this property has been verified, so create the property now
                    NavigationProperty navigationProperty = new NavigationProperty(propertyInfo.Name, TypeUsage.Create(propertyType), propertyInfo);
                    navigationProperty.RelationshipType = relationshipType;
                    member = navigationProperty;

                    if (relationshipType.Members[0].Name == attribute.TargetRoleName)
                        navigationProperty.ToEndMember   = (RelationshipEndMember)relationshipType.Members[0];
                        navigationProperty.FromEndMember = (RelationshipEndMember)relationshipType.Members[1];
                    else if (relationshipType.Members[1].Name == attribute.TargetRoleName)
                        navigationProperty.ToEndMember   = (RelationshipEndMember)relationshipType.Members[1];
                        navigationProperty.FromEndMember = (RelationshipEndMember)relationshipType.Members[0];
                        SessionData.EdmItemErrors.Add(new EdmItemError(System.Data.Entity.Strings.TargetRoleNameInNavigationPropertyNotValid(
                                                                           propertyInfo.Name, propertyInfo.DeclaringType.FullName, attribute.TargetRoleName, attribute.RelationshipName), navigationProperty));
                        member = null;

                    if (member != null &&
                        ((RefType)navigationProperty.FromEndMember.TypeUsage.EdmType).ElementType.ClrType != declaringType.ClrType)
                        SessionData.EdmItemErrors.Add(new EdmItemError(System.Data.Entity.Strings.NavigationPropertyRelationshipEndTypeMismatch(
                                                                           ((RefType)navigationProperty.FromEndMember.TypeUsage.EdmType).ElementType.ClrType), navigationProperty));
                        member = null;
                SessionData.EdmItemErrors.Add(new EdmItemError(System.Data.Entity.Strings.RelationshipNameInNavigationPropertyNotValid(
                                                                   propertyInfo.Name, propertyInfo.DeclaringType.FullName, attribute.RelationshipName), declaringType));

            if (member != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Load all the property metadata of the given type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The CLR entity type</param>
        /// <param name="structuralType">The type where properties are loaded</param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        private void LoadPropertiesFromType(StructuralType structuralType)
            // Look at both public, internal, and private instanced properties declared at this type, inherited members
            // are not looked at.  Internal and private properties are also looked at because they are also schematized fields
            PropertyInfo[] properties = structuralType.ClrType.GetProperties(PropertyReflectionBindingFlags);

            foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
                EdmMember newMember           = null;
                bool      isEntityKeyProperty = false; //used for EdmScalarProperties only

                // EdmScalarPropertyAttribute, EdmComplexPropertyAttribute and EdmRelationshipNavigationPropertyAttribute
                // are all EdmPropertyAttributes that we need to process. If the current property is not an EdmPropertyAttribute
                // we will just ignore it and skip to the next property.
                if (property.IsDefined(typeof(EdmRelationshipNavigationPropertyAttribute), false))
                    // keep the loop var from being lifted
                    PropertyInfo pi = property;
                    _unresolvedNavigationProperties.Add(() =>
                                                        ResolveNavigationProperty(structuralType, pi));
                else if (property.IsDefined(typeof(EdmScalarPropertyAttribute), false))
                    if ((Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(property.PropertyType) ?? property.PropertyType).IsEnum)
                        PropertyInfo local = property;
                        AddTypeResolver(() => ResolveEnumTypeProperty(structuralType, local));
                        newMember = LoadScalarProperty(structuralType.ClrType, property, out isEntityKeyProperty);
                else if (property.IsDefined(typeof(EdmComplexPropertyAttribute), false))
                    // keep loop var from being lifted
                    PropertyInfo local = property;
                    AddTypeResolver(() => ResolveComplexTypeProperty(structuralType, local));

                if (newMember == null)
                    // Property does not have one of the following attributes:
                    //     EdmScalarPropertyAttribute, EdmComplexPropertyAttribute, EdmRelationshipNavigationPropertyAttribute
                    // This means its an unmapped property and can be ignored.
                    // Or there were error encountered while loading the properties

                // Add the property object to the type

                // Add to the entity's collection of key members
                // Do this here instead of in the if condition above for scalar properties because
                // we want to make sure the AddMember call above did not fail before updating the key members
                if (Helper.IsEntityType(structuralType) && isEntityKeyProperty)